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Ahold Delhaize has announced the successful pricing of its inaugural €500 million Green Bond, set to mature on April 4, 2028. This issuance aligns with the company's sustainability strategy and builds upon its previous ESG financings. The bond's proceeds will finance environmentally friendly assets, including green buildings, renewable energy, and pollution prevention. Priced at 99.851% with a 3.500% annual coupon, the bonds will be listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The updated Green Finance Framework has received a positive Second-Party Opinion from Sustainalytics, confirming the quality of the eligible green projects.
Ahold Delhaize published its 2022 Annual Report, highlighting the theme 'Local matters', focusing on community needs while leveraging its global scale. CEO Frans Muller acknowledged 2022 challenges due to the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing efforts to keep grocery prices low and invest in mental health for associates. The company achieved record cost savings of €979 million and significant donations of €218 million to local communities. Ahold Delhaize plans to invest €2.5 billion in Capex for digital capabilities and sustainability initiatives while preparing for ongoing macro-economic challenges in 2023.
Ahold Delhaize has nominated Julia Vander Ploeg for appointment to its Supervisory Board, to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 12, 2023. Vander Ploeg has extensive experience, including roles at Hyatt Hotels, Volvo Car Corporation, and McDonald's.
She will replace Bala Subramanian, who will step down from the board at the AGM. Peter Agnefjäll, Chair of the Supervisory Board, praised Vander Ploeg's digital expertise as vital for Ahold Delhaize's growth.
Ahold Delhaize reported notable growth in Q4 2022, with net sales of €23.4 billion, reflecting a 15.9% increase at actual exchange rates. Comparable sales excluding gasoline rose by 7.9%. The company’s underlying operating margin increased to 4.4%, and diluted underlying EPS grew by 22.6% to €0.72. Free cash flow reached €2.2 billion, surpassing target estimates. A cash dividend of €1.05 is proposed, marking a 10.5% increase from the previous year. Looking ahead to 2023, Ahold Delhaize anticipates a stable underlying operating margin of at least 4.0% and free cash flow of approximately €2.0 billion.
What is the current stock price of KONINKLIJKE AD N.V. S/ADR (ADRNY)?