AudioEye Launches Accessibility Testing Software Development Kit (SDK), Empowering Developers to Build Accessible Websites

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AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) has launched its Accessibility Testing Software Development Kit (SDK), a self-service tool designed to help developers address website accessibility issues early in the development process. The SDK employs the same automated test logic used by AudioEye's experts during site audits and monitoring. It aims to catch and resolve accessibility problems before they reach production, ensuring consistency in issue detection.

The SDK integrates into developers' workflows and CI/CD processes, automatically scanning for issues with each deployment. This proactive approach allows organizations to publish web content that is accessible to people with disabilities, streamlining the development process and saving valuable time. The tool is part of AudioEye's three-pronged approach to digital accessibility, which includes automation, human-assisted technology, and developer tools.

AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) ha lanciato il suo Kit di Sviluppo Software per il Testing dell'Accessibilità (SDK), uno strumento self-service progettato per aiutare gli sviluppatori a affrontare problemi di accessibilità dei siti web precocemente durante il processo di sviluppo. Lo SDK utilizza la stessa logica di test automatizzato impiegata dagli esperti di AudioEye durante audit e monitoraggio dei siti. Il suo obiettivo è quello di individuare e risolvere i problemi di accessibilità prima che arrivino in produzione, garantendo coerenza nella rilevazione dei problemi.

Lo SDK si integra nei flussi di lavoro e nei processi CI/CD degli sviluppatori, eseguendo automaticamente scansioni per problemi ad ogni distribuzione. Questo approccio proattivo consente alle organizzazioni di pubblicare contenuti web accessibili alle persone con disabilità, semplificando il processo di sviluppo e risparmiando tempo prezioso. Lo strumento fa parte dell'approccio a tre punte di AudioEye per l'accessibilità digitale, che include automazione, tecnologia assistita da esseri umani e strumenti per sviluppatori.

AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) ha lanzado su Kit de Desarrollo de Software de Pruebas de Accesibilidad (SDK), una herramienta de autoservicio diseñada para ayudar a los desarrolladores a abordar problemas de accesibilidad web temprano en el proceso de desarrollo. El SDK emplea la misma lógica de pruebas automatizadas utilizada por los expertos de AudioEye durante las auditorías y el monitoreo de sitios. Su objetivo es detectar y resolver problemas de accesibilidad antes de que lleguen a producción, garantizando consistencia en la detección de problemas.

El SDK se integra en los flujos de trabajo y procesos CI/CD de los desarrolladores, escaneando automáticamente en busca de problemas con cada implementación. Este enfoque proactivo permite a las organizaciones publicar contenido web que sea accesible para personas con discapacidad, agilizando el proceso de desarrollo y ahorrando tiempo valioso. La herramienta es parte del enfoque tripartito de AudioEye hacia la accesibilidad digital, que incluye automatización, tecnología asistida por humanos y herramientas para desarrolladores.

AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE)는 접근성 테스트 소프트웨어 개발 키트(SDK)를 출시했습니다. 이는 개발자가 개발 과정 초기부터 웹사이트 접근성 문제를 해결하도록 돕기 위해 설계된 셀프 서비스 도구입니다. 이 SDK는 AudioEye 전문가들이 사이트 감사 및 모니터링 중에 사용하는 것과 동일한 자동화 테스트 논리를 사용합니다. 그 목표는 접근성 문제를 결제하기 전에 사전 감지하고 해결하여 문제 탐지의 일관성을 보장하는 것입니다.

SDK는 개발자의 작업 흐름과 CI/CD 프로세스에 통합되어 매 배포 시 자동으로 문제를 스캔합니다. 이러한 능동적인 접근 방식은 조직이 장애인이 접근할 수 있는 웹 콘텐츠를 게시할 수 있게 하여 개발 프로세스를 간소화하고 소중한 시간을 절약합니다. 이 도구는 AudioEye의 디지털 접근성에 대한 세 가지 지향적 접근 방식의 일환으로, 자동화, 인간 지원 기술 및 개발자 도구를 포함합니다.

AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) a lancé son Kit de Développement de Logiciel de Test d'Accessibilité (SDK), un outil en libre-service conçu pour aider les développeurs à résoudre les problèmes d'accessibilité des sites web dès le début du processus de développement. Le SDK emploie la même logique de test automatisé utilisée par les experts d'AudioEye lors des audits et du suivi des sites. Son objectif est de détecter et de résoudre les problèmes d'accessibilité avant qu'ils n'atteignent la production, garantissant ainsi la cohérence dans la détection des problèmes.

Le SDK s'intègre aux flux de travail et aux processus CI/CD des développeurs, analysant automatiquement les problèmes à chaque déploiement. Cette approche proactive permet aux organisations de publier du contenu web accessible aux personnes handicapées, simplifiant ainsi le processus de développement et gagnant un temps précieux. Cet outil fait partie de l'approche en trois volets d'AudioEye en matière d'accessibilité numérique, qui comprend l'automatisation, la technologie assistée par des humains et des outils pour développeurs.

AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) hat sein Accessibility Testing Software Development Kit (SDK) eingeführt, ein Selbstbedienungs-Tool, das Entwicklern helfen soll, Zugänglichkeitsprobleme von Websites frühzeitig im Entwicklungsprozess anzugehen. Das SDK verwendet die gleiche automatisierte Testlogik, die auch von den Experten von AudioEye bei Site-Audits und -Monitoring eingesetzt wird. Ziel ist es, Zugänglichkeitsprobleme zu erfassen und zu beheben, bevor sie in die Produktion gelangen, um eine Konsistenz bei der Problemerkennung sicherzustellen.

