Autodesk named as Official Design and Make Platform of the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games with no-new-permanent-build plan

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Autodesk has been named the Official Design and Make Platform of the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Team USA. The company's software will support LA28's $1 billion temporary overlay and construction plan, focusing on sustainable design principles and a no-new-permanent-venues approach.

Over the next four years, Autodesk's technology will help retrofit 40+ competition and non-competition venues across Southern California, including the LA Memorial Coliseum. The partnership aims to shorten timelines, cut costs, and incorporate sustainability into the project.

LA28 will use Autodesk's software, including Autodesk Construction Cloud and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools, to facilitate collaboration with stakeholders and bring their ambitious venue plan to life. The partnership also focuses on creating a lasting legacy in Los Angeles, supporting improvements to the Games and the metro area through circular and low-carbon design and key transportation partnerships.

Autodesk è stata nominata Piattaforma Ufficiale di Progettazione e Costruzione per i Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici LA28 e il Team USA. Il software dell'azienda supporterà il piano temporaneo di sovrapposizione e costruzione da 1 miliardo di dollari di LA28, concentrandosi su principi di design sostenibile e un approccio senza nuove sedi permanenti.

Nei prossimi quattro anni, la tecnologia di Autodesk aiuterà a riqualificare oltre 40 impianti sportivi e non sportivi in tutta la California meridionale, incluso il LA Memorial Coliseum. L'obiettivo della partnership è ridurre i tempi, abbattere i costi e integrare la sostenibilità nel progetto.

LA28 utilizzerà il software di Autodesk, tra cui Autodesk Construction Cloud e strumenti di Modellazione delle Informazioni Edilizie (BIM), per facilitare la collaborazione con gli stakeholder e realizzare il loro ambizioso piano per le sedi. La partnership si concentra anche su creare un'eredità duratura a Los Angeles, supportando i miglioramenti per i Giochi e l'area metropolitana attraverso design circolare e a basse emissioni di carbonio e importanti partnership nel settore dei trasporti.

Autodesk ha sido nombrada Plataforma Oficial de Diseño y Construcción para los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos LA28 y el Equipo de EE. UU. El software de la compañía apoyará el plan temporal de superposición y construcción de 1.000 millones de dólares de LA28, centrado en principios de diseño sostenible y un enfoque sin nuevas sedes permanentes.

Durante los próximos cuatro años, la tecnología de Autodesk ayudará a modernizar más de 40 sedes de competencia y no competencia en el sur de California, incluido el Coliseo Memorial de Los Ángeles. La asociación tiene como objetivo acortar los plazos, reducir costos e incorporar sostenibilidad al proyecto.

LA28 utilizará el software de Autodesk, incluidos Autodesk Construction Cloud y herramientas de Modelado de Información de Construcción (BIM), para facilitar la colaboración con partes interesadas y hacer realidad su ambicioso plan de sedes. La asociación también se centra en crear un legado duradero en Los Ángeles, apoyando mejoras para los Juegos y el área metropolitana a través de diseño circular y bajo en carbono y asociaciones clave en transporte.

오토데스크LA28 올림픽 및 패럴림픽 게임과 팀 USA의 공식 설계 및 제작 플랫폼으로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사의 소프트웨어는 10억 달러 규모의 임시 오버레이 및 건설 계획을 지원하며, 지속 가능한 설계 원칙새로운 영구 시설을 만들지 않는 접근 방식에 중점을 둡니다.

앞으로 4년 동안 오토데스크의 기술은 남부 캘리포니아 전역에서 40개 이상의 경쟁 및 비경쟁 장소를 개조하는 데 도움을 줄 것이며, 여기에는 LA 기념 콜로세움 또한 포함됩니다. 파트너십의 목표는 일정 단축, 비용 절감 및 지속 가능성 통합입니다.

LA28은 이해관계자와의 협업을 촉진하고 야심찬 장소 계획을 실현하기 위해 Autodesk Construction Cloud와 빌딩 정보 모델링(BIM) 도구을 포함한 오토데스크의 소프트웨어를 사용할 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 또한 로스앤젤레스에 지속적인 유산을 창출하고, 순환 및 저탄소 디자인 및 주요 교통 파트너십을 통해 게임과 메트로 지역 개선을 지원하는 데 중점을 둡니다.

