Matthew J. Stevens Promoted to Vice President of American Financial Group
American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG) has announced the promotion of Matthew J. Stevens to Vice President – Tax. Stevens, who joined Great American Insurance Group's Financial Division in 1998, has been serving as Assistant Vice President since 2022 in AFG's Tax Department. In his new role, he will continue to oversee all aspects of tax reporting, analysis, and planning for the organization.
Stevens holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Northern Kentucky University and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). AFG, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, operates primarily through Great American Insurance Group, focusing on specialized commercial products for businesses. The company's roots trace back to 1872 with the founding of Great American Insurance Company.
American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG) ha annunciato la promozione di Matthew J. Stevens a Vice Presidente – Fisco. Stevens, che è entrato a far parte della Divisione Finanziaria di Great American Insurance Group nel 1998, ha ricoperto il ruolo di Vice Presidente Assistente dal 2022 nel Dipartimento Fiscale di AFG. Nel suo nuovo ruolo, continuerà a supervisionare tutti gli aspetti della reportistica fiscale, analisi e pianificazione per l'organizzazione.
Stevens ha conseguito una Laurea in Scienze Economiche presso la Northern Kentucky University ed è un Commercialista Certificato (CPA). AFG, con sede a Cincinnati, Ohio, opera principalmente attraverso il Great American Insurance Group, concentrandosi su prodotti commerciali specializzati per le imprese. Le radici dell'azienda risalgono al 1872 con la fondazione della Great American Insurance Company.
American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG) ha anunciado la promoción de Matthew J. Stevens a Vicepresidente – Impuestos. Stevens, quien se unió a la División Financiera de Great American Insurance Group en 1998, ha estado desempeñándose como Vicepresidente Asistente desde 2022 en el Departamento de Impuestos de AFG. En su nuevo rol, continuará supervisando todos los aspectos de la presentación de informes fiscales, análisis y planificación para la organización.
Stevens tiene una Licenciatura en Ciencias Contables de la Northern Kentucky University y es un Contador Público Certificado (CPA). AFG, con sede en Cincinnati, Ohio, opera principalmente a través de Great American Insurance Group, enfocándose en productos comerciales especializados para empresas. Las raíces de la compañía se remontan a 1872 con la fundación de Great American Insurance Company.
아메리칸 파이낸셜 그룹 (NYSE: AFG)은 매튜 J. 스티븐스를 부사장 – 세무로 승진시켰다고 발표했습니다. 스티븐스는 1998년 그레이트 아메리칸 보험 그룹의 재무 부서에 합류했으며, 2022년부터 AFG의 세무 부서에서 부사장 보조로 재직해왔습니다. 새로운 역할에서 그는 조직의 세무 보고, 분석 및 계획의 모든 측면을 계속 감독할 것입니다.
스티븐스는 노던 켄터키 대학교에서 회계학 학사 학위를 받았으며, 공인회계사(CPA)입니다. 오하이오주 신시내티에 본사를 둔 AFG는 주로 그레이트 아메리칸 보험 그룹을 통해 운영되며, 기업을 위한 전문 상업 제품에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 회사의 뿌리는 1872년 그레이트 아메리칸 보험회사의 설립으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.
American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG) a annoncé la promotion de Matthew J. Stevens au poste de Vice-Président – Fiscalité. Stevens, qui a rejoint la Division Financière de Great American Insurance Group en 1998, occupe le poste de Vice-Président Adjoint depuis 2022 au sein du Département Fiscal d'AFG. Dans son nouveau rôle, il continuera à superviser tous les aspects de la déclaration fiscale, de l'analyse et de la planification pour l'organisation.
Stevens est titulaire d'un Bachelor of Science en Comptabilité de la Northern Kentucky University et est un Expert-Comptable Certifié (CPA). AFG, dont le siège est à Cincinnati, Ohio, opère principalement par le biais de Great American Insurance Group, en se concentrant sur des produits commerciaux spécialisés pour les entreprises. Les racines de l'entreprise remontent à 1872 avec la fondation de la Great American Insurance Company.
American Financial Group (NYSE: AFG) hat die Beförderung von Matthew J. Stevens zum Vizepräsidenten – Steuern bekannt gegeben. Stevens, der 1998 in die Finanzabteilung von Great American Insurance Group eingetreten ist, war seit 2022 als stellvertretender Vizepräsident in der Steuerabteilung von AFG tätig. In seiner neuen Rolle wird er weiterhin alle Aspekte der Steuerberichterstattung, Analyse und Planung für die Organisation überwachen.
Stevens hat einen Bachelor of Science in Rechnungswesen von der Northern Kentucky University und ist zertifizierter Wirtschaftsprüfer (CPA). AFG, mit Hauptsitz in Cincinnati, Ohio, operiert hauptsächlich über die Great American Insurance Group und konzentriert sich auf spezialisierte kommerzielle Produkte für Unternehmen. Die Wurzeln des Unternehmens reichen bis ins Jahr 1872 zurück, als die Great American Insurance Company gegründet wurde.
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Matthew J. Stevens (Photo: Business Wire)
Mr. Stevens joined Great American Insurance Group’s Financial Division in 1998. In 2000, he transferred to AFG’s Tax Department, where he has held roles of increasing responsibility, most recently serving as Assistant Vice President since 2022. He will continue to oversee all aspects of tax reporting, analysis and planning for the organization.
Mr. Stevens earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from
About American Financial Group, Inc.
American Financial Group is an insurance holding company, based in
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Diane P. Weidner, IRC, CPA (inactive)
Vice President, Investor & Media Relations
Source: American Financial Group, Inc.