Afya Secures Loan of up to R$500 Million From IFC to Support the Company’s Expansion

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Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), Brazil's leading medical education and practice solutions provider, has secured a sustainability-linked loan of up to R$500 million from the International Finance (IFC). This financing, IFC's first in the education sector tied to social targets, will support Afya's expansion through acquisitions.

The loan's pricing is linked to Afya achieving specific social key performance indicators, including free medical consultations for the community and education quality metrics. The loan terms include:

  • Repayment in 7 semi-annual installments starting April 2027
  • Interest rate: Brazilian CDI rate plus 1.2%
  • Potential 15 bps rate reduction if sustainability targets are met

This strategic move underscores Afya's commitment to sustainable growth and social impact in Brazil's healthcare education sector.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), principale fornitore brasiliano di soluzioni per l'educazione medica e la pratica, ha ottenuto un prestito collegato alla sostenibilità fino a 500 milioni di R$ dalla International Finance Corporation (IFC). Questo finanziamento, il primo di IFC nel settore dell'istruzione legato a obiettivi sociali, supporterà l'espansione di Afya attraverso acquisizioni.

Il prezzo del prestito è collegato al raggiungimento da parte di Afya di specifici indicatori chiave di prestazione sociale, tra cui consulenze mediche gratuite per la comunità e metriche di qualità dell'istruzione. I termini del prestito includono:

  • Rimborso in 7 rate semestrali a partire da aprile 2027
  • Tasso di interesse: tasso CDI brasiliano più 1,2%
  • Possibile riduzione di 15 punti base del tasso se vengono raggiunti gli obiettivi di sostenibilità

Questa mossa strategica sottolinea l'impegno di Afya per una crescita sostenibile e un impatto sociale nel settore dell'educazione sanitaria in Brasile.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), el principal proveedor de soluciones de educación y práctica médica en Brasil, ha asegurado un préstamo vinculado a la sostenibilidad de hasta 500 millones de R$ de la International Finance Corporation (IFC). Este financiamiento, el primero de IFC en el sector de la educación vinculado a objetivos sociales, apoyará la expansión de Afya a través de adquisiciones.

El precio del préstamo está vinculado a que Afya logre específicos indicadores clave de rendimiento social, que incluyen consultas médicas gratuitas para la comunidad y métricas de calidad educativa. Los términos del préstamo incluyen:

  • Reembolso en 7 cuotas semestrales a partir de abril de 2027
  • Tasa de interés: tasa CDI brasileña más 1,2%
  • Posible reducción de 15 puntos básicos de la tasa si se alcanzan los objetivos de sostenibilidad

Este movimiento estratégico subraya el compromiso de Afya con el crecimiento sostenible y el impacto social en el sector de educación en salud de Brasil.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34)는 브라질 최고의 의료 교육 및 실습 솔루션 제공업체로서 최대 5억 브라질 레알 규모의 지속 가능성 연계 대출을 국제 금융 공사(IFC)로부터 확보했습니다. 이 자금 조달은 사회 목표와 연결된 교육 부문에서 IFC의 첫 번째 사례로, Afya의 인수 통해 확장을 지원할 것입니다.

대출 가격은 Afya가 커뮤니티를 위한 무료 의료 상담과 교육 품질 지표와 같은 특정 사회적 핵심 성과 지표를 달성하는 것과 연결되어 있습니다. 대출 조건은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 2027년 4월부터 시작하여 7회의 반기 상환
  • 이자율: 브라질 CDI 금리에 1.2% 추가
  • 지속 가능성 목표가 달성될 경우 이자율 15bp 인하 가능성

이 전략적 움직임은 브라질의 의료 교육 부문에서 Afya의 지속 가능한 성장 및 사회적 영향에 대한 의지를 강조합니다.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), principal fournisseur brésilien de solutions d'éducation et de pratiques médicales, a sécurisé un prêt lié à la durabilité d'un montant pouvant atteindre 500 millions de R$ de la part de la Société financière internationale (IFC). Ce financement, le premier d'IFC dans le secteur de l'éducation lié à des objectifs sociaux, soutiendra l'expansion d'Afya par le biais d'acquisitions.

Le tarif du prêt est lié à l'atteinte par Afya de spécifiques indicateurs clés de performance sociale, y compris des consultations médicales gratuites pour la communauté et des indicateurs de qualité de l'éducation. Les conditions du prêt comprennent :

  • Remboursement en 7 versements semestriels à partir d'avril 2027
  • Taux d'intérêt : taux CDI brésilien plus 1,2%
  • Réduction potentielle de 15 points de base si les objectifs de durabilité sont atteints

Ce mouvement stratégique souligne l'engagement d'Afya pour une croissance durable et un impact social dans le secteur de l'éducation à la santé au Brésil.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), der führende Anbieter von medizinischer Ausbildung und Praxislösungen in Brasilien, hat einen auf Nachhaltigkeit basierenden Kredit von bis zu 500 Millionen R$ von der International Finance Corporation (IFC) gesichert. Diese Finanzierung, die erste von IFC im Bildungssektor, die an soziale Ziele gebunden ist, wird Afya bei der Expansion durch Akquisitionen unterstützen.

