AITX’s RAD Announces Dozens of Qualified ROAMEO™ Gen4 Opportunities Across Key Verticals, Deliveries to Begin Spring 2025
Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), reports dozens of Fortune 1000 organizations showing strong interest in ROAMEO Gen4, their autonomous mobile security robot. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in Spring 2025, targeting healthcare, logistics, municipal operations, and higher education sectors. The company expects to achieve 100 deployments by end of 2026, with 250 deployed units potentially generating $20 million in annual recurring revenue. ROAMEO Gen4 features 360-degree view, high-resolution cameras, and advanced AI analytics based on proprietary AIR™ technology, designed to reduce security costs by replacing or supplementing traditional guard operations.
Dispositivi di Assistenza Robotica (RAD), una sussidiaria di Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), riporta un forte interesse da parte di numerose organizzazioni della Fortune 1000 per ROAMEO Gen4, il loro robot di sicurezza mobile autonomo. Le consegne sono programmate per iniziare nella primavera del 2025, con un focus sui settori della sanità, logistica, operazioni municipali e istruzione superiore. L'azienda prevede di raggiungere 100 installazioni entro la fine del 2026, con 250 unità distribuite che potrebbero generare $20 milioni di entrate annuali ricorrenti. ROAMEO Gen4 è dotato di una vista a 360 gradi, telecamere ad alta risoluzione e analisi avanzate basate sulla tecnologia proprietaria AIR™, progettata per ridurre i costi di sicurezza sostituendo o integrando le operazioni dei guardiani tradizionali.
Dispositivos de Asistencia Robótica (RAD), una subsidiaria de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), informa que docenas de organizaciones de Fortune 1000 muestran un fuerte interés en ROAMEO Gen4, su robot de seguridad móvil autónomo. Las entregas están programadas para comenzar en la primavera de 2025, enfocándose en los sectores de salud, logística, operaciones municipales y educación superior. La empresa espera alcanzar 100 implementaciones para finales de 2026, con 250 unidades desplegadas que podrían generar $20 millones en ingresos recurrentes anuales. ROAMEO Gen4 cuenta con una visión de 360 grados, cámaras de alta resolución y análisis avanzados basados en la tecnología patentada AIR™, diseñada para reducir los costos de seguridad reemplazando o complementando las operaciones de los guardias tradicionales.
로봇 지원 장치 (RAD)는 인공지능 기술 솔루션 (AITX)의 자회사로, Fortune 1000 기업 수십 곳이 자율 모바일 보안 로봇 ROAMEO Gen4에 강한 관심을 보이고 있다고 보고합니다. 배송은 2025년 봄에 시작될 예정이며, 의료, 물류, 지방 정부 운영 및 고등 교육 분야를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2026년 말까지 100개의 배치를 달성할 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 250개의 배치 유닛이 연간 2천만 달러의 반복 수익을 생성할 수 있을 것으로 보입니다. ROAMEO Gen4는 360도 시야, 고해상도 카메라 및 독점 AIR™ 기술 기반의 고급 AI 분석 기능을 갖추고 있으며, 전통적인 경비 운영을 대체하거나 보완하여 보안 비용을 줄이고자 합니다.
Dispositifs d'Assistance Robotique (RAD), une filiale de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), rapporte que des dizaines d'organisations de la Fortune 1000 montrent un fort intérêt pour ROAMEO Gen4, leur robot de sécurité mobile autonome. Les livraisons sont programmées pour commencer au printemps 2025, ciblant les secteurs de la santé, de la logistique, des opérations municipales et de l'enseignement supérieur. L'entreprise s'attend à atteindre 100 déploiements d'ici fin 2026, avec 250 unités déployées qui pourraient générer 20 millions de dollars de revenus récurrents annuels. ROAMEO Gen4 dispose d'une vue à 360 degrés, de caméras haute résolution et d'analyses avancées basées sur la technologie propriétaire AIR™, conçues pour réduire les coûts de sécurité en remplaçant ou en complétant les opérations de gardes traditionnels.
Robotische Assistenzgeräte (RAD), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), berichtet, dass Dutzende von Unternehmen der Fortune 1000 großes Interesse an ROAMEO Gen4, ihrem autonomen mobilen Sicherheitsroboter, zeigen. Die Auslieferungen sind für das Frühjahr 2025 geplant, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, Logistik, kommunale Dienstleistungen und Hochschulbildung. Das Unternehmen erwartet bis Ende 2026 100 Einsätze zu erreichen, wobei 250 eingesetzte Einheiten potenziell 20 Millionen Dollar wiederkehrende jährliche Einnahmen generieren könnten. ROAMEO Gen4 bietet eine 360-Grad-Sicht, hochauflösende Kameras und fortschrittliche KI-Analysen basierend auf der proprietären AIR™-Technologie, die darauf abzielt, die Sicherheitskosten durch den Austausch oder die Ergänzung traditioneller Wachoperationen zu senken.
