Adaptive Biotechnologies and NeoGenomics Partner to Expand Access to Personalized Disease Monitoring for Blood Cancer Patients
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT) and NeoGenomics (NEO) announced a multi-year exclusive strategic commercial collaboration to enhance minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring for blood cancer patients. The partnership integrates Adaptive's FDA-cleared clonoSEQ test with NeoGenomics' COMPASS and CHART assessment services.
The collaboration enables clinicians using NeoGenomics' COMPASS for initial blood cancer diagnosis to simultaneously identify DNA sequences for patient tracking. The service covers multiple myeloma, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Subsequent CHART assessments can include clonoSEQ MRD testing throughout treatment.
Testing will be performed at Adaptive's CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited laboratory in Seattle. The companies will begin implementing the necessary infrastructure with cross-promotional efforts expected later this year. Financial terms were not disclosed.
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT) e NeoGenomics (NEO) hanno annunciato una collaborazione commerciale strategica esclusiva pluriennale per migliorare il monitoraggio della malattia residua minima (MRD) per i pazienti affetti da cancro al sangue. Il partenariato integra il test clonoSEQ approvato dalla FDA di Adaptive con i servizi di valutazione COMPASS e CHART di NeoGenomics.
La collaborazione consente ai clinici che utilizzano COMPASS di NeoGenomics per la diagnosi iniziale del cancro al sangue di identificare simultaneamente le sequenze di DNA per il monitoraggio dei pazienti. Il servizio copre il mieloma multiplo, la leucemia linfoblastica acuta a cellule B, la leucemia linfocitica cronica e il linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule B. Le valutazioni CHART successive possono includere test di MRD con clonoSEQ durante il trattamento.
I test saranno eseguiti nel laboratorio di Adaptive certificato CLIA e accreditato CAP a Seattle. Le aziende inizieranno a implementare le infrastrutture necessarie, con sforzi promozionali incrociati previsti entro la fine dell'anno. I termini finanziari non sono stati resi noti.
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT) y NeoGenomics (NEO) anunciaron una colaboración comercial estratégica exclusiva a varios años para mejorar el monitoreo de la enfermedad residual mínima (MRD) en pacientes con cáncer de sangre. La asociación integra la prueba clonoSEQ aprobada por la FDA de Adaptive con los servicios de evaluación COMPASS y CHART de NeoGenomics.
La colaboración permite a los clínicos que usan COMPASS de NeoGenomics para el diagnóstico inicial del cáncer de sangre identificar simultáneamente las secuencias de ADN para el seguimiento de los pacientes. El servicio abarca mieloma múltiple, leucemia linfoblástica aguda de células B, leucemia linfocítica crónica y linfoma difuso de células B grandes. Las evaluaciones CHART subsecuentes pueden incluir pruebas de MRD con clonoSEQ durante el tratamiento.
Las pruebas se realizarán en el laboratorio acreditado por CAP y certificado por CLIA de Adaptive en Seattle. Las empresas comenzarán a implementar la infraestructura necesaria, con esfuerzos de promoción cruzada esperados para finales de este año. No se divulgaron los términos financieros.
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT)와 NeoGenomics (NEO)는 혈액암 환자들을 위한 최소 잔여 질병(MRD) 모니터링을 강화하기 위한 다년간의 독점 전략적 상업 협력 관계를 발표했습니다. 이번 파트너십은 Adaptive의 FDA 승인 clonoSEQ 검사와 NeoGenomics의 COMPASS 및 CHART 평가 서비스를 통합합니다.
이 협업을 통해 NeoGenomics의 COMPASS를 사용하여 초기 혈액암 진단을 수행하는 임상의들은 동시에 환자 추적을 위한 DNA 염기서열을 식별할 수 있습니다. 이 서비스는 다발성 골수종, B세포 급성 림프모구 백혈병, 만성 림프구 백혈병 및 미만성 큰 B세포 림프종을 포함합니다. 이후의 CHART 평가는 치료 과정에서 clonoSEQ MRD 검사를 포함할 수 있습니다.