Autodesk a été désigné Plateforme Officielle de Conception et de Construction pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques LA28 et l'équipe des États-Unis. Le logiciel de l'entreprise soutiendra le plan temporaire de superposition et de construction de 1 milliard de dollars de LA28, en se concentrant sur des principes de conception durable et une approche sans nouvelles installations permanentes.

Au cours des quatre prochaines années, la technologie d'Autodesk aidera à rénover plus de 40 lieux de compétition et non compétitifs à travers le sud de la Californie, y compris le LA Memorial Coliseum. L'objectif du partenariat est de réduire les délais, diminuer les coûts et intégrer la durabilité dans le projet.

LA28 utilisera le logiciel d'Autodesk, y compris Autodesk Construction Cloud et les outils de Modélisation de l'Information du Bâtiment (BIM), pour faciliter la collaboration avec les parties prenantes et donner vie à leur ambitieux plan pour les lieux. Le partenariat vise également à créer un héritage durable à Los Angeles, en soutenant les améliorations des Jeux et de la région métropolitaine grâce à un design circulaire et à faible carbone ainsi qu'à des partenariats clés en matière de transport.

Autodesk wurde zur offiziellen Design- und Bauplattform der LA28-Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele sowie des Teams USA ernannt. Die Software des Unternehmens wird den 1-Milliarde-Dollar-Plan für temporäre Überlagerungen und Bauarbeiten von LA28 unterstützen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf nachhaltigen Designprinzipien und einem Ansatz ohne neue permanente Veranstaltungsorte liegt.

In den nächsten vier Jahren wird die Technologie von Autodesk dabei helfen, mehr als 40 Wettkampfstätten und nicht wettkampforientierte Veranstaltungsorte in Südkalifornien, einschließlich des LA Memorial Coliseum, umzugestalten. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, Zeitpläne zu verkürzen, Kosten zu senken und Nachhaltigkeit in das Projekt zu integrieren.

LA28 wird die Software von Autodesk, einschließlich Autodesk Construction Cloud und Building Information Modeling (BIM)-Tools, nutzen, um die Zusammenarbeit mit den Interessengruppen zu erleichtern und ihren ambitionierten Veranstaltungsplan zu verwirklichen. Die Partnerschaft konzentriert sich auch darauf, ein bleibendes Erbe in Los Angeles zu schaffen und die Verbesserungen der Spiele und der Metropolregion durch kreisförmiges und kohlenstoffarmes Design sowie wichtige Verkehrspartnerschaften zu unterstützen.

  • None.
  • None.

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Autodesk announced that it has been named the Official Design and Make Platform of the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Team USA. Over the next four years, Autodesk's software – used by designers, engineers, builders, and creators – will support LA28's more than $1 billion temporary overlay and construction plan, incorporating sustainable design principles. 

Autodesk's Design and Make Platform will be supporting LA28's no-new-permanent-venues plan: a commitment to build LA28's footprint by adapting existing or building temporary infrastructure.

"Autodesk's technology is used every day to design and make a better world, which is why we're thrilled to be LA28's official Design and Make Platform," said Andrew Anagnost, Autodesk President and CEO. "Our partnership will enable Autodesk software to do more than ever before. Together with LA28, we will help prepare Los Angeles for not only a 29-day celebration but also strengthen the greater Los Angeles community by embarking on our shared vision of a more sustainable Games."

LA28 and Autodesk to design and make the Olympics and Paralympics with no new permanent venues

Autodesk software will help retrofit the 40+ competition and major non-competition venues across Southern California that will make up the LA28 Games' footprint – including the LA Memorial Coliseum. Autodesk software will be critical in enabling this, with its technology helping to shorten timelines, cut costs, and incorporate sustainable design principles across the project.

"Autodesk's software is a part of our LA28 story: the behind-the-scenes technology that brings our vision of the LA28 Games to life," said Casey Wasserman, LA28 Chairperson. "Together, we will develop the right plan to support 12-15 million ticketed fans over such a short period of time. We are honored to have Autodesk on board for the next four years as we embark on our shared commitment in innovative design that can serve as a precedent for many Games to come." 