Das SDK integriert sich in die Arbeitsabläufe der Entwickler und in CI/CD-Prozesse und scannt automatisch nach Problemen bei jeder Bereitstellung. Dieser proaktive Ansatz ermöglicht es Organisationen, Webinhalte zu veröffentlichen, die für Menschen mit Behinderungen zugänglich sind, und rationalisiert den Entwicklungsprozess, wodurch wertvolle Zeit gespart wird. Das Tool ist Teil von AudioEyes dreifachem Ansatz zur digitalen Zugänglichkeit, der Automatisierung, technologieunterstützte Menschen und Entwickler-Tools umfasst.

  • Launch of new Accessibility Testing SDK product
  • Integration of SDK into existing suite of tools
  • Potential for increased efficiency in development processes
  • Expansion of AudioEye's digital accessibility platform offerings
  • None.

AudioEye's new Accessibility Testing SDK marks a significant step in proactive web accessibility development. By integrating accessibility checks directly into the development process, it addresses a important gap in the industry. This tool could potentially reduce development costs and time-to-market for accessible websites.

The SDK's integration with CI/CD pipelines is particularly noteworthy, as it allows for continuous accessibility monitoring throughout the development lifecycle. This approach aligns with modern DevOps practices and could lead to more consistent, accessible web experiences.

However, the true impact will depend on developer adoption and the SDK's ability to keep pace with evolving accessibility standards. It's a promising move, but AudioEye will need to ensure ongoing support and updates to maintain its effectiveness in the rapidly changing web development landscape.

The launch of AudioEye's Accessibility Testing SDK could potentially expand their market share in the digital accessibility space. By targeting developers directly, AudioEye is positioning itself at the forefront of the shift-left testing movement in accessibility.

This move could lead to increased revenue streams from developer-focused products, diversifying AudioEye's offerings beyond their traditional services. The SDK's integration with popular development workflows could drive adoption, potentially leading to long-term customer relationships.

However, the success of this product will largely depend on its pricing strategy, ease of integration and ability to compete with existing accessibility testing tools. AudioEye will need to demonstrate clear ROI to developers and organizations to drive adoption in an increasingly crowded market.

SDK helps developers find and fix accessibility issues before they are visible to the public

TUCSON, Ariz., Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) ("AudioEye" or the "Company"), the industry-leading digital accessibility company, today announced the general availability of its Accessibility Testing Software Development Kit (SDK). This self-service accessibility testing tool helps developers address accessibility issues early in the software development life cycle, allowing them to publish web content that is accessible to people with disabilities.

"Achieving full-scale digital accessibility requires a three-pronged approach: automation, human-assisted technology, and developer tools," said David Moradi, CEO of AudioEye. "With our SDK offering, we're empowering organizations to take a proactive approach to their website accessibility by equipping developers with the tools they need to prioritize accessibility from the outset. By integrating the SDK into our suite of tools, we are reinforcing our commitment to helping our customers achieve comprehensive accessibility and usability for all their customers."

The SDK employs the same automated test logic utilized by AudioEye's accessibility experts during customer site audits and automated monitoring. This process allows organizations to catch and address issues earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC) process, preventing surprises in production with unresolved accessibility issues and reinforcing consistency in overall issue detection.

"Ensuring our code is accessible is just one of many tasks our developers handle daily," said Rob O'Neil, Senior Director of Product Management at "By integrating accessibility checks into the development process using the SDK, we can streamline our workflow and proactively address issues before they affect users."

The SDK rules are informed by a large amount of proprietary data and are designed to bridge the gap for developers who may have varying levels of accessibility awareness and limited time to become experts. The automation provided by the SDK saves organizations valuable time as developers no longer need to verify accessibility issues manually amidst their numerous other deployment tasks. The increased efficiency allows development teams to focus more on innovation and enhance other user experience areas.

"AudioEye's digital accessibility platform is customizable so businesses have multiple options for scale and compliance," said John Postlethwait, SVP of Engineering at AudioEye. "If developers have time and resources to fix barriers at the source, then the SDK provides a flexible way to support different types of testing in pre-production environments. If resources are limited, then AudioEye can remediate issues on behalf of the client, prioritizing issues by impact and severity. We work with each customer to determine a comprehensive solution that meets their business' operational needs and accessibility objectives."

The SDK integrates seamlessly into developers' workflows and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes, automatically scanning for issues with each deployment. This framework ensures that each update aligns with accessibility standards.

For more information about AudioEye's Accessibility Testing SDK, visit

About AudioEye
AudioEye exists to ensure the digital future we build is inclusive. By combining the latest AI automation technology with guidance from certified experts and direct input from the disability community, AudioEye helps ensure businesses of all sizes — including over 121,000 customers like Samsung, Calvin Klein, and Samsonite — are accessible and usable. Holding 23 US patents, AudioEye helps companies solve every aspect of digital accessibility with flexible approaches that best meet their needs. The comprehensive solution includes 24/7 accessibility monitoring, automated accessibility fixes, expert testing, developer tools, and industry-leading legal protection.

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What is AudioEye's new Accessibility Testing SDK?

AudioEye's Accessibility Testing SDK is a self-service tool that helps developers find and fix website accessibility issues early in the software development life cycle, before they become visible to the public.

How does AudioEye's SDK benefit developers?

The SDK integrates into developers' workflows and CI/CD processes, automatically scanning for accessibility issues with each deployment. This saves time, streamlines the development process, and allows developers to focus on innovation and other user experience areas.

What approach does AudioEye (AEYE) take to digital accessibility?

AudioEye takes a three-pronged approach to digital accessibility, which includes automation, human-assisted technology, and developer tools like the new Accessibility Testing SDK.

When did AudioEye (AEYE) announce the launch of its Accessibility Testing SDK?

AudioEye announced the general availability of its Accessibility Testing SDK on August 7, 2024.

AudioEye, Inc.


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