My Special Aflac Duck® 'boroughs' into a new home: Children's Hospital at Montefiore in The Bronx

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Aflac Incorporated, a leading health supplemental insurance provider in the U.S., has donated 40 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients at Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) in The Bronx. This marks Aflac's first delivery in New York, bringing the total number of ducks distributed since 2018 to over 31,000. My Special Aflac Duck is a social robot designed to help children prepare for medical procedures, communicate feelings, and practice distraction techniques.

A recent three-year study showed that the duck helps reduce distress, nausea, pain, and treatment anxiety in children. The program is part of Aflac's broader commitment to pediatric cancer and blood disorder research, with over $184 million donated to date. Health care providers and families can order My Special Aflac Duck free of charge for eligible children at

Aflac Incorporated, un'importante fornitore di assicurazioni sanitarie supplementari negli Stati Uniti, ha donato 40 My Special Aflac Ducks a pazienti pediatrici affetti da cancro e anemia falciforme presso il Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) nel Bronx. Questo segna la prima consegna di Aflac a New York, portando il numero totale di anatre distribuite dal 2018 a oltre 31.000. Il My Special Aflac Duck è un robot sociale progettato per aiutare i bambini a prepararsi per le procedure mediche, comunicare sentimenti e praticare tecniche di distrazione.

Un recente studio di tre anni ha dimostrato che l'anatra aiuta a ridurre il disagio, la nausea, il dolore e l'ansia da trattamento nei bambini. Il programma fa parte del più ampio impegno di Aflac nella ricerca sul cancro pediatrico e sui disturbi del sangue, con oltre 184 milioni di dollari donati fino ad oggi. I fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e le famiglie possono ordinare il My Special Aflac Duck gratuitamente per i bambini idonei su

Aflac Incorporated, un proveedor líder de seguros de salud suplementarios en EE. UU., ha donado 40 My Special Aflac Ducks a pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y anemia de células falciformes en el Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) en El Bronx. Esta es la primera entrega de Aflac en Nueva York, lo que eleva el número total de patos distribuidos desde 2018 a más de 31,000. My Special Aflac Duck es un robot social diseñado para ayudar a los niños a prepararse para procedimientos médicos, comunicar sentimientos y practicar técnicas de distracción.

Un estudio reciente de tres años mostró que el pato ayuda a reducir la angustia, la náusea, el dolor y la ansiedad por tratamiento en los niños. El programa es parte del compromiso más amplio de Aflac con la investigación sobre el cáncer pediátrico y los trastornos sanguíneos, con más de $184 millones donados hasta la fecha. Los proveedores de atención médica y las familias pueden solicitar el My Special Aflac Duck de forma gratuita para los niños elegibles en

Aflac Incorporated는 미국의 주요 건강 보조 보험 제공업체로, 브롱크스의 몬테피오레 어린이 병원(Children's Hospital at Montefiore, CHAM)에서 백혈병과 겸상세포 빈혈에 걸린 소아 환자들에게 40개의 My Special Aflac Ducks를 기부했습니다. 이는 Aflac의 뉴욕 첫 배송으로, 2018년 이후 배포된 오리의 총 수는 31,000개 이상입니다. My Special Aflac Duck은 아이들이 의료 절차에 대비하고, 감정을 전달하며, 주의 전환 기법을 연습하는 데 도움을 주도록 설계된 사회적 로봇입니다.

최근 3년간의 연구에 따르면, 이 오리는 아이들의 고통, 메스꺼움, 통증 및 치료 불안을 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다. 이 프로그램은 Aflac의 소아 암 및 혈액 장애 연구에 대한 더 포괄적인 약속의 일환으로, 현재까지 1억8400만 달러 이상이 기부되었습니다. 의료 제공자와 가족은 MySpecialAflacDuck.com에서 적격 아동을 위해 My Special Aflac Duck을 무료로 주문할 수 있습니다.

Aflac Incorporated, un fournisseur leader d'assurances santé complémentaires aux États-Unis, a fait don de 40 My Special Aflac Ducks à des patients pédiatriques atteints de cancer et de drépanocytose à l'hôpital pour enfants Montefiore (CHAM) dans le Bronx. Il s'agit de la première livraison d'Aflac à New York, portant le nombre total de canards distribués depuis 2018 à plus de 31 000. Le My Special Aflac Duck est un robot social conçu pour aider les enfants à se préparer aux procédures médicales, à exprimer leurs émotions et à pratiquer des techniques de distraction.

Une étude récente de trois ans a montré que le canard aide à réduire la détresse, la nausée, la douleur et l'anxiété liée aux traitements chez les enfants. Le programme fait partie de l'engagement plus large d'Aflac en faveur de la recherche sur le cancer pédiatrique et les troubles sanguins, avec plus de 184 millions de dollars donnés à ce jour. Les prestataires de soins de santé et les familles peuvent commander le My Special Aflac Duck gratuitement pour les enfants éligibles sur

Aflac Incorporated, ein führender Anbieter von Zusatzversicherungen für die Gesundheit in den USA, hat 40 My Special Aflac Ducks an pädiatrische Krebspatienten und Patienten mit Sichelzellenanämie im Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) in der Bronx gespendet. Dies ist die erste Lieferung von Aflac in New York und bringt die Gesamtzahl der seit 2018 verteilten Enten auf über 31.000. My Special Aflac Duck ist ein sozialer Roboter, der entwickelt wurde, um Kindern zu helfen, sich auf medizinische Eingriffe vorzubereiten, Gefühle zu kommunizieren und Ablenkungstechniken zu üben.

