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Sebastiaan de Jong has been appointed as the new Brand President of Etos, effective July 1, 2021. With over 23 years of experience at Ahold Delhaize, he has held significant roles, including Head of Procurement for Ahold Delhaize Europe & Indonesia. In his new role, de Jong aims to enhance Etos' strategy and serve its loyal customer base.
Wouter Kolk, CEO of Ahold Delhaize Europe & Indonesia, expressed confidence in de Jong's leadership, highlighting his inclusivity and retail expertise.
Ahold Delhaize reported Q1 2021 net sales of €18.3 billion, a 5.8% increase at constant exchange rates. Comparable sales growth, excluding gas, rose 4.2%, with a two-year stack growth of 16.4% and robust online sales surging by 103.3%. Underlying operating margin stood at 4.6%, down 0.6 percentage points, while diluted EPS was €0.54, reflecting a 2.6% year-over-year decline. The company raised its 2021 EPS and online sales growth outlook, anticipating low to mid-teen EPS growth compared to 2019. Total COVID-19-related expenses reached approximately €150 million.
What is the current stock price of KONINKLIJKE AD N.V. S/ADR (ADRNY)?