- Strong demand from Fortune 1000 companies without formal marketing efforts
- 250 deployed units could generate $20M in annual recurring revenue
- Targeting deployment of 100 units by end of 2026
- Product addresses significant market need with 400,000 outdoor security guards in US
- Development delays due to shifting priorities
- Product deliveries won't start until Spring 2025
- No current revenue from ROAMEO product line
ROAMEO Gen4 Expected to Become RAD’s Highest Recurring Revenue-Generating Solution Upon Deployment
Detroit, Michigan, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”), (OTCPK:AITX) reports that its sales funnel of enterprise organizations interested in becoming ROAMEO clients is ‘in the dozens’. These Fortune 1000 organizations have expressed strong interest in the highly anticipated ROAMEO Gen4 autonomous mobile security robot. These opportunities span across high-demand sectors such as healthcare, logistics, municipal operations, and higher education, with shipments slated to begin in Spring 2025.
“From an industry perspective, demand for ROAMEO is so strong because it addresses a significant pain point for these end users. That’s why we’re seeing so much interest and unsolicited outreach to us. This makes ROAMEO incredibly exciting as there is nothing in the marketplace today that matches ROAMEO’s capabilities,” said Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD. “Furthermore, with its excellent revenue and gross margin potential, ROAMEO can make a positive financial impact even with as few as 25 deployments. We’ll be working to hit 100 deployments as soon as possible, forecasted by the end of 2026, and that will be quite remarkable. Looking ahead, we’re anticipating hundreds of units being deployed in the coming years, marking a major step forward in our growth, path to profitability and continued innovation.”
ROAMEO (Rugged Observation Assistance Mobile Electronic Officer) Gen4 is a fully autonomous mobile security patrol robot, with a 360-degree field of view, high-resolution cameras, and advanced AI analytics based on AITX's proprietary AIR™ technology. It autonomously navigates diverse environments, avoiding obstacles and executing patrol routes without human intervention. Additional proprietary features will be announced closer to launch.
Leading companies across healthcare, logistics, municipal operations, and other key vertical markets are increasingly seeking ways to reduce costs and enhance their security profile by displacing or augmenting their traditional manned guard operations. ROAMEO Gen4 offers a compelling alternative with its autonomous security capabilities, designed to dramatically reduce expenses while maintaining or even improving effectiveness. With nearly 400,000 security guards employed in the United States and required to work outdoors1, there is growing demand for solutions that can patrol, monitor, and protect assets in various environments without the limitations and costs of human staffing.
“ROAMEO has been the centerpiece of our vision since the founding of RAD,” continued Reinharz. “It embodies the future of intelligent, autonomous, robotic solutions that we've been working toward. The excitement surrounding ROAMEO’s potential is undeniable, and I believe it will reshape how industries handle security while delivering exceptional value to our clients. And now that our AIR AI tech, which will power ROAMEO Gen4, has matured, maybe the timing was meant to be.”
The Company has acknowledged delays in ROAMEO’s development, citing the need to shift priorities toward the completion of other key solutions. The focus on ROSA™ and RIO™ Gen4, now fully complete, as well as AVA™ Gen4, AIR technology, initially to be integrated into RAD-R’s RADCam™, then being rolled into all other RAD solutions, and the production of RADCam itself, set to begin shipping in December, required additional resources. With these developments nearing completion, the Company is now turning its efforts toward bringing ROAMEO Gen4 to market.
What makes the existing opportunities in RAD’s sales pipeline for ROAMEO even more impressive is that RAD has not conducted any formal marketing, advertising, or outreach for over 18 months. Despite this, demand from major industries has been substantial, driven entirely by word of mouth and RAD’s reputation for innovation. This strong interest highlights the significant market potential for ROAMEO, which is expected to grow exponentially once full-scale marketing efforts resume.
The Company forecasts that 250 deployed ROAMEO units could generate as much as
About Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX)
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.
The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. As such, there are no assurances that the Company will meet its expectations with respect to its future sales volume, becoming cash flow positive, ARR or RMR. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.
Steve Reinharz