Adobe Revolutionizes Professional Video Editing with Premiere Pro Innovations Powered by New Firefly Video Model

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Adobe has announced revolutionary innovations for Premiere Pro at Adobe MAX, including the Firefly-powered Generative Extend tool (beta). This new feature allows video professionals to easily extend clips, smooth transitions, and hold shots longer for perfectly timed edits. The update also brings significant performance upgrades, tripling export speeds and introducing a new context-sensitive properties panel.

Adobe has also unveiled the Firefly Video Model (beta), designed to be commercially safe and the first publicly available video model of its kind. Other enhancements include a new color management system, an enhanced 3D workspace in After Effects, and improved collaboration features in These tools have been used in critically acclaimed productions like Shogun, The Bear, and Saturday Night Live.

Adobe ha annunciato innovazioni rivoluzionarie per Premiere Pro all'Adobe MAX, inclusa la nuova funzionalità Generative Extend alimentata da Firefly (beta). Questa nuova caratteristica consente ai professionisti del video di estendere facilmente i clip, rendere più fluide le transizioni e mantenere le inquadrature più a lungo per modifiche perfettamente cronometrare. L'aggiornamento porta anche significativi miglioramenti delle prestazioni, triplicando le velocità di esportazione e introducendo un nuovo pannello delle proprietà sensibile al contesto.

Adobe ha inoltre svelato il Modello Video Firefly (beta), progettato per essere commercialmente sicuro e il primo modello video pubblico del suo genere. Altri miglioramenti includono un nuovo sistema di gestione del colore, un workspace 3D potenziato in After Effects e migliorate funzionalità di collaborazione in Questi strumenti sono stati utilizzati in produzioni acclamate dalla critica come Shogun, The Bear e Saturday Night Live.

Adobe ha anunciado innovaciones revolucionarias para Premiere Pro en Adobe MAX, incluyendo la herramienta Generative Extend impulsada por Firefly (beta). Esta nueva función permite a los profesionales del video extender fácilmente clips, suavizar transiciones y mantener tomas más largas para ediciones perfectamente cronometradas. La actualización también trae mejoras significativas en el rendimiento, triplicando las velocidades de exportación e introduciendo un nuevo panel de propiedades sensible al contexto.

Adobe también ha presentado el Modelo de Video Firefly (beta), diseñado para ser comercialmente seguro y el primer modelo de video disponible públicamente de su tipo. Otras mejoras incluyen un nuevo sistema de gestión del color, un espacio de trabajo 3D mejorado en After Effects y mejoras en las funciones de colaboración en Estas herramientas se han utilizado en producciones aclamadas como Shogun, The Bear y Saturday Night Live.

어도비는 Adobe MAX에서 Premiere Pro를 위한 혁신적인 혁신을 발표했으며, Firefly 기반의 Generative Extend 도구(베타)를 포함합니다. 이 새로운 기능은 비디오 전문가들이 클립을 쉽게 확장하고, 전환을 부드럽게 하며, 완벽하게 타이밍을 맞춘 편집을 위해 샷을 더 오랫동안 유지할 수 있게 해줍니다. 업데이트는 또한 상당한 성능 향상을 제공하며, 내보내기 속도를 세 배로 증가시키고 새로운 맥락 인식 속성 패널을 도입했습니다.

어도비는 또한 상업적으로 안전하고 공개적으로 사용할 수 있는 최초의 비디오 모델인 Firefly 비디오 모델 (베타)을 소개했습니다. 다른 개선 사항으로는 새로운 색상 관리 시스템, After Effects의 향상된 3D 작업 공간, Frame.io의 향상된 협업 기능이 포함됩니다. 이러한 도구는 Shogun, The Bear, Saturday Night Live와 같은 비평가들에게 찬사를 받은 제작에 사용되어 왔습니다.

Adobe a annoncé des innovations révolutionnaires pour Premiere Pro lors de l'Adobe MAX, y compris l'outil Generative Extend alimenté par Firefly (bêta). Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité permet aux professionnels de la vidéo d'étendre facilement des clips, de lisser les transitions et de maintenir les prises plus longtemps pour des montages parfaitement chronométrés. La mise à jour apporte également des améliorations de performance significatives, triplant les vitesses d'exportation et introduisant un nouveau panneau de propriétés contextuel.

Adobe a également dévoilé le modèle vidéo Firefly (bêta), conçu pour être commercialement sûr et le premier modèle vidéo public de ce type. D'autres améliorations incluent un nouveau système de gestion des couleurs, un espace de travail 3D amélioré dans After Effects et des fonctionnalités de collaboration améliorées dans Ces outils ont été utilisés dans des productions acclamées par la critique telles que Shogun, The Bear et Saturday Night Live.

Adobe hat bei Adobe MAX revolutionäre Innovationen für Premiere Pro angekündigt, darunter das Firefly-gesteuerte Generative Extend-Werkzeug (Beta). Diese neue Funktion ermöglicht es Videoprofis, Clips einfach zu erweitern, Übergänge zu glätten und Aufnahmen länger zu halten, um zeitlich perfektionierte Schnitte zu erstellen. Das Update bringt auch signifikante Leistungsverbesserungen, die die Exportgeschwindigkeiten verdreifachen und ein neues kontextsensitives Eigenschaftenfeld vorstellen.

