C3 AI Recognized as a Leader in AI/ML Platforms

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C3 AI, the Enterprise AI application software company, has been recognized as a Leader in Forrester Research's report, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024. The report highlights C3 AI's vision for the future of business in the AI age and its ability to guide enterprises in becoming AI beacons in their industries.

Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO of C3 AI, emphasized the company's 15-year journey and over $2 billion investment in developing a comprehensive Enterprise AI Platform. C3 AI has delivered over 100 production Enterprise AI applications across various sectors, including banking, defense, utilities, and pharmaceuticals.

The Forrester Wave™ report noted C3 AI's strengths in governance policies and partner ecosystem, which help enterprises quickly and responsibly achieve ROI from AI. C3 AI received the highest possible scores in several criteria, including Vision, Innovation, Partner Ecosystem, and Governance for both Data and Models.

C3 AI, l'azienda di software per applicazioni AI per le imprese, è stata riconosciuta come Leader nel report di Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024. Il report evidenzia la visione di C3 AI per il futuro del business nell'era dell'AI e la sua capacità di guidare le aziende diventando fari di AI nei loro settori.

Thomas M. Siebel, Presidente e CEO di C3 AI, ha sottolineato il percorso di 15 anni dell'azienda e oltre 2 miliardi di dollari investiti nello sviluppo di una piattaforma AI per le imprese completa. C3 AI ha consegnato oltre 100 applicazioni AI per le imprese in produzione in vari settori, tra cui banche, difesa, utilities e farmaceutica.

Il report di Forrester Wave™ ha notato i punti di forza di C3 AI nelle politiche di governance e nell'ecosistema di partner, che aiutano le imprese a ottenere rapidamente e responsabilmente ROI dall'AI. C3 AI ha ricevuto i punteggi più alti possibili in diversi criteri, tra cui Visione, Innovazione, Ecosistema di Partner e Governance per i dati e i modelli.

C3 AI, la empresa de software de aplicaciones de IA para empresas, ha sido reconocida como Líder en el informe de Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024. El informe destaca la visión de C3 AI para el futuro de los negocios en la era de la IA y su capacidad para guiar a las empresas a convertirse en faros de IA en sus industrias.

Thomas M. Siebel, Presidente y CEO de C3 AI, enfatizó el recorrido de 15 años de la empresa y la inversión de más de 2 mil millones de dólares en el desarrollo de una plataforma de IA integral para empresas. C3 AI ha entregado más de 100 aplicaciones de IA empresariales en producción en diversos sectores, incluyendo banca, defensa, servicios públicos y farmacéutica.

El informe de Forrester Wave™ destacó las fortalezas de C3 AI en políticas de gobernanza y en el ecosistema de socios, lo que ayuda a las empresas a lograr ROI de manera rápida y responsable a partir de la IA. C3 AI recibió las puntuaciones más altas posibles en varios criterios, incluyendo Visión, Innovación, Ecosistema de Socios y Gobernanza tanto de Datos como de Modelos.

C3 AI, 기업 AI 애플리케이션 소프트웨어 회사,는 Forrester Research의 보고서인 The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024에서 리더로 인정받았습니다. 이 보고서는 AI 시대의 비즈니스 미래에 대한 C3 AI의 비전과 기업들이 산업에서 AI의 등대가 되는 방법을 안내할 수 있는 능력을 강조합니다.

C3 AI의 의장 겸 CEO인 Thomas M. Siebel은 회사의 15년 여정과 포괄적인 기업 AI 플랫폼 개발에 20억 달러 이상이 투자된 점을 강조했습니다. C3 AI는 은행, 방산, 유틸리티 및 제약 등 다양한 분야에서 100개 이상의 생산 기업 AI 애플리케이션을 제공했습니다.

Forrester Wave™ 보고서는 C3 AI의 거버넌스 정책파트너 생태계의 강점을 언급하며, 이는 기업들이 AI로부터 빠르고 책임감 있게 ROI를 달성하는 데 도움을 줍니다. C3 AI는 비전, 혁신, 파트너 생태계, 데이터 및 모델에 대한 거버넌스 등 여러 기준에서 가능한 최고 점수를 받았습니다.

C3 AI, la société de logiciels d'applications AI pour les entreprises, a été reconnue comme Leader dans le rapport de Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024. Le rapport met en avant la vision de C3 AI pour l'avenir des affaires à l'ère de l'IA et sa capacité à guider les entreprises pour devenir des phares d'IA dans leurs secteurs.

Thomas M. Siebel, Président et CEO de C3 AI, a souligné le parcours de 15 ans de l'entreprise et plus de 2 milliards de dollars investis dans le développement d'une plateforme AI d'entreprise complète. C3 AI a fourni plus de 100 applications AI d'entreprise en production dans divers secteurs, y compris la banque, la défense, les services publics et la pharmacie.

