Capella Announces Strategic Partnership with Teako Minerals on Løkken Copper-Cobalt-Zinc Project

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Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) has signed a Definitive Acquisition Agreement with Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN) for the Løkken copper-cobalt-zinc project in Norway. Key terms include:

1. Teako acquires 90% interest
2. Capella receives $C 350,000 cash and 2,500,000 Teako shares
3. Teako commits to drilling the Åmot target and advancing other targets
4. Capella retains 10% carried interest to production
5. Additional $C 1,250,000 payment upon Final Investment Decision

The Løkken project covers 114 sq. km and includes the former Løkken mine, the largest Cyprus-type VMS deposit globally. The partnership aims to advance exploration and create a district-scale project by combining Løkken with Teako's adjacent properties.

Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) ha firmato un Accordo Definitivo di Acquisizione con Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN) per il progetto Løkken rame-cobalto-zinco in Norvegia. I termini principali includono:

1. Teako acquisisce il 90% di interesse
2. Capella riceve $C 350.000 in contanti e 2.500.000 azioni di Teako
3. Teako si impegna a svolgere perforazioni nell'obiettivo Åmot e a sviluppare altri obiettivi
4. Capella mantiene un interesse partecipativo del 10% fino alla produzione
5. Pagamento aggiuntivo di $C 1.250.000 al momento della Decisione Finale di Investimento

Il progetto Løkken copre 114 kmq e include la ex miniera di Løkken, il più grande deposito VMS di tipo Cipro a livello globale. L'obiettivo della partnership è promuovere l'esplorazione e creare un progetto su scala distrettuale combinando Løkken con i terreni adiacenti di Teako.

Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) ha firmado un Acuerdo de Adquisición Definitivo con Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN) para el proyecto Løkken de cobre-cobalto-zinc en Noruega. Los términos clave incluyen:

1. Teako adquiere un 90% de interés
2. Capella recibe $C 350,000 en efectivo y 2,500,000 acciones de Teako
3. Teako se compromete a perforar el objetivo Åmot y a avanzar otros objetivos
4. Capella retiene un interés del 10% mantenido hasta la producción
5. Pago adicional de $C 1,250,000 tras la Decisión Final de Inversión

El proyecto Løkken cubre 114 km² e incluye la antigua mina de Løkken, el depósito VMS de tipo Chipre más grande a nivel mundial. La asociación tiene como objetivo avanzar en la exploración y crear un proyecto a escala de distrito combinando Løkken con las propiedades adyacentes de Teako.

Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF)가 노르웨이의 Løkken 구리-코발트-아연 프로젝트에 대해 Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN)와 최종 인수 계약을 체결했습니다. 주요 조건은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Teako가 90%의 지분 인수
2. Capella는 $C 350,000의 현금과 2,500,000 Teako 주식을 받습니다.
3. Teako는 Åmot 타겟에 대한 시추를 약속하고 다른 타겟을 발전시킵니다.
4. Capella는 생산까지 10%의 유지 지분을 보유합니다.
5. 최종 투자 결정 시 추가로 $C 1,250,000의 지급

Løkken 프로젝트는 114 평방킬로미터를 차지하며, 전 세계에서 가장 큰 키프로스형 VMS 매장인 과거 Løkken 광산을 포함합니다. 파트너십의 목표는 Løkken을 Teako의 인접 재산과 결합하여 탐사를 발전시키고 구역 규모의 프로젝트를 만드는 것입니다.

Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) a signé un Accord d'Acquisition Définitif avec Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN) pour le projet Løkken cuivre-cobalt-zinc en Norvège. Les principaux termes incluent :

1. Teako acquiert un intérêt de 90%
2. Capella reçoit 350 000 $C en espèces et 2 500 000 actions Teako
3. Teako s'engage à forer la cible Åmot et à faire avancer d'autres cibles
4. Capella conserve un intérêt de 10% jusqu'à la production
5. Paiement supplémentaire de 1 250 000 $C lors de la Décision d'Investissement Finale

Le projet Løkken couvre 114 km² et inclut l'ancienne mine de Løkken, le plus grand dépôt VMS de type Chypre au monde. L'objectif du partenariat est d'avancer l'exploration et de créer un projet à l'échelle du district en combinant Løkken avec les propriétés adjacentes de Teako.

Capella Minerals (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) hat einen endgültigen Erwerbsvertrag mit Teako Minerals Corp (CSE: TMIN) für das Løkken Kupfer-Kobalt-Zink-Projekt in Norwegen unterzeichnet. Die wichtigsten Bedingungen umfassen:

1. Teako erwirbt 90% Beteiligung
2. Capella erhält $C 350,000 in bar und 2,500,000 Teako-Aktien
3. Teako verpflichtet sich, das Åmot-Ziel zu bohren und andere Ziele weiterzuverfolgen
4. Capella behält eine 10%ige Beteiligung bis zur Produktion
5. Zusätzliche Zahlung von $C 1,250,000 nach dem endgültigen Investitionsentscheid

Das Løkken-Projekt erstreckt sich über 114 km² und umfasst die ehemalige Løkken-Mine, das weltweit größte VMS-Depot vom Typ Zypern. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die Exploration voranzutreiben und ein Projekt in Distriktgröße zu schaffen, indem Løkken mit den angrenzenden Liegenschaften von Teako kombiniert wird.

