ADM Receives 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award from Business Intelligence Group

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ADM, a global leader in innovative natural solutions, has been awarded the 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award by the Business Intelligence Group. This recognition, part of the group's ninth annual Sustainability Awards program, highlights ADM's commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation.

Alison Taylor, ADM's chief sustainability officer, emphasized that sustainability is foundational to the company's purpose and growth strategy. ADM integrates sustainable practices into its daily operations, serving customers across various value chains while supporting a healthier planet.

The Business Intelligence Group's CEO, Russ Fordyce, noted that sustainability has become important for forward-thinking companies, praising ADM for placing it at the core of their operations. This award underscores ADM's significant contributions to environmental protection and sustainable business practices.

ADM, leader mondiale nelle soluzioni naturali innovative, ha ricevuto il Premio Leadership per la Sostenibilità 2024 dal Business Intelligence Group. Questo riconoscimento, parte del nono programma annuale di premi per la sostenibilità del gruppo, evidenzia l'impegno di ADM verso responsabilità ambientale e innovazione.

Alison Taylor, direttore della sostenibilità di ADM, ha sottolineato che la sostenibilità è fondamentale per lo scopo e la strategia di crescita dell'azienda. ADM integra pratiche sostenibili nelle sue operazioni quotidiane, servendo clienti in diverse catene del valore e sostenendo un pianeta più sano.

Il CEO del Business Intelligence Group, Russ Fordyce, ha osservato che la sostenibilità è diventata importante per le aziende lungimiranti, lodando ADM per averla posta al centro delle proprie operazioni. Questo premio sottolinea i significativi contributi di ADM alla protezione ambientale e alle pratiche commerciali sostenibili.

ADM, líder mundial en soluciones naturales innovadoras, ha sido galardonada con el Premio a la Liderazgo en Sostenibilidad 2024 por el Business Intelligence Group. Este reconocimiento, parte del noveno programa anual de premios de sostenibilidad del grupo, destaca el compromiso de ADM con la responsabilidad ambiental y la innovación.

Alison Taylor, directora de sostenibilidad de ADM, enfatizó que la sostenibilidad es fundamental para el propósito y la estrategia de crecimiento de la empresa. ADM integra prácticas sostenibles en su operación diaria, sirviendo a clientes en diversas cadenas de valor mientras apoya un planeta más saludable.

El CEO del Business Intelligence Group, Russ Fordyce, destacó que la sostenibilidad se ha vuelto importante para las empresas con visión de futuro, elogiando a ADM por colocarlo en el centro de sus operaciones. Este premio subraya las importantes contribuciones de ADM a la protección ambiental y las prácticas comerciales sostenibles.

ADM은 혁신적인 자연 솔루션의 글로벌 리더로서 2024 지속 가능성 리더십 어워드를 비즈니스 인텔리전스 그룹으로부터 수상했습니다. 이 인정은 그룹의 제9회 연간 지속 가능성 시상 프로그램의 일환으로, 환경 책임 및 혁신에 대한 ADM의 헌신을 강조합니다.

ADM의 최고 지속 가능성 책임자인 앨리슨 테일러는 지속 가능성이 회사의 목적과 성장 전략의 기초라고 강조했습니다. ADM은 다양한 가치 사슬의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하면서 하루 일과에 지속 가능한 관행을 통합하여 더 건강한 지구를 지원합니다.

비즈니스 인텔리전스 그룹의 CEO인 러스 포디스는 지속 가능성이 미래 지향적인 기업들에게 중요해졌다고 언급하면서, ADM이 이를 운영의 핵심에 두고 있는 것을 찬양했습니다. 이 상은 ADM의 환경 보호 및 지속 가능한 비즈니스 관행에 대한 중요한 기여를 강조합니다.

ADM, leader mondial en solutions naturelles innovantes, a reçu le Prix de Leadership en Durabilité 2024 du Business Intelligence Group. Cette reconnaissance, faisant partie du neuvième programme annuel de prix de durabilité du groupe, met en avant l'engagement d'ADM envers la responsabilité environnementale et l'innovation.

Alison Taylor, responsable de la durabilité d'ADM, a souligné que la durabilité est fondamentalement liée aux objectifs et à la stratégie de croissance de l'entreprise. ADM intègre des pratiques durables dans ses opérations quotidiennes, desservant des clients dans diverses chaînes de valeur tout en soutenant un planète plus saine.

