AgriBank Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

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AgriBank reported strong financial results for Q2 2024, with net income of $406.6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024. The bank's year-to-date return on assets (ROA) ratio was 46 basis points, slightly below the 50 basis point target. Credit quality remained robust, with 99.5% of loans classified as acceptable. Liquidity was strong at 157 days, well above regulatory requirements. Total loans increased by 3.9% to $154.5 billion. Despite challenges in the agricultural sector, AgriBank maintained a strong capital position of $8.7 billion. The bank successfully navigated a challenging interest rate environment, demonstrating financial resilience and supporting loan growth for Farm Credit lenders.

AgriBank ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il secondo trimestre del 2024, con un reddito netto di 406,6 milioni di dollari per i sei mesi terminati il 30 giugno 2024. Il rapporto ritorno sugli attivi (ROA) della banca dall'inizio dell'anno era di 46 punti base, leggermente al di sotto del target di 50 punti base. La qualità del credito è rimasta robusta, con il 99,5% dei prestiti classificati come accettabili. La liquidità era forte a 157 giorni, ben al di sopra dei requisiti normativi. I prestiti totali sono aumentati del 3,9% a 154,5 miliardi di dollari. Nonostante le sfide nel settore agricolo, AgriBank ha mantenuto una solida posizione di capitale di 8,7 miliardi di dollari. La banca ha navigato con successo in un ambiente di tassi d'interesse difficile, dimostrando resilienza finanziaria e sostenendo la crescita dei prestiti per i finanziatori del Farm Credit.

AgriBank reportó sólidos resultados financieros para el segundo trimestre de 2024, con ingresos netos de 406,6 millones de dólares para los seis meses finalizados el 30 de junio de 2024. La relación de retorno sobre activos (ROA) del banco hasta la fecha era de 46 puntos básicos, ligeramente por debajo de la meta de 50 puntos básicos. La calidad de crédito se mantuvo robusta, con el 99,5% de los préstamos clasificados como aceptables. La liquidez fue fuerte a 157 días, muy por encima de los requisitos regulatorios. Los préstamos totales aumentaron un 3,9% a 154,5 mil millones de dólares. A pesar de los desafíos en el sector agrícola, AgriBank mantuvo una sólida posición de capital de 8,7 mil millones de dólares. El banco navegó con éxito en un entorno de tasas de interés difíciles, demostrando resiliencia financiera y apoyando el crecimiento de los préstamos para los prestamistas del Farm Credit.

AgriBank는 2024년 2분기 동안 4억 6백만 달러의 순이익을 보고하며 강력한 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 2024년 6월 30일에 종료된 6개월 동안의 결과입니다. 은행의 올해 누적 자산 수익률(ROA)는 46 베이시스 포인트로, 50 베이시스 포인트 목표에 약간 미치지 못했습니다. 신용 품질은 건전하게 유지되었으며, 99.5%의 대출이 양호한 것으로 분류되었습니다. 유동성은 강력하게 유지되어 157일로, 규제 요건을 훨씬 초과했습니다. 총 대출은 3.9% 증가하여 1,545억 달러에 달했습니다. 농업 부문의 도전 과제가 있었지만, AgriBank는 87억 달러의 강력한 자본 위치를 유지했습니다. 은행은 어려운 이자율 환경을 성공적으로 헤쳐 나가며 재무 회복력을 입증하고 Farm Credit 대출자의 대출 성장을 지원했습니다.

AgriBank a annoncé de solides résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024, avec un revenu net de 406,6 millions de dollars pour les six mois se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Le taux de rendement des actifs (ROA) de la banque depuis le début de l'année était de 46 points de base, légèrement en dessous de l'objectif de 50 points de base. La qualité du crédit est restée solide, avec 99,5 % des prêts classés comme acceptables. La liquidité était forte à 157 jours, bien au-dessus des exigences réglementaires. Le montant total des prêts a augmenté de 3,9 % pour atteindre 154,5 milliards de dollars. Malgré les défis du secteur agricole, AgriBank a maintenu une solide position en capital de 8,7 milliards de dollars. La banque a réussi à naviguer dans un environnement de taux d'intérêt difficile, démontrant sa résilience financière tout en soutenant la croissance des prêts pour les prêteurs de Farm Credit.

