American Healthcare REIT President & CEO, Danny Prosky, Named Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ 2024 Executive of the Year
American Healthcare REIT (NYSE: AHR) announced that its President and CEO, Danny Prosky, has been named Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ (HREI) 2024 Executive of the Year. Board Chairman Jeff Hanson praised Prosky's role in developing the corporate vision for AHR and its predecessor REITs. The recognition comes as AHR completes its first year as a NYSE-listed REIT. The board expressed confidence in Prosky and the executive management team to lead AHR's next growth phase, acknowledging his 33-year commitment to the healthcare REIT sector.
American Healthcare REIT (NYSE: AHR) ha annunciato che il suo Presidente e CEO, Danny Prosky, è stato nominato Executive of the Year 2024 da Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ (HREI). Il Presidente del Consiglio Jeff Hanson ha elogiato il ruolo di Prosky nello sviluppo della visione aziendale per AHR e i suoi precedenti REIT. Questa riconoscenza arriva mentre AHR conclude il suo primo anno come REIT quotato in borsa. Il consiglio ha espresso fiducia in Prosky e nel team di gestione esecutiva per guidare la prossima fase di crescita di AHR, riconoscendo il suo impegno trentatreennale nel settore dei REIT sanitari.
American Healthcare REIT (NYSE: AHR) anunció que su Presidente y CEO, Danny Prosky, ha sido nombrado Ejecutivo del Año 2024 por Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ (HREI). El Presidente de la Junta, Jeff Hanson, elogió el papel de Prosky en el desarrollo de la visión corporativa para AHR y sus REITs predecesores. Este reconocimiento llega en un momento en que AHR completa su primer año como un REIT listado en la NYSE. La junta expresó su confianza en Prosky y en el equipo de gestión ejecutiva para liderar la próxima fase de crecimiento de AHR, reconociendo su compromiso de 33 años con el sector de REITs de salud.
아메리칸 헬스케어 REIT (NYSE: AHR)는 그들의 대통령이자 CEO인 대니 프로스키가 헬스케어 부동산 인사이트™ (HREI) 2024 올해의 경영자로 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이사회 의장인 제프 핸슨은 AHR 및 그 이전 REIT의 기업 비전을 개발하는 데 있어 프로스키의 역할을 칭찬했습니다. 이 인식은 AHR이 NYSE에 상장된 REIT으로서 첫 해를 맞이하는 가운데 이루어졌습니다. 이사회는 프로스키와 경영 팀이 AHR의 다음 성장 단계로 이끌 것이라는 믿음을 표명하며, 헬스케어 REIT 분야에 대한 그의 33년간의 헌신을 인정했습니다.
American Healthcare REIT (NYSE: AHR) a annoncé que son Président et CEO, Danny Prosky, a été nommé Directeur Exécutif de l'Année 2024 par Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ (HREI). Le Président du Conseil Jeff Hanson a salué le rôle de Prosky dans le développement de la vision d'entreprise pour AHR et ses REITs prédecesseurs. Cette reconnaissance intervient alors qu'AHR termine sa première année en tant que REIT coté à la NYSE. Le conseil a exprimé sa confiance en Prosky et dans l'équipe de direction pour conduire AHR vers sa prochaine phase de croissance, reconnissant son engagement de 33 ans envers le secteur des REITs de santé.
American Healthcare REIT (NYSE: AHR) gab bekannt, dass sein Präsident und CEO, Danny Prosky, als Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ (HREI) Executive of the Year 2024 ausgezeichnet wurde. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Jeff Hanson lobte Proskys Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Unternehmensstrategie für AHR und dessen Vorgänger-REITs. Diese Anerkennung erfolgt, während AHR sein erstes Jahr als an der NYSE gelisteter REIT abschließt. Der Vorstand bekundete sein Vertrauen in Prosky und das Führungsteam, AHR in die nächste Wachstumsphase zu führen, und würdigte sein 33-jähriges Engagement im Bereich Healthcare REITs.
- None.
- None.
"On behalf of the entire board of AHR, I am proud to congratulate Danny on such meaningful industry recognition," said Jeff Hanson, Chairman of the Board. "Danny has been central in developing and driving the corporate vision since the formation of AHR and the company's predecessor REITs. As AHR completes its successful inaugural year as a NYSE-listed REIT, the board has complete confidence in Danny and the rest of the executive management team to drive AHR through its next phase of growth and performance on behalf of stockholders. We are thrilled to see Danny's exemplary leadership and thirty-three-year commitment to the healthcare REIT space recognized by HREI."
About American Healthcare REIT, Inc.
American Healthcare REIT, Inc. (NYSE: AHR) is a real estate investment trust that acquires, owns and operates a diversified portfolio of clinical healthcare real estate, focusing primarily on senior housing communities, skilled nursing, and outpatient medical buildings across
About HREI™
Launched in 2003, HREI was the first and remains the only national media platform entirely dedicated to covering healthcare real estate (HRE) development, financing and investment. This semi-monthly, national, business-to-business print magazine offers sophisticated players the most comprehensive coverage in the industry available anywhere.
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Alan Peterson
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(949) 270-9200
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Spotlight Marketing Communications
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SOURCE American Healthcare REIT, Inc.