AECOM selected as Lead Designer for North Houston Highway Improvement Project

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AECOM has been selected by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to provide design services for Segment 3C-4 of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP). This project aims to redesign I-45N between downtown Houston and the North Sam Houston Tollway, focusing on lane expansions, traffic congestion alleviation, commuter safety enhancement, and flood resiliency improvement.

AECOM's scope includes designing four express lanes, realigning I-45's six main lanes, and widening from one to four managed lanes from west of Houston Avenue to west of White Oak Bayou. The project also involves drainage system improvements to ensure roadway functionality during extreme weather events.

The NHHIP is expected to expand multi-modal transit options by adding more high-occupancy vehicle lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian trail paths. It also aims to enhance regional freight mobility, supporting Houston's growth as local ports continue to expand.

AECOM è stata selezionata dal Dipartimento dei Trasporti del Texas (TxDOT) per fornire servizi di progettazione per il Segmento 3C-4 del Progetto di Miglioramento dell'Autostrada Nord di Houston (NHHIP). Questo progetto mira a ridisegnare l'I-45N tra il centro di Houston e il North Sam Houston Tollway, concentrandosi su espansioni delle corsie, alleviamento della congestione del traffico, miglioramento della sicurezza dei pendolari e resilienza alle inondazioni.

Il campo di applicazione di AECOM include la progettazione di quattro corsie esprersso, il riallineamento delle sei corsie principali dell'I-45 e l'ampliamento da una a quattro corsie gestite da ovest di Houston Avenue a ovest di White Oak Bayou. Il progetto prevede anche miglioramenti del sistema di drenaggio per garantire la funzionalità della strada durante eventi meteorologici estremi.

Si prevede che il NHHIP espanda le opzioni di transito multimodali aggiungendo più corsie per veicoli ad alta occupazione, piste ciclabili e sentieri pedonali. Mira anche a migliorare la mobilità regionale delle merci, supportando la crescita di Houston mentre i porti locali continuano ad espandersi.

AECOM ha sido seleccionada por el Departamento de Transporte de Texas (TxDOT) para proporcionar servicios de diseño para el Segmento 3C-4 del Proyecto de Mejora de la Autopista Norte de Houston (NHHIP). Este proyecto tiene como objetivo rediseñar la I-45N entre el centro de Houston y el North Sam Houston Tollway, enfocándose en la expansión de carriles, la mitigación de la congestión del tráfico, la mejora de la seguridad de los viajeros y la resiliencia ante inundaciones.

El alcance de AECOM incluye el diseño de cuatro carriles exprés, el realineamiento de las seis carriles principales de la I-45 y la ampliación de uno a cuatro carriles gestionados desde al oeste de Houston Avenue hasta al oeste de White Oak Bayou. El proyecto también implica mejoras en el sistema de drenaje para garantizar la funcionalidad de la carretera durante eventos climáticos extremos.

Se espera que el NHHIP expanda las opciones de tránsito multimodal al agregar más carriles para vehículos de alta ocupación, carriles para bicicletas y senderos peatonales. También busca mejorar la movilidad regional de carga, apoyando el crecimiento de Houston a medida que los puertos locales continúan expandiéndose.

AECOM은 텍사스 교통부(TxDOT)에 의해 북휴스턴 고속도로 개선 프로젝트(NHHIP)의 세그먼트 3C-4에 대한 설계 서비스를 제공하도록 선정되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 휴스턴 시내와 North Sam Houston Tollway 사이의 I-45N을 재설계하는 것을 목표로 하며, 차선 확장, 교통 체증 완화, 통근자 안전 향상 및 홍수 복원력 개선에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

AECOM의 범위에는 네 개의 익스프레스 차선 설계, I-45의 여섯 개 주요 차선 재정렬, 그리고 하나에서 네 개의 관리 차선으로 넓히는 것이 포함됩니다. 이 프로젝트는 또한 극심한 기후 현상 동안 도로 기능성을 보장하기 위한 배수 시스템 개선을 포함합니다.

NHHIP는 다양한 교통수단 옵션을 확장하여 고용량 차량 차선, 자전거 도로 및 보행자 산책로 추가를 통해 이루어질 것으로 기대됩니다. 또한 지역 화물 이동성 개선을 목표로 하여 지역 항구의 확장이 지속됨에 따라 휴스턴의 성장을 지원합니다.

AECOM a été sélectionné par le Département des Transports du Texas (TxDOT) pour fournir des services de conception pour le Segment 3C-4 du Projet d'Amélioration de l'Autoroute Nord de Houston (NHHIP). Ce projet vise à redessiner l'I-45N entre le centre-ville de Houston et le North Sam Houston Tollway, en se concentrant sur l'expansion des voies, l'allègement de la congestion routière, l'amélioration de la sécurité des navetteurs et l'amélioration de la résilience face aux inondations.

