General (Ret.) John E. Hyten Joins C3 AI Board of Directors

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C3 AI (NYSE: AI) has announced the appointment of General (Ret.) John E. Hyten to its board of directors, effective immediately. General Hyten, a distinguished military leader with 40 years of service in the U.S. Air Force, brings valuable experience in AI adoption for national security and economic prosperity.

Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO of C3 AI, emphasized General Hyten's deep understanding of AI's necessity in modernizing the defense sector and his first-hand experience with government agencies. As a board member, General Hyten will help shape the company's strategic direction in delivering innovative AI solutions across federal, defense, and intelligence communities.

General Hyten's notable positions include Commander of the Air Force Space Command, Commander of the United States Strategic Command, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. His appointment is expected to strengthen C3 AI's position in delivering rapid and secure AI solutions for defense and intelligence.

C3 AI (NYSE: AI) ha annunciato la nomina del Generale (in pensione) John E. Hyten nel suo consiglio di amministrazione, con effetto immediato. Il Generale Hyten, un rinomato leader militare con 40 anni di servizio nell'Air Force degli Stati Uniti, porta un'esperienza preziosa nell'adozione dell'AI per la sicurezza nazionale e la prosperità economica.

Thomas M. Siebel, Presidente e CEO di C3 AI, ha sottolineato la profonda comprensione del Generale Hyten riguardo la necessità dell'AI nella modernizzazione del settore della difesa e la sua esperienza diretta con le agenzie governative. In qualità di membro del consiglio, il Generale Hyten contribuirà a definire la direzione strategica dell'azienda nella fornitura di soluzioni AI innovative per le comunità federali, di difesa e di intelligence.

Le posizioni di rilievo del Generale Hyten includono Comandante del Comando Spaziale dell'Air Force, Comandante del Comando Strategico degli Stati Uniti e Vicepresidente della Giunta dei Capi di Stato Maggiore. La sua nomina si prevede rafforzerà la posizione di C3 AI nella fornitura di soluzioni AI rapide e sicure per la difesa e l'intelligence.

C3 AI (NYSE: AI) ha anunciado el nombramiento del General (Ret.) John E. Hyten en su junta directiva, con efecto inmediato. El General Hyten, un destacado líder militar con 40 años de servicio en la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU., aporta una valiosa experiencia en la adopción de la IA para la seguridad nacional y la prosperidad económica.

Thomas M. Siebel, Presidente y CEO de C3 AI, enfatizó la profunda comprensión del General Hyten sobre la necesidad de la IA en la modernización del sector de defensa y su experiencia de primera mano con agencias gubernamentales. Como miembro de la junta, el General Hyten ayudará a dar forma a la dirección estratégica de la empresa en la entrega de soluciones de IA innovadoras en las comunidades federales, de defensa e inteligencia.

Las posiciones notables del General Hyten incluyen Comandante del Comando Espacial de la Fuerza Aérea, Comandante del Comando Estratégico de los Estados Unidos y Vicepresidente de los Jefes de Estado Mayor Conjunto. Se espera que su nombramiento fortalezca la posición de C3 AI en la entrega de soluciones de IA rápidas y seguras para la defensa y la inteligencia.

C3 AI (NYSE: AI)는 존 E. 하이텐 장군(퇴역)을 이사로 임명했다고 즉시 발표했습니다. 하이텐 장군은 40년간 미국 공군에서 복무한 저명한 군 지도자로, 국가 안보를 위한 AI 채택과 경제 번영에 대한 귀중한 경험을 제공합니다.

C3 AI의 회장 겸 CEO인 토마스 M. 시벨은 하이텐 장군이 방위 부문 현대화에서 AI의 필요성을 깊이 이해하고 있으며 정부 기관과의 직접 경험이 있다고 강조했습니다. 이사로서 하이텐 장군은 연방, 방위 및 정보 커뮤니티에 걸쳐 혁신적인 AI 솔루션을 제공하는 회사의 전략적 방향을 형성하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

하이텐 장군의 주요 직책으로는 공군 우주사령부 사령관, 미국 전략사령부 사령관, 합동참모회의 부의장이 있습니다. 그의 임명은 방위 및 정보 분야에서 신속하고 안전한 AI 솔루션을 제공하는 C3 AI의 입지를 강화할 것으로 예상됩니다.

C3 AI (NYSE: AI) a annoncé la nomination de Général (Ret.) John E. Hyten à son conseil d'administration, avec effet immédiat. Le Général Hyten, un leader militaire éminent avec 40 ans de service dans l'Armée de l'air américaine, apporte une expérience précieuse dans l'adoption de l'IA pour la sécurité nationale et la prospérité économique.

Thomas M. Siebel, Président et CEO de C3 AI, a souligné la compréhension approfondie du Général Hyten concernant la nécessité de l'IA dans la modernisation du secteur de la défense et son expérience de première main avec les agences gouvernementales. En tant que membre du conseil, le Général Hyten contribuera à façonner la direction stratégique de l'entreprise dans la fourniture de solutions IA innovantes à travers les communautés fédérales, de défense et de renseignement.

Les postes notables du Général Hyten incluent Commandant du Commandement spatial de l'Armée de l'air, Commandant du Commandement stratégique des États-Unis, et Vice-président des chefs d'état-major interarmées. Sa nomination devrait renforcer la position de C3 AI dans la fourniture de solutions IA rapides et sécurisées pour la défense et le renseignement.

