AIG to Expand Its Atlanta Footprint with New Innovation Hub and More Than 600 Additional Local Jobs

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AIG announced plans to consolidate and expand its Atlanta operations by relocating its Alpharetta and Buckhead facilities to a new innovation hub in Brookhaven, Georgia. The company will create more than 600 new local jobs over the next five years, focusing on roles in underwriting, claims, operations, data engineering, and AI. The 180,000-square-foot LEED Gold certified facility will triple AIG's current office space to accommodate over 1,000 colleagues. The new hub, planned to open in 2026, aims to incubate digital capabilities, test new processes, and enhance collaboration across functions to accelerate innovation and growth in AIG's core businesses.

AIG ha annunciato piani per consolidare e ampliare le sue operazioni ad Atlanta trasferendo le sue strutture di Alpharetta e Buckhead in un nuovo centro di innovazione a Brookhaven, Georgia. L'azienda creerà oltre 600 nuovi posti di lavoro locali nei prossimi cinque anni, concentrandosi su ruoli in sottoscrizione, sinistri, operazioni, ingegneria dei dati e intelligenza artificiale. La struttura di 180.000 piedi quadrati certificata LEED Gold triplicherà lo spazio attuale di AIG per accogliere oltre 1.000 colleghi. Il nuovo hub, previsto per aprire nel 2026, punta a incubare capacità digitali, testare nuovi processi e migliorare la collaborazione tra le funzioni per accelerare l'innovazione e la crescita nei settori principali di AIG.

AIG anunció planes para consolidar y expandir sus operaciones en Atlanta trasladando sus instalaciones de Alpharetta y Buckhead a un nuevo centro de innovación en Brookhaven, Georgia. La compañía creará más de 600 nuevos empleos locales en los próximos cinco años, enfocándose en roles de suscripción, reclamaciones, operaciones, ingeniería de datos e inteligencia artificial. La instalación de 180,000 pies cuadrados, certificada con LEED Gold, triplicará el espacio de oficinas actual de AIG para acomodar a más de 1,000 colegas. El nuevo centro, que se espera abrir en 2026, tiene como objetivo incubar capacidades digitales, probar nuevos procesos y mejorar la colaboración entre funciones para acelerar la innovación y el crecimiento en los negocios centrales de AIG.

AIG는 애틀랜타 운영을 통합하고 확장하기 위한 계획을 발표하며 알파레타 및 벅헤드 시설을 조지아 주 브룩헤이븐의 새로운 혁신 허브로 이전할 예정입니다. 이 회사는 향후 5년 동안 600개 이상의 지역 일자리를 창출할 계획이며, 언더라이팅, 청구, 운영, 데이터 공학 및 인공지능 분야의 역할에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 18만 평방피트 규모의 LEED 골드 인증 시설은 AIG의 현재 사무 공간을 세 배로 늘려 1,000명 이상의 동료를 수용할 것입니다. 2026년 개장을 목표로 하는 이 새로운 허브는 디지털 역량을 육성하고, 새로운 프로세스를 테스트하며, 기능 간 협업을 강화하여 AIG의 핵심 비즈니스에서 혁신과 성장을 가속화할 계획입니다.

AIG a annoncé des plans pour consolider et étendre ses opérations à Atlanta en déplaçant ses installations d'Alpharetta et de Buckhead vers un nouveau centre d'innovation à Brookhaven, en Géorgie. L'entreprise créera plus de 600 nouveaux emplois locaux au cours des cinq prochaines années, en se concentrant sur des postes en souscription, en sinistres, en opérations, en ingénierie des données et en intelligence artificielle. La structure de 180 000 pieds carrés, certifiée LEED Gold, triplera l'espace de bureau actuel d'AIG pour accueillir plus de 1 000 collègues. Le nouveau hub, prévu pour ouvrir en 2026, vise à incuber des capacités numériques, à tester de nouveaux processus et à améliorer la collaboration entre les fonctions afin d'accélérer l'innovation et la croissance dans les activités principales d'AIG.

AIG hat Pläne angekündigt, seine Aktivitäten in Atlanta zu konsolidieren und auszubauen, indem die Einrichtungen in Alpharetta und Buckhead in ein neues Innovationszentrum in Brookhaven, Georgia, verlegt werden. Das Unternehmen wird in den nächsten fünf Jahren über 600 neue lokale Arbeitsplätze schaffen, wobei der Fokus auf Positionen in der Zeichnung, Schadensabwicklung, Betriebsabläufen, Datenengineering und KI liegt. Die 180.000 Quadratfuß große, mit LEED Gold zertifizierte Einrichtung wird den aktuellen Büroraum von AIG verdreifachen und Platz für über 1.000 Kollegen bieten. Das neue Zentrum, das 2026 eröffnet werden soll, zielt darauf ab, digitale Fähigkeiten zu fördern, neue Prozesse zu testen und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Funktionen zu verbessern, um Innovation und Wachstum in den Kernbereichen von AIG zu beschleunigen.