Die Preisgestaltung des Kredits ist an das Erreichen spezifischer sozialer Leistungsindikatoren gebunden, die unter anderem kostenlose medizinische Beratungen für die Gemeinschaft und Qualitätskennzahlen der Ausbildung umfassen. Die Bedingungen des Kredits beinhalten:

  • Rückzahlung in 7 halbjährlichen Raten ab April 2027
  • Zinssatz: Brasilianischer CDI-Zinssatz plus 1,2%
  • Mögliche Senkung des Zinssatzes um 15 Basispunkte bei Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele

Dieser strategische Schritt unterstreicht Afya's Engagement für nachhaltiges Wachstum und sozialen Einfluss im brasilianischen Bildungssektor für das Gesundheitswesen.

  • Secured up to R$500 million in financing for expansion through acquisitions
  • First IFC sustainability-linked loan in education sector based on social targets
  • Potential interest rate reduction of 15 bps if sustainability KPIs are achieved
  • Long-term repayment schedule starting in April 2027
  • None.

This R$500 million loan from IFC marks a significant financial milestone for Afya, providing substantial capital for its expansion strategy. The sustainability-linked nature of the loan, with potential interest rate reductions tied to social KPIs, aligns financial incentives with Afya's social impact goals. The 7-year repayment term with a 4-year grace period offers Afya ample time to deploy capital and generate returns before repayments begin.

The loan's interest rate of CDI + 1.2% appears competitive, especially considering the potential 15 bps reduction if sustainability targets are met. This structure not only provides Afya with financial flexibility but also potentially lowers its cost of capital. Investors should note that this infusion of capital could accelerate Afya's growth trajectory, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue in the medical education and practice solutions sectors.

Afya's loan agreement with IFC is a pioneering move in the education sector, being the first sustainability-linked loan based on social targets. This demonstrates Afya's commitment to social impact alongside financial growth. The focus on free medical consultations and quality of education as key performance indicators aligns with critical needs in Brazil's healthcare and education systems.

The loan's structure incentivizes Afya to maintain high educational standards as per Brazil's Ministry of Education criteria, potentially raising the bar for medical education in the country. This could lead to improved healthcare outcomes and address physician shortages in underserved areas. The initiative may also set a precedent for other educational institutions, encouraging a broader trend of socially responsible financing in the sector.

This loan agreement positions Afya strategically in the rapidly growing medical education and healthcare solutions market in Brazil. The company's focus on expansion through acquisitions, backed by this substantial financing, could significantly enhance its market position. Afya's status as the leading medical education group in Brazil may be further solidified, potentially creating barriers to entry for competitors.

The sustainability-linked aspect of the loan also aligns with growing investor interest in ESG-focused companies. This could enhance Afya's appeal to socially conscious investors and potentially lead to improved valuations. The company's commitment to providing free medical consultations may also boost its brand image and customer loyalty, potentially driving long-term growth. Investors should monitor Afya's ability to meet its sustainability targets and the resulting impact on its market perception and financial performance.

NOVA LIMA, Brazil--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34) (“Afya” or the “Company”), the leading medical education group and medical practice solutions provider in Brazil announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Afya Participações S.A., entered into a loan agreement with International Finance Corporation ("IFC") to finance its expansion program, through acquisitions.

The financing is IFC’s first sustainability-linked loan based on social targets in the education sector. The pricing of IFC’s loan will be linked to Afya reaching performance target levels in selected social key performance indicators encompassing free medical consultations for the community and quality of education according to Brazil’s Ministry of Education criteria (“Sustainability KPIs”).

According to the financing terms, IFC will loan up to R$500.0 million, which shall be repaid in seven equal semi-annual installments starting in April 2027. The interest rate is the Brazilian CDI rate plus 1.2%, and it may be reduced by 15 bps if the Sustainability KPIs are achieved. The disbursement is subject to customary closing conditions.

For more information, please visit

About Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA, B3: A2FY34)

Afya is a leading medical education group in Brazil based on the number of medical school seats, delivering an end-to-end physician-centric ecosystem that serves and empowers students and physicians to transform their ambitions into rewarding lifelong experiences from the moment they join us as medical students through their medical residency preparation, graduation program, continuing medical education activities and offering medical practice solutions to help doctors enhance their healthcare services through their whole career.

Investor Relations Contact:

Afya Limited

Source: Afya Limited


What is the amount of the loan Afya secured from IFC?

Afya secured a loan of up to R$500 million from the International Finance (IFC).

What is the purpose of Afya's loan from IFC?

The loan is to finance Afya's expansion program through acquisitions.

What are the sustainability KPIs linked to Afya's loan from IFC?

The sustainability KPIs include free medical consultations for the community and quality of education according to Brazil's Ministry of Education criteria.

What are the repayment terms for Afya's loan from IFC?

The loan will be repaid in seven equal semi-annual installments starting in April 2027.

What is the interest rate for Afya's loan from IFC?

The interest rate is the Brazilian CDI rate plus 1.2%, with a potential reduction of 15 bps if sustainability KPIs are achieved.

Afya Limited


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