Aditxt Subsidiary Pearsanta Completes the Acquisition of Proprietary Adductomics Technology to Develop and Advance the Platform Toward Clinical and Commercial Applications for Monitoring Early Signs of Increased Cancer Risk
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) announced that its subsidiary Pearsanta has acquired key patents for adductomics-based DNA damage detection in a transaction valued at approximately $1 million, paid in Pearsanta Convertible Preferred Stock.
The acquisition enhances Pearsanta's cancer prevention diagnostic capabilities by combining with their proprietary Mitomic® Technology platform. The adductomics technology enables detection of DNA adducts - chemical modifications to DNA caused by carcinogens - which are early indicators of cancer risk. The platform will analyze urine, blood, or solid tissue samples to assess genomic instability before permanent mutations occur.
Over the next 2-3 years, Pearsanta plans to:
- Conduct clinical validation of the technology
- Submit regulatory applications for Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) and FDA pathways
- Scale operations within CLIA/CAP-certified laboratories
- Integrate adductomics-based screening into their precision oncology portfolio
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) ha annunciato che la sua sussidiaria Pearsanta ha acquisito brevetti chiave per la rilevazione dei danni al DNA basata sull'adductomics in una transazione del valore di circa 1 milione di dollari, pagati in azioni privilegiate convertibili Pearsanta.
L'acquisizione potenzia le capacità diagnostiche per la prevenzione del cancro di Pearsanta combinandosi con la loro piattaforma tecnologica proprietaria Mitomic® Technology. La tecnologia adductomics consente la rilevazione degli adotti del DNA - modifiche chimiche al DNA causate da cancerogeni - che sono indicatori precoci del rischio di cancro. La piattaforma analizzerà campioni di urine, sangue o tessuti solidi per valutare l'instabilità genica prima che si verifichino mutazioni permanenti.
Nell'arco dei prossimi 2-3 anni, Pearsanta prevede di:
- Condurre la validazione clinica della tecnologia
- Presentare domande regolatorie per Test Sviluppati in Laboratorio (LDT) e percorsi FDA
- Espandere le operazioni all'interno di laboratori certificati CLIA/CAP
- Integrare lo screening basato sull'adductomics nel loro portafoglio di oncologia di precisione
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) anunció que su subsidiaria Pearsanta ha adquirido patentes clave para la detección de daños en el ADN basada en adductomics en una transacción valorada en aproximadamente 1 millón de dólares, pagados en acciones preferentes convertibles de Pearsanta.
La adquisición mejora las capacidades diagnósticas de prevención del cáncer de Pearsanta al combinarse con su plataforma tecnológica propietaria Mitomic® Technology. La tecnología de adductomics permite la detección de aductos de ADN - modificaciones químicas en el ADN causadas por carcinógenos - que son indicadores tempranos del riesgo de cáncer. La plataforma analizará muestras de orina, sangre o tejidos sólidos para evaluar la inestabilidad genómica antes de que ocurran mutaciones permanentes.
En los próximos 2-3 años, Pearsanta planea:
- Realizar la validación clínica de la tecnología
- Presentar solicitudes regulatorias para Pruebas Desarrolladas en Laboratorio (LDT) y vías de la FDA
- Escalar operaciones dentro de laboratorios certificados por CLIA/CAP
- Integrar el cribado basado en adductomics en su cartera de oncología de precisión
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX)는 그 자회사인 Pearsanta가 약 100만 달러에 해당하는 거래를 통해 adductomics 기반의 DNA 손상 탐지에 대한 주요 특허를 인수했다고 발표했습니다. 이 금액은 Pearsanta의 전환 우선주로 지급되었습니다.
이번 인수는 Pearsanta의 암 예방 진단 능력을 자사의 독점 기술 플랫폼인 Mitomic® Technology와 결합함으로써 향상시킵니다. Adductomics 기술은 발암 물질에 의해 발생하는 DNA의 화학적 수정을 탐지할 수 있도록 하며, 이는 암 위험의 조기 지표입니다. 이 플랫폼은 영구적인 돌연변이가 발생하기 전에 유전자 불안정을 평가하기 위해 소변, 혈액 또는 고형 조직 샘플을 분석할 것입니다.