Adobe hat außerdem das Firefly Video-Modell (Beta) vorgestellt, das kommerziell sicher sein soll und das erste öffentlich verfügbare Video-Modell seiner Art ist. Weitere Verbesserungen umfassen ein neues Farbmanagementsystem, einen verbesserten 3D-Arbeitsbereich in After Effects und verbesserte Kollaborationsfunktionen in Diese Werkzeuge wurden in von der Kritik gefeierten Produktionen wie Shogun, The Bear und Saturday Night Live verwendet.

  • Introduction of Firefly-powered Generative Extend tool for easier video editing
  • Tripling of export speeds in Premiere Pro
  • Launch of the commercially safe Firefly Video Model
  • New color management system for higher fidelity and consistent color
  • Enhanced 3D workspace in After Effects
  • Improved collaboration features in
  • Two Emmy awards received for technological contributions
  • None.


Adobe's introduction of Firefly-powered Generative Extend in Premiere Pro is a game-changer for video editors. This AI-driven feature addresses a common challenge by allowing seamless clip extension, which can significantly streamline the editing process. The ability to generate new frames and extend audio for ambient "room tone" will save editors countless hours of work.

The performance upgrades, including tripled export speeds and enhanced color management, are substantial improvements that will boost productivity. The new context-sensitive properties panel and modernized design should improve workflow efficiency.

The expansion of's capabilities, especially the custom metadata model and Camera to Cloud ecosystem growth, will enhance collaboration across production teams. These updates position Adobe to maintain its strong foothold in the professional video editing market.

Adobe's integration of the Firefly Video Model into Premiere Pro represents a significant leap in AI-assisted video editing. The focus on creating a commercially safe AI model is crucial, addressing potential copyright and ethical concerns that have plagued other generative AI tools.

The application of Content Credentials to AI-generated content is a forward-thinking move, promoting transparency in an era where authenticity is increasingly important. This could set a new industry standard for responsible AI use in creative tools.

The broader implications of this technology are substantial. As AI-assisted editing becomes more sophisticated, it could potentially disrupt the job market for junior editors while simultaneously empowering smaller production teams to create higher-quality content more efficiently.

Adobe's strategic focus on enhancing its video editing suite with AI capabilities could have a positive impact on its market position and financial performance. The company's dominance in creative software is further solidified by these innovations, potentially leading to increased subscriber retention and attraction of new customers.

The emphasis on commercially safe AI and the recent Emmy awards underscore Adobe's strong brand value in the professional video market. This could translate to sustained revenue growth in the Digital Media segment, which includes Creative Cloud.

Investors should note the potential for increased R&D expenses related to AI development, but these may be offset by the competitive advantage gained. The expansion of and integration with hardware partners like Canon and Nikon could also open new revenue streams and strengthen Adobe's ecosystem lock-in effect.

  • Firefly-powered Generative Extend in Premiere Pro (beta) empowers video professionals to extend clips to cover gaps in audio or video footage, smooth out transitions and hold shots longer for perfectly timed edits
  • Breakthrough performance upgrades, all-new color management system, enhanced 3D workspace and powerful new metadata and asset workflows across Premiere Pro, After Effects and advance Adobe’s award-winning video application ecosystem
  • Video professionals are leveraging Adobe’s video tools on critically acclaimed and culture-defining films and television shows including Shogun, The Bear, Saturday Night Live, Dìdi (弟弟), Thelma and Frida

MIAMI BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, at Adobe MAX – the world’s largest creativity conference – Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE) announced beta availability of Premiere Pro’s first set of Firefly-powered video editing workflows powered by the new Firefly Video Model (beta), along with enhancements and upgrades to the app’s performance and user experience. New features include Generative Extend (beta) which addresses a common but complex challenge in video editing by making it easy for video professionals to extend clips to cover gaps in footage, smooth out transitions and hold on shots longer for perfectly timed edits. The new upgrades in Premiere Pro unlock more creative time for busy editors, including by tripling export speeds and offering a new context-sensitive properties panel, and are generally available to Premiere Pro customers today. The Firefly Video Model (beta) is the first publicly available video model designed to be commercially safe.

“We believe our Firefly Video Model will revolutionize video editing in ways that video professionals are going to love,” said Ashley Still, senior vice president, digital media at Adobe. “The latest innovations across Premiere Pro, After Effects and will empower video professionals to do their best work more quickly, efficiently and beautifully.”

First Firefly-Powered Video Workflows – Commercially Safe by Design

Adobe has been deeply engaged with professional video editors over the past year to understand how generative AI can solve real problems in their work. A common challenge that surfaced throughout this community engagement was the ability to create new media from an existing clip to help fine-tune edits, hold on a shot for an extra beat or add a few frames to cover a transition. The Firefly-powered Generative Extend tool (beta), now available in Premiere Pro (beta), was designed to make shots a little bit longer by generating entirely new frames at the beginning or end of a clip. It can also be used to extend audio clips to create ambient “room tone” to smooth out audio edits. Just click and drag for the perfect edit.