Eine aktuelle dreijährige Studie hat gezeigt, dass der Duck hilft, Stress, Übelkeit, Schmerzen und Behandlungsangst bei Kindern zu reduzieren. Das Programm ist Teil von Aflacs breiterem Engagement für die Forschung zu pädiatrischem Krebs und Blutkrankheiten, mit über 184 Millionen Dollar, die bisher gespendet wurden. Gesundheitsdienstleister und Familien können My Special Aflac Duck kostenlos für berechtigte Kinder unter bestellen.

  • Aflac has distributed over 31,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric patients since 2018
  • A three-year study showed the duck helps reduce distress, nausea, pain, and treatment anxiety in children
  • Aflac has donated over $184 million to pediatric cancer and blood disorder research and programs
  • None.

40 of the robotic companions donated to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients courtesy of Aflac

BRONX, N.Y., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Children at Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) now have a new best friend thanks to Aflac Incorporated, a leading provider of health supplemental insurance in the U.S. The Columbus, Georgia-based insurer donated 40 My Special Aflac Ducks at an event Tuesday.  Since the first duck delivery in 2018, Aflac has placed more than 31,000 My Special Aflac Ducks in the hands of pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients ages 3 and up free of charge, providing comfort and joy during their treatment journeys.

Aflac Senior Vice President Ines Gutzmer provides My Special Aflac Duck to a child being treated at Montefiore Children's Hospital in the Bronx, New York, along with Sunrise Association, a national organization that provides free day camps for children with cancer and their siblings.

"The happiness and delight that the children experience says it all," said Ines Rodriguez Gutzmer, Aflac senior vice president and chief Communications officer. "September is Childhood Cancer and Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and today, in our first-ever delivery in New York, we saw more than 40 pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients get a cuddly new friend who will help them in treatment and beyond. Their excitement and our ability to help these kids and their families, is what drives Aflac's philanthropic mission. We're thankful to the Children's Hospital at Montefiore and to Sunrise Association for making this very special duck delivery possible."

My Special Aflac Duck is a social robot powered by innovative technology that helps kids prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, practice distraction techniques and more. A three-year study released in April revealed that both parents and caregivers reported a reduction in distress, nausea, pain and treatment — and procedural anxiety — for their children who received My Special Aflac Duck, compared to those in the study who had not yet received a duck. My Special Aflac Duck was named one of Time Magazine's 50 Best Inventions and named Best in Show at CES and South by Southwest in 2018. The My Special Aflac Duck program is a hallmark of Aflac's more than $184 million given toward pediatric cancer and blood disorder research and programs, including support of the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children's Hospital of Atlanta.

"We are very grateful to Aflac and Sunrise Association for delivering ducks to our patients at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore," said Meghan D. Kelly, MSEd, CCLS, director, Phoebe H. Stein Child Life Program, CHAM. "Dealing with illness can be stressful for children and families, so it is always wonderful when partners visit our hospital and help us to brighten their day."

"Sunrise Association is thrilled to once again partner with Aflac in bringing the My Special Aflac Duck to the children at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month," said Beth Fetner, Sunrise Association Chief Development Officer. "This collaboration is a testament to the power of partnerships in delivering joy and comfort to children facing challenges. Aflac's commitment to easing the journey for these young patients aligns perfectly with our mission to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer. Together, we are creating moments of happiness and hope for these brave children and their families."

Health care providers, support organizations and families can order My Special Aflac Duck free of charge for children 3 years or older who have been diagnosed with cancer or sickle cell disease at

Aflac Incorporated (NYSE: AFL), a Fortune 500 company, has helped provide financial protection and peace of mind for more than 68 years to millions of policyholders and customers through its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., Aflac is the No. 1 provider of supplemental health insurance products.1 In Japan, Aflac Life Insurance Japan is the leading provider of cancer and medical insurance in terms of policies in force. The company takes pride in being there for its policyholders when they need us most, as well as being included in the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for 18 consecutive years (2024), Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies for 23 years (2024) and Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year (2023). In addition, the company became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2021 and has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (2023) for 10 years. To find out how to get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover, get to know us at or Investors may learn more about Aflac Incorporated and its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability at under "Sustainability."

1 LIMRA 2023 U.S. Supplemental Health Insurance Total Market Report 


Media contact: Jon Sullivan, 706-763-4813 or

Analyst and investor contact: David A. Young, 706-596-3264, 800-235-2667 or

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How many My Special Aflac Ducks were donated to Children's Hospital at Montefiore?

Aflac donated 40 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in The Bronx.

What is the total number of My Special Aflac Ducks distributed by Aflac (AFL) since 2018?

Since 2018, Aflac has distributed over 31,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients.

How much has Aflac (AFL) donated towards pediatric cancer and blood disorder research?

Aflac has donated over $184 million towards pediatric cancer and blood disorder research and programs.

What benefits does the My Special Aflac Duck provide to pediatric patients?

My Special Aflac Duck helps children prepare for medical procedures, communicate feelings, practice distraction techniques, and reduces distress, nausea, pain, and treatment anxiety.

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