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Ahold Delhaize invested €364 million in COVID-19 relief efforts in 2021, with €20 million dedicated to charitable donations. The company contributed over €199 million globally to support local communities, addressing hunger, education, and mental health initiatives. Notable donations include $3.3 million from The GIANT Company for school food programs and €800,000 from Albert Heijn for food aid. CEO Frans Muller emphasized the importance of this support during challenging times, stating the daily relief costs reached nearly €1 million.
Vassilis Stavrou, Brand President of Alfa Beta, is leaving Ahold Delhaize after 28 years. His tenure included roles in Quality Assurance, Human Resources, and Business Development. Wouter Kolk, CEO Ahold Delhaize Europe & Indonesia, acknowledged Stavrou's contributions. In the interim, Jesper Lauridsen, currently Brand President of Albert, will lead Alfa Beta. The search for Stavrou's successor has begun. Ahold Delhaize is one of the largest food retail groups, serving 54 million customers weekly across the U.S., Europe, and Indonesia.
Ahold Delhaize has officially launched its €1 billion share buyback program, first announced on November 15, 2021. This initiative aims to reduce the company's capital by canceling shares acquired during the program. The share buyback will occur in one or multiple tranches, adhering to legal regulations and the authority granted at the company’s 2021 annual general meeting. Ahold Delhaize emphasizes a balanced strategy, combining growth funding with returning excess liquidity to shareholders, while maintaining vigilance over macroeconomic factors, including COVID-19 impacts.
Ahold Delhaize announces a strategic alliance between bol.com and delivery expert Cycloon to accelerate growth and enhance sustainable delivery in the Benelux. Bol.com will acquire a majority stake in Cycloon, expected to close in the first half of 2022. This partnership aims to improve delivery capacity, reduce CO2 emissions, and create job opportunities by leveraging Cycloon's network of bicycle couriers. Cycloon, committed to its social mission, will continue operating independently while enhancing its green delivery services. The collaboration aligns with bol.com's sustainability goals to achieve zero CO2 emissions per package by 2025.
What is the current stock price of KONINKLIJKE AD N.V. S/ADR (ADRNY)?