검사는 시애틀에 있는 Adaptive의 CLIA 인증을 받은, CAP 인가 실험실에서 수행될 것입니다. 두 회사는 필요한 인프라를 구현하기 시작할 것이며, 올해 말에 교차 프로모션 노력이 예상됩니다. 재정 조건은 공개되지 않았습니다.
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT) et NeoGenomics (NEO) ont annoncé une collaboration commerciale stratégique exclusive de plusieurs années pour améliorer le suivi de la maladie résiduelle minimale (MRD) chez les patients atteints de cancer du sang. Ce partenariat intègre le test clonoSEQ approuvé par la FDA d'Adaptive avec les services d'évaluation COMPASS et CHART de NeoGenomics.
Cette collaboration permet aux cliniciens utilisant le COMPASS de NeoGenomics pour le diagnostic initial du cancer du sang d'identifier simultanément des séquences d'ADN pour le suivi des patients. Le service couvre le myélome multiple, la leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique à cellules B, la leucémie lymphocytique chronique et le lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B. Les évaluations CHART ultérieures peuvent inclure des tests de MRD avec clonoSEQ tout au long du traitement.
Les tests seront réalisés dans le laboratoire certifié CLIA et accrédité par le CAP d'Adaptive à Seattle. Les entreprises commenceront à mettre en œuvre l'infrastructure nécessaire, avec des efforts de promotion croisée attendus d'ici la fin de l'année. Les conditions financières n'ont pas été divulguées.
Adaptive Biotechnologies (ADPT) und NeoGenomics (NEO) haben eine mehrjährige exklusive strategische Kooperation angekündigt, um das Monitoring der minimalen Restkrankheit (MRD) bei Blutkrebspatienten zu verbessern. Die Partnerschaft integriert den von der FDA zugelassenen clonoSEQ-Test von Adaptive mit den Bewertungsdiensten COMPASS und CHART von NeoGenomics.
Die Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht es den Klinikern, die COMPASS von NeoGenomics für die erste Diagnose von Blutkrebs verwenden, gleichzeitig DNA-Sequenzen zur Patientennachverfolgung zu identifizieren. Der Dienst umfasst multiples Myelom, akute lymphoblastische Leukämie vom B-Zell-Typ, chronische lymphatische Leukämie und diffuses großzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom. Nachfolgende CHART-Bewertungen können während der Behandlung Tests auf MRD mit clonoSEQ umfassen.
Die Tests werden im CLIA-zertifizierten und CAP-akkreditierten Labor von Adaptive in Seattle durchgeführt. Die Unternehmen werden mit der Implementierung der erforderlichen Infrastruktur beginnen, wobei später in diesem Jahr mit cross-promotionalen Aktivitäten gerechnet wird. Finanzielle Einzelheiten wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.
- Exclusive strategic partnership expands market reach for ADPT's clonoSEQ test
- Integration with NeoGenomics' services increases accessibility to MRD testing
- Partnership potentially increases patient enrollment in clinical trials using clonoSEQ
- None.
This strategic partnership represents a pivotal move in the oncology diagnostics landscape. The collaboration combines Adaptive's FDA-cleared clonoSEQ MRD testing with NeoGenomics' established market presence in oncology testing services, creating a powerful synergy in blood cancer diagnostics. The deal significantly expands Adaptive's commercial reach through NeoGenomics' extensive network, potentially accelerating clonoSEQ adoption rates.
The partnership targets four major blood cancer markets: multiple myeloma, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. This comprehensive coverage positions both companies to capture a larger share of the growing
While financial terms weren't disclosed, the exclusive nature of the agreement suggests significant revenue potential for both parties. The partnership should drive increased test volumes for Adaptive while enhancing NeoGenomics' comprehensive testing portfolio, creating a win-win scenario that could positively impact both companies' market positions.
