ACM Research Enters Fan-out Panel Level Packaging Market with Introduction of Ultra C vac-p Flux Cleaning Tool for Chiplets

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ACM Research (NASDAQ: ACMR) has introduced the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool for fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP), marking its entry into this growing market. The tool uses vacuum technology and IPA drying to efficiently remove flux residues from chiplet structures, addressing critical cleaning challenges in advanced packaging processes.

ACM has already received and shipped a purchase order from a major Chinese semiconductor manufacturer. The FOPLP market is expected to grow from 2% in 2022 to 8% in 2028, driven by potential cost savings and increased efficiency. The Ultra C vac-p tool's innovative approach ensures thorough cleaning of small bump pitches and large chip sizes, overcoming limitations of traditional methods.

ACM Research (NASDAQ: ACMR) ha lanciato il tool di pulizia Ultra C vac-p per il confezionamento a livello di pannello fan-out (FOPLP), segnando così il suo ingresso in questo mercato in espansione. Questo strumento utilizza tecnologia a vuoto e asciugatura con IPA per rimuovere in modo efficiente i residui di flussante dalle strutture dei chiplet, affrontando le sfide critiche di pulizia nei processi di packaging avanzato.

ACM ha già ricevuto e spedito un ordine d'acquisto da un importante produttore cinese di semiconduttori. Si prevede che il mercato FOPLP cresca dal 2% nel 2022 all'8% nel 2028, sostenuto da potenziali risparmi sui costi e da un aumento dell'efficienza. L'approccio innovativo dello strumento Ultra C vac-p garantisce una pulizia approfondita dei pitch dei piccoli bump e delle grandi dimensioni dei chip, superando i limiti dei metodi tradizionali.

ACM Research (NASDAQ: ACMR) ha presentado la herramienta de limpieza Ultra C vac-p para empaques a nivel de panel fan-out (FOPLP), marcando su entrada en este mercado en expansión. La herramienta utiliza tecnología de vacío y secado con IPA para eliminar de manera eficiente los residuos de flux de las estructuras de chiplet, abordando desafíos críticos de limpieza en procesos de empaque avanzados.

ACM ya ha recibido y enviado una orden de compra de un importante fabricante chino de semiconductores. Se espera que el mercado FOPLP crezca del 2% en 2022 al 8% en 2028, impulsado por posibles ahorros de costos y una mayor eficiencia. El enfoque innovador de la herramienta Ultra C vac-p asegura una limpieza exhaustiva de los pequeños espacios entre bultos y grandes tamaños de chip, superando las limitaciones de los métodos tradicionales.

ACM 리서치 (NASDAQ: ACMR)는 팬아웃 패널 레벨 패키징(FOPLP) 용 Ultra C vac-p 플럭스 청소 도구를 출시하며 이 성장하는 시장에 진입했습니다. 이 도구는 진공 기술과 IPA 건조를 사용하여 칩렛 구조에서 플럭스 잔여물을 효율적으로 제거하며, 고급 포장 과정에서의 중요한 청소 과제를 해결합니다.

ACM은 이미 주요 중국 반도체 제조업체로부터 구매 주문을 수령하고 발송했습니다. FOPLP 시장은 2022년 2%에서 2028년 8%로 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 이는 비용 절감 가능성과 효율성 증가에 의해 촉진됩니다. Ultra C vac-p 도구의 혁신적인 접근 방식은 작은 범프 피치와 대형 칩 크기의 철저한 청소를 보장하여 전통적인 방법의 한계를 극복합니다.

ACM Research (NASDAQ: ACMR) a lancé l'outil de nettoyage Ultra C vac-p pour l'emballage à niveau de panneau fan-out (FOPLP), marquant ainsi son entrée sur ce marché en pleine expansion. Cet outil utilise la technologie de vide et le séchage à l'IPA pour éliminer efficacement les résidus de flux des structures de chiplet, répondant ainsi aux défis critiques de nettoyage dans les processus d'emballage avancés.

ACM a déjà reçu et expédié une commande d'achat d'un important fabricant chinois de semi-conducteurs. Le marché FOPLP devrait passer de 2 % en 2022 à 8 % en 2028, propulsé par d'éventuelles économies de coûts et une efficacité accrue. L'approche innovante de l'outil Ultra C vac-p garantit un nettoyage approfondi des petits intervalles entre les bump et des grandes tailles de puce, surmontant ainsi les limites des méthodes traditionnelles.

ACM Research (NASDAQ: ACMR) hat das Ultra C vac-p Flux-Reinigungswerkzeug für Fan-Out Panel Level Packaging (FOPLP) eingeführt und damit seinen Eintritt in diesen wachsenden Markt markiert. Das Werkzeug nutzt Vakuumtechnologie und IPA-Trocknung, um Flussmittelrückstände effizient von Chiplet-Strukturen zu entfernen, und bewältigt so kritische Reinigungsherausforderungen in fortschrittlichen Verpackungsprozessen.

