My Special Aflac Duck(R) Goes To Camp

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Aflac and Sunrise Association partnered to deliver over 75 My Special Aflac Ducks to children at Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC. This initiative supports kids with cancer and their siblings, offering free summer camp experiences while continuing treatments. Aflac contributed $70,000 to Sunrise Associates in 2024, part of its nearly 30-year, $184 million commitment to pediatric cancer and blood disorder initiatives.

Since 2018, Aflac has distributed over 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to children with cancer or blood disorders. A recent clinical study showed that these robotic companions help pediatric patients cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety. Health care providers and families can order My Special Aflac Duck free of charge for eligible children at

Aflac e Sunrise Association hanno collaborato per consegnare oltre 75 My Special Aflac Ducks ai bambini del Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC. Questa iniziativa supporta i bambini affetti da cancro e i loro fratelli, offrendo esperienze estive gratuite mentre continuano il trattamento. Aflac ha contribuito con 70.000 dollari a Sunrise Associates nel 2024, parte della sua impegno di quasi 30 anni, pari a 184 milioni di dollari, per iniziative riguardanti il cancro pediatrico e i disturbi ematologici.

Dal 2018, Aflac ha distribuito oltre 32.000 My Special Aflac Ducks a bambini con cancro o disturbi ematologici. Un recente studio clinico ha dimostrato che questi compagni robotici aiutano i pazienti pediatrici a far fronte a stress e ansia legati ai trattamenti. I fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e le famiglie possono ordinare il My Special Aflac Duck gratuitamente per i bambini idonei su

Aflac y Sunrise Association se unieron para entregar más de 75 My Special Aflac Ducks a niños en Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC. Esta iniciativa apoya a niños con cáncer y a sus hermanos, ofreciendo experiencias de campamento de verano gratuitas mientras continúan con sus tratamientos. Aflac contribuyó con 70,000 dólares a Sunrise Associates en 2024, como parte de su compromiso de casi 30 años de 184 millones de dólares hacia iniciativas de cáncer pediátrico y desórdenes de sangre.

Desde 2018, Aflac ha distribuido más de 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks a niños con cáncer o desórdenes de sangre. Un estudio clínico reciente mostró que estos compañeros robóticos ayudan a los pacientes pediátricos a afrontar el malestar y la ansiedad relacionados con el tratamiento. Los proveedores de atención médica y las familias pueden pedir un My Special Aflac Duck de forma gratuita para los niños elegibles en

AflacSunrise Association이 협력하여 Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC의 어린이들에게 75개 이상의 My Special Aflac Ducks를 전달했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 암에 걸린 어린이와 그 형제들을 지원하며, 치료를 계속하는 동안 무료 여름 캠프 경험을 제공합니다. Aflac은 2024년에 Sunrise Associates에 70,000달러를 기부했으며, 이는 아동 암과 혈액 질환 관련 이니셔티브에 대한 거의 30년 동안 1억 8400만 달러에 달하는 약속의 일환입니다.

2018년 이후로 Aflac은 암이나 혈액 질환이 있는 어린이들에게 32,000개 이상의 My Special Aflac Ducks를 배포했습니다. 최근 임상 연구에 따르면 이러한 로봇 동반자는 소아 환자들이 치료와 관련된 스트레스와 불안을 극복하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 의료 제공자와 가족들은 eligible 어린이를 위해 myspecialaflacduck.com에서 무료로 My Special Aflac Duck을 주문할 수 있습니다.

Aflac et Sunrise Association se sont associés pour livrer plus de 75 My Special Aflac Ducks aux enfants du Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC. Cette initiative soutient les enfants atteints de cancer et leurs frères et sœurs, en offrant des expériences de camp d'été gratuites tout en poursuivant leurs traitements. Aflac a contribué 70 000 dollars à Sunrise Associates en 2024, dans le cadre de son engagement de près de 30 ans d'un montant de 184 millions de dollars pour des initiatives liées au cancer pédiatrique et aux troubles sanguins.