The clinical significance of this partnership cannot be overstated. Integration of clonoSEQ with COMPASS and CHART creates a seamless diagnostic workflow that addresses a critical gap in blood cancer patient care. By enabling simultaneous identification of patient-specific DNA sequences during initial diagnosis, this collaboration eliminates potential delays in MRD monitoring setup.
The partnership's value proposition is particularly compelling for community oncologists who may be less familiar with MRD testing. Think of it as installing a GPS system that not only tells you where you are but also continuously tracks your journey - it provides clinicians with real-time insights into disease progression and treatment effectiveness. This standardized approach could significantly improve patient outcomes by ensuring consistent MRD monitoring throughout the treatment journey.
Looking ahead, this collaboration could accelerate clinical trial recruitment, as many trials now require clonoSEQ MRD testing. The partnership effectively creates a pre-qualified patient pool for these trials, potentially speeding up drug development in blood cancers.
Pairing Adaptive Biotechnologies’ clonoSEQ MRD results with NeoGenomics’ COMPASS and CHART assessment services empowers clinicians and patients with meaningful insights across the treatment continuum
SEATTLE and FORT MYERS, Fla., Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Adaptive Biotechnologies Corporation (Nasdaq:ADPT), a commercial stage biotechnology company that aims to translate the genetics of the adaptive immune system into clinical products to diagnose and treat disease, and NeoGenomics, Inc. (Nasdaq:NEO), a leading oncology testing services company, today announced a multi-year exclusive strategic commercial collaboration that will advance minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring options for patients with select blood cancers.
Adaptive’s next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based clonoSEQ® is the first and only FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic (IVD) test to detect MRD in lymphoid cancers. NeoGenomics’ COMPASS® and CHART® are a family of comprehensive and personalized assessment services for complex blood cancers, offering a unique multi-modal testing approach for every patient. With the growing adoption of MRD testing, the integration of clonoSEQ with COMPASS and CHART will help oncologists provide patients with personalized treatment strategies using advanced methods for evaluating patient risk status and delivering real-time insights into disease progression.
“Our partnership with NeoGenomics reflects our shared commitment to empowering oncologists and pathologists to deliver the highest quality patient care,” said Chad Robins, chief executive officer and co-founder of Adaptive Biotechnologies. “As a leader in oncology testing with an extensive menu of precision oncology offerings, NeoGenomics is a natural partner for us. We are proud of this collaboration, which expands access to the valuable insights that clonoSEQ MRD results offer, ultimately helping more providers and patients benefit from knowing their MRD status.”
Under the terms of the exclusive agreement, COMPASS evaluations performed for patients with multiple myeloma (MM), B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) can now include a clonoSEQ Clonality (ID) test, which identifies patient-specific DNA sequences at initial diagnosis and enables that patient for clonoSEQ MRD tracking. Subsequent CHART assessments performed for those patients can then include clonoSEQ MRD testing throughout the continuum of care. clonoSEQ testing will continue to be performed by Adaptive Biotechnologies’ CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited laboratory in Seattle.
Clinicians using NeoGenomics’ COMPASS to confirm a blood cancer diagnosis can now simultaneously identify the DNA sequences required to track their patient’s cancer, ensuring newly diagnosed patients have access to clonoSEQ MRD insights throughout their treatment. These patients also increase their likelihood of qualifying for the growing number of clinical trials that rely on clonoSEQ to guide or assess therapy. The ability for clinicians to obtain ongoing MRD testing via CHART, will make longitudinal monitoring of disease burden seamless and will enable clinicians less familiar with MRD to leverage the results at the most medically appropriate timepoints.
“MRD testing is widely recognized as an integral part of blood cancer patient care, serving not only as a powerful prognostic tool but also guiding clinical decision-making,” said Chris Smith, chief executive officer of NeoGenomics. “NeoGenomics is proud to offer our customers access to clonoSEQ, the gold standard for clinical MRD monitoring. We believe Adaptive is the market leader in heme MRD and this strategic commercial collaboration reflects our broader commitment to providing best-in-class, personalized diagnostic testing for patients for their entire cancer journey while strengthening our leadership position in hematology testing.”
