Adtran expands UK operations with new distribution center

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Adtran has opened a new 20,000-square-foot distribution center in York, UK, expanding its operations to meet growing demand for end-to-end fiber infrastructure technology. The facility, named Sovereign House, enhances Adtran's in-house capabilities for testing, production, and customization of hardware and software. It is designed to support faster, more cost-effective, and sustainable deployments of high-speed broadband across the UK.

Key features of the new center include:

  • Management of inbound and outbound shipments, returns, and testing
  • Streamlined setup and customization of Adtran's broad portfolio
  • Focus on rapid deployment of OLTs for high-performance broadband in low-density areas
  • An 'excellent' rating from the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

The facility aims to strengthen Adtran's supply chain, ensure resilience against disruptions, and enable UK service providers to expand fiber networks more efficiently.

Adtran ha aperto un nuovo centro di distribuzione di 20.000 piedi quadrati a York, Regno Unito, espandendo le proprie operazioni per soddisfare la crescente domanda di tecnologia per infrastrutture in fibra end-to-end. La struttura, chiamata Sovereign House, migliora le capacità interne di Adtran per il collaudo, la produzione e la personalizzazione di hardware e software. È progettata per supportare implementazioni più veloci, più convenienti e sostenibili di banda larga ad alta velocità in tutto il Regno Unito.

Le caratteristiche principali del nuovo centro includono:

  • Gestione delle spedizioni in entrata e in uscita, dei resi e dei test
  • Impostazione e personalizzazione semplificate del vasto portafoglio di Adtran
  • Focus sulla rapida distribuzione di OLT per banda larga ad alte prestazioni in aree a bassa densità
  • Una valutazione 'eccellente' dal Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

La struttura mira a rafforzare la catena di approvvigionamento di Adtran, garantire resilienza contro le interruzioni e consentire ai fornitori di servizi del Regno Unito di espandere le reti in fibra in modo più efficiente.

Adtran ha abierto un nuevo centro de distribución de 20,000 pies cuadrados en York, Reino Unido, ampliando sus operaciones para satisfacer la creciente demanda de tecnología de infraestructura de fibra de extremo a extremo. La instalación, denominada Sovereign House, mejora las capacidades internas de Adtran para la prueba, producción y personalización de hardware y software. Está diseñada para apoyar implementaciones más rápidas, rentables y sostenibles de banda ancha de alta velocidad en todo el Reino Unido.

Las características clave del nuevo centro incluyen:

  • Gestión de envíos entrantes y salientes, devoluciones y pruebas
  • Configuración y personalización simplificadas del amplio portafolio de Adtran
  • Enfoque en el despliegue rápido de OLTs para banda ancha de alto rendimiento en áreas de baja densidad
  • Una calificación 'excelente' del Método de Evaluación Ambiental del Building Research Establishment

La instalación tiene como objetivo fortalecer la cadena de suministro de Adtran, garantizar la resiliencia ante interrupciones y permitir a los proveedores de servicios del Reino Unido expandir las redes de fibra de manera más eficiente.

Adtran은 영국 요크에 20,000제곱피트 규모의 새로운 물류 센터를 개소하여 엔드 투 엔드 광섬유 인프라 기술에 대한 수요 증가에 대응한 운영을 확대하고 있습니다. '소버린 하우스'라고 불리는 이 시설은 Adtran의 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 테스트, 생산 및 맞춤화는 물론 내부 역량을 향상합니다. 이 시설은 영국 전역에서 고속 브로드밴드의 더 빠르고 비용 효율적이며 지속 가능한 배치를 지원하기 위해 설계되었습니다.

새로운 센터의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 입출고, 반품 및 테스트 관리
  • Adtran의 방대한 포트폴리오에 대한 간소화된 설정 및 맞춤화
  • 저밀도 지역의 고성능 브로드밴드를 위한 OLT의 신속한 배치에 집중
  • 건물 연구 기구 환경 평가 방법에서 '우수' 등급을 받음

이 시설은 Adtran의 공급망을 강화하고, 장애에 대한 탄력성을 보장하며, 영국 서비스 제공업체들이 보다 효율적으로 광섬유 네트워크를 확장할 수 있도록 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Adtran a ouvert un nouveau centre de distribution de 20 000 pieds carrés à York, au Royaume-Uni, élargissant ses opérations pour répondre à la demande croissante de technologie d'infrastructure en fibre de bout en bout. L'établissement, nommé Sovereign House, renforce les capacités internes d'Adtran en matière de test, de production et de personnalisation de matériel et de logiciel. Il est conçu pour soutenir des déploiements plus rapides, plus rentables et plus durables de large bande à haute vitesse à travers le Royaume-Uni.