  • Creating 600+ new high-skilled jobs over next 5 years
  • Tripling office space capacity to 180,000 square feet
  • Strategic expansion of digital and operational capabilities
  • Consolidation of operations to improve efficiency and collaboration
  • None.


This strategic expansion in Atlanta represents a significant operational shift for AIG, with substantial implications for its technological capabilities and market positioning. The planned 180,000-square-foot facility and addition of 600+ new jobs over five years signals a major investment in digital transformation and operational scaling. The focus on data engineering, AI and digital capabilities indicates AIG's commitment to modernizing its insurance operations.

The consolidation of operations into a single innovation hub should drive operational efficiencies and reduce overhead costs. The LEED Gold certification adds environmental credibility and potential cost savings through energy efficiency. The Atlanta market offers a strong talent pool at lower costs compared to traditional financial centers like New York, potentially improving AIG's cost structure while accessing quality talent.

The establishment of this innovation hub represents a strategic pivot towards digital transformation in the insurance sector. The focus on data engineering and generative AI capabilities indicates AIG is positioning itself at the forefront of insurtech innovation. By co-locating technical teams with underwriting and claims operations, AIG is adopting a modern, agile approach to insurance technology development.

The emphasis on collaborative workspace design and cross-functional integration suggests a shift towards more efficient product development and process optimization. This investment in digital infrastructure and AI talent could accelerate AIG's ability to develop sophisticated risk assessment models and automated claims processing systems, potentially leading to competitive advantages in policy pricing and customer service.

Summit Boulevard Office will Serve as a Collaborative Space for AIG Colleagues to Advance the Growth of the Company’s Core Businesses

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- American International Group, Inc. (NYSE: AIG) today announced plans to consolidate and expand its Atlanta-area footprint with the relocation of its Alpharetta and Buckhead operations to a new innovation hub at 2002 Summit Boulevard Northeast in Brookhaven, Georgia. The Company is designing a collaborative workspace that will accommodate current employees and more than 600 new local hires.

AIG is expanding its operations in Atlanta and hiring local talent for various roles across underwriting, claims, operations, data engineering and AI. The new hub will enable these co-located teams to incubate digital capabilities, test new processes, and collaborate more seamlessly across functions, accelerating innovation to promote growth and drive scale for AIG’s core businesses.

“For many years, AIG has been a part of Atlanta’s thriving business community, and we look forward to creating more than 600 high-quality jobs that will provide rewarding opportunities for the talented and skilled local workforce,” said Peter Zaffino, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, AIG. “This investment is part of our commitment to continue to enhance our expertise to help our clients and partners navigate complex and emerging risks, while building additional capabilities for the future.”

AIG’s investment in the 180,000-square-foot facility will triple its current office space to accommodate over 1,000 colleagues in Atlanta, including the creation of more than 600 new roles over the next five years. The Company plans to move into the LEED Gold certified space in 2026.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp stated he looks forward to the new innovation hub’s long-lasting, positive impacts. “AIG's decision to grow their footprint here in Georgia is just the latest confirmation that we have what businesses want and are leveraging those assets to their fullest so we can bring new opportunity to all parts of the state,” said Governor Kemp.

“With the Atlanta innovation hub, we are enhancing our data and digital capabilities and recruiting talent with highly sought-after expertise,” said Claude Wade, Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Officer and Global Head of Business Operations & Claims, AIG. “Our goal is to create a collaborative space for AIG colleagues across underwriting, claims, operations, data engineering and generative AI, enabling them to work together to create a differentiated experience for our clients and partners.”

To learn more about careers at AIG and view available Atlanta-area job opportunities, visit

About AIG

American International Group, Inc. (NYSE: AIG) is a leading global insurance organization. AIG provides insurance solutions that help businesses and individuals in approximately 190 countries and jurisdictions protect their assets and manage risks through AIG operations and network partners. For additional information, visit This website with additional information about AIG has been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such website is not incorporated by reference into this press release.

AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide operations of American International Group, Inc. All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions, and coverage is subject to underwriting requirements and actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be provided by independent third parties. Certain property casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.

Quentin McMillan (Investors):

Claire Talcott (Media):

Nikia Redhead (Media):

Source: American International Group, Inc.


How many new jobs will AIG (NYSE: AIG) create in Atlanta?

AIG will create more than 600 new local jobs in Atlanta over the next five years.

When will AIG's new Atlanta innovation hub open?

AIG plans to move into the new innovation hub in Brookhaven, Georgia in 2026.

What is the size of AIG's new Atlanta facility?

AIG's new facility will be 180,000 square feet, tripling its current office space in Atlanta.

What types of jobs is AIG creating in Atlanta?

AIG is hiring for roles across underwriting, claims, operations, data engineering, and AI.

American International Group, Inc.


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Insurance - Diversified
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United States of America