Afya Assumes a Voluntary Commitment to Free Health Consultations

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Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), Brazil's leading medical education group and medical practice solutions provider, has announced a commitment to provide 5 million free health consultations by 2030. This initiative aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

To achieve this goal, Afya plans to expand its network of outpatient clinics from 20 to 27, offering various medical specialties including psychology, physiotherapy, and dentistry. Additionally, the company will incorporate 16 undergraduate units into the Afya Digital Health Network, a telemedicine project facilitating knowledge exchange among professors, students, and preceptors.

Virgilio Gibbon, Afya's CEO and SDG 3 Impact Leader, emphasized the company's commitment to aligning business objectives with meaningful purpose, generating lasting impact on served populations, and promoting long-term improvements in community health and quality of life.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), il principale gruppo di formazione medica del Brasile e fornitore di soluzioni per la pratica medica, ha annunciato un impegno a fornire 5 milioni di consulti sanitari gratuiti entro il 2030. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 3 (SDG 3), che mira a garantire vite sane e promuovere il benessere per tutti.

Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, Afya prevede di espandere la propria rete di cliniche ambulatoriali da 20 a 27, offrendo varie specialità mediche tra cui psicologia, fisioterapia e odontoiatria. Inoltre, l'azienda integrerà 16 unità di laurea nella Rete di Salute Digitale Afya, un progetto di telemedicina che facilita lo scambio di conoscenze tra professori, studenti e tutor.

Virgilio Gibbon, CEO di Afya e Leader per l'Impatto SDG 3, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel allineare gli obiettivi commerciali a uno scopo significativo, generando un impatto duraturo sulle popolazioni servite e promuovendo miglioramenti a lungo termine nella salute delle comunità e nella qualità della vita.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), el principal grupo de educación médica de Brasil y proveedor de soluciones para la práctica médica, ha anunciado un compromiso para proporcionar 5 millones de consultas de salud gratuitas para el 2030. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 3 (ODS 3), que tiene como objetivo garantizar vidas saludables y promover el bienestar para todos.

Para lograr este objetivo, Afya planea expandir su red de clínicas ambulatorias de 20 a 27, ofreciendo diversas especialidades médicas que incluyen psicología, fisioterapia y odontología. Además, la empresa incorporará 16 unidades de grado en la Red de Salud Digital Afya, un proyecto de telemedicina que facilita el intercambio de conocimientos entre profesores, estudiantes y preceptores.

Virgilio Gibbon, CEO de Afya y Líder de Impacto del ODS 3, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de alinear los objetivos comerciales con un propósito significativo, generando un impacto duradero en las poblaciones atendidas y promoviendo mejoras a largo plazo en la salud comunitaria y la calidad de vida.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34)는 브라질의 주요 의료 교육 그룹이자 의료 관행 솔루션 제공업체로, 2030년까지 500만 회의 무료 건강 상담 제공을 약속했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 모두를 위한 건강한 삶을 보장하고 웰빙을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하는 지속 가능한 개발 목표 3(SDG 3)와 일치합니다.

이 목표를 달성하기 위해 Afya는 외래 진료소 네트워크를 20개에서 27개로 확장할 계획입니다, 심리학, 물리 치료 및 치과를 포함한 다양한 의학 전문 분야를 제공합니다. 또한, 이 회사는 Afya 디지털 건강 네트워크에 16개의 학부 단위를 통합할 것입니다, 이는 교수, 학생 및 지도자 간의 지식 교환을 촉진하는 원격 의료 프로젝트입니다.

Virgilio Gibbon, Afya의 CEO이자 SDG 3 영향력 리더는 회사가 비즈니스 목표를 의미 있는 목적과 일치시키고, 서비스하는 인구에 지속 가능한 영향을 생성하며, 커뮤니티 건강과 삶의 질에서 장기적인 개선을 촉진하기 위해 노력하고 있다고 강조했습니다.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), le principal groupe d'éducation médicale du Brésil et fournisseur de solutions pour la pratique médicale, a annoncé un engagement à fournir 5 millions de consultations de santé gratuites d'ici 2030. Cette initiative est en accord avec l'Objectif de Développement Durable 3 (ODD 3), qui vise à garantir des vies saines et à promouvoir le bien-être pour tous.

Pour atteindre cet objectif, Afya prévoit d'élargir son réseau de cliniques externes de 20 à 27, offrant diverses spécialités médicales au cours desquelles figurent la psychologie, la physiothérapie et la dentisterie. De plus, l'entreprise intégrera 16 unités de premier cycle dans le Réseau de Santé Numérique Afya, un projet de télémedecine facilitant l'échange de connaissances entre professeurs, étudiants et précepteurs.

Virgilio Gibbon, PDG d'Afya et Leader de l'Impact ODD 3, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à aligner les objectifs commerciaux sur un but significatif, générant un impact durable sur les populations desservies et promouvant des améliorations à long terme dans la santé communautaire et la qualité de vie.

