Starboard Issues Presentation Highlighting Significant Issues at Autodesk and Opportunities for Meaningful Value Creation

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Starboard Value LP, a significant shareholder of Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK), has released a presentation highlighting urgent issues at the company. The report criticizes CEO Andrew Anagnost's seven-year tenure, citing missed financial targets, subpar profitability, and sustained share price underperformance. Starboard urges Autodesk's Board to take immediate action, including:

1. Re-evaluating the CEO's position
2. Expanding operating margins by 1,000bps or more
3. Improving budgeting practices
4. Overhauling compensation practices to align with shareholder value creation

The presentation aims to address governance, operational, and financial performance issues at Autodesk, emphasizing the need for accountability and value-enhancing opportunities.

Starboard Value LP, un azionista di rilievo di Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK), ha pubblicato una presentazione che evidenzia questioni urgenti all'interno dell'azienda. Il rapporto critica i sette anni di mandato del CEO Andrew Anagnost, citando obiettivi finanziari mancati, redditività inferiore alla media e una persistente underperformance del prezzo delle azioni. Starboard esorta il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Autodesk a intraprendere azioni immediate, tra cui:

1. Rivalutare la posizione del CEO
2. Espandere i margini operativi di 1.000bp o più
3. Migliorare le pratiche di budget
4. Ristrutturare le pratiche di compensazione per allinearle alla creazione di valore per gli azionisti

La presentazione mira ad affrontare questioni di governance, operative e prestazionali all'interno di Autodesk, sottolineando la necessità di responsabilità e opportunità di valorizzazione.

Starboard Value LP, un importante accionista de Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK), ha publicado una presentación que destaca problemas urgentes en la empresa. El informe critica el mandato de siete años del CEO Andrew Anagnost, citando objetivos financieros no cumplidos, rentabilidad por debajo del promedio y un continuo underperformance del precio de las acciones. Starboard insta a la Junta Directiva de Autodesk a tomar medidas inmediatas, incluyendo:

1. Reevaluar la posición del CEO
2. Ampliar los márgenes operativos en 1,000 puntos básicos o más
3. Mejorar las prácticas de presupuestación
4. Reformar las prácticas de compensación para alinear la creación de valor con los accionistas

La presentación busca abordar cuestiones de gobernanza, operativas y de rendimiento financiero en Autodesk, enfatizando la necesidad de responsabilidad y oportunidades para mejorar el valor.

Starboard Value LP는 Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK)의 주요 주주로서 회사의 긴급 문제를 강조하는 프레젠테이션을 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 CEO인 Andrew Anagnost의 7년 재임 기간을 비판하며, 재무 목표 미달, 낮은 수익성 및 지속적인 주가 저조를 지적합니다. Starboard는 Autodesk 이사회에 즉각적인 조치를 취할 것을 촉구하며, 다음과 같은 내용을 포함합니다:

1. CEO의 직위 재평가
2. 운영 마진 1000bp 이상 확대
3. 예산 편성 관행 개선
4. 주주 가치를 창출하기 위한 보상 관행 개편

이 프레젠테이션은 Autodesk의 거버넌스, 운영 및 재무 성과 문제를 다루고 있으며, 책임감 및 가치 상승 기회의 필요성을 강조하고 있습니다.

Starboard Value LP, un actionnaire important d'Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK), a publié une présentation soulignant des problèmes urgents au sein de l'entreprise. Le rapport critique le mandat de sept ans du PDG Andrew Anagnost, citant des objectifs financiers manqués, une rentabilité inférieure aux attentes et une sous-performance persistante du prix de l'action. Starboard exhorte le conseil d'administration d'Autodesk à agir immédiatement, y compris :

1. Réévaluer la position du PDG
2. Élargir les marges opérationnelles de 1000 points de base ou plus
3. Améliorer les pratiques budgétaires
4. Réformer les pratiques de rémunération pour les aligner sur la création de valeur pour les actionnaires

La présentation vise à traiter les questions de gouvernance, d'opérations et de performance financière chez Autodesk, en soulignant la nécessité de responsabilité et d'opportunités de valorisation.

Starboard Value LP, ein bedeutender Aktionär von Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK), hat eine Präsentation veröffentlicht, die dringende Probleme im Unternehmen hervorhebt. Der Bericht kritisiert die siebenjährige Amtszeit von CEO Andrew Anagnost und führt an, dass finanzielle Ziele verfehlt, die Rentabilität unterdurchschnittlich und der Aktienkurs kontinuierlich schlecht abgeschnitten hat. Starboard fordert den Vorstand von Autodesk auf, sofortige Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, darunter:

1. Neubewertung der CEO-Position
2. Ausweitung der Betriebsmargen um 1.000 Basispunkte oder mehr
3. Verbesserung der Haushaltspraktiken
4. Überarbeitung der Vergütungspraxis zur Ausrichtung an der Werterhöhung für die Aktionäre

Die Präsentation zielt darauf ab, Governance-, Betriebs- und Finanzleistungsprobleme bei Autodesk zu adressieren und betont die Notwendigkeit von Verantwortung sowie wertsteigernden Chancen.

