AITX’s RAD Kicks Off Q3 FY 2025 with Strong Opening Order, Accelerated Dealer Growth, and Strong Order Momentum
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) and its subsidiary Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) have started Q3 FY 2025 with strong momentum. The quarter began with a multi-unit new device order and a multi-device unit deployment for an existing big-box retail client. This follows a record-breaking Q2 FY 2025, which saw 172 units ordered. RAD is experiencing accelerated growth, shorter sales cycles, and improved production times. The company aims to redefine the $25 billion US security and guarding services industry through its AI-driven Solutions-as-a-Service model, offering cost savings of 35%-80% compared to traditional manned security. RAD has a prospective sales pipeline of over 35 Fortune 500 companies and is focused on converting opportunities into recurring revenue streams.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) e la sua controllata Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) hanno iniziato il terzo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2025 con un forte slancio. Il trimestre è cominciato con un ordine di nuovi dispositivi multi-unità e una distribuzione multipla di unità di dispositivo per un importante cliente nel settore retail. Ciò segue un Q2 dell'anno fiscale 2025 che ha registrato un numero record di 172 unità ordinate. RAD sta vivendo una crescita accelerata, cicli di vendita più brevi e tempi di produzione migliorati. L'azienda punta a ridefinire il settore della sicurezza e dei servizi di vigilanza negli Stati Uniti, del valore di 25 miliardi di dollari, attraverso il suo modello Solutions-as-a-Service guidato dall'intelligenza artificiale, offrendo risparmi sui costi del 35%-80% rispetto alla sicurezza tradizionale con personale. RAD ha un portafoglio di vendite potenziali di oltre 35 aziende Fortune 500 ed è concentrata sulla conversione delle opportunità in flussi di entrate ricorrenti.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) y su subsidiaria Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) han comenzado el tercer trimestre del año fiscal 2025 con un fuerte impulso. El trimestre comenzó con un pedido de nuevos dispositivos de varias unidades y un despliegue de múltiples unidades de dispositivos para un importante cliente de venta al por menor. Esto sigue a un Q2 del año fiscal 2025 que vio un récord de 172 unidades ordenadas. RAD está experimentando un crecimiento acelerado, ciclos de ventas más cortos y tiempos de producción mejorados. La empresa tiene como objetivo redefinir la industria de servicios de seguridad y vigilancia de EE. UU. de 25 mil millones de dólares a través de su modelo de Solutions-as-a-Service impulsado por IA, ofreciendo ahorros de costos del 35%-80% en comparación con la seguridad tradicional con personal. RAD tiene un canal de ventas prospectivo de más de 35 empresas Fortune 500 y se centra en convertir las oportunidades en flujos de ingresos recurrentes.
인공지능 기술 솔루션(OTCPK:AITX) 및 그 자회사 로보틱 어시스턴스 디바이스(RAD)는 2025 회계연도 3분기를 강력한 추진력으로 시작했습니다. 이 분기는 기존의 대형 소매 고객을 위한 다수의 새로운 장치 주문과 다중 장치 배포로 시작되었습니다. 이는 172대 주문이라는 기록적인 2025 회계연도 2분기를 따릅니다. RAD는 가속화된 성장, 단축된 판매 주기, 개선된 생산 시간을 경험하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 250억 달러 규모의 미국 보안 및 경비 서비스 산업을 AI 기반의 솔루션 서비스 모델을 통해 재정의하는 것을 목표로 하며, 기존의 인력 보안에 비해 35%-80%의 비용 절감을 제공합니다. RAD는 35개 이상의 Fortune 500 기업의 잠재적 판매 파이프라인을 보유하고 있으며, 기회를 반복 수익 흐름으로 전환하는 데 집중하고 있습니다.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) et sa filiale Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) ont débuté le troisième trimestre de l'exercice 2025 avec un fort élan. Le trimestre a commencé par une commande de nouveaux appareils multi-unité et un déploiement de plusieurs unités d'appareils pour un client important dans le secteur de la distribution. Cela fait suite à un deuxième trimestre de 2025 record, qui a vu 172 unités commandées. RAD connaît une croissance accélérée, des cycles de vente plus courts et des temps de production améliorés. L'entreprise vise à redéfinir l'industrie de la sécurité et des services de gardiennage aux États-Unis, d'une valeur de 25 milliards de dollars, grâce à son modèle d'IA Solutions-as-a-Service, offrant des économies de coûts de 35 % à 80 % par rapport à la sécurité traditionnelle avec personnel. RAD a un pipeline de ventes potentiel de plus de 35 entreprises Fortune 500 et se concentre sur la conversion des opportunités en flux de revenus récurrents.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) und deren Tochtergesellschaft Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD) haben das dritte Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 mit starkem Momentum begonnen. Das Quartal begann mit einer Neubestellung mehrerer Geräte und einem Bereichseinsatz mehrerer Geräte für einen bestehenden Großkunden im Einzelhandel. Dies folgt auf ein Rekord-Q2 des Geschäftsjahres 2025, bei dem 172 Einheiten bestellt wurden. RAD verzeichnet beschleunigtes Wachstum, kürzere Verkaufszyklen und verbesserte Produktionszeiten. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die 25 Milliarden Dollar US-Sicherheits- und Wachschutzdienstleistungsbranche durch sein KI-gesteuertes Solutions-as-a-Service-Modell neu zu definieren, das Kosteneinsparungen von 35%-80% im Vergleich zu traditionellen Wachschutzdiensten bietet. RAD hat eine potenzielle Verkaufspipeline von über 35 Fortune 500 Unternehmen und konzentriert sich darauf, Chancen in wiederkehrende Einnahmequellen umzuwandeln.
- Record-breaking Q2 FY 2025 with 172 units ordered
- Strong start to Q3 FY 2025 with multi-unit new device order and deployment
- Accelerated growth and shorter sales cycles
- Improved production times
- Prospective sales pipeline includes over 35 Fortune 500 companies
- AI-driven solutions offer 35%-80% cost savings compared to traditional security
- None.
Multi-Unit Reorder to Start New Quarter & 2nd Half of Fiscal Year
Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCPK:AITX), a global leader in AI-driven security and productivity solutions, along with its wholly-owned subsidiary Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), is pleased to announce a strong start to Q3 of FY 2025, marked by the first day of quarter achieving multi-unit new device order intake as well as multi-device unit deployment at an existing big-box retail client. The Company is capitalizing on its successful Q2 FY 2025, which ended August 31, 2024, with a record-breaking 172 units ordered, as RAD continues to accelerate its growth trajectory into the second half of its fiscal year.
The multi-unit order is the fourth order from a relatively new dealer and the multi-unit installation is from an order received 9 months ago.
Troy McCanna, RAD’s Chief Security Officer & Senior Vice President of Revenue Operations, commented, “The acceleration of new opportunities and the shortened sales cycles we’re experiencing combined with the REX constantly improving production times are thrilling for our entire team. It’s a clear indication that our strategies are paying off. This momentum not only strengthens our market presence but also positions us to capture even greater demand for our AI-driven security solutions in the months ahead.”
AITX, through its primary subsidiary, Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), is redefining the
RAD has a prospective sales pipeline of over 35 Fortune 500 companies and numerous other client opportunities. RAD expects to continue to attract new business as it converts its existing sales opportunities into deployed clients generating a recurring revenue stream. Each Fortune 500 client has the potential of making numerous reorders over time.
About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.
The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. As such, there are no assurances that the Company will meet its expectations with respect to its future sales volume, becoming cash flow positive, ARR or RMR. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.
Steve Reinharz