Health care advocate and YouTube star "Doctor Mike" Varshavski joins Aflac on their Wellness Matters campaign, urging young people to develop better health habits

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Aflac's 2024 Wellness Matters Survey, featuring health advocate and YouTube star Doctor Mike Varshavski, reveals concerning trends in young Americans' health habits. The survey shows that despite high concern for their health, 84% of millennials and 81% of Gen Z delay important health checkups. Many young people primarily use urgent care or emergency rooms instead of building relationships with primary care physicians.

Key findings include:

  • 70% of Gen Z and 66% of millennials rely on urgent care or ER for health needs
  • 1 in 5 young adults ignore concerning symptoms
  • Men are more likely to skip appointments but respond well to encouragement from loved ones
Doctor Mike emphasizes the importance of regular screenings and preventive care, noting that 63% of cancer diagnoses were discovered through routine exams or scheduled screenings.

Il sondaggio Wellness Matters 2024 di Aflac, con l'advocato della salute e star di YouTube Doctor Mike Varshavski, rivela tendenze preoccupanti nelle abitudini di salute dei giovani americani. Il sondaggio mostra che, nonostante l'alta preoccupazione per la propria salute, l'84% dei millennial e l'81% della Gen Z rimandano controlli medici importanti. Molti giovani si rivolgono principalmente alle cure urgenti o ai pronto soccorso invece di costruire rapporti con i medici di base.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Il 70% della Gen Z e il 66% dei millennial si affidano a cure urgenti o pronto soccorso per le loro necessità di salute
  • 1 giovane adulto su 5 ignora sintomi preoccupanti
  • Gli uomini sono più propensi a saltare gli appuntamenti ma rispondono bene agli incoraggiamenti da parte dei loro cari
Il Doctor Mike sottolinea l'importanza di screening regolari e di cure preventive, osservando che il 63% delle diagnosi di cancro sono state scoperte attraverso esami di routine o screening programmati.

La Encuesta sobre Bienestar 2024 de Aflac, con el defensor de la salud y estrella de YouTube Doctor Mike Varshavski, revela tendencias preocupantes en los hábitos de salud de los jóvenes estadounidenses. La encuesta muestra que, a pesar de tener una alta preocupación por su salud, el 84% de los millennials y el 81% de la Generación Z posponen chequeos de salud importantes. Muchos jóvenes recurren principalmente a la atención urgente o a las salas de emergencia en lugar de establecer relaciones con médicos de atención primaria.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 70% de la Generación Z y el 66% de los millennials dependen de la atención urgente o de la sala de emergencias para sus necesidades de salud
  • 1 de cada 5 jóvenes adultos ignora síntomas preocupantes
  • Los hombres son más propensos a saltarse las citas, pero responden bien a los ánimos de sus seres queridos
El Doctor Mike enfatiza la importancia de los exámenes regulares y la atención preventiva, señalando que el 63% de los diagnósticos de cáncer se descubrieron a través de exámenes rutinarios o exámenes programados.

Aflac의 2024 웰니스 매터스 설문조사에서 건강 옹호자이자 YouTube 스타인 닥터 마이크 바르샤프스키가 젊은 미국인의 건강 습관에 대한 우려스러운 경향을 드러냈습니다. 설문조사에 따르면 자신의 건강에 대한 높은 우려에도 불구하고 밀레니얼의 84%와 Z세대의 81%는 중요한 건강 검진을 미루고 있습니다. 많은 젊은이들이 1차 진료 의사와의 관계를 구축하기보다는 주로 응급 치료나 응급실을 이용하고 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Z세대의 70%와 밀레니얼의 66%가 건강 문제를 해결하기 위해 응급 치료나 응급실에 의존합니다
  • 5명의 젊은 성인 중 1명은 우려되는 증상을 무시합니다
  • 남성은 약속을 건너뛸 가능성이 더 높지만 사랑하는 사람들의 격려에 잘 반응합니다
닥터 마이크는 정기적인 검진과 예방 치료의 중요성을 강조하며, 암 진단의 63%가 정기 검진 또는 예정된 검사에서 발견되었다고 지적했습니다.

Le sondage sur la santé 2024 d'Aflac, présenté par le défenseur de la santé et star de YouTube Doctor Mike Varshavski, révèle des tendances préoccupantes concernant les habitudes de santé des jeunes Américains. Le sondage montre que, malgré une forte préoccupation pour leur santé, 84 % des millennials et 81 % de la génération Z retardent des examens de santé importants. De nombreux jeunes utilisent principalement les soins d'urgence ou les services d'urgence au lieu d'établir des relations avec des médecins généralistes.

Les principales conclusions incluent:

  • 70 % de la génération Z et 66 % des millennials comptent sur les soins d'urgence ou les urgences pour leurs besoins de santé
  • 1 jeune adulte sur 5 ignore des symptômes préoccupants
  • Les hommes ont plus tendance à manquer des rendez-vous mais réagissent bien aux encouragements de leurs proches
Doctor Mike souligne l'importance des dépistages réguliers et des soins préventifs, notant que 63 % des diagnostics de cancer ont été découverts grâce à des examens de routine ou des dépistages programmés.

Die Wellness Matters-Umfrage 2024 von Aflac, die den Gesundheitsbefürworter und YouTube-Star Doktor Mike Varshavski vorstellt, deckt besorgniserregende Trends im Gesundheitsverhalten junger Amerikaner auf. Die Umfrage zeigt, dass trotz großer Besorgnis über ihre Gesundheit 84% der Millennials und 81% der Gen Z wichtige Gesundheitsuntersuchungen aufschieben. Viele junge Menschen suchen hauptsächlich Akutversorgung oder Notaufnahmen auf, anstatt Beziehungen zu Hausärzten aufzubauen.

Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

  • 70% der Gen Z und 66% der Millennials verlassen sich für ihre Gesundheitsbedürfnisse auf Akutversorgung oder Notaufnahmen
  • 1 von 5 jungen Erwachsenen ignoriert besorgniserregende Symptome
  • Männer neigen dazu, Termine auszulassen, reagieren jedoch gut auf Ermutigung von Angehörigen
Doktor Mike betont die Bedeutung regelmäßiger Untersuchungen und präventiver Pflege und weist darauf hin, dass 63% der Krebsdiagnosen durch routinemäßige Untersuchungen oder geplante Screenings entdeckt wurden.

  • Aflac's partnership with popular health advocate Doctor Mike Varshavski may increase brand visibility and credibility
  • The Wellness Matters Survey provides valuable data on health trends, potentially guiding future product development
  • Increased awareness of preventive care importance may lead to higher insurance policy uptake
  • No specific financial or business metrics provided in the press release
  • No direct impact on Aflac's current financial performance or stock price mentioned

Board-certified family medicine physician addresses his social media audience — 25 million strong — to discuss common mistakes young people make with health care and how to fix them

COLUMBUS, Ga., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- When it comes to taking care of their health, there are a few simple things that young people may be missing: making and keeping appointments with their primary care physicians, and leaning too heavily on urgent care and the emergency room for their primary care. This, according to Doctor Mike Varshavski, is supported by the second annual Aflac Wellness Matters Survey,1 recently released by Aflac, a leading provider of supplemental health insurance in the U.S. 

"Doctor Mike" Varshavski, a board-certified family medicine physician, hosts "The Checkup Podcast" with 12 million-plus YouTube subscribers and was named People Magazine's Sexiest Doctor Alive. Doctor Mike is revealing alarming statistics from the Aflac Wellness Matters survey as a callout to younger Americans to advocate for their own health and wellness, while gently encouraging friends and family to do the same.

"The results of the Aflac survey are aligned with what I see every day through my patients as a board-certified physician, particularly when it comes to younger people," explained Varshavski. "Looking good, taking supplements and taking part in the latest health fads won't guarantee wellness. Young people need to take a more proactive and holistic approach to their health care, which includes seeing your primary physician regularly for recommended screenings, exams and preventive care."

Mistakes young people make with their health 
Ironically, the study reveals that younger Americans are hyper-focused on and worry about their physical and mental health — even more so than their social media reputation, getting a promotion or politics. Yet, they are often complacent about their health care. In fact, in spite of significant worrying about their mental and physical health and checkups, 84% of millennials and 81% of Gen Z put off a health checkup or important screenings beyond the recommended time frame. And many millennials admit avoiding essential health screenings altogether, including:

  • Pap smear: 34% women overall (40% millennials).
  • STD screening: 23% overall (32% millennials).
  • Full body skin cancer exam: 27% overall (31% millennials).
  • Blood test: 32% overall (39% millennials).

The study shows that most young people, 70% of Gen Z and 66% of millennials, primarily use urgent care or the emergency room for their health care needs instead of building a relationship with their doctor. Furthermore, an alarming 1 in 5 Gen Z and millennials put off seeing their doctor even though they had a nagging feeling something was wrong (at a higher rate than Gen X, 13%, or baby boomers, 11%), showing young people may not be listening to their gut when they are feeling "off."

"Having a primary doctor who you know and trust — and who knows your health situation — can help you to know when you need regular screenings and help you stay on top of your health," explained Varshavski. "Urgent care, emergency rooms and specialty physicians play an important role in continuity of care, but a primary care doctor can stay with their patients over time, helping them with a variety of health concerns and charting their health history. It's all about continuity of care so that patients feel empowered with both information and choices to take care of their health."

