Agenus Publishes Seminal Study on Botensilimab’s Activity in Treatment-Resistant Cancers

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Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN) has published a groundbreaking study in Cancer Discovery on botensilimab, their novel Fc-enhanced anti-CTLA-4 antibody. The study highlights botensilimab's effectiveness against treatment-resistant cancers, including those unresponsive to conventional immunotherapy. Key findings include:

1. Demonstrated activity across multiple cancer types
2. Unique Fc-enhanced design enabling multifunctional immune activation
3. Efficacy independent of typical limitations like tumor neoantigen burden
4. Ability to remodel the tumor microenvironment, transforming 'cold' tumors into 'hot' ones
5. Promising results in nine difficult-to-treat cancers, including microsatellite stable colorectal cancer

This research suggests botensilimab's potential to overcome major challenges in cancer treatment, offering hope to patients with options.

Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN) ha pubblicato uno studio innovativo su botensilimab nella rivista Cancer Discovery, riguardante il loro nuovo anticorpo anti-CTLA-4 potenziato con Fc. Lo studio evidenzia l'efficacia di botensilimab contro i cancro resistenti ai trattamenti, incluso quelli non responsivi alla terapia immunologica convenzionale. I principali risultati includono:

1. Attività dimostrata su più tipi di cancro
2. Design unico potenziato con Fc che consente un'attivazione immunitaria multifunzionale
3. Efficacia indipendente da limiti tipici come il carico di neoantigeni tumorali
4. Capacità di rimodellare il microambiente tumorale, trasformando i tumori 'freddi' in 'caldi'
5. Risultati promettenti in nove canceri difficili da trattare, incluso il cancro colorettale microsatellite stabile

Questa ricerca suggerisce il potenziale di botensilimab nel superare le principali sfide nel trattamento del cancro, offrendo speranza ai pazienti con opzioni disponibili.

Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN) ha publicado un estudio innovador en Cancer Discovery sobre botensilimab, su nuevo anticuerpo anti-CTLA-4 mejorado con Fc. El estudio resalta la efectividad de botensilimab contra los cánceres resistentes a tratamientos, incluyendo aquellos que no responden a la inmunoterapia convencional. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Actividad demostrada en múltiples tipos de cáncer
2. Diseño único mejorado con Fc que permite la activación inmune multifuncional
3. Eficacia independiente de limitaciones típicas como la carga de neoantígenos tumorales
4. Capacidad para remodelar el microambiente tumoral, transformando tumores 'fríos' en 'calientes'
5. Resultados prometedores en nueve cánceres difíciles de tratar, incluido el cáncer colorrectal estable en microsatélites

Esta investigación sugiere el potencial de botensilimab para superar importantes desafíos en el tratamiento del cáncer, ofreciendo esperanza a los pacientes con opciones disponibles.

Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN)는 보텐실리맙에 대한 획기적인 연구를 Cancer Discovery에 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 그들의 새로운 Fc-강화 항체인 anti-CTLA-4에 대해 다루고 있습니다. 연구는 보텐실리맙의 치료 내성 암에 대한 효과를 강조하며, 여기에는 전통적인 면역 요법에 반응하지 않는 경우도 포함됩니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 여러 암 유형에 대한 활동 입증
2. 다기능 면역 활성화를 가능하게 하는 독특한 Fc-enhanced 디자인
3. 종양 신항원 부하와 같은 전형적인 한계에 의존하지 않는 효능
4. '차가운' 종양을 '뜨거운' 종양으로 변형시키는 종양 미세환경 재편성 능력
5. 미세위성 안정 대장암을 포함한 치료하기 어려운 아홉 가지 암에서의 유망한 결과

이 연구는 보텐실리맙이 암 치료의 주요 도전을 극복할 잠재력이 있음을 나타내며, 환자들에게 희망을 제시합니다.

Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN) a publié une étude révolutionnaire dans Cancer Discovery sur botensilimab, leur nouvel anticorps anti-CTLA-4 amélioré par Fc. L'étude met en lumière l'efficacité de botensilimab contre les cancers résistants aux traitements, y compris ceux qui ne répondent pas à l'immunothérapie conventionnelle. Les résultats clés incluent :

1. Activité démontrée dans plusieurs types de cancer
2. Conception unique améliorée par Fc permettant une activation immunitaire multifonctionnelle
3. Efficacité indépendante des limitations typiques comme la charge en néoantigènes tumoraux
4. Capacité de remodeler le microenvironnement tumoral, transformant les tumeurs 'froides' en 'chaudes'
5. Résultats prometteurs dans neuf cancers difficiles à traiter, y compris le cancer colorectal stable en microsatellites

Cette recherche suggère le potentiel de botensilimab à surmonter les principaux défis dans le traitement du cancer, offrant de l'espoir aux patients avec des options disponibles.

Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN) hat eine bahnbrechende Studie in Cancer Discovery über Botensilimab, ihren neuartigen Fc-verstärkten Anti-CTLA-4-Antikörper veröffentlicht. Die Studie hebt die Wirksamkeit von Botensilimab gegen behandlungsresistente Krebserkrankungen hervor, einschließlich solcher, die nicht auf konventionelle Immuntherapie ansprechen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Nachgewiesene Aktivität in mehreren Krebsarten
2. Einzigartiges Fc-verstärktes Design, das eine multifunktionale Immunaktivierung ermöglicht
3. Wirksamkeit unabhängig von typischen Einschränkungen wie Tumorneoantriebslast
4. Fähigkeit, die Tumormikroumgebung umzugestalten, um 'kalte' Tumoren in 'heiße' zu verwandeln
5. Vielversprechende Ergebnisse bei neun schwer behandelbaren Krebserkrankungen, einschließlich mikro-satellitenstabilen kolorektalen Krebs

Diese Forschung deutet darauf hin, dass Botensilimab das Potenzial hat, große Herausforderungen bei der Krebsbehandlung zu überwinden und Patienten Hoffnung mit Optionen zu bieten.

  • Botensilimab shows increased activity in multiple treatment-resistant cancers, including those that progressed on prior checkpoint inhibitors
  • The antibody demonstrates efficacy independent of conventional limitations, broadening its potential applicability
  • Botensilimab uniquely remodels the tumor microenvironment, potentially improving treatment outcomes
  • The therapy shows promise in treating over nine difficult-to-treat cancers, potentially expanding market opportunities
  • None.

The publication of botensilimab's study in Cancer Discovery is a significant milestone for Agenus. This Fc-enhanced anti-CTLA-4 antibody shows promising results in treatment-resistant cancers, potentially expanding the reach of immunotherapy. Key findings include:

  • Efficacy across multiple cancer types, even after progression on other checkpoint inhibitors
  • Activity independent of tumor neoantigen burden and FcγRIIIA genotype
  • Ability to transform "cold" tumors into "hot" immunologically active ones

These results suggest botensilimab could address current limitations in cancer immunotherapy, particularly for patients with options. However, while promising, further clinical trials are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety profile in larger patient populations.

As an oncologist, I'm intrigued by botensilimab's potential to treat cancers resistant to current immunotherapies. Its multifunctional immune activation mechanism, including enhanced T cell priming and regulatory T cell reduction, could be a game-changer for patients who've exhausted other options. The antibody's ability to work independently of conventional limitations like tumor neoantigen burden is particularly exciting, as it could broaden the patient population that benefits from immunotherapy. However, it's important to temper enthusiasm with caution. We need to see results from larger, randomized clinical trials to fully understand botensilimab's efficacy and safety profile across different cancer types and patient subgroups.

This publication represents a significant milestone for Agenus (NASDAQ: AGEN), potentially increasing investor confidence in their pipeline. Botensilimab's novel mechanism and promising results in treatment-resistant cancers could position Agenus as a key player in the next generation of immunotherapies. The broad applicability across multiple cancer types suggests a large potential market. However, investors should note that:

  • Further clinical trials are needed before potential FDA approval
  • Competition in the immunotherapy space is intense
  • Commercialization costs could be substantial

While this news is positive, Agenus's financial performance will depend on successful progression through clinical trials and eventual market adoption. Investors should monitor upcoming trial results and regulatory milestones closely.

LEXINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Agenus Inc. (NASDAQ: AGEN), a leader in developing novel immunological agents to treat various cancers, today announced the publication of a seminal study in the prestigious Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, detailing the novel mechanism of action and effectiveness of botensilimab, an investigational, novel multifunctional anti-CTLA-4 antibody, in various treatment-resistant cancers.

The paper, entitled “Botensilimab, an Fc-Enhanced Anti-CTLA-4 Antibody, Is Effective Against Tumors Poorly Responsive to Conventional Immunotherapy,” highlights several key findings:

  1. Demonstrated Activity Across Multiple Cancers: Botensilimab has shown increased activity in multiple treatment-resistant cancers, including those that have progressed on prior checkpoint inhibitors.
  2. Fc-Enhanced Design for Multifunctional Immune Activation: Unlike traditional anti-CTLA-4 antibodies, botensilimab’s Fc-enhanced design allows it to leverage multiple immune-activating mechanisms simultaneously. This includes enhanced T cell priming, reduction of intratumoral regulatory T cells, and activation of antigen-presenting cells, leading to a robust anti-tumor response.
  3. Activity Independent of Conventional Limitations: Botensilimab shows clinical activity regardless of factors that typically limit conventional immunotherapy efficacy, such as tumor neoantigen burden and FcγRIIIA genotype. This broadens its potential applicability across diverse patient populations.
  4. Remodeling the Tumor Microenvironment: The antibody uniquely remodels the tumor microenvironment, transforming "cold" tumors that are currently unresponsive to immune therapies into "hot" immunologically active tumors. This is achieved by reducing regulatory T cells and increasing T cell inflammation gene signatures within the tumor microenvironment.
  5. Promise in Difficult-to-Treat Cancers: Botensilimab demonstrates significant promise in treating over nine difficult-to-treat cancers, including microsatellite stable colorectal cancer and may extend clinical benefits to patient populations historically unresponsive to conventional immune checkpoint inhibitors.