AgriBank berichtete für das zweite Quartal 2024 über starke Finanzergebnisse mit einem Nettoeinkommen von 406,6 Millionen Dollar für die sechs Monate bis zum 30. Juni 2024. Die Rendite auf Vermögenswerte (ROA) der Bank seit Jahresbeginn lag bei 46 Basispunkten, leicht unter dem Ziel von 50 Basispunkten. Die Kreditqualität blieb robust, mit 99,5% der Kredite als akzeptabel eingestuft. Die Liquidität war stark bei 157 Tagen, weit über den regulatorischen Anforderungen. Die Gesamtdarlehen stiegen um 3,9% auf 154,5 Milliarden Dollar. Trotz der Herausforderungen im Agrarsektor hielt AgriBank eine starke Kapitalposition von 8,7 Milliarden Dollar. Die Bank meisterte erfolgreich ein schwieriges Zinsumfeld und demonstrierte finanzielle Resilienz, während sie das Wachstum der Kredite für Farm Credit Anbieter unterstützte.

  • Strong net income of $406.6 million for the first half of 2024
  • Excellent loan portfolio quality with 99.5% of loans classified as acceptable
  • Liquidity at 157 days, well above regulatory requirements
  • Total loans increased by 3.9% to $154.5 billion
  • Strong capital position at $8.7 billion, an increase of $160.9 million from December 2023
  • Non-interest income increased by 12.4% to $57.3 million
  • Net interest income decreased by 1.3% to $461.3 million compared to the same period last year
  • Return on assets (ROA) ratio of 46 basis points, below the 50 basis point target
  • Non-interest expense increased by 11.8% to $104.0 million
  • Redemption of $250 million of perpetual preferred stock
  • Unrealized losses in the investment portfolio

Continued Strong Net Income and Loan Credit Quality

ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, St. Paul-based AgriBank announced financial results for the second quarter of 2024, with strong profitability, credit quality, and liquidity and capital.


  • Profitability: Net income remained strong at $406.6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024. AgriBank's year-to-date return on assets (ROA) ratio of 46 basis points was below the target of 50 basis points, with the targeted ROA level expected to be met by year-end.
  • Credit quality: Total loan portfolio credit quality remained strong, with 99.5 percent of loans classified as acceptable at June 30, 2024.
  • Liquidity and capital: End-of-the-quarter liquidity was 157 days, well above the regulatory requirement. Capital also remained well above the regulatory minimums and company targets.

"AgriBank is pleased to report a robust second quarter with continued strong levels of profitability, credit quality, and liquidity and capital," said AgriBank CEO Jeffrey Swanhorst. "We continue to successfully navigate through a challenging interest rate environment, resulting in financial resilience and loan growth that reflects the strong loan growth and financial performance of the Farm Credit lenders we support."

2024 Results of Operations

Net interest income was $461.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, a decrease of $6.2 million, or 1.3 percent, compared to the same period of the prior year. Net interest income decreased slightly when compared to the same period of the prior year. AgriBank's ability to generate income through funding actions has been limited and has contributed to the decline in spread due to the shape of the yield curve in the current interest rate environment, coupled with the product mix of underlying Association loan originations driving recent wholesale portfolio growth. Offsetting these decreases is higher spread income on retail loans, when compared to the prior year, in AgriBank's asset pool portfolio due to the purchase of significant number of additional loan participations in the second half of 2023. Additionally, offsetting the decrease in net interest income is an increased benefit of equity financing from higher interest rates compared to the same period of the prior year. Equity financing represents the benefit of non-interest bearing funding.

Non-interest income was $57.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of $6.3 million, or 12.4 percent, compared to the same period of the prior year, mostly related to an Allocated Insurance Reserve Accounts (AIRAs) distribution received from the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (FCSIC) during the second quarter of 2024. Additionally, mineral income increased for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period of the prior year, related to a rise in gas and oil production, a result of an increase in new well activity during the first quarter of 2024.

Non-interest expense was $104.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of $11.0 million, or 11.8 percent, compared to the same period of the prior year. The increase was mainly due to expected increases in loan servicing fees related to expansion in AgriBank's asset pool programs in the second half of 2023 and continuing into the first half of 2024.

Loan Portfolio 

Total loans were $154.5 billion at June 30, 2024, an increase of $5.8 billion, or 3.9 percent, compared to December 31, 2023. This increase was primarily attributable to wholesale loan growth.

AgriBank's credit quality reflects the overall financial strength of District Associations and their underlying portfolios of retail loans. AgriBank's portfolio was composed of 99.5 percent acceptable loans at June 30, 2024, compared to 99.4 percent at December 31, 2023. Loans classified as acceptable represent the highest-quality assets. The credit quality of AgriBank's retail loan portfolio increased slightly to 96.3 percent classified as acceptable at June 30, 2024, compared to 96.2 percent acceptable at December 31, 2023.