C3 AI (NYSE: AI) hat die Ernennung von General (a.D.) John E. Hyten in seinen Vorstand bekannt gegeben, die sofort wirksam ist. General Hyten, ein ausgezeichneter Militärführer mit 40 Jahren Dienst in der US-Luftwaffe, bringt wertvolle Erfahrungen in der Übernahme von KI für die nationale Sicherheit und den wirtschaftlichen Wohlstand mit.

Thomas M. Siebel, Vorsitzender und CEO von C3 AI, betonte das tiefgreifende Verständnis von General Hyten für die Notwendigkeit von KI zur Modernisierung des Verteidigungssektors und seine persönliche Erfahrung mit Regierungsbehörden. Als Vorstandsmitglied wird General Hyten dazu beitragen, die strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens bei der Bereitstellung innovativer KI-Lösungen für Bundes-, Verteidigungs- und Geheimdienstgemeinschaften zu gestalten.

Zu den bemerkenswerten Positionen von General Hyten gehören Kommandeur des Air Force Space Command, Kommandeur des United States Strategic Command und stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Vereinigten Stabschefs. Seiner Ernennung wird voraussichtlich die Position von C3 AI bei der Bereitstellung schneller und sicherer KI-Lösungen für die Verteidigung und den Geheimdienst stärken.

  • Appointment of a highly experienced military leader to the board of directors
  • Potential for enhanced strategic direction in AI solutions for defense and intelligence sectors
  • Strengthened position in delivering AI solutions to federal, defense, and intelligence communities
  • None.


The appointment of General Hyten to C3 AI's board is a strategic move that could significantly enhance the company's position in the defense and intelligence AI market. His extensive military experience, particularly in space and strategic command, brings valuable insights into the specific needs and challenges of these sectors.

This addition could potentially open doors to new government contracts and partnerships, given Hyten's deep connections within the defense community. His expertise in military transformation aligns well with C3 AI's mission to modernize defense through AI applications.

However, investors should note that while this appointment strengthens C3 AI's credibility in the defense sector, it may not have an immediate impact on the company's financial performance. The long-term benefits could be substantial if it leads to increased adoption of C3 AI's solutions in government agencies, but this will take time to materialize.

C3 AI's strategic board appointment demonstrates the company's commitment to deepening its foothold in the lucrative government AI market. General Hyten's background in strategic command and defense modernization could prove invaluable in tailoring C3 AI's offerings to meet specific military and intelligence needs.

This move may give C3 AI a competitive edge over other AI companies vying for government contracts. It also signals the company's focus on security and reliability, which are important factors for AI adoption in sensitive sectors like defense and intelligence.

While the immediate financial impact may be , this appointment could accelerate C3 AI's growth in the public sector over the medium to long term. Investors should watch for any announcements of new government partnerships or contracts in the coming quarters as a potential result of this strategic addition to the board.

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, today announced that General (Ret.) John E. Hyten has been appointed to its board of directors, effective immediately.

“General Hyten is a distinguished military leader who guided the U.S. military through periods of significant transformation,” said Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO, C3 AI. “His deep understanding of the necessity of AI to modernize the defense sector along with his first-hand experience with government agencies are invaluable as we continue to assist our federal and intelligence communities to deploy enterprise AI at scale.”

As a board member, General Hyten will work with the board of directors and with C3 AI’s leadership team to shape strategic direction as the company continues to deliver innovative solutions across the federal, defense, and intelligence communities.

"I am honored to join the board of directors at C3 AI during this pivotal moment in AI adoption for national security and economic prosperity,” said General Hyten. “My experience with C3 AI over the past few years has solidified my conviction in the company’s deliberate and secure approach to delivering rapid AI solutions for defense and intelligence. I'm thrilled to help ensure we deliver the excellence our customers expect in the defense industry."

General John Hyten served for 40 years with distinction in the U.S. Air Force including Commander of the Air Force Space Command, Commander of the United States Strategic Command, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

About, Inc.

C3 AI is the Enterprise AI application software company. C3 AI delivers a family of fully integrated products including the C3 AI Platform, an end-to-end platform for developing, deploying, and operating enterprise AI applications, C3 AI applications, a portfolio of industry-specific SaaS enterprise AI applications that enable the digital transformation of organizations globally, and C3 Generative AI, a suite of domain-specific generative AI offerings for the enterprise.

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Lisa Kennedy


Investor Relations



Who is the new board member appointed to C3 AI (NYSE: AI)?

General (Ret.) John E. Hyten has been appointed to C3 AI's board of directors, effective immediately.

What is General Hyten's background and experience relevant to C3 AI (NYSE: AI)?

General Hyten served 40 years in the U.S. Air Force, including roles as Commander of Air Force Space Command, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He brings expertise in AI adoption for national security and defense sector modernization.

How will General Hyten contribute to C3 AI (NYSE: AI) as a board member?

General Hyten will work with the board and leadership team to shape strategic direction, particularly in delivering innovative AI solutions across federal, defense, and intelligence communities.

What does C3 AI (NYSE: AI) hope to gain from General Hyten's appointment?

C3 AI aims to benefit from General Hyten's deep understanding of AI's role in defense modernization and his experience with government agencies, strengthening their position in delivering AI solutions for defense and intelligence sectors., Inc.


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