Asahi Kasei Launches New Grade of LASTAN™ Flame-Retardant Nonwoven Fabric

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Asahi Kasei has launched a new grade of LASTAN™, a flame-retardant nonwoven fabric designed to enhance EV battery safety. This innovative material offers superior resistance to flames and particle blasts, making it an excellent alternative to conventional materials for thermal runaway protection in EV battery packs.

Key features of LASTAN™ include:

  • Resistance to 1,300°C flames
  • Protection against 200-500 µm particle impacts
  • Electrical insulation up to 3.5 kV at 1 mm thickness
  • High flexibility and processability
  • LOI value of 50+ and UL94 5VA flame retardance rating

With the EV battery safety market expected to grow 15% annually from 2024, LASTAN™ addresses the increasing demand for lightweight, flexible, and effective thermal runaway protection materials.

Asahi Kasei ha lanciato un nuovo grado di LASTAN™, un tessuto non tessuto ignifugo progettato per migliorare la sicurezza delle batterie per veicoli elettrici (EV). Questo materiale innovativo offre una resistenza superiore alle fiamme e agli impatti delle particelle, rendendolo un'ottima alternativa ai materiali convenzionali per la protezione contro il surriscaldamento delle batterie EV.

Le caratteristiche principali di LASTAN™ includono:

  • Resistenza a fiamme di 1.300°C
  • Protezione contro impatti di particelle da 200 a 500 µm
  • Isolamento elettrico fino a 3,5 kV con uno spessore di 1 mm
  • Alta flessibilità e processabilità
  • Valore LOI superiore a 50 e classificazione di ritardanza al fuoco UL94 5VA

Con il mercato della sicurezza delle batterie EV previsto in crescita del 15% annualmente a partire dal 2024, LASTAN™ risponde all'aumento della domanda di materiali leggeri, flessibili ed efficaci per la protezione contro il surriscaldamento.

Asahi Kasei ha lanzado una nueva categoría de LASTAN™, un tejido no tejido resistente al fuego diseñado para mejorar la seguridad de las baterías de vehículos eléctricos (EV). Este material innovador ofrece una resistencia superior a las llamas y a los impactos de partículas, convirtiéndolo en una excelente alternativa a los materiales convencionales para la protección contra el desbordamiento térmico en los paquetes de baterías EV.

Las características clave de LASTAN™ incluyen:

  • Resistencia a llamas de 1.300°C
  • Protección contra impactos de partículas de 200 a 500 µm
  • Aislamiento eléctrico hasta 3,5 kV a un grosor de 1 mm
  • Alta flexibilidad y procesabilidad
  • Valor LOI superior a 50 y clasificación de resistencia al fuego UL94 5VA

Con el mercado de seguridad de baterías EV previsto para crecer un 15% anualmente a partir de 2024, LASTAN™ aborda la creciente demanda de materiales que ofrezcan protección efectiva contra desbordamientos térmicos, que sean ligeros y flexibles.

아사히카세이는 LASTAN™의 새로운 등급을 출시했습니다. 이는 전기차 배터리 안전성을 향상시키기 위해 설계된 난연성 부직포입니다. 이 혁신적인 소재는 화염과 입자 충격에 대한 뛰어난 저항을 제공하여, 전기차 배터리 팩의 열 폭주 보호를 위한 기존 소재에 대한 훌륭한 대안을 제공합니다.

LASTAN™의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 1,300°C 화염에 대한 저항
  • 200-500 μm 입자 충격으로부터의 보호
  • 1mm 두께에서 최대 3.5kV의 전기 절연
  • 높은 유연성과 가공성
  • 50 이상의 LOI 값과 UL94 5VA 난연 등급

2024년부터 전기차 배터리 안전 시장이 연평균 15% 성장할 것으로 예상됨에 따라, LASTAN™은 경량이면서도 유연하고 효과적인 열 폭주 보호 소재에 대한 증가하는 수요에 부응합니다.

Asahi Kasei a lancé un nouveau grade de LASTAN™, un tissu non tissé ignifuge conçu pour améliorer la safety des batteries EV. Ce matériau innovant offre une résistance exceptionnelle aux flammes et aux impacts de particules, ce qui en fait une excellente alternative aux matériaux conventionnels pour la protection contre les échappements thermiques dans les packs de batteries EV.

Les principales caractéristiques de LASTAN™ comprennent :

  • Résistance aux flammes de 1 300°C
  • Protection contre les impacts de particules de 200 à 500 µm
  • Isolation électrique jusqu'à 3,5 kV à une épaisseur de 1 mm
  • Grande flexibilité et facilité de transformation
  • Valeur LOI supérieure à 50 et classement de résistance au feu UL94 5VA

Avec une croissance prévue de 15 % par an pour le marché de la sécurité des batteries EV à partir de 2024, LASTAN™ répond à la demande croissante pour des matériaux légers, flexibles et efficaces pour la protection contre les échappements thermiques.

Asahi Kasei hat eine neue Klasse von LASTAN™ eingeführt, einem flammhemmenden Vliesstoff, der entwickelt wurde, um die Sicherheit von EV-Batterien zu verbessern. Dieses innovative Material bietet eine überlegene Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Flammen und Partikelsprengungen und ist eine ausgezeichnete Alternative zu herkömmlichen Materialien für den Schutz gegen thermisches Überlaufen in EV-Batteriepacks.

Die Hauptmerkmale von LASTAN™ umfassen:

  • Widerstand gegen Flammen von 1.300 °C
  • Schutz gegen Partikelimpakte von 200–500 μm
  • Elektrische Isolierung bis zu 3,5 kV bei 1 mm Dicke
  • Hohe Flexibilität und Verarbeitbarkeit
  • LOI-Wert von über 50 und UL94 5VA Brandschutzklasse

Mit einem voraussichtlichen jährlichen Wachstum des Marktes für EV-Batteriesicherheit von 15 % ab 2024, spricht LASTAN™ die steigende Nachfrage nach leichten, flexiblen und effektiven Materialien zum Schutz vor thermischen Überläufen an.

