description of the share buyback program 2024

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Air France-KLM (AFLYY) has announced its 2024 share buyback program, authorized by shareholders on June 5, 2024. The program allows the company to acquire up to 10% of its share capital, with a maximum of 26,259,634 shares available for purchase at a price not exceeding €40 per share. Key objectives include:

1. Canceling shares to reduce capital
2. Coordinating stock liquidity
3. Allocating shares for securities conversion
4. Distributing shares to employees and corporate officers
5. Using shares for payment in external growth transactions

The program will run for 18 months from the authorization date. This initiative demonstrates Air France-KLM's commitment to enhancing shareholder value and optimizing its capital structure.

Air France-KLM (AFLYY) ha annunciato il suo programma di riacquisto di azioni per il 2024, autorizzato dagli azionisti il 5 giugno 2024. Il programma consente all'azienda di acquisire fino al 10% del proprio capitale sociale, con un massimo di 26.259.634 azioni disponibili per l'acquisto a un prezzo che non supera i 40 € per azione. Obiettivi chiave includono:

1. Cancellazione delle azioni per ridurre il capitale
2. Coordinamento della liquidità azionaria
3. Assegnazione di azioni per la conversione di titoli
4. Distribuzione di azioni ai dipendenti e ai dirigenti aziendali
5. Utilizzo delle azioni come pagamento in operazioni di crescita esterna

Il programma avrà una durata di 18 mesi a partire dalla data di autorizzazione. Questa iniziativa dimostra l'impegno di Air France-KLM a migliorare il valore per gli azionisti e a ottimizzare la propria struttura di capitale.

Air France-KLM (AFLYY) ha anunciado su programa de recompra de acciones para 2024, autorizado por los accionistas el 5 de junio de 2024. El programa permite a la compañía adquirir hasta el 10% de su capital social, con un máximo de 26.259.634 acciones disponibles para la compra a un precio que no exceda los 40 € por acción. Principales objetivos incluyen:

1. Cancelación de acciones para reducir el capital
2. Coordinación de la liquidez de las acciones
3. Asignación de acciones para la conversión de valores
4. Distribución de acciones a empleados y ejecutivos corporativos
5. Uso de acciones para el pago en transacciones de crecimiento externo

El programa durará 18 meses a partir de la fecha de autorización. Esta iniciativa demuestra el compromiso de Air France-KLM de mejorar el valor para los accionistas y optimizar su estructura de capital.

항공사 에어 프랑스-켈룸(AFLYY)은 2024년 주식 매입 프로그램을 발표했으며, 이는 2024년 6월 5일 주주들에 의해 승인되었습니다. 이 프로그램은 회사가 최대 10%의 자본금을 인수할 수 있도록 하며, 최대 26,259,634주의 주식을 구매하는 데 사용될 수 있으며, 주당 가격은 40유로를 초과하지 않아야 합니다. 주요 목표는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 자본 감소를 위한 주식 매입
2. 주식 유동성 조정
3. 증권 전환을 위한 주식 배정
4. 직원 및 임원에게 주식 배포
5. 외부 성장 거래에서의 지불을 위한 주식 활용

이 프로그램은 승인 날짜로부터 18개월간 진행됩니다. 이 이니셔티브는 에어 프랑스-켈룸이 주주 가치를 높이고 자본 구조를 최적화하기 위한 의지를 보여줍니다.

Air France-KLM (AFLYY) a annoncé son programme de rachat d'actions pour 2024, autorisé par les actionnaires le 5 juin 2024. Le programme permet à l'entreprise d'acquérir jusqu'à 10% de son capital, avec un maximum de 26.259.634 actions disponibles à l'achat à un prix ne dépassant pas 40 € par action. Les objectifs clés comprennent :

1. Annulation des actions pour réduire le capital
2. Coordination de la liquidité des actions
3. Allocation d'actions pour la conversion de titres
4. Distribution d'actions aux employés et aux dirigeants
5. Utilisation d'actions comme paiement dans des transactions de croissance externe

Le programme se déroulera sur 18 mois à compter de la date d'autorisation. Cette initiative démontre l'engagement d'Air France-KLM à accroître la valeur pour les actionnaires et à optimiser sa structure de capital.