Le champ d'application d'AECOM comprend la conception de quatre voies express, le réalignement des six voies principales de l'I-45 et l'élargissement d'une à quatre voies gérées à l'ouest de Houston Avenue jusqu'à l'ouest de White Oak Bayou. Le projet inclut également des améliorations du système de drainage pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de la route lors d'événements météorologiques extrêmes.

Le NHHIP devrait élargir les options de transport multimodal en ajoutant davantage de voies pour véhicules à haute occupation, de pistes cyclables et de sentiers piétonniers. Il vise également à améliorer la mobilité régionale des marchandises, soutenant la croissance de Houston alors que les ports locaux continuent de s'étendre.

AECOM wurde vom Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) ausgewählt, um Design-Dienstleistungen für das Segment 3C-4 des North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) bereitzustellen. Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, die I-45N zwischen der Innenstadt von Houston und dem North Sam Houston Tollway umzubauen, wobei der Fokus auf Fahrstreifen Erweiterungen, Linderung von Verkehrsstaus, Verbesserung der Sicherheit für Pendler und Verbesserung der Überschwemmungsresilienz liegt.

Der Umfang von AECOM umfasst die Planung von vier Expressfahrstreifen, die Neuausrichtung der sechs Hauptfahrstreifen der I-45 und die Erweiterung von einem auf vier verwaltete Fahrstreifen von westlich der Houston Avenue bis westlich des White Oak Bayou. Das Projekt beinhaltet auch Verbesserungen des Entwässerungssystems, um die Funktionalität der Straße bei extremen Wetterereignissen zu gewährleisten.

Es wird erwartet, dass das NHHIP multimodale Verkehrsmöglichkeiten erweitert indem mehr Fahrstreifen für Personenfahrzeuge, Radwege und Fußwege hinzugefügt werden. Zudem zielt es darauf ab, die regionale Frachtmobilität zu verbessern, um das Wachstum von Houston zu unterstützen, während die lokalen Häfen weiterhin ausgebaut werden.

  • AECOM selected as Lead Designer for a major infrastructure project in Houston
  • Project aims to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance commuter safety
  • Scope includes designing express lanes and realigning main lanes
  • Project includes flood resiliency improvements
  • Expansion of multi-modal transit options and support for regional freight mobility
  • None.


The selection of AECOM for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) is a significant win for the company. This project, part of TxDOT's $148 billion investment program, positions AECOM at the forefront of major infrastructure developments in Texas. The scope, including lane expansions, flood resiliency improvements and multi-modal transit enhancements, aligns with growing urban infrastructure needs.

Key points to consider:

  • The project's focus on flood resiliency is crucial, given Houston's vulnerability to extreme weather events.
  • Expansion of high-occupancy vehicle lanes and addition of bike lanes reflect a shift towards more sustainable urban transportation.
  • Improved freight mobility support could boost Houston's economic growth, particularly benefiting the expanding port sector.

While this contract will likely contribute positively to AECOM's revenue stream, investors should note that large-scale infrastructure projects often face challenges such as potential delays, budget overruns and regulatory hurdles. The long-term nature of such projects means that financial impacts may be gradual rather than immediate.

This contract win strengthens AECOM's position in the lucrative U.S. infrastructure market. While the specific contract value isn't disclosed, it's part of a larger $148 billion state investment program, suggesting significant potential revenue for AECOM over the project's lifecycle.

Key financial implications:

  • Bolsters AECOM's backlog, providing long-term revenue visibility
  • Reinforces the company's market leadership in transportation infrastructure, potentially leading to more contract wins
  • Aligns with federal infrastructure spending initiatives, positioning AECOM to capitalize on increased government outlays

Investors should monitor project execution and margin performance, as these large-scale projects can impact profitability. The contract also mitigates some geographical revenue concentration risk by expanding AECOM's presence in Texas, a high-growth market. Overall, this news is likely to be viewed positively by the market, potentially supporting AECOM's stock performance in the near term.

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AECOM (NYSE: ACM), the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, today announced it has been selected by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to provide design services for Segment 3C-4 of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP), a planned multi-segment redesign of I-45N, between downtown Houston and the North Sam Houston Tollway. The project includes lane expansions intended to alleviate traffic congestion, enhance commuter safety and improve flood resiliency.

“We’re excited to build on our long-standing relationship with TxDOT to deliver one of Houston’s largest infrastructure projects in the last decade,” said Matt Crane, chief executive of AECOM’s U.S. West region. "Our team has a deep understanding of the region’s infrastructure needs and a strong track record of successful collaborations with TxDOT. We are committed to leveraging their experience to support critical infrastructure upgrades that help strengthen the local economy and enhance connectivity along the corridor.”