Le CEO du Business Intelligence Group, Russ Fordyce, a noté que la durabilité est devenue importante pour les entreprises tournées vers l'avenir, louant ADM pour l'avoir placée au cœur de ses opérations. Ce prix souligne les contributions significatives d'ADM à la protection de l'environnement et aux pratiques commerciales durables.

ADM, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für innovative natürliche Lösungen, wurde mit dem 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award der Business Intelligence Group ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung, die Teil des neunten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitspreisprogramms der Gruppe ist, hebt das Engagement von ADM für Umweltverantwortung und Innovation hervor.

Alison Taylor, Chief Sustainability Officer von ADM, betonte, dass Nachhaltigkeit grundlegend für den Zweck und die Wachstumsstrategie des Unternehmens ist. ADM integriert nachhaltige Praktiken in den täglichen Betrieb und bedient Kunden in verschiedenen Wertschöpfungsketten, während das Unternehmen einen gesünderen Planeten unterstützt.

Der CEO der Business Intelligence Group, Russ Fordyce, merkte an, dass Nachhaltigkeit für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen bedeutend geworden ist und lobte ADM dafür, sie in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit zu stellen. Diese Auszeichnung unterstreicht die bedeutenden Beiträge von ADM zum Umweltschutz und zu nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken.

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CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ADM (NYSE: ADM), a global leader in innovative solutions from nature, was recently recognized as a winner of the 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award presented by the Business Intelligence Group.

The Business Intelligence Group's Sustainability Awards program, now in its ninth year, recognizes companies, projects, people and products of all sizes across various industries. This year's program received submissions highlighting a global dedication to environmental responsibility and innovation.

"We are honored to be in such great company on this impressive list of sustainability leaders,” said Alison Taylor, vice president and chief sustainability officer for ADM. “At ADM, sustainability is truly a foundation of our purpose and a pillar of our growth strategy, and this award reflects that commitment. Sustainable practices and environmental responsibility are integral to the work we do every day to serve customers across the many value chains in which we operate, and we are proud to leverage our expertise to enrich the quality of life and support a healthier planet.”

“Sustainability has evolved from a passing trend to a cornerstone of most forward-thinking companies,” said Russ Fordyce, Chief Executive Officer at Business Intelligence Group. “ADM has put sustainability at the heart of everything they do. We're inspired by their dedication and excited to showcase the incredible work they're accomplishing. We are honored to recognize and celebrate all of our winners and finalists who are making a significant difference in protecting our environment.”

Learn more about ADM’s sustainability accomplishments and latest initiatives at

About ADM

ADM unlocks the power of nature to enrich the quality of life. We’re an essential global agricultural supply chain manager and processor, providing food security by connecting local needs with global capabilities. We’re a premier human and animal nutrition provider, offering one of the industry’s broadest portfolios of ingredients and solutions from nature. We’re a trailblazer in health and well-being, with an industry-leading range of products for consumers looking for new ways to live healthier lives. We’re a cutting-edge innovator, guiding the way to a future of new consumer and industrial solutions. And we're a leader in sustainability, scaling across entire value chains to help decarbonize the multiple industries we serve. Around the globe, our innovation and expertise are meeting critical needs while nourishing quality of life and supporting a healthier planet. Learn more at

About Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, business executives—those with experience and knowledge—judge the programs. The organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and then rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.

Source: Corporate Release
Source: ADM

ADM Media Relations

Dane Lisser


Source: ADM


What award did ADM (NYSE: ADM) receive for sustainability in 2024?

ADM received the 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award presented by the Business Intelligence Group.

Who presented the 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award to ADM?

The 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award was presented to ADM by the Business Intelligence Group.

What is ADM's approach to sustainability according to the press release?

According to the press release, ADM considers sustainability as a foundation of their purpose and a pillar of their growth strategy, integrating sustainable practices and environmental responsibility into their daily operations.

How long has the Business Intelligence Group been running its Sustainability Awards program?

The Business Intelligence Group's Sustainability Awards program is in its ninth year as of 2024.

Who is the chief sustainability officer at ADM mentioned in the press release?

Alison Taylor is mentioned as the vice president and chief sustainability officer for ADM in the press release.

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