Air France-KLM (AFLYY) hat sein Aktienrückkaufprogramm für 2024 angekündigt, das von den Aktionären am 5. Juni 2024 genehmigt wurde. Das Programm erlaubt es dem Unternehmen, bis zu 10% seines Grundkapitals zu erwerben, wobei maximal 26.259.634 Aktien zu einem Preis von maximal 40 € pro Aktie erhältlich sind. Wesentliche Ziele umfassen:

1. Stornierung von Aktien zur Reduzierung des Kapitals
2. Koordinierung der Aktienliquidität
3. Zuweisung von Aktien zur Umwandlung von Wertpapieren
4. Verteilung von Aktien an Mitarbeiter und Unternehmensleitungen
5. Verwendung von Aktien zur Zahlung bei externen Wachstumsprojekten

Das Programm wird für 18 Monate ab dem Datum der Genehmigung laufen. Diese Initiative zeigt das Engagement von Air France-KLM, den Wert für die Aktionäre zu steigern und seine Kapitalstruktur zu optimieren.

  • Authorization to repurchase up to 10% of share capital, potentially increasing shareholder value
  • Flexibility to cancel shares, potentially improving earnings per share
  • Ability to use shares for employee compensation and retention programs
  • Option to use shares as currency for future acquisitions or growth opportunities
  • Maximum purchase price of €40 per share may limit buyback effectiveness if market price exceeds this level
  • Potential reduction in cash reserves or increased debt to fund the buyback program



Pursuant to Article 241-2 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), the purpose of this description is to present the objectives and terms of the share buyback program authorized by the Shareholders’ meeting of June 5, 2024.

  • Securities concerned: ordinary shares issued by AIR FRANCE – KLM.

  • Maximum amount of the share capital that may be acquired by the Company: 10 %.

  • Maximum number of shares that may be acquired by the Company, based on the number of shares composing the share capital as of June 30, 2024: 26,276,986, but considering the 17,352 treasury shares, only 26,259,634 shares may be purchased.

  • Allocation of the treasury shares as of June 30, 2024: the 17,352 treasury shares as of June 30, 2024 will be allocated to meet obligations arising from share allotment plans in respect of the remuneration of corporate officers.

  • Maximum purchase price per share: €40.

  • Objectives :

The objectives of the share buyback program under the terms of 21st resolution of the Shareholders’ meeting of June 5, 2024 are as follow:

  1. to cancel them by way of a capital reduction,
  2. to allow an investment firm to coordinate stock liquidity within the framework of a liquidity contract in compliance with the Compliance Charter recognized by the AMF,
  3. to allocate shares upon exercise of the rights to shares attached to securities issued by the Company or by companies in which it holds, either directly or indirectly, more than half of the share capital and that grant the right to the allocation of Company shares via conversion, exercise, repayment, exchange, presentation of a warrant or any other means,
  4. to carry out any allocation or sale of shares to employees and/or corporate officers of the Company and companies, located in France or internationally, related to it under the conditions set forth in Article L. 225-180 of French Commercial Code, any allocation of free shares, any employee shareholding scheme, any Company compensation scheme, within the context of, in particular, the relevant provisions set forth under the French Commercial Code and/or French Labor Code, or French or foreign legal and regulatory provisions and the execution of any hedging transaction associated with these related party transactions and commitments of the Company, under the conditions provided for by the market authorities and at the times at which the Board of Directors or the person acting pursuant to a delegation of power granted by the Board of Directors takes action,
  5. to hold or remit shares in order to use them as payment or in an exchange offer within the framework of external growth transactions,
  6. and, more generally, to engage in any market practice that may be admissible by law or by the AMF and to execute any transaction in compliance with the applicable regulations, it being specified that, in such a case, the Company would inform its shareholders by means of a press release.
  • Duration of the program: 18 months as of the Shareholders’ meeting of June 5, 2024.



What is the maximum number of shares Air France-KLM (AFLYY) can repurchase under its 2024 buyback program?

Air France-KLM can repurchase up to 26,259,634 shares under its 2024 buyback program, which represents 10% of its share capital as of June 30, 2024, after accounting for existing treasury shares.

What is the maximum price per share for Air France-KLM's (AFLYY) 2024 share buyback program?

The maximum purchase price per share for Air France-KLM's 2024 share buyback program is €40.

How long will Air France-KLM's (AFLYY) 2024 share buyback program last?

Air France-KLM's 2024 share buyback program will last for 18 months from the authorization date of June 5, 2024.

What are the main objectives of Air France-KLM's (AFLYY) 2024 share buyback program?

The main objectives include canceling shares to reduce capital, coordinating stock liquidity, allocating shares for securities conversion, distributing shares to employees and corporate officers, and using shares for payment in external growth transactions.



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