AECOM's scope of work includes designing four express lanes, realigning I-45's six main lanes, and widening from one to four managed lanes from west of Houston Avenue to west of White Oak Bayou. This multi-segment project also includes drainage system improvements intended to allow the roadway to be functional during extreme weather events.

“With decades of experience managing and delivering highway and road projects for all levels of government, our teams’ global expertise has made us the industry’s top transportation firm,” said Mark Southwell, chief executive of AECOM’s global Transportation business. “We are proud to partner with TxDOT as it embarks on a record, $148 billion transportation investment program, and will deploy our world-class capabilities to deliver a safe, flood-resilient roadway design that advances the state’s ambitious infrastructure objectives.”

Once complete, the NHHIP intends to expand multi-modal transit options by adding more high-occupancy vehicle lanes to promote ridesharing, as well as bike lanes and pedestrian trail paths. This project is also expected to enhance and support regional freight mobility, which is vital to Houston’s growth as local ports continue to expand.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) is the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, delivering professional services throughout the project lifecycle – from advisory, planning, design and engineering to program and construction management. On projects spanning transportation, buildings, water, new energy, and the environment, our public- and private-sector clients trust us to solve their most complex challenges. Our teams are driven by a common purpose to deliver a better world through our unrivaled technical and digital expertise, a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to environmental, social and governance priorities. AECOM is a Fortune 500 firm and its Professional Services business had revenue of $14.4 billion in fiscal year 2023. See how we are delivering sustainable legacies for generations to come at and @AECOM.

Forward-Looking Statements
All statements in this communication other than statements of historical fact are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of federal and state securities laws, including any statements of the plans, strategies and objectives for future operations, profitability, strategic value creation, capital allocation strategy including stock repurchases, risk profile and investment strategies, and any statements regarding future economic conditions or performance, and the expected financial and operational results of AECOM. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, actual results could differ materially from those projected or assumed in any of our forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results, performance and achievements, or industry results to differ materially from estimates or projections contained in our forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the following: our business is cyclical and vulnerable to economic downturns and client spending reductions; potential government shutdowns or other funding circumstances that may cause governmental agencies to modify, curtail or terminate our contracts; losses under fixed-price contracts; limited control over operations that run through our joint venture entities; liability for misconduct by our employees or consultants; failure to comply with laws or regulations applicable to our business; maintaining adequate surety and financial capacity; potential high leverage and inability to service our debt and guarantees; ability to continue payment of dividends; exposure to political and economic risks in different countries, including tariffs, geopolitical events, and conflicts; currency exchange rate and interest fluctuations; retaining and recruiting key technical and management personnel; legal claims; inadequate insurance coverage; environmental law compliance and adequate nuclear indemnification; unexpected adjustments and cancellations related to our backlog; partners and third parties who may fail to satisfy their legal obligations; managing pension costs; AECOM Capital real estate development projects; cybersecurity issues, IT outages and data privacy; risks associated with the benefits and costs of the sale of our Management Services and self-perform at-risk civil infrastructure, power construction and oil and gas businesses, including the risk that any purchase adjustments from those transactions could be unfavorable and result in any future proceeds owed to us as part of the transactions could be lower than we expect; as well as other additional risks and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements set forth in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof. We do not intend, and undertake no obligation, to update any forward-looking statement.


Brendan Ranson-Walsh

Senior Vice President, Global Communications



Will Gabrielski

Senior Vice President, Finance, Treasurer


Source: AECOM


What is the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP) that AECOM (ACM) is involved in?

The NHHIP is a planned multi-segment redesign of I-45N between downtown Houston and the North Sam Houston Tollway. AECOM has been selected to provide design services for Segment 3C-4 of this project, which includes lane expansions, traffic congestion alleviation, and flood resiliency improvements.

What specific design services will AECOM (ACM) provide for the NHHIP Segment 3C-4?

AECOM will design four express lanes, realign I-45's six main lanes, and widen from one to four managed lanes from west of Houston Avenue to west of White Oak Bayou. They will also work on drainage system improvements to enhance flood resiliency.

How will the NHHIP project, involving AECOM (ACM), benefit Houston's transportation system?

The project aims to alleviate traffic congestion, enhance commuter safety, improve flood resiliency, expand multi-modal transit options, and support regional freight mobility. It will add high-occupancy vehicle lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian trail paths to promote diverse transportation options.

What is the significance of AECOM's (ACM) involvement in the NHHIP for Houston's infrastructure?

AECOM's involvement in the NHHIP represents one of Houston's largest infrastructure projects in the last decade. Their expertise is expected to contribute to critical infrastructure upgrades that will strengthen the local economy and enhance connectivity along the I-45N corridor.



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