“We are thrilled to share these groundbreaking findings with the scientific community,” said Dhan Chand, PhD, lead author and Vice President of Research at Agenus. “The compelling preclinical and clinical evidence generated with botensilimab reveal an actionable pathway to improve treatment outcomes and extend survival to patient populations historically unresponsive to conventional immune checkpoint inhibitors.”

This paper underscores the potential of botensilimab to overcome some of the most challenging hurdles in cancer treatment, offering new hope to patients with limited options. Agenus is committed to advancing this promising therapy through further clinical development and regulatory pathways to ensure rapid and broad patient access.

About Cancer Discovery

Cancer Discovery publishes high-impact, peer-reviewed articles describing major advances in research and clinical trials. As the premier cancer information resource, the Journal also presents Review Articles, Perspectives and Commentaries, News stories, and Research Watch summaries of important journal articles to its readers to keep them informed about the latest findings in the field. Topics span the spectrum of cancer research and medicine from the laboratory to the clinic and epidemiologic studies.

About Botensilimab

Botensilimab is an investigational human Fc-enhanced CTLA-4 blocking antibody designed to boost both innate and adaptive anti-tumor immune responses. Its novel design leverages mechanisms of action to extend immunotherapy benefits to “cold” tumors which generally respond poorly to standard of care or are refractory to conventional PD-1/CTLA-4 therapies and investigational therapies. Botensilimab augments immune responses across a wide range of tumor types by priming and activating T cells, downregulating intratumoral regulatory T cells, activating myeloid cells and inducing long-term memory responses.

Approximately 1,100 patients have been treated with botensilimab in phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials. Botensilimab alone, or in combination with Agenus’ investigational PD-1 antibody, balstilimab, has shown clinical responses across nine metastatic, late-line cancers. For more information about botensilimab trials, visit with the identifiers NCT03860272, NCT05608044, NCT05630183, and NCT05529316.

About Agenus

Agenus is a leading immuno-oncology company targeting cancer with a comprehensive pipeline of immunological agents. The company was founded in 1994 with a mission is to expand patient populations benefiting from cancer immunotherapy through combination approaches, using a broad repertoire of antibody therapeutics, adoptive cell therapies (through MiNK Therapeutics) and adjuvants (through SaponiQx). Agenus has robust end-to-end development capabilities, across commercial and clinical cGMP manufacturing facilities, research and discovery, and a global clinical operations footprint. Agenus is headquartered in Lexington, MA. For more information, visit or @agenus_bio. Information that may be important to investors will be routinely posted on our website and social media channels.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding its botensilimab and balstilimab programs, expected regulatory timelines and filings, and any other statements containing the words "may," "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "hopes," "intends," "plans," "forecasts," "estimates," "will," “establish,” “potential,” “superiority,” “best in class,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, among others, the factors described under the Risk Factors section of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K for 2023, and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Agenus cautions investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this release. These statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Agenus undertakes no obligation to update or revise the statements, other than to the extent required by law. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.





Source: Agenus Inc.


What is the mechanism of action of Agenus' botensilimab (AGEN)?

Botensilimab is an Fc-enhanced anti-CTLA-4 antibody that leverages multiple immune-activating mechanisms simultaneously. It enhances T cell priming, reduces intratumoral regulatory T cells, and activates antigen-presenting cells, leading to a robust anti-tumor response.

How does botensilimab (AGEN) differ from traditional anti-CTLA-4 antibodies?

Unlike traditional anti-CTLA-4 antibodies, botensilimab's Fc-enhanced design allows it to activate multiple immune mechanisms simultaneously. It also shows efficacy regardless of factors that typically limit conventional immunotherapy, such as tumor neoantigen burden and FcγRIIIA genotype.

What types of cancers has botensilimab (AGEN) shown promise in treating?

Botensilimab has demonstrated significant promise in treating over nine difficult-to-treat cancers, including microsatellite stable colorectal cancer. It may extend clinical benefits to patient populations historically unresponsive to conventional immune checkpoint inhibitors.

How does botensilimab (AGEN) remodel the tumor microenvironment?

Botensilimab uniquely remodels the tumor microenvironment by reducing regulatory T cells and increasing T cell inflammation gene signatures. This process transforms 'cold' tumors that are unresponsive to immune therapies into 'hot' immunologically active tumors.

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