Aclarion to Participate in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit

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Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company specializing in chronic low back pain location identification through biomarkers and AI algorithms, has announced its participation in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit. The event, presented by Maxim Group , is scheduled for October 15, 2024.

CEO Brent Ness will represent Aclarion in a fireside chat at 2:00 PM ET. The summit will feature presentations and interactive discussions with CEOs and key management from various healthcare sectors, including biotechnology, diagnostics, medical devices, and healthcare information technology.

Maxim senior analysts will host these sessions, providing insights into the participating companies. Interested parties can reserve their seats for the virtual event through a provided link.

Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), un'azienda tecnologica nel settore della salute specializzata nell'identificazione della posizione del dolore lombare cronico tramite biomarcatori e algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale, ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit. L'evento, presentato da Maxim Group, è in programma per il 15 ottobre 2024.

Il CEO Brent Ness rappresenterà Aclarion in una chat informale alle 14:00 ET. Il summit includerà presentazioni e discussioni interattive con CEO e dirigenti chiave di vari settori della salute, tra cui biotecnologie, diagnostica, dispositivi medici e tecnologie dell'informazione sanitaria.

Analisti senior di Maxim condurranno queste sessioni, fornendo approfondimenti sulle aziende partecipanti. Le parti interessate possono riservare i propri posti per l'evento virtuale attraverso un link fornito.

Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), una empresa de tecnología de la salud especializada en la identificación de la ubicación del dolor lumbar crónico a través de biomarcadores y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial, ha anunciado su participación en el 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit. El evento, presentado por Maxim Group, está programado para el 15 de octubre de 2024.

El CEO Brent Ness representará a Aclarion en un chat informal a las 2:00 PM ET. La cumbre contará con presentaciones y discusiones interactivas con CEOs y alto directivos de varios sectores de la salud, incluyendo biotecnología, diagnósticos, dispositivos médicos y tecnología de la información en salud.

Analistas senior de Maxim moderarán estas sesiones, proporcionando perspectivas sobre las empresas participantes. Las partes interesadas pueden reservar sus asientos para el evento virtual a través de un enlace proporcionado.

Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW)은 바이오마커와 AI 알고리즘을 통해 만성 요통 위치 식별에 특화된 헬스케어 기술 회사로, 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 이 행사는 Maxim Group이 주최하며, 2024년 10월 15일에 예정되어 있습니다.

CEO Brent Ness동시 통역 세션에서 오후 2시(ET)에 Aclarion을 대표할 예정입니다. 이번 정상 회의에서는 생명공학, 진단, 의료기기 및 헬스케어 정보 기술 등 다양한 헬스케어 분야의 CEO 및 주요 경영진과의 프레젠테이션 및 상호 토론이 있을 것입니다.

Maxim의 수석 분석가들이 이러한 세션을 진행하며, 참가 기업에 대한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 관심 있는 분들은 제공된 링크를 통해 가상 이벤트의 좌석을 예약할 수 있습니다.

Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), une entreprise de technologie de la santé spécialisée dans l'identification de la localisation de la douleur lombaire chronique par le biais de biomarqueurs et d'algorithmes d'IA, a annoncé sa participation au 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit. L'événement, présenté par Maxim Group, est prévu pour le 15 octobre 2024.

Le PDG Brent Ness représentera Aclarion lors d'une discussion informelle à 14h00 ET. Le sommet comportera des présentations et des discussions interactives avec des PDG et des cadres clés de divers secteurs de la santé, y compris la biotechnologie, le diagnostic, les dispositifs médicaux et la technologie de l'information en santé.

Des analystes seniors de Maxim animeront ces sessions, fournissant des éclairages sur les entreprises participantes. Les parties intéressées peuvent réserver leurs places pour l'événement virtuel par le biais d'un lien fourni.

Aclarion (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), ein Unternehmen für Gesundheitstechnologie, das sich auf die Identifizierung von chronischen Rückenschmerzstandorten durch Biomarker und KI-Algorithmen spezialisiert hat, hat seine Teilnahme am 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit bekannt gegeben. Die Veranstaltung, präsentiert von Maxim Group, ist für den 15. Oktober 2024 geplant.

CEO Brent Ness wird Aclarion in einem informellen Gespräch um 14:00 Uhr ET vertreten. Der Gipfel wird Präsentationen und interaktive Diskussionen mit CEOs und wichtigen Führungskräften aus verschiedenen Gesundheitsbereichen, einschließlich Biotechnologie, Diagnostik, medizinischen Geräten und Gesundheitstechnologie, bieten.

Senior-Analysten von Maxim werden diese Sitzungen moderieren und Einblicke in die teilnehmenden Unternehmen geben. Interessierte Parteien können ihre Plätze für die virtuelle Veranstaltung über einen bereitgestellten Link reservieren.

  • None.
  • None.

Fireside Chat Scheduled for 2:00 PM ET on October 15, 2024

BROOMFIELD, Colo., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., (“Aclarion” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence (AI) algorithms to help physicians identify the location of chronic low back pain, announced today that Aclarion’s CEO, Brent Ness, has been invited to present at the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit, presented by Maxim Group LLC, on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. E.T.

Maxim senior analysts will host a wide range of biotechnology, diagnostic, medical device, and healthcare information technology companies in a series of presentations and interactive discussions with CEOs and key management.

Click here to reserve your seat

About Aclarion, Inc.

Aclarion is a healthcare technology company that leverages Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (“MRS”), proprietary signal processing techniques, biomarkers, and augmented intelligence algorithms to optimize clinical treatments. The Company is first addressing the chronic low back pain market with Nociscan, the first, evidence-supported, SaaS platform to noninvasively help physicians distinguish between painful and nonpainful discs in the lumbar spine. Through a cloud connection, Nociscan receives magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) data from an MRI machine for each lumbar disc being evaluated. In the cloud, proprietary signal processing techniques extract and quantify chemical biomarkers demonstrated to be associated with disc pain. Biomarker data is entered into proprietary algorithms to indicate if a disc may be a source of pain. When used with other diagnostic tools, Nociscan provides critical insights into the location of a patient’s low back pain, giving physicians clarity to optimize treatment strategies. For more information, please visit

Investor Contacts:
Kirin M. Smith
PCG Advisory, Inc.

Media Contacts:
Jodi Lamberti
SPRIG Consulting


When is Aclarion (ACON) participating in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit?

Aclarion (ACON) is participating in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, with a fireside chat scheduled for 2:00 PM ET.

Who will represent Aclarion (ACON) at the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit?

Brent Ness, the CEO of Aclarion (ACON), will represent the company at the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit.

What is the focus of Aclarion's (ACON) technology?

Aclarion (ACON) focuses on leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence (AI) algorithms to help physicians identify the location of chronic low back pain.

What types of companies will be featured at the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit?

The 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit will feature biotechnology, diagnostic, medical device, and healthcare information technology companies.

How can interested parties attend the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit featuring Aclarion (ACON)?

Interested parties can reserve their seats for the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit through a link provided in the press release.

Aclarion, Inc.


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Health Information Services
Services-medical Laboratories
United States of America