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Envirotech Vehicles (OTCQB:ADOM) has delivered its first all-electric Class 4 truck to Zero Nox, Inc. under their Factory Authorized Representative agreement, initiated in May 2021. The Company is also pursuing voucher requests for an additional 23 vehicles via the Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project. ZeroNox specializes in electric powertrain technology for off-highway vehicles and expressed excitement over the partnership, highlighting the demand for on-road vehicle offerings.

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Envirotech Vehicles (OTCQB:ADOM) announced a significant purchase order valued at approximately $2.0 million from Kingbee Rentals for 25 Class 4 electric vans. This collaboration highlights the shift towards sustainable transportation, with Envirotech's zero-emission vehicles meeting growing demand. Kingbee Rentals aims to enhance their fleet with these vehicles, facilitating the transition to electric options for businesses. CEO Phillip Oldridge emphasized the potential growth in this partnership as the industry embraces eco-friendly solutions, reinforcing the company's market position in electric fleet offerings.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (OTCQB:ADOM) has signed a Factory Authorized Representative Agreement with Wasatch Clean Energy, enabling the promotion, sale, and service of Envirotech's electric vehicles across the U.S. Wasatch is required to purchase at least one van and one Class 4 or Class 5 truck for demonstration and potential sale. This partnership aims to enhance Envirotech’s market reach in the rapidly growing electric vehicle sector. CEO Phillip Oldridge emphasized the importance of such partnerships for the company's growth strategy.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (OTCQB:ADOM) has responded positively to Canada's decision to implement changes to its Zero Emissions Act, which includes banning the sale of fuel-burning vehicles by 2035. CEO Phillip Oldridge expressed optimism that this legislation will enhance the demand for electric vehicles, positioning the company to support Canadian fleet operators transitioning to zero-emission trucks and vans. This move is seen as a significant initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and could drive consumer interest in Envirotech's cost-efficient electric vehicle offerings.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (OTCQB:ADOM) has joined the ASPIRE Engineering Research Center, which focuses on developing solutions for electric vehicle electrification and charging infrastructure. CEO Phillip Oldridge emphasized the company's commitment to supporting the transition to electric vehicles, particularly for commercial fleets. The ASPIRE Center expressed its enthusiasm, recognizing Envirotech's leadership in medium-duty electric vehicles. This collaboration aims to enhance the adoption of electric vehicles and combat transportation challenges.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (ADOM) announced the appointment of Pam Compton as Director of Business Development, effective July 19, 2021. Compton, previously a board member, has over 37 years of banking experience, enhancing her operational and financial expertise. CEO Phillip Oldridge and CFO Michael Menerey highlighted her potential to boost the company's growth through industry contacts and business development initiatives. Envirotech focuses on zero-emission electric vehicles, aiming to meet rising demand in various sectors, including commercial fleets and educational institutions.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (OTCQB:ADOM) announced a new purchase order valued at approximately $400,000 from Joseph Holdings, Inc. for three trucks and two vans, expected for delivery in Q3 2021. This follows their recent Factory Authorized Representative Agreement with Joseph Holdings, a leading waste management service provider in the Caribbean. The partnership aims to leverage increasing local demand for electric vehicles, aligning with Barbados' goal of becoming fossil-fuel-free by 2030. This collaboration positions Envirotech to enhance its market presence in the Caribbean.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (ADOM) has been selected as an approved vendor for New Jersey's $15 million Zero Emission Incentive Program (NJ ZIP). The program provides up to $100,000 in vouchers for businesses transitioning to zero-emission vehicles in Newark and Camden. Eligible businesses can receive vouchers ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, with bonuses for minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses.

Envirotech aims to leverage this opportunity to expand its presence on the East Coast and has raised $23 million through a private offering to support its electric vehicle innovations.

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Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. (OTCQB:ADOM) has signed a Factory Authorized Representative Agreement with Joseph Holdings, Inc., expanding its reach into the Caribbean waste management market. Under the agreement, Joseph Holdings will promote and sell Envirotech's electric vehicles, starting with a purchase of at least one van and one truck. Joseph Holdings aims to invest in eco-friendly infrastructure and align with Barbados' goal of achieving a fossil-fuel-free economy by 2030. This partnership is expected to enhance market entry and support growth for both companies.

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Envirotech Vehicles (OTCQB:ADOM) has entered into a Factory Authorized Representative Agreement with Sunset Vans, Inc. to promote and sell its electric vehicles across the U.S. Sunset Vans, known for its wheelchair-accessible vehicles, will purchase two high roof vans for demonstration and sale. This partnership aims to leverage Sunset Vans' extensive distribution network and expertise in the medical transportation field to meet growing demand for EV solutions. CEO Phillip Oldridge highlighted the importance of such collaborations for Envirotech's growth strategy.

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Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing