Aflac Voices - Kathelen Amos: Building a Bridge to a Brighter Future

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Aflac's philanthropic mission focuses on supporting childhood cancer and sickle cell patients. Over nearly three decades, the company has donated more than $184 million and delivered over 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric patients. The annual 'Bridge to Brighter' initiative, launched in September 2023, aims to raise awareness about these illnesses.

This year's campaign includes news anchors wearing burgundy and gold ribbons, celebrity partnerships, and the first official My Special Aflac Duck delivery event in New York City. The initiative also provides resources for supporters, including tips on offering help, donation options, and pre-made social media posts. Aflac encourages public participation in building a bridge to a brighter future for those facing cancer and blood disorders through their website

La missione filantropica di Aflac si concentra sul supporto ai pazienti pediatrici affetti da cancro e dalla malattia delle cellule falciformi. Negli ultimi tre decenni, l'azienda ha donato più di 184 milioni di dollari e ha consegnato oltre 32.000 My Special Aflac Ducks ai pazienti pediatrici. L'iniziativa annuale 'Bridge to Brighter', lanciata nel settembre 2023, mira a sensibilizzare su queste malattie.

La campagna di quest'anno include notiziari con conduttori che indossano nastri di colore bordeaux e oro, partnership con celebrità e il primo evento ufficiale di consegna dei My Special Aflac Duck a New York City. L'iniziativa offre anche risorse per i sostenitori, tra cui suggerimenti su come offrire aiuto, opzioni di donazione e post sui social media già pronti. Aflac incoraggia la partecipazione pubblica per costruire un ponte verso un futuro migliore per coloro che affrontano il cancro e i disordini del sangue attraverso il loro sito web

La misión filantrópica de Aflac se centra en apoyar a pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y anemia de células falciformes. A lo largo de casi tres décadas, la compañía ha donado más de 184 millones de dólares y ha entregado más de 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks a los pacientes pediátricos. La iniciativa anual 'Bridge to Brighter', lanzada en septiembre de 2023, tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre estas enfermedades.

La campaña de este año incluye a presentadores de noticias que usan cintas color burdeos y doradas, asociaciones con celebridades y el primer evento oficial de entrega de My Special Aflac Duck en la ciudad de Nueva York. La iniciativa también proporciona recursos para los partidarios, incluidos consejos sobre cómo ofrecer ayuda, opciones de donación y publicaciones preelaboradas para redes sociales. Aflac anima a la participación pública para construir un puente hacia un futuro mejor para aquellos que enfrentan el cáncer y trastornos sanguíneos a través de su sitio web

Aflac의 자선 미션은 어린이 암 환자 및 겸상 적혈구병 환자를 지원하는 데 집중하고 있습니다. 거의 30년에 걸쳐, 이 회사는 1억8400만 달러 이상을 기부하고 32,000개 이상의 My Special Aflac Ducks을 소아 환자들에게 전달했습니다. 2023년 9월에 시작된 연간 'Bridge to Brighter' 이니셔티브는 이러한 질병에 대한 인식을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

올해 캠페인에는 자주색과 금색 리본을 착용한 뉴스 앵커, 유명인 파트너십, 뉴욕시에서의 My Special Aflac Duck 첫 공식 배달 이벤트가 포함됩니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지원자들을 위한 리소스도 제공하며, 도와주는 팁, 기부 옵션 및 미리 작성된 소셜 미디어 게시물을 포함합니다. Aflac은 암과 혈액 장애에 직면한 사람들을 위한 더 밝은 미래로 가는 다리를 세우는 데 대중의 참여를 독려합니다. 더 많은 정보는를 방문하시기 바랍니다.

La mission philanthropique d'Aflac se concentre sur le soutien aux patients pédiatriques atteints de cancer et de drépanocytose. En presque trois décennies, l'entreprise a donné plus de 184 millions de dollars et a livré plus de 32 000 Canards Aflac Spéciaux aux patients pédiatriques. L'initiative annuelle 'Bridge to Brighter', lancée en septembre 2023, vise à sensibiliser à ces maladies.

