abrdn Emerging Markets Ex-China Fund, Inc. (AEF) Announces Distribution Payment Details
abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China Fund (AEF) has announced details of its first distribution payment under the recently increased distribution rate. The Fund will distribute $0.15 per share on March 31, 2025, to shareholders of record as of March 25, 2025.
The distribution reflects the Fund's strategic change announced in December 2024, where the Board approved an increase in the annualized distribution rate from 6.5% to 10%. The quarterly distributions are calculated based on the average daily NAV for the previous three months. The Fund plans to maintain this increased rate for at least 12 months, barring significant market changes.
This policy aims to provide steady quarterly cash distributions to shareholders and potentially help reduce any discount to NAV at which the Fund's shares trade. However, the Fund notes there is no guarantee these objectives will be achieved, and the distribution policy remains subject to Board modification.
Il Fondo abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China (AEF) ha annunciato i dettagli del suo primo pagamento di distribuzione sotto il recentemente aumentato tasso di distribuzione. Il Fondo distribuirà 0,15 $ per azione il 31 marzo 2025, agli azionisti registrati al 25 marzo 2025.
La distribuzione riflette il cambiamento strategico del Fondo annunciato a dicembre 2024, quando il Consiglio ha approvato un aumento del tasso di distribuzione annualizzato dal 6,5% al 10%. Le distribuzioni trimestrali sono calcolate sulla base della NAV media giornaliera degli ultimi tre mesi. Il Fondo prevede di mantenere questo tasso aumentato per almeno 12 mesi, salvo cambiamenti significativi nel mercato.
Questa politica mira a fornire distribuzioni di cassa trimestrali costanti agli azionisti e a ridurre potenzialmente qualsiasi sconto rispetto alla NAV a cui vengono scambiate le azioni del Fondo. Tuttavia, il Fondo segnala che non c'è garanzia che questi obiettivi saranno raggiunti e la politica di distribuzione rimane soggetta a modifiche da parte del Consiglio.
El Fondo abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China (AEF) ha anunciado los detalles de su primer pago de distribución bajo la recientemente aumentada tasa de distribución. El Fondo distribuirá $0.15 por acción el 31 de marzo de 2025, a los accionistas registrados al 25 de marzo de 2025.
La distribución refleja el cambio estratégico del Fondo anunciado en diciembre de 2024, cuando la Junta aprobó un aumento en la tasa de distribución anualizada del 6.5% al 10%. Las distribuciones trimestrales se calculan en función del NAV diario promedio de los últimos tres meses. El Fondo planea mantener esta tasa aumentada durante al menos 12 meses, salvo cambios significativos en el mercado.
Esta política tiene como objetivo proporcionar distribuciones de efectivo trimestrales constantes a los accionistas y potencialmente ayudar a reducir cualquier descuento respecto al NAV al que se negocian las acciones del Fondo. Sin embargo, el Fondo señala que no hay garantía de que se logren estos objetivos y que la política de distribución sigue sujeta a modificaciones por parte de la Junta.
abrdn 이머징 마켓 제외 중국 펀드 (AEF)가 최근 증가한 배당금 비율에 따른 첫 배당금 지급 세부사항을 발표했습니다. 이 펀드는 2025년 3월 31일에 주당 0.15달러를 2025년 3월 25일 기준 주주에게 배분할 예정입니다.
이번 배당금은 2024년 12월에 발표된 펀드의 전략적 변경을 반영하며, 이사회는 연간 배당금 비율을 6.5%에서 10%로 인상하는 것을 승인했습니다. 분기별 배당금은 지난 3개월간의 평균 일일 순자산가치(NAV)를 기준으로 계산됩니다. 이 펀드는 시장의 중대한 변화가 없는 한 이 증가된 비율을 최소 12개월간 유지할 계획입니다.
이 정책은 주주에게 안정적인 분기별 현금 배당금을 제공하고 펀드의 주식이 거래되는 NAV에 대한 할인율을 줄이는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 그러나 펀드는 이러한 목표가 달성될 것이라는 보장은 없으며, 배당 정책은 이사회의 수정에 따라 달라질 수 있음을 알립니다.
Le Fonds abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China (AEF) a annoncé les détails de son premier paiement de distribution en vertu du taux de distribution récemment augmenté. Le Fonds distribuera 0,15 $ par action le 31 mars 2025, aux actionnaires enregistrés au 25 mars 2025.
