Statement Regarding the Unsupported Data Center Stipulation filed in PUCO Docket Number 24-508-EL-ATA

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AEP Ohio's president and COO, Marc Reitter, has issued a statement regarding an unsupported data center stipulation filed in PUCO Docket Number 24-508-EL-ATA. Reitter argues that the partial settlement proposal fails to adequately address the main issues raised in AEP Ohio's application. He describes the situation as unprecedented, with a 'settlement' being presented to the PUCO without support from either the PUCO staff or the utility that initially raised the concern.

Reitter urges the PUCO to reject the proposal. He affirms that AEP Ohio remains committed to finding a balanced solution that addresses the infrastructure investment needed for data centers' extreme power demands while also protecting Ohio consumers.

Il presidente e COO di AEP Ohio, Marc Reitter, ha rilasciato una dichiarazione riguardo a una clausola non supportata relativa ai data center presentata nel Docket Number 24-508-EL-ATA del PUCO. Reitter sostiene che la proposta di accordo parziale non affronta in modo adeguato le questioni principali sollevate nella domanda di AEP Ohio. Descrive la situazione come senza precedenti, con un 'accordo' presentato al PUCO senza il supporto né del personale del PUCO né dell'utility che ha sollevato inizialmente la preoccupazione.

Reitter esorta il PUCO a rigettare la proposta. Afferma che AEP Ohio rimane impegnata a trovare una soluzione equilibrata che affronti l'investimento infrastrutturale necessario per le estreme richieste energetiche dei data center, proteggendo al contempo i consumatori dell'Ohio.

El presidente y COO de AEP Ohio, Marc Reitter, ha emitido una declaración sobre una cláusula de centro de datos no respaldada presentada en el Docket Número 24-508-EL-ATA del PUCO. Reitter argumenta que la propuesta de acuerdo parcial no aborda adecuadamente los problemas principales planteados en la solicitud de AEP Ohio. Describe la situación como sin precedentes, con un 'acuerdo' presentado al PUCO sin el apoyo del personal del PUCO ni de la empresa de servicios que planteó inicialmente la preocupación.

Reitter insta al PUCO a rechazar la propuesta. Afirma que AEP Ohio sigue comprometida en encontrar una solución equilibrada que aborde la inversión en infraestructura necesaria para las extremas demandas de energía de los centros de datos, al mismo tiempo que protege a los consumidores de Ohio.

AEP 오하이오의 사장 겸 COO인 Marc Reitter가 PUCO 문서 번호 24-508-EL-ATA에 제출된 지원되지 않는 데이터 센터 조항에 관한 성명을 발표했습니다. Reitter는 부분 합의 제안이 AEP 오하이오의 신청서에서 제기된 주요 문제를 충분히 다루지 못한다고 주장합니다. 그는 이 상황을 전례가 없다고 설명하며, '합의'가 PUCO 직원이나 처음 문제를 제기한 유틸리티의 지원 없이 PUCO에 제출되고 있다고 말합니다.

Reitter는 PUCO에 제안을 거부할 것을 촉구합니다. 그는 AEP 오하이오가 데이터 센터의 극단적인 전력 수요를 충족하기 위해 필요한 인프라 투자 문제를 해결하면서 오하이오 소비자를 보호하는 균형잡힌 해결책을 찾기 위해 최선을 다하고 있다고 확언합니다.

Le président et COO d'AEP Ohio, Marc Reitter, a publié une déclaration concernant une clause de centre de données non soutenue déposée dans le Docket numéro 24-508-EL-ATA du PUCO. Reitter soutient que la proposition de règlement partiel ne traite pas de manière adéquate les principaux problèmes soulevés dans la demande d'AEP Ohio. Il décrit la situation comme sans précédent, un 'règlement' étant présenté au PUCO sans le soutien ni du personnel du PUCO ni de l'entreprise qui avait initialement soulevé la préoccupation.

Reitter exhorte le PUCO à rejeter la proposition. Il affirme qu'AEP Ohio reste engagée à trouver une solution équilibrée qui réponde à l'investissement d'infrastructure nécessaire pour les exigences d'énergie extrêmes des centres de données tout en protégeant les consommateurs de l'Ohio.

Der Präsident und COO von AEP Ohio, Marc Reitter, hat eine Erklärung zu einer nicht unterstützten Datenzentrumsklausel abgegeben, die im PUCO-Docket Nummer 24-508-EL-ATA eingereicht wurde. Reitter argumentiert, dass der teilweise Vergleichsvorschlag die Hauptprobleme, die im Antrag von AEP Ohio angesprochen wurden, nicht ausreichend behandelt. Er beschreibt die Situation als beispiellos, da dem PUCO ein 'Vergleich' ohne Unterstützung des PUCO-Personals oder des Versorgungsunternehmens, das ursprünglich die Bedenken äußerte, vorgelegt wird.

Reitter fordert das PUCO auf, den Vorschlag abzulehnen. Er betont, dass AEP Ohio engagiert ist, eine ausgewogene Lösung zu finden, die die für die extremen Stromanforderungen von Datenzentren erforderlichen Infrastrukturinvestitionen berücksichtigt und gleichzeitig die Verbraucher in Ohio schützt.

  • AEP Ohio is committed to finding a balanced solution for infrastructure investment and consumer protection
  • Partial settlement proposal fails to address main issues raised by AEP Ohio
  • Unprecedented situation with unsupported 'settlement' presented to PUCO
  • Potential challenges in meeting extreme power demands of data centers


This statement from AEP Ohio's president highlights a significant regulatory issue concerning data center power demands and consumer protections. The rejection of a partial settlement in a Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) docket is unusual and potentially impactful for the utility's operations and investments.

The core issue revolves around balancing infrastructure investments for high-demand data centers with consumer interests. AEP Ohio's stance suggests that the proposed settlement fails to address their primary concerns, which could have implications for future grid reliability and electricity rates.

This development may signal prolonged regulatory negotiations and possible delays in infrastructure upgrades. Investors should monitor this closely, as it could affect AEP Ohio's capital expenditure plans and future revenue streams from data center customers. The outcome of this regulatory process may set precedents for how utilities across the country handle the growing power demands of data centers while maintaining fair consumer rates.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The following statement may be attributed to Marc Reitter, AEP Ohio president and chief operating officer:

What has been proposed by the partial settlement fails to adequately address the main issues expressed in AEP Ohio's application. It's unprecedented to present a "settlement" to the PUCO that isn't supported by the PUCO staff or the utility that initially raised the concern. The PUCO should reject it. AEP Ohio remains committed to finding a solution that balances the infrastructure investment needed to meet extreme power demands of data centers with protections for Ohio consumers.

(PRNewsfoto/American Electric Power)


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What is AEP Ohio's stance on the data center stipulation filed in PUCO Docket Number 24-508-EL-ATA?

AEP Ohio opposes the data center stipulation, stating that it fails to adequately address the main issues expressed in their application. The company urges PUCO to reject the proposal.

Why does AEP Ohio consider the data center stipulation unprecedented?

AEP Ohio considers it unprecedented because a 'settlement' is being presented to PUCO without support from either the PUCO staff or the utility (AEP) that initially raised the concern.

What solution is AEP Ohio (AEP) committed to finding regarding data centers?

AEP Ohio is committed to finding a solution that balances the infrastructure investment needed to meet extreme power demands of data centers with protections for Ohio consumers.

Who issued the statement regarding the unsupported data center stipulation for AEP Ohio (AEP)?

The statement was issued by Marc Reitter, AEP Ohio's president and chief operating officer.

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