  • Launch of new LASTAN™ grade enhances EV battery safety product portfolio
  • LASTAN™ offers superior flame resistance and particle blast protection compared to conventional materials
  • High flexibility and processability of LASTAN™ simplifies manufacturing processes for automotive OEMs
  • Potential for market growth with EV battery safety materials expected to increase by 15% annually from 2024
  • Asahi Kasei considering production expansion to the United States and other countries
  • None.

Enhancing EV battery safety with superior resistance to flames and particle blasts

TOKYO & NEW YORK & DÜSSELDORF, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Japanese technology company Asahi Kasei is introducing a new material solution for enhanced EV battery safety. A flame-retardant and highly flexible nonwoven fabric, LASTAN™ is an outstanding alternative to conventional materials for thermal runaway protection. It can be utilized in top covers, busbar protection sleeves, and other applications within the EV battery pack.

New grade of LASTAN™ (Photo: Business Wire)

New grade of LASTAN™ (Photo: Business Wire)

Although electric vehicles are becoming more common worldwide, battery safety is still a major concern for many car users. According to the latest “Asahi Kasei Automotive Consumer Survey,” 34% of non-EV owners in China see improved safety as a primary consideration in buying an electric vehicle. Against this background, global OEMs seek to further raise the safety of EV batteries, and the market for materials to prevent thermal runaway is expected to grow by some 15% annually from 2024 onward, with even further expansion of demand in the future (IDTechEX: “Fire Protection Materials for Electric Vehicle Batteries 2024–2034”).

In this context, there is increasing demand for materials in EV battery cover applications having excellent resistance against flames and particle blasts, as well as good electrical insulation properties. While mineral-based materials are generally used as protection against thermal runaway at present, such materials tend to be heavy and brittle. Being stiff, these materials are difficult to adapt to complex shapes, making processability an issue for automotive OEMs.

LASTAN™ is a non-mineral flame-resistant fabric made by air baking a special acrylic fiber at 200–300°C. It is characterized by high flame resistance and good electrical insulation, which are further improved by a special coating process that also augments abrasion resistance. This allows the material to provide effective protection against particle bombardment from venting gas. With these exceptional characteristics, LASTAN™ has been used for many years as an optimal material for failure prevention and safety in various industries.

Withstanding 1,300°C flames and impact of 200–500 µm particles
Even when a 1,300°C flame is applied, the temperature on the opposite side of LASTAN™ remains below 400°C. While a “limiting oxygen index” (LOI) value of 27 or higher is generally considered to indicate flame retardance, this material has an LOI value of 50 or higher. In UL94 flame retardance testing, LASTAN™ has obtained the highest rating of 5VA. No holes are formed in LASTAN™ even when it is exposed to a flame of 1,300°C for one minute.

In addition to its high flame resistance, LASTAN™ is resistant to high-pressure impact by particles of 200–500 µm. It also provides electrical insulating capacity of up to 3.5 kV at a thickness of 1 mm. LASTAN™ also features outstanding processability, being highly flexible while maintaining its performance characteristics in sheets as thin as 0.8 mm. This makes it easily processed with ordinary tools, contributing to a simplified manufacturing process.

Having integrated production of LASTAN™ currently in Japan, Asahi Kasei is considering production in the United States and other countries in the future. The company will exhibit the new LASTAN™ grade at the North American Battery Show from October 7 to 10, 2024, in Detroit, Michigan.

About Asahi Kasei
The Asahi Kasei Group contributes to life and living for people around the world. Since its founding in 1922 with ammonia and cellulose fiber businesses, Asahi Kasei has consistently grown through the proactive transformation of its business portfolio to meet the evolving needs of every age. With more than 49,000 employees worldwide, the company contributes to a sustainable society by providing solutions to the world's challenges through its three business sectors of Material, Homes, and Health Care. Its Material sector, comprised of Environmental Solutions, Mobility & Industrial, and Life Innovation, includes a wide array of products from battery separators and biodegradable textiles to engineering plastics and sound solutions. For more information, visit

Asahi Kasei is also dedicated to sustainability initiatives and is contributing to reaching a carbon-neutral society by 2050. To learn more, visit

North America Contact:

Asahi Kasei America Inc.

Christian OKeefe

Europe Contact:

Asahi Kasei Europe GmbH

Sebastian Schmidt

Source: Asahi Kasei


What are the key features of Asahi Kasei's new LASTAN™ grade for EV battery safety?

The new LASTAN™ grade offers resistance to 1,300°C flames, protection against 200-500 µm particle impacts, electrical insulation up to 3.5 kV at 1 mm thickness, high flexibility, and processability. It has an LOI value of 50+ and a UL94 5VA flame retardance rating.

How does LASTAN™ compare to conventional materials used in EV battery thermal runaway protection?

LASTAN™ is lighter, more flexible, and easier to process than conventional mineral-based materials. It offers superior flame resistance and particle blast protection while maintaining good electrical insulation properties, making it an outstanding alternative for EV battery safety applications.

What is the market outlook for EV battery safety materials like LASTAN™ (AHKSY)?

The market for materials to prevent thermal runaway in EV batteries is expected to grow by approximately 15% annually from 2024 onward, with further expansion of demand anticipated in the future, according to IDTechEX research.

Where will Asahi Kasei (AHKSY) exhibit the new LASTAN™ grade in 2024?

Asahi Kasei will exhibit the new LASTAN™ grade at the North American Battery Show from October 7 to 10, 2024, in Detroit, Michigan.

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