Over the next four years, LA28 will use Autodesk's software, including Autodesk Construction Cloud, as a central tool to facilitate better collaboration with thousands of critical stakeholders on the design, development, and ultimate delivery of the venues.

LA28 will use Autodesk software and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools to bring to life an ambitious venue plan, and Autodesk will provide consultative support to help LA28 meet their delivery and sustainability plan.

"At Autodesk, we believe the most sustainable building is the one already built. That's why we're excited by LA28's ambitious plan to retrofit existing structures to ensure sustainability is at the forefront of the LA28 Games venue plan," said Amy Bunszel, Executive Vice President, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Solutions at Autodesk. "Over the next four years, our software will help set a new standard for creating a sporting event that intentionally designs, builds, repurposes, and reuses existing venues."

Beyond the build: shaping a lasting legacy in Los Angeles

LA28 is committed to making a positive impact on the city and communities of Los Angeles. Autodesk's cross-industry expertise and relationships present opportunities to unlock cumulative impact on the road to 2028. As such, Autodesk will tap into its decades of experience in creating the technology that powers sustainable events of the future to support lasting improvements to the Olympic and Paralympic Games and to the metro area.

  • Creating a sustainable future through circular and low-carbon design: Retrofitting existing buildings emits less carbon than new construction. Considering the built environment accounts for 42% of global carbon emissions*, retrofitting and adaptive reuse are increasingly crucial in creating a sustainably built environment. Autodesk provides the industry with the data and insights needed to precisely model existing buildings and simulate various retrofit and adaptive reuse scenarios. This enables teams to evaluate and balance trade-offs related to energy and material use, significantly lowering carbon emissions of the built environment.
  • Key transportation partnerships: LA28's partnership with Autodesk will support their collaboration with key public transportation agencies over the next four years in the LA region to keep LA residents, workers, businesses and more moving reliably throughout the region. LA28 will use Autodesk software to aid in the design of key Games-related transportation elements and traffic control plans.

*Source: Architecture 2030

About LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games: The LA28 Games will mark Los Angeles' third time to host the Olympic Games, previously hosted in 1984 and 1932, and first time to host the Paralympic Games. Los Angeles will host the world's most elite athletes in 2028 as it welcomes Paralympians and Olympians from around the world to compete on the biggest stage in sports. The LA28 Games are independently operated by a privately funded, non-profit organization with revenue from corporate partners, licensing agreements, hospitality and ticketing programs and a significant contribution from the International Olympic Committee.

About Autodesk: The world's designers, engineers, builders, and creators trust Autodesk to help them design and make anything. From the buildings we live and work in, to the cars we drive and the bridges we drive over. From the products we use and rely on, to the movies and games that inspire us. Autodesk's Design and Make Platform unlocks the power of data to accelerate insights and automate processes, empowering our customers with the technology to create the world around us and deliver better outcomes for their business and the planet. For more information, visit or follow @autodesk. #MakeAnything

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SOURCE Autodesk, Inc.


What role will Autodesk play in the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games?

Autodesk will serve as the Official Design and Make Platform for the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games, providing software to support the $1 billion temporary overlay and construction plan with a focus on sustainable design and no new permanent venues.

How many venues will Autodesk's software help retrofit for LA28?

Autodesk's software will help retrofit over 40 competition and major non-competition venues across Southern California for the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

What is LA28's approach to venue construction for the Olympic and Paralympic Games?

LA28 is committed to a no-new-permanent-venues plan, focusing on adapting existing structures or building temporary infrastructure to ensure sustainability and reduce environmental impact.

How will Autodesk's technology contribute to sustainability in the LA28 Games?

Autodesk's software will enable LA28 to incorporate sustainable design principles, retrofit existing buildings, and use Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools to evaluate and balance trade-offs related to energy and material use, lowering carbon emissions.

What specific Autodesk software will be used for the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games?

LA28 will use Autodesk Construction Cloud and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools as central components for designing, developing, and delivering the venues for the Games.

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