향후 2-3년 동안 Pearsanta는 다음을 계획하고 있습니다:
- 기술의 임상 검증 수행
- 실험실 개발 테스트(LDT) 및 FDA 경로에 대한 규제 신청서 제출
- CLIA/CAP 인증 실험실 내에서 운영 확장
- 정밀 종양학 포트폴리오에 adductomics 기반 스크리닝 통합
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) a annoncé que sa filiale Pearsanta a acquis des brevets clés pour la détection des dommages à l'ADN basée sur l'adductomics dans une transaction d'une valeur d'environ 1 million de dollars, payée en actions privilégiées convertibles Pearsanta.
Cette acquisition renforce les capacités de diagnostic pour la prévention du cancer de Pearsanta en se combinant avec leur plateforme technologique propriétaire Mitomic® Technology. La technologie adductomics permet la détection des adducts d'ADN - modifications chimiques de l'ADN causées par des cancérogènes - qui sont des indicateurs précoces du risque de cancer. La plateforme analysera des échantillons d'urine, de sang ou de tissus solides pour évaluer l'instabilité génomique avant que des mutations permanentes ne se produisent.
Au cours des 2-3 prochaines années, Pearsanta prévoit de :
- Réaliser la validation clinique de la technologie
- Soumettre des demandes réglementaires pour des tests développés en laboratoire (LDT) et des voies FDA
- Élargir ses opérations au sein de laboratoires certifiés CLIA/CAP
- Intégrer le dépistage basé sur l'adductomics dans son portefeuille d'oncologie de précision
Aditxt (NASDAQ: ADTX) gab bekannt, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft Pearsanta wichtige Patente zur DNA-Schadenserkennung auf Basis von Adductomics in einer Transaktion im Wert von etwa 1 Million Dollar erworben hat, die in Pearsanta wandelbaren Vorzugsaktien bezahlt wurde.
Der Erwerb verbessert die diagnostischen Fähigkeiten zur Krebsprävention von Pearsanta, indem er mit ihrer proprietären Mitomic®-Technologieplattform kombiniert wird. Die Adductomics-Technologie ermöglicht die Erkennung von DNA-Addukten - chemischen Modifikationen der DNA, die durch Karzinogene verursacht werden - die frühe Indikatoren für das Krebsrisiko sind. Die Plattform wird Urin-, Blut- oder Festgewebsproben analysieren, um die genomische Instabilität zu bewerten, bevor dauerhafte Mutationen auftreten.
In den nächsten 2-3 Jahren plant Pearsanta:
- Die klinische Validierung der Technologie durchzuführen
- Regulatorische Anträge für Laborentwickelte Tests (LDTs) und FDA-Pfade einzureichen
- Die Betriebe in CLIA/CAP-zertifizierten Laboren zu skalieren
- Adductomics-basierte Screening-Methoden in ihr Portfolio für präzise Onkologie zu integrieren
- Acquisition of valuable patents strengthens cancer diagnostic portfolio
- Technology enables early cancer risk detection before mutations occur
- Potential to reduce healthcare costs by enabling preventive interventions
- Integration with existing Mitomic® Technology platform enhances diagnostic capabilities
- 2-3 year timeline before potential commercialization
- Significant regulatory approvals still required
- Additional investment needed for clinical validation and commercialization
- No immediate revenue impact from the acquisition
Aditxt's acquisition of adductomics technology through its subsidiary Pearsanta represents a strategic expansion of its diagnostic portfolio in the cancer prevention space. The
This transaction fits Aditxt's innovation acceleration model, adding complementary technology to Pearsanta's existing Mitomic® platform. The adductomics approach—detecting chemical modifications to DNA before mutations occur—positions the company upstream in the cancer detection timeline compared to conventional diagnostics that identify already-formed tumors.