ACM hat bereits eine Bestellung von einem großen chinesischen Halbleiterhersteller erhalten und versendet. Der FOPLP-Markt wird voraussichtlich von 2 % im Jahr 2022 auf 8 % im Jahr 2028 wachsen, angetrieben von potenziellen Kosteneinsparungen und erhöhter Effizienz. Der innovative Ansatz des Ultra C vac-p Werkzeugs gewährleistet eine gründliche Reinigung von kleinen Bump-Pitches und großen Chip-Größen und überwindet die Einschränkungen herkömmlicher Methoden.

  • Entered the growing fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP) market with a new cleaning tool
  • Received and shipped a purchase order from a major Chinese semiconductor manufacturer
  • FOPLP market share expected to grow from 2% in 2022 to 8% in 2028
  • New tool addresses critical cleaning challenges in advanced packaging processes
  • FOPLP technology offers potential cost reductions of approximately 66% compared to traditional methods
  • None.

ACM Research's introduction of the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool for fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP) represents a significant technological advancement in the semiconductor industry. This innovation addresses critical challenges in advanced packaging processes, particularly for AI chips and high-performance computing applications.

The tool's vacuum technology and IPA drying capabilities offer superior cleaning efficiency for chiplet structures with small bump pitches (40 microns) and large chip sizes. This is important for the industry's push towards more compact and powerful semiconductor devices. The ability to effectively clean large panel substrates gives ACM a competitive edge in the growing FOPLP market.

Market projections from Yole Group suggest FOPLP adoption will grow from 2% in 2022 to 8% by 2028, outpacing the overall fan-out market. This growth is driven by potential cost savings, with FOPLP offering up to 66% cost reduction compared to traditional wafer-based packaging. The 600x600mm panel's 5.7 times larger effective area than a 300mm silicon wafer is a game-changer for throughput and design flexibility.

The purchase order from a major Chinese semiconductor manufacturer indicates early market traction for ACM's new tool. This could potentially lead to increased revenue and market share for ACM in the advanced packaging segment. However, investors should monitor the tool's performance and adoption rate among other major semiconductor manufacturers to gauge its long-term impact on ACM's financial performance.

ACM Research's entry into the fan-out panel level packaging market with the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool presents a promising revenue diversification opportunity. The company is strategically positioning itself in a high-growth segment of the semiconductor industry, which could potentially boost its financial performance in the coming years.

The FOPLP market's projected growth from 2% to 8% market share by 2028 suggests a significant expansion of ACM's total addressable market. This growth trajectory, coupled with the cost-saving potential of FOPLP technology (up to 66% reduction), could drive strong demand for ACM's new tool.

The announcement of a purchase order from a major Chinese semiconductor manufacturer is a positive early indicator of market acceptance. However, investors should closely monitor the following financial metrics in upcoming quarters:

  • Revenue contribution from the new Ultra C vac-p tool
  • Gross margins on the new product line
  • R&D expenses related to further FOPLP innovations
  • Order book growth for advanced packaging solutions

While this development is encouraging, it's important to note that the semiconductor equipment market is highly competitive and cyclical. ACM's success will depend on its ability to maintain technological leadership and secure additional high-profile customers beyond the Chinese market. The company's future earnings calls should be closely watched for updates on the Ultra C vac-p tool's market penetration and its impact on overall financial performance.

ACM Research's Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool aligns perfectly with the semiconductor industry's shift towards more advanced packaging technologies, driven by the demands of AI, data centers and autonomous vehicles. This move demonstrates ACM's responsiveness to emerging tech trends and positions the company at the forefront of the FOPLP revolution.

The key technological advantages of FOPLP include:

  • Enhanced flexibility and scalability in chip design
  • Improved performance through tighter integration of multiple chips
  • Significant cost reductions due to better material utilization

ACM's vacuum technology addresses a critical pain point in the FOPLP process - the efficient removal of flux residues from increasingly complex chiplet structures. This innovation could potentially accelerate the adoption of FOPLP across the industry, as it mitigates one of the key challenges in implementing this technology at scale.

The industry's push towards smaller bump pitches (below 40 microns) and larger chip sizes aligns with broader trends in semiconductor miniaturization and performance enhancement. ACM's tool, capable of cleaning these advanced structures, positions the company to benefit from the next wave of semiconductor innovation, particularly in AI and high-performance computing applications.

Looking ahead, the success of ACM's Ultra C vac-p tool could catalyze further innovations in the FOPLP ecosystem. As the industry continues to push the boundaries of chip packaging, we may see increased demand for complementary technologies and solutions, potentially opening up new market opportunities for ACM and other players in the semiconductor equipment space.