Early detection is one of the best ways to treat and prevent serious illnesses 

The study looked at those who've experienced a cancer diagnosis, and more than a quarter found out they had cancer because of a regularly scheduled cancer screening or routine exam (34% regularly scheduled screening, 29% routine exam), emphasizing the importance of regular screenings.

On his YouTube channel, Doctor Mike discusses how young people reported logistics, such as difficulty taking time from work, as their biggest barrier to getting timely wellness checkups and screenings. Other reasons included feeling healthy or believing checkups aren't necessary at their age, negative emotions like fear or not trusting doctors, and insurance issues.

"As an actuary whose job is to analyze health care data, I can say without hesitation that it is in the interest of the policyholder, the health care system and the insurance company to practice self-discipline to stay on top of your personal, preventive health care," said Tom Morey, Aflac U.S. chief actuary. "And while health care issues are statistically correlated with age, I can say as someone who lost two years of my life to an unexpected illness in my 20s, when it is happening to you, statistics don't matter as much."

Evidence-based ways to get men to the doctor

The Aflac Wellness Matters survey uncovered that men have a more positive outlook about their current health status and ability to control their health than women. However, men also more often reported skipping appointments because they are healthy right now and/or don't need checkups at their age (27% vs. 20% among women). They were more likely to report delaying or forgetting to schedule important screenings and more likely than women to admit they primarily use urgent care or the emergency room for their health needs (56% v. 47% of women).

The study found evidence-based ways that can help, including that men respond well to encouragement from friends and family. Men were more likely to see a doctor if nudged or urged by a loved one to go (73% vs. 65% of women) and men more often reported a better health outcome when they are urged to go to the doctor: 71% v. 60% of women.

Preventive wellness makes financial sense

Having regular wellness checkups and screenings can help identify illness early and possibly help reduce long-term health costs. However, the study found that young people in particular were more likely to not have coverage or not know if screenings are covered by their insurance.

"At Aflac, our aim is to help bring these numbers down by bringing awareness to young Americans of the importance of building healthy habits early in life — whether that is starting one healthy habit, making an appointment you've been putting off or gently nudging a loved one to do the same," said Morey. "It's the small steps forward that make a difference over time."

Watch the video: Mistakes Young People Make About their Health.

To learn more about the 2024 Wellness Matters survey and to find tips on how to take charge of your own health and encourage others to prioritize theirs, visit

The 2024 Aflac Wellness Matters Survey, examining attitudes, habits and opinions about health and preventive care, was conducted among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 employed U.S. adults ages 18-65 in April 2024 by Kantar Profiles on behalf of Aflac.

Aflac Incorporated (NYSE: AFL), a Fortune 500 company, has helped provide financial protection and peace of mind for more than 68 years to millions of policyholders and customers through its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., Aflac is the No. 1 provider of supplemental health insurance products.2 In Japan, Aflac Life Insurance Japan is the leading provider of cancer and medical insurance in terms of policies in force. The company takes pride in being there for its policyholders when they need us most, as well as being included in the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for 18 consecutive years (2024), Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies for 23 years (2024) and Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year (2023). In addition, the company became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2021 and has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (2023) for 10 years. To find out how to get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover, get to know us at or Investors may learn more about Aflac Incorporated and its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability at under "Sustainability."

The Aflac Wellness Matters Survey examines the attitudes, habits and opinions about health and preventive care.

Media contact: Angie Blackmar 706-392-2097 or

Analyst and investor contact: David A. Young, 706-596-3264, 800-235-2667 or 

1 2024 Wellness Matters survey
2 LIMRA 2023 US Supplemental Health Insurance Total Market Report

Aflac's family of insurers include American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus, American Family Life Assurance Company of New York, Continental American Insurance Company, and Tier One Insurance Company.

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Doctor Mike Varshavski

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What are the key findings of Aflac's 2024 Wellness Matters Survey regarding young Americans' health habits?

The survey found that 84% of millennials and 81% of Gen Z delay important health checkups, and 70% of Gen Z and 66% of millennials primarily use urgent care or emergency rooms for health needs instead of primary care physicians.

How does Doctor Mike Varshavski contribute to Aflac's Wellness Matters campaign?

Doctor Mike, a board-certified family medicine physician and popular YouTube star, is partnering with Aflac to address common health care mistakes young people make and encourage better health habits, leveraging his social media audience of 25 million followers.

What percentage of cancer diagnoses were discovered through routine exams or scheduled screenings according to the Aflac survey?

The survey found that 63% of cancer diagnoses were discovered through routine exams (29%) or regularly scheduled cancer screenings (34%), emphasizing the importance of preventive care.

How does the Aflac Wellness Matters Survey suggest encouraging men to visit doctors more regularly?

The survey found that men respond well to encouragement from friends and family, with 73% of men more likely to see a doctor if urged by a loved one, compared to 65% of women.

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