  • Starboard Value LP, a significant shareholder, is actively engaging to improve Autodesk's performance
  • Potential for 1,000bps or more improvement in operating margins through cost structure optimization
  • Seven years of missed financial targets under CEO Andrew Anagnost
  • Sustained share price underperformance
  • Subpar profitability compared to potential
  • Board's failure to hold management accountable for disappointing performance
  • Inadequate budgeting practices leading to missed targets
  • Executive compensation not properly aligned with shareholder value creation

This presentation by Starboard Value LP highlights significant governance and performance issues at Autodesk. The activist investor's critique focuses on CEO Andrew Anagnost's 7-year tenure, marked by missed financial targets and subpar profitability. The Board's failure to ensure accountability is a major concern.

Starboard's recommendations, including re-evaluating the CEO, expanding operating margins, improving budgeting and overhauling compensation practices, are typical activist investor demands. The call for a 1000bps improvement in operating margins is particularly ambitious and could significantly impact Autodesk's operations if implemented.

This activist campaign could lead to major changes in Autodesk's leadership and strategy, potentially affecting the company's future performance and stock price. Investors should closely monitor the Board's response and any resulting strategic shifts.

Starboard's presentation paints a concerning picture of Autodesk's financial performance. The sustained share price underperformance and missed financial targets over seven years suggest systemic issues in the company's financial management and strategy execution.

The proposed 1000bps improvement in operating margins is a substantial target that, if achieved, could significantly boost Autodesk's profitability. However, such aggressive cost-cutting might risk hampering growth initiatives.

The critique of Autodesk's budgeting process and compensation practices points to potential misalignment between management incentives and shareholder interests. Addressing these issues could lead to more disciplined financial management and better alignment with long-term value creation for shareholders.

Starboard's critique of Autodesk raises questions about the company's ability to capitalize on its strong market position in the CAD software industry. Despite Autodesk's transition to a subscription-based model, which should have improved predictability and profitability, the company appears to be underperforming.

The call for right-sizing the cost structure suggests that Autodesk may not have fully realized the efficiencies expected from its business model transition. This could indicate untapped potential in Autodesk's operations, but also raises concerns about the current management's execution capabilities.

If Starboard's recommendations are implemented, it could lead to a more streamlined and profitable Autodesk, potentially strengthening its competitive position against rivals like Dassault Systèmes and Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Details the Urgent Need for Change Following Seven Years of Sustained Share Price Underperformance, Missed Targets, and Subpar Profitability Under CEO Andrew Anagnost

Outlines Board’s Failure to Instill Accountability, Appropriate Budgeting Standards, and Compensation Programs that Are Aligned with Shareholder Outcomes

Notes Steps Autodesk’s Board and Management Should Take to Improve Accountability, Governance, Operational and Financial Performance, and Capital Allocation

Urges the Board to Take Action for the Benefit of Autodesk, Its Employees, and Its Shareholders

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Starboard Value LP (together with its affiliates, “Starboard” or “we”), a significant shareholder of Autodesk, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSK) (“Autodesk” or the “Company”), today released a presentation that details the urgent need to improve the Company’s lagging governance, operations, and financial performance. The presentation, a similar version of which was previously delivered to Autodesk’s Board of Directors (the “Board”), highlights that shareholders have endured seven years of missed financial targets, subpar profitability, and sustained share price underperformance under Chief Executive Officer Andrew Anagnost. The Board has failed to hold management accountable for this disappointing performance. In light of these disappointing results, Starboard has urged the Board to immediately focus on value-enhancing opportunities that include:

  1. Re-evaluating the CEO – Autodesk’s Board must objectively assess Mr. Anagnost’s performance as CEO and determine whether he is the best choice to continue to lead the Company.
  2. Expanding Operating Margins – Autodesk should right-size its cost structure to drive improved profitability. We believe Autodesk can improve operating margins by 1,000bps or more on a like-for-like basis.
  3. Improving Budgeting – Autodesk’s Board must ensure its budgets are adequately rigorous and embed significant operating leverage that results from realizing appropriate incremental margins.
  4. Overhauling Compensation Practices – Autodesk should ensure executive compensation is tied to shareholder value creation. The Company must end its practice of setting annual targets for long-term executive compensation plans, a practice which has enabled compensation targets to be set below the multi-year targets that have been presented to investors.

To see Starboard’s complete analysis and recommendations pertaining to Autodesk, review the full presentation here:

About Starboard Value LP

Starboard Value LP is an investment adviser with a focused and differentiated fundamental approach to investing in publicly traded companies. Starboard invests in deeply undervalued companies and actively engages with management teams and boards of directors to identify and execute on opportunities to unlock value for the benefit of all shareholders.


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Longacre Square Partners

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Source: Starboard Value LP


What are the main issues Starboard Value LP has identified at Autodesk (ADSK)?

Starboard Value LP has identified several issues at Autodesk, including seven years of missed financial targets, subpar profitability, sustained share price underperformance under CEO Andrew Anagnost, inadequate budgeting practices, and executive compensation not properly aligned with shareholder value creation.

What specific actions is Starboard Value LP recommending for Autodesk (ADSK)?

Starboard Value LP is recommending that Autodesk re-evaluate the CEO's position, expand operating margins by 1,000bps or more, improve budgeting practices, and overhaul compensation practices to align with shareholder value creation.

How long has Andrew Anagnost been CEO of Autodesk (ADSK), according to Starboard's presentation?

According to Starboard's presentation, Andrew Anagnost has been CEO of Autodesk for seven years, during which time the company has experienced sustained share price underperformance and missed financial targets.

What is Starboard Value LP's stake in Autodesk (ADSK)?

Starboard Value LP describes itself as a 'significant shareholder' of Autodesk, but the exact percentage of ownership is not specified in the press release.

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