Air T, Inc. Announces Webcast Availability for 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT) has announced that its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be accessible via webcast and in-person on August 21, 2024, at 8:30 AM Central Time. Stockholders of record as of July 2, 2024, or those holding legal proxies, are eligible to attend and vote. The meeting will be held at the company's St. Louis Park office in Minneapolis, with directors and management physically present.
To participate, stockholders can visit and follow registration instructions. Questions can be submitted during the meeting or in advance through using the event code #AIRTQA. Regardless of attendance plans, stockholders are encouraged to vote in advance by mail, telephone, or internet as described in the proxy materials.
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT) ha annunciato che il suo 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders sarà accessibile tramite webcast e di persona il 21 agosto 2024, alle 8:30 ora centrale. Gli azionisti registrati al 2 luglio 2024, o coloro che detengono procure legali, sono eleggibili per partecipare e votare. La riunione si terrà presso l'ufficio dell'azienda a St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, con la presenza fisica di direttori e dirigenti.
Per partecipare, gli azionisti possono visitare e seguire le istruzioni per la registrazione. Le domande possono essere inviate durante la riunione o in anticipo tramite utilizzando il codice evento #AIRTQA. Indipendentemente dai piani di partecipazione, si incoraggiano gli azionisti a votare in anticipo per posta, telefono o internet come descritto nei materiali di delega.
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT) ha anunciado que su Reunión Anual de Accionistas 2024 será accesible a través de webcast y en persona el 21 de agosto de 2024, a las 8:30 AM hora central. Los accionistas registrados a partir del 2 de julio de 2024, o aquellos que tengan poderes legales, son elegibles para asistir y votar. La reunión se llevará a cabo en la oficina de la empresa en St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, con la presencia física de directores y directivos.
Para participar, los accionistas pueden visitar y seguir las instrucciones de registro. Las preguntas pueden enviarse durante la reunión o por adelantado a través de utilizando el código de evento #AIRTQA. Independientemente de los planes de asistencia, se aconseja a los accionistas que voten por adelantado por correo, teléfono o internet, como se describe en los materiales de poder.
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT)는 2024 주주 연례 총회가 2024년 8월 21일 중앙표준시 오전 8시 30분에 웹캐스트 및 대면으로 접근 가능하다고 발표했습니다. 2024년 7월 2일 현재 주주 목록에 올라있는 주주 또는 법적 위임장을 소지한 사람은 참석 및 투표할 수 있습니다. 이 회의는 미니애폴리스의 St. Louis Park 사무실에서 열리며, 이사회 및 경영진이 직접 참석할 예정입니다.
참여를 원하시는 주주께서는를 방문하여 등록 지침을 따르실 수 있습니다. 질문은 회의 중에 제출하거나 slido.com을 통해 이벤트 코드 #AIRTQA를 이용하여 미리 제출할 수 있습니다. 참석 계획과 관계없이, 주주께서는 위임장 자료에 설명된 대로 우편, 전화 또는 인터넷을 통해 사전 투표를 권장합니다.
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT) a annoncé que sa Réunion Annuelle des Actionnaires 2024 sera accessible par webcast et en personne le 21 août 2024, à 8h30 heure centrale. Les actionnaires enregistrés au 2 juillet 2024, ou ceux détenant des procurations légales, sont éligibles pour assister et voter. La réunion se déroulera au bureau de l'entreprise à St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, avec la présence physique des directeurs et de la direction.
Pour participer, les actionnaires peuvent visiter et suivre les instructions d'inscription. Des questions peuvent être soumises pendant la réunion ou à l'avance via en utilisant le code événement #AIRTQA. Quel que soit le plan de participation, il est recommandé aux actionnaires de voter à l'avance par courrier, téléphone ou internet comme décrit dans les documents de pouvoir.
Air T, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIRT) hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Jahreshauptversammlung 2024 am 21. August 2024 um 8:30 Uhr Central Time sowohl online als auch persönlich zugänglich sein wird. Aktionäre, die am 2. Juli 2024 als registrierte Aktionäre gelten oder rechtliche Vollmachten halten, sind berechtigt, teilzunehmen und abzustimmen. Die Versammlung findet im Büro des Unternehmens in St. Louis Park in Minneapolis statt, wobei Direktoren und das Management vor Ort sein werden.
Um teilzunehmen, können Aktionäre die Webseite besuchen und die Registrierungsanweisungen befolgen. Fragen können während der Versammlung oder im Voraus über mit dem Veranstaltungs-Code #AIRTQA eingereicht werden. Unabhängig von den Teilnahmeplänen wird den Aktionären geraten, im Voraus per Post, Telefon oder Internet gemäß den Informationen in den Vollmachtsunterlagen abzustimmen.
- Offering both in-person and webcast attendance options for the Annual Meeting
- Providing multiple channels for stockholders to submit and upvote questions
- None.
CHARLOTTE, NC / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2024 / AIR T, INC (NASDAQ:AIRT) announced today that the Company's 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") will be available to attendees via webcast as well as in person. As previously announced, the Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 8:30 AM, Central Time. Stockholders will be able to physically attend the Annual Meeting or participate via webcast. Directors and members of management will be physically in attendance at the Company's St. Louis Park office at 5000 W 36th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416.
As described in the Company's proxy statement, you are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting if you were a stockholder of record as of the close of business on July 2, 2024, or hold a legal proxy for the meeting provided by your bank, broker, or nominee. To be admitted to the Annual Meeting visit and follow the registration instructions for the meeting. You are encouraged to access the meeting prior to the start time and allow ample time to log into the meeting and test your computer system.
You may listen in and submit questions during the Annual Meeting by following the instructions available on the meeting website. In addition, you may submit questions prior to the meeting by going to and entering the event code #AIRTQA or at You may also upvote questions that have already been submitted by clicking the thumbs-up icon next to your favorite questions. By upvoting questions, you ensure that those questions move to the top of the list and are more likely to be answered by Air T, Inc. leadership.
Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we encourage you to vote in advance by mail, telephone or the internet as described in the proxy materials for the Annual Meeting. The proxy card previously sent to you may continue to be used to vote your shares in connection with the Annual Meeting.
Established in 1980, Air T Inc. is a portfolio of powerful businesses and financial assets, each of which is independent yet interrelated. Its core segments are overnight air cargo, aviation ground support equipment manufacturing, and commercial aircraft asset management and logistics. We seek to expand, strengthen and diversify Air T's after-tax cash flow per share. Our goal is to build Air T's core businesses, and when appropriate, to expand into adjacent and other industries. We seek to activate growth and overcome challenges while delivering meaningful value for all stakeholders. For more information, visit
Air T, Inc.
Brian Ochocki, CFO
SOURCE: Air T, Inc.
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