Les caractéristiques clés du nouveau centre comprennent :

  • Gestion des expéditions entrantes et sortantes, des retours et des tests
  • Mise en place et personnalisation rationalisées du large portefeuille d'Adtran
  • Accent mis sur le déploiement rapide d'OLT pour la large bande haute performance dans les zones à faible densité
  • Une note 'excellente' du Método d'Évaluation Environnementale de l'Établissement de Recherche en Bâtiment

Ce centre vise à renforcer la chaîne d'approvisionnement d'Adtran, à garantir la résilience face aux perturbations et à permettre aux fournisseurs de services britanniques d'élargir leurs réseaux de fibre de manière plus efficace.

Adtran hat ein neues 20.000 Quadratfuß großes Vertriebszentrum in York, Großbritannien, eröffnet und damit seine Aktivitäten ausgeweitet, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach End-to-End-Glasfaserinfrastrukturtechnologie gerecht zu werden. Das Facility, das den Namen Sovereign House trägt, verbessert die internen Fähigkeiten von Adtran in den Bereichen Testen, Produktion und Anpassung von Hardware und Software. Es wurde entwickelt, um schnellere, kostengünstigere und nachhaltigere Einsätze von Hochgeschwindigkeits-Breitband im gesamten Vereinigten Königreich zu unterstützen.

Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen des neuen Zentrums gehören:

  • Management von eingehenden und outgoing Sendungen, Rücksendungen und Tests
  • Optimierte Einrichtung und Anpassung des umfangreichen Portfolios von Adtran
  • Fokus auf die schnelle Bereitstellung von OLTs für Hochleistungs-Breitband in dünn besiedelten Gebieten
  • Eine 'ausgezeichnete' Bewertung von der Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

Das Facility zielt darauf ab, die Lieferkette von Adtran zu stärken, Resilienz gegen Störungen zu gewährleisten und es den britischen Dienstanbietern zu ermöglichen, Glasfasernetze effizienter auszubauen.

  • Expansion of operations with a new 20,000-square-foot distribution center in York, UK
  • Enhanced in-house capabilities for testing, production, and customization
  • Improved logistics for faster delivery of essential network components
  • Streamlined setup and customization of Adtran's broad portfolio
  • Focus on rapid deployment of OLTs for high-performance broadband in low-density areas
  • 'Excellent' rating for environmental performance from BREEAM
  • None.

Adtran's expansion in the UK with a new distribution center is a strategic move to capitalize on the growing demand for fiber infrastructure. This facility enhances Adtran's ability to meet customer needs more efficiently, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue in the UK's rapidly expanding fiber broadband market. The center's focus on testing, production and customization could give Adtran a competitive edge by improving product quality and reducing time-to-market. However, the impact on Adtran's financials may not be immediate, as the benefits of this expansion will likely materialize over time. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for signs of improved operational efficiency and sales growth in the UK market.

Adtran's new distribution center is a significant step towards streamlining its supply chain and enhancing its product offerings. The facility's capability to support testing, production and customization of hardware and software indicates a move towards more agile and responsive product development. This could lead to faster innovation cycles and better adaptation to market needs. The focus on optical transport, Carrier Ethernet and access equipment positions Adtran well in the high-growth areas of network infrastructure. The emphasis on supporting the rapid deployment of OLTs (Optical Line Terminals) is particularly noteworthy, as it enables service providers to extend high-performance broadband to low-density areas, potentially opening up new market opportunities.

Adtran's new distribution center, Sovereign House, demonstrates a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Achieving an "excellent" rating from the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method is a significant accomplishment, positioning Adtran as a leader in eco-friendly operations within the tech industry. This focus on sustainability could enhance Adtran's reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious customers and investors. Moreover, sustainable operations often lead to long-term cost savings through improved energy efficiency. While the immediate financial impact may be , this move aligns with growing global emphasis on corporate environmental responsibility, potentially providing a competitive advantage in the long run.

