Autodesk announces Mary T. McDowell to step down from Board of Directors
Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) announced that Board member Mary T. McDowell will not seek re-election at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. McDowell, who joined the Board in March 2010, has served for 15 years, contributing to the company's growth, profitability, and shareholder value creation.
This announcement follows the December 2024 news that Lorrie Norrington will also not stand for re-election, while John Cahill (former Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods) and Ram Krishnan (Executive Vice President and COO of Emerson) joined the Board. These changes align with Autodesk's commitment to reduce its Board size while maintaining strong independent oversight with diverse expertise.
Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) ha annunciato che il membro del Consiglio Mary T. McDowell non si candiderà per la rielezione durante l'Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti del 2025. McDowell, che è entrata a far parte del Consiglio nel marzo 2010, ha servito per 15 anni, contribuendo alla crescita, alla redditività e alla creazione di valore per gli azionisti dell'azienda.
Questa notizia segue l'annuncio di dicembre 2024 che Lorrie Norrington non si candiderà nemmeno per la rielezione, mentre John Cahill (ex Presidente e CEO di Kraft Foods) e Ram Krishnan (Vice Presidente Esecutivo e COO di Emerson) si sono uniti al Consiglio. Questi cambiamenti sono in linea con l'impegno di Autodesk a ridurre le dimensioni del proprio Consiglio mantenendo una forte supervisione indipendente con competenze diversificate.
Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) anunció que la miembro de la Junta Mary T. McDowell no buscará la reelección en la Reunión Anual de Accionistas de 2025. McDowell, quien se unió a la Junta en marzo de 2010, ha servido durante 15 años, contribuyendo al crecimiento, la rentabilidad y la creación de valor para los accionistas de la empresa.
Este anuncio sigue a la noticia de diciembre de 2024 de que Lorrie Norrington tampoco se presentará a la reelección, mientras que John Cahill (ex Presidente y CEO de Kraft Foods) y Ram Krishnan (Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y COO de Emerson) se unieron a la Junta. Estos cambios están alineados con el compromiso de Autodesk de reducir el tamaño de su Junta mientras mantiene una fuerte supervisión independiente con experiencia diversa.
오토데스크 (NASDAQ: ADSK)는 이사회 멤버 메리 T. 맥도웰이 2025년 주주 연례 회의에서 재선 출마를 하지 않을 것이라고 발표했습니다. 맥도웰은 2010년 3월 이사회에 합류했으며, 15년 동안 회사의 성장, 수익성 및 주주 가치를 창출하는 데 기여해왔습니다.
이번 발표는 2024년 12월 로리 노링턴이 재선 출마를 하지 않겠다고 발표한 것에 이어 나온 것이며, 존 캐힐 (전 크래프트 푸드 CEO)과 램 크리시난 (에머슨의 부사장 및 COO)이 이사회에 합류했습니다. 이러한 변화는 오토데스크의 이사회 규모를 줄이면서도 다양한 전문성을 갖춘 강력한 독립적 감독을 유지하겠다는 약속과 일치합니다.
Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) a annoncé que le membre du Conseil Mary T. McDowell ne se représentera pas à l'élection lors de l'Assemblée Annuelle des Actionnaires de 2025. McDowell, qui a rejoint le Conseil en mars 2010, a servi pendant 15 ans, contribuant à la croissance, à la rentabilité et à la création de valeur pour les actionnaires de l'entreprise.
Cette annonce fait suite à la nouvelle de décembre 2024 selon laquelle Lorrie Norrington ne se représentera également pas, tandis que John Cahill (ancien Président et CEO de Kraft Foods) et Ram Krishnan (Vice-Président Exécutif et COO d'Emerson) ont rejoint le Conseil. Ces changements s'inscrivent dans l'engagement d'Autodesk à réduire la taille de son Conseil tout en maintenant une forte supervision indépendante avec une expertise diversifiée.
Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) gab bekannt, dass das Vorstandsmitglied Mary T. McDowell sich bei der Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre 2025 nicht zur Wiederwahl stellen wird. McDowell, die im März 2010 in den Vorstand eintrat, hat 15 Jahre gedient und zur Wachstums-, Rentabilitäts- und Wertschöpfung für die Aktionäre des Unternehmens beigetragen.
Diese Ankündigung folgt der Nachricht von Dezember 2024, dass Lorrie Norrington ebenfalls nicht zur Wiederwahl antreten wird, während John Cahill (ehemaliger Vorsitzender und CEO von Kraft Foods) und Ram Krishnan (Executive Vice President und COO von Emerson) dem Vorstand beigetreten sind. Diese Veränderungen stehen im Einklang mit dem Engagement von Autodesk, die Größe seines Vorstands zu reduzieren und gleichzeitig eine starke unabhängige Aufsicht mit vielfältiger Expertise aufrechtzuerhalten.
- Board refreshment with two new experienced members
- Planned reduction in Board size aligns with company strategy
- Loss of 15 years of institutional knowledge with McDowell's departure
- Simultaneous departure of two long-serving Board members
"We are deeply grateful for Mary's dedication to Autodesk as she has been an integral member of our Board, and a critical part of the company's success over the past 15 years," said Stacy Smith, Autodesk Board Chair. "Her outstanding leadership in overseeing Autodesk's strategic direction for over a decade has resulted in significant growth, profitability and shareholder value creation. Mary's business acumen has provided effective oversight, supporting the company through numerous milestones and positioning it favorably to drive continued success. On behalf of the full Board, I would like to thank Mary for her commitment to and positive impact on Autodesk."
"I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with talented and committed colleagues on the Board to help provide oversight and support for Autodesk along what has been an incredible journey of growth and value creation," said Ms. McDowell. "I look forward to celebrating the continued success of Autodesk and its leadership team as they continue to lead the way in Design and Make and drive sustainable value for shareholders."
In December 2024, the company announced that Lorrie Norrington stated her intention not to stand for re-election at Autodesk's 2025 Annual Meeting and that John Cahill, former Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods, and Ram Krishnan, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Emerson, were joining the Board. John and Ram bring extensive boardroom experience and a history of shareholder value creation. Their appointments have significantly enhanced the Board's breadth and depth of expertise.
Smith concluded, "Autodesk is continuing its history of maintaining a strong Board comprised of independent and engaged directors with the right mix of skills and experience to provide effective oversight of the execution of Autodesk's strategy. While we will miss Lorrie's and Mary's contributions to the company, we remain well positioned for the future."
With these planned changes, Autodesk will have reduced the size of its Board, consistent with its previously stated commitment.
About Autodesk
The world's designers, engineers, builders, and creators trust Autodesk to help them design and make anything. From the buildings we live and work in, to the cars we drive and the bridges we drive over. From the products we use and rely on, to the movies and games that inspire us. Autodesk's Design and Make Platform unlocks the power of data to accelerate insights and automate processes, empowering our customers with the technology to create the world around us and deliver better outcomes for their business and the planet. For more information, visit or follow @autodesk. #MakeAnything
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