To help video professionals quickly communicate their creative intent, create b-roll to fill gaps, or to add new elements to a shot, Adobe also released today the new Generative Video (beta) module powered by Adobe Firefly.

As with all Firefly generative AI models, the Firefly Video Model (beta) – and the features it powers, like Generative Extend (beta) – is designed to be safe for commercial use. Adobe trained its Firefly generative AI models on licensed content, such as Adobe Stock and public domain content. In addition, Adobe’s AI features undergo an AI Ethics Impact Assessment to ensure that they meet the company’s AI Ethics principles of accountability, responsibility, and transparency. Content Credentials, which act like a “nutrition label” for digital content to show how it was created and edited, are applied to select Firefly-powered features such as Generative Extend and Firefly Video Model outputs to indicate the use of generative AI.

New Innovations for Pro Video Editors and their Production Teams

With the rapid rise of short-form video, editors are working faster than ever before, with tighter budgets and distributed teams. Adobe continues to deliver breakthrough innovations across its video application ecosystem to enable end-to-end editing capabilities and seamless collaboration between editors and their stakeholders. Recent upgrades to Premiere Pro, After Effects and include:

Premiere Pro:

  • Premiere color management (beta), an entirely new color system that enables higher fidelity and more consistent color than ever before, automatically transforming log footage from nearly every camera into HDR and SDR – enabling an editor to get started faster with beautiful footage. Premiere Pro makes it easier than ever to create great videos with perfect skin tones, more vibrant color, and improved dynamic range.
  • New context-aware properties panels that surface the most needed tools in a single convenient panel, cutting down mouse mileage for experienced pros and reducing the learning curve for new users.
  • Speedier performance including ProRes exports now up to 3x faster, plus more hardware acceleration for faster playback.
  • Expanded support for even more Canon, Sony, ARRI, and RED cameras that enable customers to import native files and start editing immediately.
  • A fresh, new design that’s modern and more consistent.

After Effects:

  • Enhanced 3D workspace with an expanded range of tools that support the ability to work with embedded 3D animations from imported 3D models.
  • Integration of Substance 3D with After Effects enables designers to create stunning, photorealistic 3D elements that can significantly enhance the quality of 3D motion design and VFX projects. The new “Send to After Effects” feature in Substance 3D Painter allows artists to transfer fully textured 3D models directly to After Effects with a single click, empowering motion designers with new levels of 3D creative capability and efficiency.

  • All-new simplifies complex collaboration across the entire content creation lifecycle and enables more complex workflows, richer, more expressive feedback and tighter review loops.
  • Custom metadata model to tag assets with predefined or custom fields, allowing teams to easily create “Collections” that group content in any configuration they need.
  • Canon, Nikon, Leica join Camera to Cloud ecosystem – the fastest, easiest and most secure way to get media from the set to the people who need to work with it.

Industry Momentum

Visual storytellers around the world use Adobe’s Creative Cloud and Substance 3D tools to bring their stories to life. Premiere Pro, After Effects, Substance 3D and powered a record number of TV shows and docuseries this year, including recent 2024 Emmy-winning projects like The Bear”, “Saturday Night Live”, “Albert Brooks: Defending My Life”, “Fallout”, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and “Shogun” – as well as noteworthy films including “Dìdi (弟弟)”, “Thelma and “Frida”.

The Television Academy recently honored Adobe with two Emmy awards, including the Philo T. Farnsworth Corporate Achievement Award highlighting its contributions to television technology and engineering, as well as an Engineering, Science & Technology Emmy Award recognizing Adobe Substance 3D Painter for its leading innovations in the field of visual effects. Adobe’s Enhance Speech was also recently awarded an Engineering Excellence award by The Hollywood Professional Association, honoring outstanding technical and creative advancements across media, content production, finishing, distribution, and archiving.

Pricing and Availability

The Firefly Video Model is in limited public beta on Join the waitlist here. During this limited public beta, generations are free. Adobe will share more information about Firefly video generation offers and pricing when the Firefly Video Model moves out of limited public beta.

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Frankie Tobin


Source: Adobe


What is the new Firefly-powered feature in Adobe Premiere Pro (ADBE)?

The new Firefly-powered feature in Adobe Premiere Pro is Generative Extend (beta), which allows video professionals to easily extend clips, smooth transitions, and hold shots longer for perfectly timed edits.

How much faster are ProRes exports in the new Adobe Premiere Pro update?

ProRes exports in the new Adobe Premiere Pro update are now up to 3 times faster than before.

What is unique about Adobe's Firefly Video Model (ADBE)?

Adobe's Firefly Video Model is the first publicly available video model designed to be commercially safe, trained on licensed content from Adobe Stock and public domain content.

What new feature has Adobe (ADBE) added to

Adobe has added a custom metadata model to, allowing teams to tag assets with predefined or custom fields and create 'Collections' that group content in any configuration they need.

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