News summary:

  • Facility enhances Adtran’s in-house ability to meet growing demand for its end-to-end fiber infrastructure technology
  • Center supports testing and production, empowering Adtran customers to boost deployment efficiency and service quality
  • Designed for operational speed and customer responsiveness, the facility will advance eco-sustainable UK fiber broadband expansion

YORK, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Adtran today announced the opening of a new 20,000-square-foot distribution center in York, UK. The facility expands Adtran’s UK operations, supporting the deployment of its end-to-end fiber infrastructure solutions, including optical transport, Carrier Ethernet and access equipment. By enhancing logistics capabilities, the new center will enable faster delivery of essential network components and ensure the highest levels of service quality for Adtran’s growing customer base. It will support a wide array of services, such as testing, production and customization of hardware and software. The facility also underscores Adtran’s commitment to sustainability and the highest standards of environmental performance.

“Our new distribution center is designed to meet the demands of the UK’s rapidly expanding fiber broadband network. For over 20 years, York has been central to our UK strategy, serving as a vital hub that allows us to efficiently support service providers across the country. This new facility builds on that strong foundation, enabling faster, more cost-effective and more sustainable deployments to ensure high-speed broadband reaches both major cities and remote rural areas across the UK,” said Paulus Bucher, senior VP of global operations at Adtran. “From our York campus, we’re providing service providers of all sizes with the tools they need to build and expand fiber infrastructure. Through our comprehensive portfolio of networking equipment, from optical transport and Carrier Ethernet to residential solutions, we’re ensuring they can deliver high-speed, reliable connectivity from the core and through the door.”

The new distribution center, Sovereign House, has earned an “excellent” rating from the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, highlighting its top-tier environmental performance. It will manage inbound and outbound shipments, returns and testing, while streamlining the setup, testing and customization of Adtran’s broad portfolio, including optical, Ethernet and access solutions. A key focus is the rapid deployment of Adtran’s OLTs, which enable service providers to deliver high-performance broadband even to low-density areas. The new facility will help Adtran ensure that UK service providers can rapidly expand fiber networks and deliver reliable, multigigabit connectivity to underserved regions, enhancing broadband access across the country.

“Sovereign House is part of our strategy to strengthen our supply chain and ensure resilience against disruptions. By centralizing logistics, we’re able to enhance efficiency and speed up the delivery of essential broadband technologies to our UK customers,” commented Stuart Broome, GM of EMEA sales at Adtran. “This facility will enable service providers to roll out multigigabit fiber and AI-driven solutions more rapidly, allowing them to seize new market opportunities and better serve their communities nationwide. With sustainability and power efficiency at the core of its design, Sovereign House also reinforces our commitment to environmentally responsible operations.”

The new distribution center’s official opening ceremony will be held today with local dignitaries in attendance.

About Adtran

ADTRAN Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADTN and FSE: QH9) is the parent company of Adtran, Inc., a leading global provider of open, disaggregated networking and communications solutions that enable voice, data, video and internet communications across any network infrastructure. From the cloud edge to the subscriber edge, Adtran empowers communications service providers around the world to manage and scale services that connect people, places and things. Adtran solutions are used by service providers, private enterprises, government organizations and millions of individual users worldwide. ADTRAN Holdings, Inc. is also the largest shareholder of Adtran Networks SE, formerly ADVA Optical Networking SE. Find more at Adtran, LinkedIn and X.

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ADTRAN Holdings, Inc.

For media

Gareth Spence

+44 1904 699 358

For investors

Rhonda Lambert

+1 256 963 7450

Source: Adtran


What is the size of Adtran's new distribution center in York, UK?

Adtran's new distribution center in York, UK is 20,000 square feet in size.

What services will Adtran's new UK distribution center support?

The new distribution center will support testing, production, customization of hardware and software, management of inbound and outbound shipments, and returns for Adtran's fiber infrastructure solutions.

How does the new facility impact Adtran's (ADTN) sustainability efforts?

The new facility, Sovereign House, has earned an 'excellent' rating from the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, highlighting its top-tier environmental performance and reinforcing Adtran's commitment to sustainability.

What is the main purpose of Adtran's (ADTN) new distribution center in the UK?

The main purpose is to support the deployment of Adtran's end-to-end fiber infrastructure solutions, enabling faster delivery of essential network components and ensuring high service quality for its growing customer base in the UK.

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