From an investment perspective, several factors temper immediate enthusiasm: the 2-3 year development timeline before potential commercialization, required clinical validation studies, pending regulatory submissions, and no near-term revenue impact. The early cancer detection market, while substantial, features intense competition from both established diagnostics companies and well-funded startups with alternative technologies.
The modest acquisition price suggests reasonable expectations while limiting downside risk. For Aditxt (market cap:
The adductomics technology acquisition by Pearsanta addresses a significant gap in current cancer diagnostics by targeting the pre-mutation phase of carcinogenesis. Most existing screening methods detect tumors after formation, when treatment options are and less effective. By contrast, DNA adducts—chemical modifications caused by carcinogens or metabolic byproducts—represent some of the earliest measurable indicators of genomic instability that can lead to cancer.
This technology's potential lies in its capability to detect damage before permanent mutations develop, providing a molecular early warning system. The platform's design to use accessible biospecimens (urine, blood, tissue) enhances clinical practicality, while the panoramic assessment approach could enable identification of specific environmental or biological factors contributing to cancer risk.
The integration with Pearsanta's CLIA/CAP-certified laboratories provides the regulatory framework needed for clinical implementation as Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), potentially creating a faster path to market compared to traditional FDA approval routes. However, clinical validation remains critical to demonstrate this technology can reliably identify individuals with elevated cancer risk before symptom onset.
If successfully validated, this approach could shift diagnostic paradigms toward actionable prevention rather than treatment, potentially lowering healthcare costs by reducing dependence on expensive late-stage interventions. The technology's application in underserved markets with oncology infrastructure offers additional public health potential beyond primary markets.
Acquisition is key to Pearsanta’s mission of addressing cancer through early detection and prevention
Pearsanta plans further validation and regulatory submissions to support commercialization within its
Pearsanta acquired the patents in exchange for the issuance of Pearsanta Convertible Preferred Stock in a transaction valued at approximately
The acquisition aligns with Pearsanta’s mission to advance early cancer detection and prevention that is globally accessible. Mitomic® Technology, Pearsanta’s proprietary platform, uses mitochondrial DNA biomarkers designed for non-invasive cancer detection. With the addition of adductomics-based DNA damage analysis, Pearsanta is expanding its capabilities to assess carcinogen exposure and genomic instability before permanent mutations occur, reinforcing its commitment to proactive cancer risk assessment.
Enhancing Early Cancer Detection with Adductomics
The acquired patents cover proprietary advancements in DNA adduct detection and analysis, providing the capability to assess genomic instability caused by environmental toxins and metabolic byproducts. DNA adducts—chemical modifications to DNA nucleotides caused by carcinogens—are among the earliest detectable indicators of cancer risk.
Pearsanta intends to develop this platform into a comprehensive, panoramic assessment tool for DNA adducts, utilizing urine, blood or solid tissue samples to provide actionable insights into DNA damage before mutations occur. This approach has the potential to identify environmental or biological factors contributing to cancer risk, offering earlier intervention strategies for individuals at elevated risk.
Advancing Toward Commercialization
Pearsanta is advancing a strategic development plan to bring adductomics-based diagnostics to market, focusing on:
- Clinical validation to confirm the technology’s effectiveness in assessing cancer risk.
- Regulatory submissions to support integration into Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) and future FDA pathways.
- Scalability within CLIA/CAP-certified laboratories, seeking to ensure clinical access and, ultimately, commercial adoption.
Over the next two to three years, Pearsanta aims to incorporate adductomics-based screening into its expanding portfolio of precision oncology solutions, reinforcing its commitment to shifting cancer diagnostics from late-stage detection to proactive prevention.
Pearsanta’s Role in the Future of Cancer Prevention
Current cancer diagnostics predominantly detect tumors after they have developed, leaving patients with limited treatment options that are often costly and less effective. Pearsanta’s approach, strengthened by the acquisition of adductomics technology, represents a new frontier in cancer prevention, potentially facilitating identification of DNA damage at its earliest molecular stages—before irreversible mutations occur.