Agricultural Conditions

On February 7, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service (USDA-ERS) released its initial forecast of the U.S. aggregate farm income and financial conditions for 2024 and updated its 2023 forecast. The revised 2023 nominal net farm income (NFI) forecast of $155.9 billion represented a $29.7 billion decline from the record-high 2022 level, down 16.0 percent, following three-consecutive years with substantial increases. Although down, when adjusting for inflation, the 2023 real NFI forecast is $41.1 billion, or 34.8 percent, above the 20-year average (2003-2022) net farm income in 2024 dollars. The initial 2024 nominal NFI projection of $116.1 billion would represent a decline of $39.8 billion, or 25.5 percent, from the revised 2023 NFI forecast. Although NFI is forecast to decline significantly for the second-consecutive year, the 2024 forecast, if realized, would be just 1.8 percent, or $2.0 billion, below the 20-year average real net farm income.

Despite declines in crop prices and lower net farm income expectations, the farm sector balance sheet remains strong. Many factors, including weather, trade, government and monetary policy, global agricultural production levels, and pathogenic outbreaks in livestock and poultry, may keep agriculture market volatility elevated for the next few years. Implementation of cost-saving technologies, marketing methods and risk management strategies will continue to cause a wide range of results among the respective agricultural producers.

Capital Resources and Liquidity

Total capital remained strong at $8.7 billion as of June 30, 2024, an increase of $160.9 million compared to December 31, 2023. The increase was driven primarily by AgriBank's net income and capital stock issuances during the first half of 2024. Additionally, unrealized gains in AgriBank's derivative portfolio added to the overall increase. Offsetting these were the redemption of $250 million of perpetual preferred stock, as well as cash patronage declared, consistent with AgriBank's capital plan. Unrealized losses in AgriBank's investment portfolio also contributed to the offset. AgriBank exceeded all regulatory capital minimum requirements, including additional regulatory buffers.

Through effectively leveraging existing District capital and in supporting the achievement of AgriBank and Associations' business goals through the increased use of pool programs, AgriBank redeemed all its outstanding shares of preferred stock on January 1, 2024.

Cash and investments totaled $25.3 billion and $25.5 billion at June 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. AgriBank's end-of-the-period liquidity position represented 157 days coverage of maturing debt obligations, which supports operational demands, and was well above the 90-day minimum established by AgriBank's regulator.

About AgriBank

AgriBank is part of the customer-owned, nationwide Farm Credit System. Under Farm Credit's cooperative structure, AgriBank is primarily owned by local Farm Credit Associations, which provide financial products and services to rural communities and agriculture. AgriBank obtains funds and provides funding and financial solutions to those Associations. AgriBank and those Associations compose the AgriBank District. The District covers a 15-state area stretching from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on current expectations and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from expectations due to a number of risks and uncertainties. More information about these risks and uncertainties is contained in AgriBank's annual report, which is available approximately 75 days following the end of the year. AgriBank undertakes no duty to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.




(in thousands)

June 30,

December 31,




Loans held to maturity



Allowance for credit losses on loans



Net loans held to maturity



Loans held for sale



Net loans



Investment securities and other earning assets



Accrued interest receivable



Other assets



Total assets



Bonds and notes



Accrued interest payable



Other liabilities



Total liabilities



Shareholders' equity



Total liabilities and shareholders' equity






(in thousands)

For the

For the

three months ended

six months ended

June 30,

June 30,









Interest income





Interest expense





Net interest income





Provision for credit losses





Net interest income after provision for credit losses





Non-interest income





Non-interest expense





Net income






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What was AgriBank's net income for the first half of 2024?

AgriBank reported a net income of $406.6 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024.

How did AgriBank's loan portfolio perform in Q2 2024?

AgriBank's loan portfolio showed strong performance, with 99.5% of loans classified as acceptable as of June 30, 2024.

What was the total loan amount for AgriBank as of June 30, 2024?

Total loans for AgriBank were $154.5 billion as of June 30, 2024, representing an increase of 3.9% compared to December 31, 2023.

How did AgriBank's liquidity position compare to regulatory requirements?

AgriBank's end-of-quarter liquidity position was 157 days, well above the 90-day minimum established by its regulator.

What was AgriBank's capital position as of June 30, 2024?

AgriBank's total capital remained strong at $8.7 billion as of June 30, 2024, an increase of $160.9 million compared to December 31, 2023.

AgriBank, FCB


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