Adobe Transforms B2B Marketing with Generative AI-Powered Journey Optimizer to Reach Buying Groups

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Adobe has announced the general availability of Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, part of Adobe Experience Cloud. This new offering leverages generative AI to identify and personalize experiences for 'buying groups' in B2B marketing. Key features include:

1. Creating and assembling buying groups aligned with product portfolios
2. Orchestrating personalized journeys across multiple channels
3. Generating personalized content using AI and integrated asset libraries
4. Improving sales and marketing coordination with shared visibility
5. Measuring and optimizing performance through AI-powered dashboards

AJO B2B Edition aims to transform B2B marketing by addressing challenges in complex sales cycles and personalizing experiences for decision-makers. It integrates with other Adobe solutions like Marketo Engage and Adobe Experience Platform to provide a comprehensive B2B marketing solution.

Adobe ha annunciato la disponibilità generale di Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, parte di Adobe Experience Cloud. Questa nuova offerta sfrutta l'IA generativa per identificare e personalizzare le esperienze per i 'gruppi di acquisto' nel marketing B2B. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Creazione e assemblaggio di gruppi di acquisto allineati con i portafogli di prodotti
2. Orchestrazione di percorsi personalizzati attraverso più canali
3. Generazione di contenuti personalizzati utilizzando l'IA e librerie di asset integrate
4. Miglioramento della coordinazione tra vendite e marketing con visibilità condivisa
5. Misurazione e ottimizzazione delle performance tramite dashboard potenziati dall'IA

L'AJO B2B Edition punta a trasformare il marketing B2B affrontando le sfide nei cicli di vendita complessi e personalizzando le esperienze per i decisori. Si integra con altre soluzioni Adobe come Marketo Engage e Adobe Experience Platform per fornire una soluzione di marketing B2B completa.

Adobe ha anunciado la disponibilidad general de Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, parte de Adobe Experience Cloud. Esta nueva oferta aprovecha la IA generativa para identificar y personalizar experiencias para 'grupos de compra' en el marketing B2B. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Creación y ensamblaje de grupos de compra alineados con los portafolios de productos
2. Orquestación de viajes personalizados a través de múltiples canales
3. Generación de contenido personalizado utilizando IA y bibliotecas de activos integradas
4. Mejora de la coordinación entre ventas y marketing con visibilidad compartida
5. Medición y optimización del rendimiento a través de paneles de control impulsados por IA

AJO B2B Edition tiene como objetivo transformar el marketing B2B abordando los desafíos en ciclos de ventas complejos y personalizando experiencias para los tomadores de decisiones. Se integra con otras soluciones de Adobe como Marketo Engage y Adobe Experience Platform para proporcionar una solución integral de marketing B2B.

어도비(Adobe)Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition의 일반 출시를 발표했습니다. 이는 어도비 경험 클라우드의 일부로, 생성적 AI를 활용하여 B2B 마케팅에서 '구매 그룹'을 위한 경험을 식별하고 개인화합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 제품 포트폴리오에 맞춘 구매 그룹 생성 및 구성
2. 여러 채널을 통한 개인화된 여정 조정
3. AI 및 통합 자산 라이브러리를 이용한 개인화된 콘텐츠 생성
4. 공유 가능한 가시성을 통한 판매 및 마케팅 조정 개선
5. AI 기반 대시보드를 통한 성과 측정 및 최적화

AJO B2B Edition은 복잡한 판매 주기에서의 문제를 해결하고 의사 결정자를 위한 경험을 개인화하여 B2B 마케팅을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이를 통해 Marketo Engage 및 Adobe Experience Platform과 같은 다른 어도비 솔루션과 통합하여 포괄적인 B2B 마케팅 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Adobe a annoncé la disponibilité générale de Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, qui fait partie d'Adobe Experience Cloud. Cette nouvelle offre tire parti de l'IA générative pour identifier et personnaliser les expériences pour les 'groupes d'achat' dans le marketing B2B. Les principales caractéristiques incluent :

1. Création et assemblage de groupes d'achat alignés avec les portefeuilles de produits
2. Orchestration de parcours personnalisés à travers plusieurs canaux
3. Génération de contenus personnalisés en utilisant l'IA et des bibliothèques d'actifs intégrées
4. Amélioration de la coordination entre les ventes et le marketing grâce à une visibilité partagée
5. Mesure et optimisation de la performance à travers des tableaux de bord alimentés par l'IA

L'AJO B2B Edition vise à transformer le marketing B2B en relevant les défis des cycles de vente complexes et en personnalisant les expériences pour les décideurs. Elle s'intègre à d'autres solutions Adobe comme Marketo Engage et Adobe Experience Platform pour fournir une solution complète de marketing B2B.