La distribution reflète le changement stratégique du Fonds annoncé en décembre 2024, lorsque le Conseil a approuvé une augmentation du taux de distribution annualisé de 6,5 % à 10 %. Les distributions trimestrielles sont calculées sur la base de la NAV quotidienne moyenne des trois derniers mois. Le Fonds prévoit de maintenir ce taux augmenté pendant au moins 12 mois, sauf changement significatif du marché.
Cette politique vise à fournir des distributions de trésorerie trimestrielles constantes aux actionnaires et à aider potentiellement à réduire tout rabais par rapport à la NAV auquel les actions du Fonds sont échangées. Cependant, le Fonds souligne qu'il n'y a aucune garantie que ces objectifs seront atteints, et la politique de distribution reste soumise à modification par le Conseil.
Der abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China Fonds (AEF) hat die Einzelheiten seiner ersten Ausschüttungszahlung unter dem kürzlich erhöhten Ausschüttungsbetrag bekannt gegeben. Der Fonds wird am 31. März 2025 0,15 $ pro Aktie an Aktionäre auszahlen, die am 25. März 2025 registriert sind.
Die Ausschüttung spiegelt die strategische Änderung des Fonds wider, die im Dezember 2024 angekündigt wurde, als der Vorstand eine Erhöhung des annualisierten Ausschüttungsbetrags von 6,5% auf 10% genehmigte. Die vierteljährlichen Ausschüttungen werden auf der Grundlage des durchschnittlichen täglichen NAV der letzten drei Monate berechnet. Der Fonds plant, diesen erhöhten Satz mindestens 12 Monate lang beizubehalten, sofern es keine wesentlichen Marktveränderungen gibt.
Diese Politik zielt darauf ab, den Aktionären regelmäßige vierteljährliche Barzahlungen zu bieten und möglicherweise den Rabatt auf den NAV, zu dem die Fondsanteile gehandelt werden, zu verringern. Der Fonds weist jedoch darauf hin, dass es keine Garantie dafür gibt, dass diese Ziele erreicht werden, und die Ausschüttungspolitik bleibt Änderungen des Vorstands unterworfen.
- Significant increase in distribution rate from 6.5% to 10%
- Commitment to maintain higher distribution rate for at least 12 months
- Policy designed to reduce NAV discount in share trading
- No guarantee of achieving distribution objectives
- Distribution policy subject to modification by Board
The abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China Fund's announcement represents a significant enhancement to shareholder value through its substantial distribution rate increase from 6.5% to 10%. This translates to a
This 53.8% increase in the distribution rate is particularly notable for a closed-end fund. With the fund committing to maintain this elevated rate for at least 12 months barring significant market disruptions, shareholders gain both enhanced income predictability and potentially improved total returns.
The distribution policy serves dual strategic purposes. First, it provides shareholders with a steady, predictable income stream in an otherwise volatile emerging markets sector. Second, it addresses the common closed-end fund challenge of NAV discount by potentially attracting income-seeking investors to narrow any existing price-to-NAV gap.
For context, closed-end funds often trade below their net asset values, and higher distribution rates frequently help reduce these discounts by increasing investor demand. The fund's board has clearly prioritized shareholder returns through this policy change, which should support both income-focused investors and those concerned about market price stabilization relative to underlying asset value.
PHILADELPHIA, PA / ACCESS Newswire / March 11, 2025 / abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China Fund, Inc. (NYSE American:AEF), (the "Fund"), a closed-end fund, announced today details of the first distribution under the increased
As announced in December 2024, as part of the strategic changes, the Board approved an increase to its annualized distribution rate from
At the end of each calendar year, a Form 1099-DIV will be sent to shareholders, which will state the amount and composition of the Fund's distributions and provide information with respect to their appropriate tax treatment for the prior calendar year. The Fund's distribution policy is subject to modification by the respective Board of Directors at any time, and there can be no guarantee that the policy will continue. You should not draw any conclusions about any of these Funds' investment performance from the amount of the distributions.
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In the United States, abrdn is the marketing name for the following affiliated, registered investment advisers: abrdn Inc., abrdn Investments Limited, and abrdn Asia Limited.
Closed-end funds are traded on the secondary market through one of the stock exchanges. A Fund's investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor's shares may be worth more or less than the original cost. Shares of closed-end funds may trade above (a premium) or below (a discount) the net asset value (NAV) of the fund's portfolio. There is no assurance that a Fund will achieve its investment objective. Past performance does not guarantee future results
For More Information Contact:
abrdn U.S. Closed-End Funds
Investor Relations
SOURCE: abrdn Emerging Markets ex-China Fund, Inc.
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