  • Capella receives immediate cash and shares ($C 350,000 and 2,500,000 Teako shares)
  • Teako commits to drilling and advancing targets, potentially increasing project value
  • Capella retains 10% carried interest to production, reducing financial risk
  • Additional $C 1,250,000 payment upon Final Investment Decision
  • Creation of a district-scale exploration project through combination with Teako's adjacent properties
  • Capella reduces its ownership stake from 100% to 10% in the Løkken project
  • Future value largely dependent on Teako's exploration success and decision-making

This strategic partnership between Capella and Teako is a positive development for Capella's Løkken project. The deal structure provides immediate cash flow of C$350,000 and equity exposure through 2.5 million Teako shares, while retaining a 10% carried interest to production. This de-risks Capella's position while maintaining significant upside potential.

The commitment to drill the Åmot target and advance other prospects is crucial, as it accelerates exploration without Capella bearing the costs. The potential for a major discovery is heightened, given Løkken's historical significance as the largest Cyprus-type VMS deposit globally.

However, investors should note that exploration success is not guaranteed and the timeline to potential production remains uncertain. The deal's value will ultimately depend on Teako's exploration results and ability to advance the project towards development.

This agreement represents a savvy financial move for Capella. By partnering with Teako, they've effectively monetized a portion of their asset while retaining significant upside. The C$350,000 cash infusion strengthens Capella's balance sheet, while the 2.5 million Teako shares provide equity upside and align interests.

The carried interest structure is particularly advantageous, allowing Capella to participate in potential production without bearing capital costs until commercial production begins. This preserves capital and reduces risk. The additional C$1,250,000 payment upon a Final Investment Decision provides another potential cash injection.

Investors should view this as a positive de-risking event that maintains exposure to the project's potential while improving Capella's financial position and exploration prospects across its portfolio.

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Capella Minerals Ltd (TSXV: CMIL) (OTCQB: CMILF) (FRA: N7D2) ("Capella" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has executed a Definitive Acquisition Agreement (the "Agreement") with Teako Minerals Corp. (CSE: TMIN) ("Teako") pursuant to which Teako will acquire a 90% interest in Capella's high-grade Løkken copper-cobalt-zinc ("Cu-Co-Zn")  project in Trøndelag, central Norway. In accordance with the Agreement, Capella will receive a combination of cash and common shares in Teako within two weeks of signing, a firm commitment by Teako to carrying out drilling on the Åmot target and bringing additional Cu-Co-Zn targets to drill-ready status, with Capella retaining a non-dilutable 10% carried interest on the Løkken project through to commercial production. 

Capella's Løkken project covers 114 sq. km and contains the past-producing Løkken copper-zinc mining operation, the largest Cyprus-type massive sulfide ("VMS") deposit known globally with reported past production of 24MT @ 2.3% Cu + 1.9% Zn1). In addition, the Løkken project contains the drill-ready Åmot VMS target and multiple satellite target areas with the potential for further Løkken-type VMS discoveries (see Company News Release dated July 22, 2024).

Terms of the Agreement

Key terms of the Agreement under which Teako will acquire a 90% interest in the Løkken project include:   

i)   Capella to receive $C 350,000 in cash and 2,500,000 common Teako shares on or before August 30, 2024.

ii)   Teako to commit to drilling the Åmot target with new funds raised within twelve months of signing the Agreement, in addition to advancing at least two further targets to drill-ready status within 24 months from signing.

iii)   Teako to pay Capella a further $C 1,250,000 upon a Final Investment Decision ("FID") being made to proceed to the construction of a mine within the Løkken project.  

iv)   Capella to retain a 10% carried interest to production, which includes capital costs, on any discovery made within the Løkken project.

v)   Teako to keep the property in good standing and to make all annual advanced royalty payments to EMX Royalty Corporation ("EMX") starting 30 September, 2024.

vi)   Customary tag along / drag along rights, with Capella maintaining at all times a Right of First Refusal ("ROFR") on any bona fide third-party offer received for Teako's interest in the Løkken project.  

In the event that Teako makes a Final Investment Decision to proceed with commercial production, Capella and Teako will then enter into a Joint Venture Agreement ("JV Agreement"). As part of this JV Agreement, Capella will not be required to make any contributions to the mine capital costs until commercial production commences (at which time Capella will be required to payback its share of capital costs by netting out 25% of the amount of any distribution to Capella until such amounts are recovered). Should the mine close prior to final repayment, the balance outstanding payable by Capella will be forgiven clear of any further obligations.

Eric Roth, Capella's President and CEO, commented: "Today, we are very pleased to be announcing this Agreement with Teako, which will allow the Løkken project to advance through further exploration and drilling – including at the drill-ready Åmot target – in addition to creating a significant district-scale exploration and development project through the combination of Løkken with Teako's adjacent Lomunda and Venna projects. Capella shareholders also retain a direct interest in any discovery at Løkken all the way through to production, and also benefit from exploration success by Teako – both within the Løkken district and elsewhere throughout Norway – through our Teako shareholding which will now total 3,500,000 common Teako shares.