“We envision a world where cancer risk can be assessed before symptoms appear, giving patients and physicians the opportunity to intervene when it matters most,” said Chris Mitton, President of Pearsanta. “We believe that Pearsanta is uniquely positioned to shift cancer care from reactive treatment to proactive prevention. This advancement has the potential to redefine cancer care by enabling earlier risk assessment, allowing individuals to adjust lifestyle factors, reduce exposure to carcinogens and adopt personalized prevention strategies. In underserved regions, where access to oncology treatments remains limited, we believe that adductomics-based screening could provide a cost-effective tool for early cancer risk assessment, empowering preventive measures when they are most effective.”
Additionally, by detecting DNA damage before disease progression, this technology has the potential to lower the overall economic burden of cancer, reducing the reliance on late-stage treatments and hospitalizations.
“Pearsanta’s acquisition reflects Aditxt’s commitment to driving innovation with the potential of addressing some of the most pressing health challenges such as cancer,” said Amro Albanna, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Aditxt. “We believe that this technology has the potential to redefine how we assess and mitigate cancer risk, which could reshape the future of early detection and prevention of cancer.”
About Pearsanta
Pearsanta is at the forefront of precision health, focusing on early cancer detection through advanced diagnostic technologies. Its proprietary Mitomic Technology Platform leverages the unique properties of mitochondrial DNA to detect cancer and other diseases with high accuracy via non-invasive, blood-based liquid biopsy tests. Pearsanta's asset portfolio also includes a range of other innovative diagnostic technologies, all aimed at transforming early disease detection and monitoring, enabling more informed treatment decisions and ultimately improving patient outcomes. For more information, please visit
About Aditxt
Aditxt, Inc.® is a social innovation platform dedicated to accelerating promising health innovations. Aditxt’s ecosystem of research institutions, industry partners, and shareholders collaboratively drives its mission to "Make Promising Innovations Possible Together." The innovation platform is the cornerstone of Aditxt’s strategy, where multiple disciplines drive disruptive growth and address significant societal challenges. Aditxt operates a unique model that democratizes innovation, ensures every stakeholder’s voice is heard and valued, and empowers collective progress.
Aditxt currently operates two programs focused on immune health and precision health. The Company plans to introduce two additional programs dedicated to public health and women’s health. For these, Aditxt has entered into an Arrangement Agreement with Appili Therapeutics, Inc. ("Appili") (TSX: APLI; OTCPink: APLIF), which focuses on infectious diseases, and a Merger Agreement with Evofem Biosciences, Inc. ("Evofem") (OTCQB: EVFM). Each program will be designed to function autonomously while collectively advancing Aditxt’s mission of discovering, developing and deploying innovative health solutions to tackle some of the most urgent health challenges. The closing of each of the transactions with Appili and Evofem is subject to several conditions, including but not limited to approval of the transactions by the respective target shareholders and Aditxt raising sufficient capital to fund its obligations at closing. These obligations include cash payments of approximately
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the Company’s intentions, beliefs, projections, outlook, analyses, or current expectations concerning, among other things, the Company’s ongoing and planned product and business development; the Company’s ability to finance and execute its strategic M&A initiatives; the Company’s ability to obtain the necessary funding and partner to commence clinical trials; the Company’s intellectual property position; the Company’s ability to develop commercial functions; expectations regarding product launch and revenue; the Company’s results of operations, cash needs, spending, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth, and strategies; the Company’s ability to raise additional capital; expected usage of the Company’s ELOC and ATM facilities; the industry in which the Company operates; and the trends that may affect the industry or the Company. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, as well as market and other conditions and those risks more fully discussed in the section titled "Risk Factors" in Aditxt’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in the Company’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All such statements speak only as of the date made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
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Aditxt, Inc.
Corporate Communications
Jeff Ramson, PCG Advisory, Inc.
T: 646-863-6893
Source: Aditxt, Inc.