AITX’s RAD Announces Operational Cash Flow Positivity
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) announces that its subsidiary, Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), expects to achieve operational profitability in September 2024. RAD's core operational costs of approximately $515,000 are projected to be covered by its revenue for the first time. This milestone excludes AITX's other subsidiaries and public company expenses.
RAD's contracted backlog is about $175,000 in monthly recurring revenue. AITX continues to invest in R&D for new solutions and maintains SEC reporting compliance. The company aims to reach its first million-dollar revenue month by February 28, 2025. This achievement signifies RAD's robust business model and AITX's commitment to shareholder value, particularly significant for an OTC stock.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) annuncia che la sua filiale, Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), prevede di raggiungere la redditività operativa a settembre 2024. I costi operativi principali di RAD, di circa $515.000, dovrebbero essere coperti dai suoi ricavi per la prima volta. Questo traguardo esclude le altre filiali di AITX e le spese della società pubblica.
Il backlog sotto contratto di RAD è di circa $175.000 di reddito ricorrente mensile. AITX continua a investire in ricerca e sviluppo per nuove soluzioni e mantiene la conformità con i report SEC. L'azienda punta a raggiungere il primo mese di fatturato di un milione di dollari entro il 28 febbraio 2025. Questo risultato segna la solidità del modello di business di RAD e l'impegno di AITX verso il valore per gli azionisti, particolarmente significativo per un'azione OTC.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) anuncia que su filial, Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), espera alcanzar la rentabilidad operativa en septiembre de 2024. Se prevé que los costos operativos principales de RAD, de aproximadamente $515,000, sean cubiertos por sus ingresos por primera vez. Este hito excluye las otras filiales de AITX y los gastos de la compañía pública.
El backlog contratado de RAD es de aproximadamente $175,000 en ingresos recurrentes mensuales. AITX continúa invirtiendo en I+D para nuevas soluciones y mantiene la conformidad con los informes de la SEC. La compañía tiene como objetivo alcanzar su primer mes de ingresos de un millón de dólares para el 28 de febrero de 2025. Este logro significa un modelo de negocio sólido para RAD y un compromiso de AITX con el valor para los accionistas, lo cual es especialmente importante para una acción OTC.
인공지능 기술 솔루션(OTCPK:AITX)은 자회사인 로보틱 보조 장치(RAD)가 2024년 9월에 운영 수익성을 달성할 것으로 예상한다고 발표했습니다. RAD의 주요 운영 비용 약 $515,000이 처음으로 수익으로 충당될 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 이정표는 AITX의 다른 자회사와 공공 기업 비용을 제외한 것입니다.
RAD의 계약된 잔고는 약 월 $175,000의 반복적인 수익입니다. AITX는 새로운 솔루션을 위한 R&D에 계속 투자하고 있으며 SEC 보고 준수를 유지하고 있습니다. 회사는 2025년 2월 28일까지 첫 백만 달러 수익 달성을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 성과는 RAD의 견고한 비즈니스 모델과 AITX의 주주 가치를 향한 헌신을 의미하며, OTC 주식에 특히 중요합니다.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) annonce que sa filiale, Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), s'attend à atteindre la rentabilité opérationnelle en septembre 2024. Les coûts opérationnels principaux de RAD, d'environ 515 000 $, devraient être couverts par ses revenus pour la première fois. Ce jalon exclut les autres filiales d'AITX et les dépenses de l'entreprise publique.
Le carnet de commandes de RAD est d'environ 175 000 $ de revenus récurrents mensuels. AITX continue d'investir dans la R&D pour de nouvelles solutions et maintient sa conformité avec les rapports de la SEC. L'entreprise vise à atteindre son premier mois de revenus d'un million de dollars d'ici le 28 février 2025. Cette réalisation signifie que le modèle commercial de RAD est solide et que AITX s'engage à valoriser ses actionnaires, ce qui est particulièrement important pour une action OTC.
Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (OTCPK:AITX) kündigt an, dass ihre Tochtergesellschaft, Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), voraussichtlich im September 2024 die operative Rentabilität erreichen wird. Die wesentlichen Betriebskosten von RAD in Höhe von etwa 515.000 USD sollen erstmals durch die Einnahmen gedeckt werden. Dieser Meilenstein schließt die anderen Tochtergesellschaften von AITX und die Ausgaben des öffentlichen Unternehmens aus.
Der Auftragsbestand von RAD beträgt etwa 175.000 USD an wiederkehrenden monatlichen Einnahmen. AITX investiert weiterhin in Forschung und Entwicklung für neue Lösungen und erfüllt die SEC-Berichtspflichten. Das Unternehmen strebt an, bis zum 28. Februar 2025 den ersten Monat mit Millionenumsatz zu erreichen. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt das robuste Geschäftsmodell von RAD und das Engagement von AITX für den Shareholder Value, was besonders bedeutend für eine OTC-Aktie ist.
- RAD expects to achieve operational profitability in September 2024
- RAD's contracted backlog is approximately $175,000 in monthly recurring revenue
- AITX aims to reach its first million-dollar revenue month by February 28, 2025
- Positive operational cash flow indicates RAD's ability to sustain operations without external funding
- AITX spends millions annually on R&D and approximately $500,000 on SEC reporting compliance
- The operational profitability excludes AITX's other subsidiaries and public company expenses
The Company Expects Core RAD Inc. Revenue to be Greater Than Operational Expenses in September
Detroit, Michigan, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCPK:AITX), a global leader in AI-driven security and productivity solutions for enterprise clients, is proud to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), expects that in September 2024 it can be considered operationally profitable when comparing core operational costs against revenues invoiced that month.
Specifically, AITX and its four subsidiaries have an approximated monthly payroll and health insurance cost of
If in September, RAD Inc. maintains that same
“This is a great achievement for any company and delivery of performance and results to our incredible base of shareholders, teammates and clients,” said Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD. “We’re working hard to get to our first million-dollar revenue month and have a path to achieve this by the end of our fiscal year on February 28, 2025.”
AITX spends millions of dollars per year on research and development of new solutions, specifically including ROAMEO™, RADDOG™, RADCam™ and various software initiatives in addition to approximately
“I’m thrilled we have the security of a profitable subsidiary while at the same time making investments that we hope will fill out our entire set of solutions so we can capture as much of the markets are pursuing and creating,” continued Reinharz. “We’re not in this for a
The Company noted that RAD Inc.’s contracted backlog is approximately
Achieving operational cash flow (OCF) positivity is a significant milestone for any company, but it holds even greater importance for an OTC (Over-the-Counter) stock like RAD’s parent Company, AITX. In the OTC market, where companies are often in the early stages of growth and might not yet have the established revenue streams seen in larger, exchange-listed firms, reaching positive OCF signals to investors that the Company has crossed a crucial threshold.
This milestone not only reflects RAD’s robust business model but also reinforces AITX's commitment to delivering sustainable value to its shareholders. By achieving operational cash flow positivity, RAD has demonstrated its ability to generate consistent revenue while managing operational costs effectively. This positions RAD as a financially sound and growth-oriented subsidiary within the AITX portfolio.
Operational cash flow is the cash generated from a company’s core business operations, excluding financing or investing activities. It provides a clear picture of whether a company can sustain its operations without relying on external funding. For RAD, achieving positive OCF means the Company is generating enough cash from its business activities to cover its operating expenses and potentially invest in growth.
About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.
The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. As such, there are no assurances that the Company will meet its expectations with respect to its future sales volume, becoming cash flow positive, ARR or RMR. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.
Steve Reinharz