Utilizes vacuum technology and IPA drying to enhance cleaning efficiency enabling cost-effective semiconductor advanced packaging

FREMONT, Calif., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ACM Research, Inc. (ACM) (NASDAQ: ACMR), a leading supplier of wafer processing solutions for semiconductor and advanced wafer-level packaging applications, today announced the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool for fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP). Utilizing vacuum technology, the new tool efficiently removes flux residues from chiplet structures. ACM also announced today it received a purchase order from a major China semiconductor manufacturer which has been shipped to the customer’s facility in July.

“The demand for greater computing power, lower latency and higher bandwidth driven by AI, data centers and autonomous vehicles makes FOPLP an increasingly essential technology.” said Dr. David Wang, ACM’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “FOPLP integrates multiple chips, passive components and interconnections within a single panel-packaged unit, enhancing flexibility, scalability and cost-efficiency. ACM’s Ultra C vac-p represents a major advancement in addressing the cleaning challenges associated with next-generation advanced packaging technologies. This launch not only underscores ACM’s ongoing innovation in semiconductor manufacturing, but also our commitment to address the evolving needs of the industry."

According to Yole Group1, FOPLP adoption will grow faster than the overall fan-out market, and its market share will move from 2% in 2022 to 8% in 2028. The growth of FOPLP is primarily driven by its potential cost savings. For instance, panels typically utilize more than 95% of the material due to their rectangular or square shape, whereas traditional silicon wafers use less than 85% of the material due to their circular shape. The effective area of a 600x600mm panel is also 5.7 times larger than that of a traditional 300mm silicon wafer, enabling overall cost reductions of approximately 66%. This enhanced area utilization leads to higher throughput, greater AI chip design flexibility, and significant cost savings. 

The Ultra C vac-p tool addresses critical steps in the advanced packaging process, particularly the removal of flux residue before underfilling, which is essential for eliminating voids. Traditional cleaning methods often fail with small bump pitches (less than 40 microns) and large chip sizes due to surface tension and limited liquid penetration. The vacuum technology in ACM’s new tool ensures the cleaning liquid thoroughly reaches all gaps, even in large panel substrates where traditional methods fall short. Combined with ACM’s proprietary IPA drying technology, this comprehensive cleaning process prevents residues that could impair device performance.

About the Ultra C vac-p Cleaning Tool

The Ultra C vac-p Cleaning tool is designed for panel substrates and accommodates both organic and glass materials. It is capable of handling panels sized 510 mm x 515 mm and 600 mm x 600 mm, while effectively managing cover warpages up to 7mm.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release are not historical facts and may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “plans,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “designed,” and similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on ACM management’s current expectations and beliefs, and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by the forward-looking statements. A description of certain of these risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in filings ACM makes with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available at Because forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, actual results and events may differ materially from results and events currently expected by ACM. ACM undertakes no obligation to publicly update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date hereof or to reflect any change in its expectations with regard to these forward-looking statements or the occurrence of unanticipated events.

About ACM Research, Inc.

ACM develops, manufactures and sells semiconductor process equipment for single-wafer or batch wet cleaning, electroplating, stress-free polishing, vertical furnace processes, Track and PECVD, which are critical to advanced semiconductor device manufacturing and wafer-level packaging. ACM is committed to delivering customized, high-performance, cost-effective process solutions that semiconductor manufacturers can use in numerous manufacturing steps to improve productivity and product yield. For more information, visit

© ACM Research, Inc. ULTRA C and the ACM Research logo are trademarks of ACM Research, Inc. For convenience, these trademarks appear in this press release without ™ symbols, but that practice does not mean ACM will not assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, its rights to such trademarks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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 Xi Wang
 ACM Research (Shanghai), Inc.
 +86 21 50808868
 YY Kim
 ACM Research (Korea), Inc.
 +82 1041415171
 David Chang
 +886 921999884
 Adrian Ong
 +65 8813-1107

1 Gabriela Pereira, semiconductor packaging analyst for Yole Group cited in “Fan-out Packaging Level Hurdles,” Semiconductor Engineering, January 24, 2024.


What new product has ACM Research (ACMR) introduced for the FOPLP market?

ACM Research has introduced the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool for fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP), utilizing vacuum technology and IPA drying to efficiently remove flux residues from chiplet structures.

Has ACM Research (ACMR) received any orders for its new FOPLP cleaning tool?

Yes, ACM Research has received and shipped a purchase order for the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool from a major Chinese semiconductor manufacturer in July 2024.

What is the projected growth for the FOPLP market according to ACM Research's announcement?

According to Yole Group, cited in ACM Research's announcement, the FOPLP market share is expected to grow from 2% in 2022 to 8% in 2028.

What are the potential cost savings associated with FOPLP technology mentioned by ACM Research (ACMR)?

ACM Research states that FOPLP technology can lead to overall cost reductions of approximately 66% compared to traditional silicon wafer methods, due to higher material utilization and larger effective area.

ACM Research, Inc.


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