Adobe hat die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit von Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition bekannt gegeben, das Teil der Adobe Experience Cloud ist. Dieses neue Angebot nutzt generative KI, um Erfahrungen für 'Einkaufsgruppen' im B2B-Marketing zu identifizieren und zu personalisieren. Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

1. Erstellung und Zusammenstellung von Einkaufsgruppen, die mit Produktportfolios übereinstimmen
2. Orchestrierung personalisierter Reisen über mehrere Kanäle
3. Generierung personalisierter Inhalte mithilfe von KI und integrierten Asset-Bibliotheken
4. Verbesserung der Koordination zwischen Vertrieb und Marketing durch gemeinsame Sichtbarkeit
5. Messung und Optimierung der Leistung über KI-gesteuerte Dashboards

Die AJO B2B Edition zielt darauf ab, das B2B-Marketing zu transformieren, indem sie Herausforderungen in komplexen Verkaufszyklen angeht und Erfahrungen für Entscheidungsträger personalisiert. Sie integriert sich mit anderen Adobe-Lösungen wie Marketo Engage und Adobe Experience Platform, um eine umfassende B2B-Marketinglösung bereitzustellen.

  • Launch of Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition, enhancing Adobe's B2B marketing capabilities
  • Integration of generative AI to improve personalization and efficiency in B2B marketing
  • Potential for shorter sales cycles and improved targeting of decision-makers
  • Enhanced coordination between sales and marketing teams
  • Integration with existing Adobe products like Marketo Engage and Adobe Experience Platform
  • None.

Adobe's release of Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition marks a significant advancement in B2B marketing technology. By leveraging generative AI to identify and engage buying groups, Adobe addresses a critical pain point in the complex B2B sales cycle. This solution could potentially shorten sales cycles and improve conversion rates for B2B companies.

The integration with Marketo Engage and Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform creates a powerful ecosystem for data-driven marketing. This holistic approach to customer data and journey orchestration puts Adobe in a strong position against competitors like Salesforce and Oracle in the B2B marketing automation space.

However, the success of this product will largely depend on the accuracy of its AI in identifying buying groups and generating relevant content. If effective, it could significantly boost Adobe's market share in the B2B marketing segment.

The integration of generative AI in AJO B2B Edition represents a leap forward in AI application for B2B marketing. The AI's ability to identify buying groups, recommend roles and generate personalized content addresses complex challenges in B2B sales processes.

Particularly noteworthy is the AEP AI Assistant, which provides conversational support for journey building. This demonstrates Adobe's commitment to making AI accessible and practical for marketers who may not have technical expertise.

The upcoming feature to generate entire landing pages and forms is ambitious and could be a game-changer if executed well. However, it's important to monitor the quality and relevance of AI-generated content to ensure it meets B2B standards and doesn't introduce bias or inaccuracies.

Adobe's expansion in the B2B marketing space with AJO B2B Edition could have a positive impact on its revenue stream. The B2B marketing automation market is projected to grow significantly and this product positions Adobe to capture a larger share.

The integration with existing Adobe products like Marketo Engage and Experience Manager Assets creates cross-selling opportunities and could increase the stickiness of Adobe's ecosystem for B2B clients. This could potentially lead to higher customer lifetime value and recurring revenue.

However, investors should watch for adoption rates and customer feedback, as the success of this product will be important in justifying Adobe's investments in AI and maintaining its competitive edge in the digital experience market. The impact on Adobe's stock price will likely depend on how quickly this solution can demonstrate tangible ROI for clients.

  • Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, is now generally available and will activate generative AI to identify and personalize experiences to ‘buying groups’—the committee of individuals responsible for major purchasing decisions
  • AJO B2B Edition delivers precision in how brands engage decision makers, providing sales and marketing teams a single view of buying group interactions and performance dashboards to drive tighter coordination in progressing deals
  • Adobe already works with the world’s largest B2B brands including Accenture, Amazon Web Services, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft and NVIDIA to drive customer engagement

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) announced the general availability of Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) B2B Edition. For businesses that sell to other businesses, this offering will activate generative AI to help them engage customers with greater precision and drive profitable growth. Characterized by extensive and complex sales cycles, B2B marketing and sales teams have long struggled to identify specific decision makers that collectively sign off on large purchases such as software or hardware. At the same time, it has become a challenge to personalize experiences for each individual, with thousands of variations required across web, mobile, email, social, events and other channels.