La campagne de cette année comprend des présentateurs de nouvelles portant des rubans bordeaux et dorés, des partenariats avec des célébrités, et le premier événement officiel de livraison des Canards Aflac Spéciaux à New York. L'initiative offre également des ressources aux soutiens, notamment des conseils sur la manière d'apporter de l'aide, des options de dons et des publications sur les réseaux sociaux déjà prêtes. Aflac encourage la participation du public à la construction d'un pont vers un avenir meilleur pour ceux qui font face au cancer et aux troubles sanguins via leur site web

Die philanthropische Mission von Aflac konzentriert sich auf die Unterstützung von krebskranken Kindern und Patienten mit Sichelzellenanämie. In fast drei Jahrzehnten hat das Unternehmen mehr als 184 Millionen Dollar gespendet und über 32.000 My Special Aflac Ducks an pädiatrische Patienten verteilt. Die jährliche 'Bridge to Brighter' Initiative, die im September 2023 ins Leben gerufen wurde, soll das Bewusstsein für diese Krankheiten schärfen.

Die Kampagne in diesem Jahr umfasst Nachrichtenmoderatoren, die burgunderfarbene und goldene Bänder tragen, Partnerschaften mit Prominenten und die erste offizielle Lieferung von My Special Aflac Duck in New York City. Die Initiative bietet auch Ressourcen für Unterstützer, einschließlich Tipps zur Hilfe, Spendenoptionen und vorgefertigte Beiträge für soziale Medien. Aflac ermutigt die Öffentlichkeit zur Teilnahme am Aufbau einer Brücke zu einer besseren Zukunft für diejenigen, die mit Krebs und Blutkrankheiten konfrontiert sind, über ihre Website

  • Aflac has donated over $184 million to support childhood cancer and sickle cell patients
  • The company has delivered more than 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric patients
  • Aflac is expanding its 'Bridge to Brighter' initiative to raise awareness and support for childhood cancer and sickle cell patients
  • None.

By Kathelen Amos, president, Aflac Foundation, Inc.

Originally published on Aflac Newsroom

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 30, 2024 / It all started nearly three decades ago with a $3 million pledge to establish the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center - the first step in a long-standing commitment to supporting the treatment and cure of childhood cancer and blood disorders.

Fast forward to today, and that commitment has grown to include more than $184 million in donations, more than 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks® delivered to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients, and countless initiatives designed to raise awareness - all with the hope of adding a little more brightness for patients and their families.

Helping those facing childhood cancer and sickle cell is the core of our philanthropic mission, and this September - during Childhood Cancer and Sickle Cell Awareness Month - we continue to build that bridge toward a brighter future.

Last September marked our first "Bridge to Brighter" initiative - a campaign designed to help shine a light on the visible and invisible challenges that often come with cancer and blood disorders. Throughout the month, we saw various cities across the country light up their bridges in burgundy and gold - the signature colors for these two causes. We saw local news anchors don burgundy and gold ribbons during their live broadcasts. We introduced a new Pediatric Cancer and Sickle Cell Awareness plush duck, which happens to feature the same ribbons on its little backpack. And we partnered with athletes and celebrities to deliver My Special Aflac Ducks to thousands of pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients.

This year, it's the same mission: raise awareness and support for those facing these illnesses. News anchors across the country will once again wear burgundy and gold while they help spread the word; familiar faces will share why they're signed on to support our initiative - and My Special Aflac Duck will land in the arms of children for the first official delivery event in New York City. But we're adding more resources for anyone who wants to help but isn't sure where to start. The Bridge to Brighter campaign has tips on how to offer support, such as dropping off a meal or offering to run an errand, various ways to donate, and even premade social media posts to show your support and spread the word about these resources to others.

I hope you'll join me in building this bridge to a brighter future. Visit to see all of the ways you can become part of this community of support for those facing cancer and blood disorders.

This content is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation for insurance. Aflac includes Aflac and/or Aflac New York and/or Continental American Insurance Company and/or Continental American Life Insurance Company.

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What is Aflac's 'Bridge to Brighter' initiative for childhood cancer and sickle cell awareness?

Aflac's 'Bridge to Brighter' initiative is an annual campaign launched in September to raise awareness and support for childhood cancer and sickle cell patients. It includes partnerships with news anchors, celebrities, and various activities to spread awareness and deliver My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric patients.

How much has Aflac (AFL) donated to childhood cancer and sickle cell causes?

Aflac (AFL) has donated more than $184 million over nearly three decades to support childhood cancer and sickle cell causes, including the establishment of the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

How many My Special Aflac Ducks has Aflac (AFL) delivered to pediatric patients?

Aflac (AFL) has delivered more than 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks to pediatric cancer and sickle cell patients as part of their philanthropic efforts.

What resources does Aflac (AFL) provide for supporters of childhood cancer and sickle cell patients?

Aflac (AFL) provides resources through their Bridge to Brighter campaign, including tips on offering support, various donation options, and pre-made social media posts to spread awareness. These resources are available at

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