Depuis 2018, Aflac a distribué plus de 32 000 My Special Aflac Ducks aux enfants atteints de cancer ou de troubles sanguins. Une étude clinique récente a montré que ces compagnons robotiques aident les patients pédiatriques à faire face à la détresse et à l'anxiété liées aux traitements. Les prestataires de soins de santé et les familles peuvent commander un My Special Aflac Duck gratuitement pour les enfants éligibles sur

Aflac und Sunrise Association haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um über 75 My Special Aflac Ducks an Kinder im Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC zu übergeben. Diese Initiative unterstützt krebskranke Kinder und deren Geschwister und bietet kostenlose Sommerlagermöglichkeiten an, während sie weiterhin behandelt werden. Aflac hat 2024 70.000 US-Dollar an Sunrise Associates beigetragen, was Teil eines fast 30-jährigen Engagements von 184 Millionen US-Dollar für Initiativen zur Bekämpfung von Kinderkrebs und Blutkrankheiten ist.

Seit 2018 hat Aflac über 32.000 My Special Aflac Ducks an Kinder mit Krebs oder Blutkrankheiten verteilt. Eine aktuelle klinische Studie hat gezeigt, dass diese Roboterbegleiter den kleinen Patienten helfen, mit behandlungsbedingtem Stress und Angst umzugehen. Gesundheitsdienstleister und Familien können My Special Aflac Duck kostenlos für berechtigte Kinder unter bestellen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 17, 2024 / Aflac Incorporated
Originally published on Aflac Newsroom

When you hear the phrase, "the joys of childhood," it may evoke memories of chasing butterflies in the backyard, baking cookies with grandma or maybe a crafts table stacked high with items handmade with love.

Sadly, for the 10,000 kids diagnosed with cancer each year, childhood may also carry other memories - machines, medications and, in many cases, isolation become a part of their day-to-day lives.

That's why Sunrise Association offers day camp programs throughout the country that give children with cancer and their siblings the opportunity to participate in a full-summer experience while continuing their treatments and enjoying the comfort and safety of their homes at night. And they provide this gift, free of charge.

With a shared mission, Aflac paired up with Sunrise Association this summer to deliver more than 75 My Special Aflac Ducks®, also free of charge, to children at Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC, a project between the Pozez JCC and the Sunrise Association. Campers were given a demonstration of the duck and an overview of their new companion's features that provide additional delight through innovative technology to help children prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, practice distraction techniques and more. This is the third year the two organizations have worked together to deliver the cuddly companion to campers.

Watch this video to hear what Ann Marie Tilias, mother of three campers, has to say about her family's experience.

In 2024, Aflac contributed $70,000 to Sunrise Associates to help support children with cancer and their siblings to go to camp which, like My Special Aflac Duck, is completely free of charge.To date, Aflac has given $190,000 to help support Sunrise Association, a part of Aflac's nearly 30-year and more than $184 million commitment to the pediatric cancer and blood disorder initiative.

Since 2018, Aflac has distributed more than 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to children ages 3 and up with a pediatric cancer or blood disorders like a sickle cell diagnosis. The robotic companion was designed in consult with more than 100 children, families and medical professionals in conjunction with Empath Labs to produce the comforting, lifelike movements, and many more features that bring cheer. My Special Aflac Duck was recently the focus of a three-year clinical study spearheaded by researchers at Emory University and conducted at eight hospitals across the country. The study, which included 160 patients, their families and health care professionals, was released in April, showing that My Special Aflac Duck helps pediatric patients with cancer cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety.

Health care providers, support organizations and families can order My Special Aflac Duck free of charge for children 3 years or older who have been diagnosed with cancer or sickle cell disease at


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SOURCE: Aflac Incorporated

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How many My Special Aflac Ducks were delivered to Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC in 2024?

Aflac delivered more than 75 My Special Aflac Ducks to children at Horizon Day Camp - Metro DC in 2024.

What is the purpose of the My Special Aflac Duck for children with cancer?

The My Special Aflac Duck helps children with cancer prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, practice distraction techniques, and cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety.

How much did Aflac (AFL) contribute to Sunrise Associates in 2024?

Aflac contributed $70,000 to Sunrise Associates in 2024 to support children with cancer and their siblings attending camp.

How many My Special Aflac Ducks has Aflac (AFL) distributed since 2018?

Since 2018, Aflac has distributed more than 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to children with pediatric cancer or blood disorders.

What did the clinical study about My Special Aflac Duck reveal?

The three-year clinical study, released in April, showed that My Special Aflac Duck helps pediatric patients with cancer cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety.

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