Following today’s announcement, Adaptive and NeoGenomics will begin implementing the commercial and operational infrastructure needed to support the partnership. The companies expect to launch cross-promotional efforts later this year. Specific financial terms of the agreement are not disclosed.
About clonoSEQ
clonoSEQ® is available as an FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic (IVD) test service provided by Adaptive Biotechnologies to detect measurable residual disease (MRD) in bone marrow from patients with multiple myeloma (MM) or B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and blood or bone marrow from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Additionally, clonoSEQ is available for use in other lymphoid cancers and specimen types as a CLIA-validated laboratory developed test (LDT). To review the FDA-cleared uses of clonoSEQ, visit clonoSEQ is CE-marked under the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) in the European Union (EU). For the approved intended use in the EU under IVDR, please refer to the instructions for use, available on request.
clonoSEQ leverages Adaptive Biotechnologies’ proprietary immune medicine platform to identify and quantify specific DNA sequences found in malignant cells, allowing clinicians to assess and monitor MRD during and after treatment. The assay provides standardized, accurate, and sensitive measurement of MRD that allows physicians to predict patient outcomes, assess response to treatment, inform changes in therapy, monitor disease burden over time, and detect potential relapse early. Clinical practice guidelines in hematologic malignancies recognize that MRD status is a reliable indicator of clinical outcomes and response to therapy, and clinical outcomes have been shown to be strongly associated with MRD levels measured by clonoSEQ in patients diagnosed with CLL, MM, B-ALL and DLBCL.
About Adaptive Biotechnologies
Adaptive Biotechnologies (“we” or “our”) is a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on harnessing the inherent biology of the adaptive immune system to transform the diagnosis and treatment of disease. We believe the adaptive immune system is nature’s most finely tuned diagnostic and therapeutic for most diseases, but the inability to decode it has prevented the medical community from fully leveraging its capabilities. Our proprietary immune medicine platform reveals and translates the massive genetics of the adaptive immune system with scale, precision and speed. We apply our platform to partner with biopharmaceutical companies, inform drug development, and develop clinical diagnostics across our two business segments: Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) and Immune Medicine. Our commercial products and clinical pipeline enable the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diseases such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. Our goal is to develop and commercialize immune-driven clinical products tailored to each individual patient.
About NeoGenomics, Inc.
NeoGenomics, Inc. is a premier cancer diagnostics company specializing in cancer genetics testing and information services. We offer one of the most comprehensive oncology-focused testing menus across the cancer continuum, serving oncologists, pathologists, hospital systems, academic centers, and pharmaceutical firms with innovative diagnostic and predictive testing to help them diagnose and treat cancer. Headquartered in Fort Myers, FL, NeoGenomics operates a network of CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified laboratories for full-service sample processing and analysis services throughout the US and a CAP-accredited full-service sample-processing laboratory in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
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This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management. All statements contained in this release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements regarding our ability to develop, commercialize and achieve market acceptance of our current and planned products and services, our research and development efforts, and other matters regarding our business strategies, use of capital, results of operations and financial position, and plans and objectives for future operations.
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Adaptive Investor Contact:
Karina Calzadilla, Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A
Adaptive Media Contact:
Erica Jones, Associate Director, Corporate Communications
NeoGenomics Investor Contact:
Kendra Sweeney, Vice President, Investor Relations, Communications, and ESG
NeoGenomics Media Contact:
Andrea Sampson

What does the Adaptive Biotechnologies and NeoGenomics partnership mean for blood cancer patients?
Which types of blood cancers are covered under the ADPT-NeoGenomics collaboration?
When will the Adaptive Biotechnologies-NeoGenomics partnership launch?
Where will the clonoSEQ testing be performed under the new partnership?