Care in Action: Making a Difference When It Matters

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Aflac's Connecticut team has been actively involved in community service since 2021. They collaborate with ReadyCT, assisting over 500,000 low-income students in Connecticut public schools by providing career guidance. The team also supports the Cove Center for Grieving Children, helping with Camp Compassion, a fully funded camp for young people who have lost loved ones. Aflac employees recently participated in a golf tournament, raising nearly $70,000 for the Cove Center. These initiatives demonstrate Aflac's commitment to making a positive impact beyond profitability, emphasizing that care is at Aflac's core.

Il team del Connecticut di Aflac è attivamente coinvolto nel servizio alla comunità dal 2021. Collabora con ReadyCT, assistendo oltre 500.000 studenti provenienti da famiglie a basso reddito nelle scuole pubbliche del Connecticut, fornendo orientamento professionale. Il team supporta anche il Cove Center for Grieving Children, contribuendo a Camp Compassion, un campo completamente finanziato per i giovani che hanno perso persone care. I dipendenti di Aflac hanno recentemente partecipato a un torneo di golf, raccogliendo quasi $70.000 per il Cove Center. Queste iniziative dimostrano l'impegno di Aflac nel creare un impatto positivo oltre la redditività, sottolineando che la cura è al centro di Aflac.

El equipo de Aflac de Connecticut ha estado involucrado activamente en el servicio comunitario desde 2021. Colabora con ReadyCT, asistiendo a más de 500,000 estudiantes de bajos ingresos en las escuelas públicas de Connecticut al proporcionar orientación profesional. El equipo también apoya al Cove Center for Grieving Children, ayudando con Camp Compassion, un campamento totalmente financiado para jóvenes que han perdido seres queridos. Recientemente, los empleados de Aflac participaron en un torneo de golf, recaudando casi $70,000 para el Cove Center. Estas iniciativas demuestran el compromiso de Aflac de hacer un impacto positivo más allá de la rentabilidad, enfatizando que el cuidado está en el corazón de Aflac.

Aflac의 코네티컷 팀은 2021년 이후 지역 사회 봉사에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다. 그들은 ReadyCT와 협력하여 코네티컷 공립학교의 50만 명 이상의 저소득 학생들에게 경력 안내를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 팀은 또한 Cove Center for Grieving Children을 지원하여 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 청소년을 위한 전액 지원 캠프인 Camp Compassion을 돕고 있습니다. Aflac 직원들은 최근 골프 토너먼트에 참여하여 Cove Center를 위해 거의 $70,000를 모금했습니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 Aflac이 수익성 이상으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치려는 의지를 보여주며, 돌봄이 Aflac의 핵심입니다는 점을 강조합니다.

L'équipe d'Aflac du Connecticut est activement impliquée dans le service communautaire depuis 2021. Elle collabore avec ReadyCT, en assistant plus de 500 000 étudiants à faible revenu dans les écoles publiques du Connecticut en fournissant des conseils de carrière. L'équipe soutient également le Cove Center for Grieving Children, en aidant avec Camp Compassion, un camp entièrement financé pour les jeunes ayant perdu des êtres chers. Récemment, des employés d'Aflac ont participé à un tournoi de golf, collectant près de $70,000 pour le Cove Center. Ces initiatives démontrent l'engagement d'Aflac à avoir un impact positif au-delà de la rentabilité, soulignant que le soin est au cœur d'Aflac.

Das Team von Aflac in Connecticut engagiert sich seit 2021 aktiv im Gemeindedienst. Sie arbeiten mit ReadyCT zusammen und unterstützen über 500.000 einkommensschwache Schüler an öffentlichen Schulen in Connecticut, indem sie Karriereberatung anbieten. Das Team unterstützt auch das Cove Center for Grieving Children und hilft bei Camp Compassion, einem vollständig finanzierten Camp für junge Menschen, die geliebte Menschen verloren haben. Kürzlich nahmen Aflac-Mitarbeiter an einem Golfturnier teil und sammelten fast $70.000 für das Cove Center. Diese Initiativen zeigen Aflacs Engagement, über die Rentabilität hinaus positive Auswirkungen zu erzielen und betonen, dass Fürsorge im Mittelpunkt von Aflac steht.

  • Aflac demonstrates strong corporate social responsibility through community engagement
  • Employees actively volunteer time and resources to support local initiatives
  • Successful fundraising efforts, raising nearly $70,000 for the Cove Center
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 30, 2024 / Aflac Incorporated

Originally published on Aflac Newsroom

Do good. Spread love. Lend a hand. These are phrases commonly heard in life that encourage more meaningful connections with our communities. The Aflac team based in Connecticut has become a shining example of this very sentiment.

Since 2021, this team has regularly participated in activities focused on social assistance. One organization, for example, is ReadyCT, which helps provide more than 500,000 students in low-income areas of the Connecticut public school system with the necessary tools to prepare them for future success. Aflac employees regularly volunteer their time, offering professional insights on job interviews, business tips for professional interaction and attire, and resume reviews to help these young students get a head start in their careers.

The Aflac team in Connecticut also works with the Cove Center for Grieving Children, which supports young people who have lost a loved one, providing a fully funded camp experience called Camp Compassion. With employee donations in tow, several team members drove to Kent, Connecticut, to help set up the cabins and, for each camper, left behind a backpack filled with essentials. Of course, the swag included an Aflac plush duck on each bed.

Aflac employees also recently helped raise money for the Cove Center, traveling from various states to participate in a golf tournament to benefit the camp, raising nearly $70,000.

The spirit of service and support that abounds in Aflac's culture is an undeniably vivid example of the impact that making a difference can have at work and in society. Being a profitable company is important, but it does not solely define our mission - after all, care is at Aflac's core.

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Aflac herein refers to American Family Life Assurance Company and/or American Family Life Assurance Company of New York and/or Continental American Insurance Company and/or Continental American Life Insurance Company.

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Aflac employees Michael Dempsky, Elisabeth Spinella and David Houpert help set up cabin at the Cove Center's Camp Compassion in Kent, Connecticut.

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SOURCE: Aflac Incorporated

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What community initiatives is Aflac (AFL) involved with in Connecticut?

Aflac's Connecticut team is involved with ReadyCT, supporting low-income students in public schools, and the Cove Center for Grieving Children, helping with Camp Compassion for young people who have lost loved ones.

How much did Aflac (AFL) employees raise for the Cove Center in the recent golf tournament?

Aflac employees raised nearly $70,000 for the Cove Center through their participation in a recent golf tournament.

When did Aflac (AFL) start its community service initiatives in Connecticut?

Aflac's Connecticut team has been actively involved in community service initiatives since 2021.

How does Aflac (AFL) support ReadyCT?

Aflac employees volunteer their time to provide professional insights on job interviews, business tips for professional interaction and attire, and resume reviews to help students in low-income areas prepare for future success.

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