Afya (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34), die führende medizinische Bildungseinrichtung Brasiliens und Anbieter von Lösungen für die medizinische Praxis, hat ein Engagement angekündigt, bis 2030 5 Millionen kostenlose Gesundheitsberatungen anzubieten. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 3 (SDG 3), das darauf abzielt, gesunde Leben zu gewährleisten und das Wohlbefinden für alle zu fördern.

Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, plant Afya, sein Netzwerk von ambulanten Kliniken von 20 auf 27 zu erweitern und bietet verschiedene medizinische Fachrichtungen an, darunter Psychologie, Physiotherapie und Zahnmedizin. Darüber hinaus wird das Unternehmen 16 Studiengänge in das Afya Digital Health Network integrieren, ein Telemedizinprojekt, das den Wissensaustausch zwischen Professoren, Studenten und Ausbildern erleichtert.

Virgilio Gibbon, CEO von Afya und Leiter des SDG 3 Impacts, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, Geschäftsziele mit einem sinnvollen Zweck in Einklang zu bringen, nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf die bedienten Bevölkerungen zu erzielen und langfristige Verbesserungen in der Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Gemeinschaft zu fördern.

  • Commitment to provide 5 million free health consultations by 2030
  • Planned expansion of outpatient clinics from 20 to 27
  • Integration of 16 undergraduate units into the Afya Digital Health Network
  • Alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3)
  • Potential for increased telemedicine services, especially in underserved specialties
  • None.


This commitment by Afya to provide 5 million free health consultations by 2030 is a significant step towards addressing healthcare accessibility issues in Brazil. The expansion of outpatient clinics from 20 to 27 and the inclusion of 16 undergraduate units in the Afya Digital Health Network demonstrate a comprehensive approach to healthcare delivery.

The focus on telemedicine and specialties like Psychiatry, where there's a shortage of professionals in certain regions, is particularly noteworthy. This strategy could potentially alleviate the uneven distribution of healthcare services across Brazil, a persistent challenge in the country's healthcare system.

However, while this initiative aligns with SDG 3 and could improve health outcomes, its impact on Afya's financial performance is less clear. The cost of providing free consultations and expanding facilities may pressure short-term profitability, but could enhance Afya's brand value and market position in the long run. Investors should monitor how this commitment affects Afya's operational costs and revenue growth in coming years.

NOVA LIMA, Brazil--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA; B3: A2FY34) (“Afya” or the “Company”), the leading medical education group and medical practice solutions provider in Brazil, announced a public commitment to achieve 5 million free health consultations by 2030, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all people, at all ages.

To serve the communities and achieve the estimated results, Afya intends to increase to 27 the number of its own outpatient clinics that carry out medical consultations and health care in various specialties, such as psychology, physiotherapy, dentistry, among others. Currently, there are 20 outpatient clinics in different locations.

In addition to expanding outpatient clinics, 16 undergraduate units will be included in the Afya Digital Health Network by 2030, a telemedicine project that will allow the exchange of experiences between professors, students, and preceptors. The project will also increase the offer of free consultations, especially in specialties where there is a shortage of professionals in some regions of activity, such as Psychiatry.

Virgilio Gibbon, Afya's CEO and SDG 3 Impact Leader, emphasizes that "Adherence to SDG 3 highlights how it is possible to align our business objectives with a meaningful purpose, generating a lasting impact on the populations we serve and promoting long-term changes in the quality of life and health of communities. To achieve this, we work closely with public agencies and initiatives such as the SDGs, to influence the creation of public policies that contribute to the establishment of doctors in geographically underserved areas and improve the ratio of doctors per thousand inhabitants", he explains.

About Afya Limited (Nasdaq: AFYA, B3: A2FY34)

Afya is a leading medical education group in Brazil based on the number of medical school seats, delivering an end-to-end physician-centric ecosystem that serves and empowers students and physicians to transform their ambitions into rewarding lifelong experiences from the moment they join us as medical students through their medical residency preparation, graduation program, continuing medical education activities and offering medical practice solutions to help doctors enhance their healthcare services through their whole career.

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Afya Limited

Source: Afya Limited


What is Afya's commitment to free health consultations by 2030?

Afya has committed to providing 5 million free health consultations by 2030, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

How many outpatient clinics does Afya (AFYA) plan to have by 2030?

Afya plans to expand its network of outpatient clinics from the current 20 to 27 by 2030, offering various medical specialties including psychology, physiotherapy, and dentistry.

What is the Afya Digital Health Network?

The Afya Digital Health Network is a telemedicine project that will incorporate 16 undergraduate units by 2030, facilitating knowledge exchange among professors, students, and preceptors, and increasing the offer of free consultations, especially in underserved specialties.

How does Afya's (AFYA) initiative align with SDG 3?

Afya's commitment to provide 5 million free health consultations by 2030 aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all people, at all ages.

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