(Photo: Business Wire)

(Photo: Business Wire)

AJO B2B Edition is an evolution from lead-based and account-based marketing, which carry blind spots when it comes to identifying the full set of stakeholders and the products they would be interested in. As a result, sales and marketing teams are unable to engage the right individuals with the right content, lengthening sales cycles in the process. Built natively on Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), which provides a single view of customers across every channel, AJO B2B Edition will be able to activate generative AI to identify buying groups, while creating personalized journeys for each individual with AI-generated assets. The new offering is a perfect complement to Marketo Engage—a leading B2B marketing automation solution—which captures and nurtures leads that can be turned into qualified buying groups.

“Business leaders purchasing technology on behalf of their organizations have increasingly high expectations for how they are engaged online, creating a paradigm shift for B2B marketers,” said Amit Ahuja, senior vice president, Digital Experience Business at Adobe. “Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition empowers sales and marketing teams to jointly deliver digital experiences that are highly personalized through real-time and unified data, while driving efficiency and productivity gains with the latest generative AI technologies.”

AJO B2B Edition enables brands to:

  • Create and assemble buying groups: Marketers can easily build buying groups aligned to their organization’s product portfolio, while populating key individuals such as a vice president of demand marketing or a director of IT. An integration with Adobe Marketo Engage and Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform ensures these buying groups are also qualified with data across an entire customer lifecycle, capturing insights such as web visits. Marketers can soon leverage generative AI for recommendations on buying group roles and member assignment, and users can also create lists of missing members to support targeting efforts such as paid media campaigns.
  • Orchestrate personalized journeys: Once buying groups are identified, teams can build tailored journeys for each decision maker across channels such as email, web, chat, webinar and more—creating high-quality pipeline and accelerating deal closure. AEP AI Assistant, a generative AI-powered conversational interface, supports users with how-to advice and troubleshooting as they build these customer journeys. Coming soon is the ability to define lifecycle stages (such as renewal) for each buying group, triggering real-time interactions as markers are reached.
  • Generate personalized content: Marketers can also leverage generative AI and integrated asset libraries (including images from Adobe Firefly and Adobe Experience Manager Assets) to generate personalized email content for different buying groups. For example, marketers can quickly create tailored emails based on product interest or job role, with drag-and-drop components, templates and custom HTML tools. Soon, Adobe’s generative AI solutions will allows users to create additional marketing assets such as entire landing pages and digital forms.
  • Tighter sales and marketing coordination: AJO B2B Edition provides sales and marketing teams direct visibility into each other’s buying group engagements (across any online or offline channel) to streamline workflows and drive more precise customer engagement. For example, marketing can arm sales with qualified buying groups (via automated alerts) that will include AI-generated summaries, insights and recommended actions—all built to support higher quality pipeline and streamline opportunity creation.
  • Measure and optimize performance: New dashboards allow teams to analyze which buying group journeys are performing best, helping them optimize resources while demonstrating overall marketing impact on revenue. Soon, teams can leverage AI-generated insights within dashboards to surface trends (such as a high-converting set of buying groups) to inform engagement strategies.

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PR Contacts

Jasmine Boaler


Kevin Fu


Source: Adobe


What is Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition and when was it released?

Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition is a new offering from Adobe that uses generative AI to identify and personalize experiences for 'buying groups' in B2B marketing. It was announced as generally available on August 7, 2024.

How does Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition (ADBE) improve B2B marketing?

Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition improves B2B marketing by using generative AI to identify buying groups, create personalized journeys for decision-makers, generate tailored content, enhance sales and marketing coordination, and provide performance analytics.

What are the key features of Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition (ADBE)?

Key features include creating and assembling buying groups, orchestrating personalized journeys across channels, generating personalized content with AI, improving sales and marketing coordination, and measuring performance through AI-powered dashboards.

How does Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition (ADBE) integrate with other Adobe products?

Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition integrates with other Adobe products such as Marketo Engage, Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform, and Adobe Experience Platform to provide a comprehensive B2B marketing solution.

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