Le rapport Forrester Wave™ a noté les forces de C3 AI en matière de politiques de gouvernance et d'écosystème de partenaires, ce qui aide les entreprises à atteindre rapidement et de manière responsable un retour sur investissement grâce à l'IA. C3 AI a reçu les scores les plus élevés possibles dans plusieurs critères, dont Vision, Innovation, Écosystème de Partenaires et Gouvernance pour les Données et les Modèles.

C3 AI, das Unternehmen für Unternehmenssoftware im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz, wurde im Bericht von Forrester Research, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024, als Leader anerkannt. Der Bericht hebt die Vision von C3 AI für die Zukunft des Geschäfts im Zeitalter der KI hervor und die Fähigkeit, Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, in ihren Branchen zu KI-Leuchttürmen zu werden.

Thomas M. Siebel, Vorsitzender und CEO von C3 AI, betonte den 15-jährigen Weg des Unternehmens und eine Investition von über 2 Milliarden Dollar in die Entwicklung einer umfassenden Unternehmens-KI-Plattform. C3 AI hat über 100 produktive Anwendungen für Unternehmens-KI in verschiedenen Sektoren wie Banken, Verteidigung, Versorgungsunternehmen und Pharmazie bereitgestellt.

Der Bericht von Forrester Wave™ stellte die Stärken von C3 AI in Bezug auf Governance-Richtlinien und das Partner-Ökosystem fest, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen, schnell und verantwortungsvoll Rendite aus der KI zu erzielen. C3 AI erhielt die höchstmöglichen Punktzahlen in mehreren Kriterien, darunter Vision, Innovation, Partner-Ökosystem und Governance für Daten und Modelle.

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REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, announced that it has been recognized as a Leader by Forrester Research in its recent report, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024.

“C3 AI offers an AI future to enterprises,” the report states. “C3 AI thinks big because it’s led by big thinkers. The company’s vision illuminates the future of business in the age of AI and also clearly articulates the steps that enterprises can take now to successfully become an AI beacon in their industry.”

“Forrester Research’s recognition of C3 AI as a Leader in AI and ML platforms further validates our decision to develop the first comprehensive Enterprise AI Platform beginning in 2009,” said Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO, C3 AI. “After 15 years and over $2 billion of investment, we have established leadership and now delivered over 100 production Enterprise AI applications for banking, defense, consumer packaged goods, utilities, oil & gas, chemicals, pharma, government services and others. We believe we are achieving the highest levels of customer satisfaction in the industry today. Forrester Research’s report reinforces this belief, underscoring our strengths — ranging from robust governance policies to our extensive partner ecosystem — that are helping enterprises quickly but responsibly realize ROI from AI.”

The Forrester Wave™ is a guide for enterprise buyers, assessing top vendors in the market. The report noted that “reference customers appreciate C3 AI’s absolute commitment to implementation success and also dozens of prebuilt AI applications across both industries and horizontal uses.”

Across the following seven criteria, C3 AI received:

  • Highest score possible in Vision
  • Highest score possible in Innovation
  • Highest score possible in Partner Ecosystem
  • Highest score possible in Governance: Data
  • Highest score possible in Governance: Models
  • Highest score possible in Development: Predictive
  • Highest score possible in Architecture: Security

Download The Forrester Wave™: AI and Machine Learning Platforms, Q3 2024 report here.

About, Inc.

C3 AI is the Enterprise AI application software company. C3 AI delivers a family of fully integrated products including the C3 AI Platform, an end-to-end platform for developing, deploying, and operating enterprise AI applications, C3 AI applications, a portfolio of industry-specific SaaS enterprise AI applications that enable the digital transformation of organizations globally, and C3 Generative AI, a suite of large AI transformer models for the enterprise.

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Lisa Kennedy


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What recognition did C3 AI (NYSE: AI) receive in the Forrester Wave™ report?

C3 AI was recognized as a Leader in Forrester Research's report, The Forrester Wave™: AI/ML Platforms, Q3 2024.

How many Enterprise AI applications has C3 AI (NYSE: AI) delivered?

C3 AI has delivered over 100 production Enterprise AI applications across various sectors, including banking, defense, utilities, and pharmaceuticals.

What were some of the highest scores C3 AI (NYSE: AI) received in the Forrester Wave™ report?

C3 AI received the highest possible scores in Vision, Innovation, Partner Ecosystem, Governance for Data and Models, Development: Predictive, and Architecture: Security.

How much has C3 AI (NYSE: AI) invested in developing its Enterprise AI Platform?

C3 AI has invested over $2 billion in developing its comprehensive Enterprise AI Platform over the past 15 years., Inc.


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