Capella looks forward to working together with Teako's technical / management team, with whom a solid relationship has already been built through joint efforts at the Vaddas-Birtavarre project in northern Norway, in order to ensure success for all parties at Løkken. I do look forward to keeping the market updated as our exploration programs advance".

About the Combined Løkken and Lomunda-Venna Projects

Capella's Løkken project covers an area of 114 sq. km and includes the former mining operations at Løkken, Høydal, and Dragset. Copper production from the former Løkken mine ceased in 1986 in response to low metals prices, thereby leaving potential for new high-grade VMS discoveries in both extensions to the original Løkken mine and in satellite bodies. The main host rocks to mineralization at Løkken are pillow basalts and gabbro; similar lithologies follow a broadly SW-NE regional trend and have been covered by Teako's Lomunda and Venna claims (Figure 1). 

Figure 1. Combined Løkken (Capella) and Lomunda and Venna (Teako) concessions, Trøndelag (CNW Group/Capella Minerals Limited)

At the Løkken project, Capella's exploration activities have identified 5 priority target areas located in the immediately vicinity of the former Løkken mine (Figure 2). These targets include the previously-undrilled Åmot target, which is located approximately 5km E of the former Løkken mining operations and defined by coincident ground magnetic, airborne EM, and soil geochemical anomalies (all favourable indicators for VMS deposits). The Company interprets the Åmot target from geophysical data to lie approximately 150m vertically below surface.

Figure 2. Key targets at the Løkken Cu-Co-Zn project. Areas of completed ground magnetic surveys and soil grids are also indicated (CNW Group/Capella Minerals Limited)

1 Historic production values quoted for Løkken are from Grenne T, Ihlen PM, Vokes FM (1999) Scandinavian Caledonide metallogeny in a plate-tectonic perspective. Mineral Deposita 34:422–471. Capella has not performed sufficient work to verify the published data reported above, but the Company believes this information to be considered reliable and relevant.

Qualified Persons and Disclosure Statement

The technical information in this news release relating to the Løkken project has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101, and approved by Eric Roth, the Company's President & CEO, a Director, and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101.  Mr. Roth holds a Ph.D. in Economic Geology from the University of Western Australia, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and is a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr. Roth has 35 years of experience in international minerals exploration and mining project evaluation.

On Behalf of the Board of Capella Minerals Ltd.

"Eric Roth"
Eric Roth, Ph.D., FAusIMM
President & CEO

About Capella Minerals Ltd

Capella is a Canadian exploration and development company with a focus on copper-gold projects in the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt of northern Finland & copper-cobalt projects in Norway.

In northern Finland, the Company's portfolio consists of 5 copper-gold projects – including the priority Killero E and Killero W projects, both of which were former Anglo American targets but never drilled - and which are located about 40km SW of Agnico Eagle's Kittilä Gold Mine, currently the largest gold producer in Europe.

In the Trøndelag Province of central Norway, the Company's focus is on the discovery of high-grade copper-cobalt massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the former mining districts of Løkken and Røros. The Company's portfolio includes: i) the advanced exploration-stage Hessjøgruva copper-cobalt project and adjacent Kongensgruve and Kjøli projects in the northern Røros mining district, and ii) satellite copper-cobalt-zinc VMS targets around the past-producing Løkken copper mine, including the drill-ready Åmot target. 

Capella holds equity positions in Teako Minerals (CSE: TMIN), Prospector Metals (TSXV: PPP), European Energy Metals (TSXV: FIN), and Unico Silver (ASX: USL) as a direct result of the recent divestiture of non-core assets. Capella also retains direct participation (29.6%) in a Joint Venture with Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (TSX: AEM; NYSE: AEM) at the Domain Gold Project, Manitoba.

Cautionary Notes and Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the future results of operations, performance and achievements of Capella, including the timing, completion of and results from the exploration and drill programs described in this release.  Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that such expectations will prove to be correct.  All such forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Capella in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. This information, however, is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from this forward-looking information include those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" in Capella's most recently filed MD&A. Capella does not intend, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or revise the forward-looking information contained in this news release, except as required by law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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What is the Løkken copper-cobalt-zinc project's historical production?

The Løkken project contains the past-producing Løkken copper-zinc mining operation, which reportedly produced 24 million tonnes at 2.3% copper and 1.9% zinc.

How much cash and shares will Capella Minerals (CMILF) receive from Teako Minerals?

Capella Minerals will receive $C 350,000 in cash and 2,500,000 common Teako shares on or before August 30, 2024.

What percentage of the Løkken project will Capella Minerals (CMILF) retain?

Capella Minerals will retain a 10% carried interest to production on the Løkken project.

What is Teako Minerals required to do as part of the agreement with Capella Minerals (CMILF)?

Teako Minerals is required to drill the Åmot target within 12 months and advance at least two further targets to drill-ready status within 24 months of signing the agreement.

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