AECOM appoints Jill Hudkins to lead its new Water & Environment Advisory global business line

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AECOM (NYSE: ACM) has appointed Jill Hudkins as chief executive of its new Water & Environment Advisory global business line. This move is part of AECOM's growth strategy to extend its competitive advantage by developing complementary, high-value businesses. The new advisory business will focus on guiding clients through complex water and environmental management challenges, leveraging AECOM's existing top-ranked water and environmental engineering capabilities.

The business line aims to expand into high-growth areas such as advanced digital water asset management, environmental permitting, and PFAS remediation. Hudkins, with over 25 years of experience, previously served as President at Tetra Tech, where she led the advancement of digital applications and data analytics in water, environment, and sustainable infrastructure.

AECOM's CEO, Troy Rudd, expressed excitement about the opportunities ahead, responding to increasing client demand for comprehensive advisory, consulting, design, and program management solutions addressing pressing water and environmental challenges.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) ha nominato Jill Hudkins come amministratore delegato della sua nuova linea globale di business di consulenza in Acqua e Ambiente. Questa mossa fa parte della strategia di crescita di AECOM per estendere il proprio vantaggio competitivo sviluppando attività complementari ad alto valore. La nuova attività di consulenza si concentrerà sull'assistenza ai clienti nell'affrontare le complesse sfide di gestione delle risorse idriche e ambientali, sfruttando le competenze ingegneristiche di AECOM, già considerate tra le migliori nel settore.

La linea di business punta a espandersi in aree ad alta crescita come gestione avanzata degli asset idrici digitali, ottenimento di permessi ambientali e bonifica dei PFAS. Hudkins, con oltre 25 anni di esperienza, ha precedentemente ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente presso Tetra Tech, dove ha guidato l'avanzamento delle applicazioni digitali e dell'analisi dei dati nell'ambito dell'acqua, dell'ambiente e delle infrastrutture sostenibili.

Il CEO di AECOM, Troy Rudd, ha espresso entusiasmo per le opportunità future, rispondendo all'aumento della domanda da parte dei clienti per soluzioni complete di consulenza, progettazione e gestione dei programmi che affrontano le urgenti sfide idriche e ambientali.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) ha nombrado a Jill Hudkins como directora ejecutiva de su nueva línea de negocio global de consultoría en Agua y Medio Ambiente. Este movimiento es parte de la estrategia de crecimiento de AECOM para extender su ventaja competitiva desarrollando negocios complementarios de alto valor. La nueva actividad de consultoría se centrará en guiar a los clientes a través de los complejos desafíos de gestión del agua y del medio ambiente, aprovechando las capacidades de ingeniería en agua y medio ambiente de AECOM, que ya son consideradas de primer nivel.

La línea de negocio tiene como objetivo expandirse en áreas de alto crecimiento como gestión avanzada de activos hídricos digitales, obtención de permisos ambientales y remediación de PFAS. Hudkins, con más de 25 años de experiencia, se desempeñó anteriormente como presidenta en Tetra Tech, donde lideró el avance de aplicaciones digitales y análisis de datos en agua, medio ambiente e infraestructura sostenible.

El CEO de AECOM, Troy Rudd, expresó su entusiasmo por las oportunidades que se presentan, respondiendo a la creciente demanda de los clientes por soluciones integrales de consultoría, diseño y gestión de programas que aborden los urgentes desafíos del agua y del medio ambiente.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM)은 Jill Hudkins을 새로운 물 및 환경 자문 글로벌 비즈니스 라인의 CEO로 임명했습니다. 이번 인사는 AECOM의 성장을 위한 전략의 일환으로, 보완적인 고부가가치 비즈니스를 개발하여 경쟁 우위를 확대하는 것입니다. 새로운 자문 비즈니스는 고객이 복잡한 수자원 및 환경 관리 문제를 해결하는 데 도움을 줄 것이며, AECOM의 이미 상위 랭크된 수자원 및 환경 엔지니어링 역량을 활용할 것입니다.

이 비즈니스 라인은 고급 디지털 수자산 관리, 환경 허가 및 PFAS 정화와 같이 고성장 분야로 확장하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Hudkins는 25년 이상의 경력을 보유하고 있으며, 이전에는 Tetra Tech에서 사장으로 재직하며 물, 환경 및 지속 가능한 인프라 분야에서 디지털 애플리케이션과 데이터 분석의 발전을 이끌었습니다.

AECOM의 CEO인 Troy Rudd는 증가하는 고객의 요구에 대응하여 시급한 수자원 및 환경 문제를 해결하기 위한 종합 자문, 설계 및 프로그램 관리 솔루션에 대한 기회에 대한 기대감을 표명했습니다.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) a nommé Jill Hudkins comme directrice générale de sa nouvelle ligne de business mondiale en conseil sur l'eau et l'environnement. Cette décision s'inscrit dans la stratégie de croissance d'AECOM visant à étendre son avantage concurrentiel en développant des activités complémentaires à forte valeur. Le nouveau service de conseil se concentrera sur l'accompagnement des clients face à des défis complexes en matière de gestion de l'eau et de l'environnement, en s'appuyant sur les compétences d'ingénierie en eau et environnement d'AECOM, déjà considérées comme parmi les meilleures.

La ligne d'affaires vise à s'étendre dans des secteurs à forte croissance tels que la gestion avancée des actifs en eau numérique, l'obtention de permis environnementaux et la dépollution des PFAS. Hudkins, forte de plus de 25 ans d'expérience, a précédemment occupé le poste de présidente chez Tetra Tech, où elle a dirigé le développement d'applications numériques et d'analyses de données dans les domaines de l'eau, de l'environnement et des infrastructures durables.

Le PDG d'AECOM, Troy Rudd, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour les opportunités à venir, répondant à une demande croissante des clients pour des solutions complètes de conseil, de conception et de gestion de programmes visant à relever les défis urgents liés à l'eau et à l'environnement.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) hat Jill Hudkins zur Geschäftsführerin seiner neuen globalen Beratungsdienstleistung im Bereich Wasser und Umwelt ernannt. Dieser Schritt ist Teil von AECOMs Wachstumsstrategie, um seinen Wettbewerbsvorteil durch die Entwicklung komplementärer, wertvoller Geschäftsbereiche auszubauen. Das neue Beratungsunternehmen wird sich darauf konzentrieren, Kunden durch komplexe Herausforderungen im Bereich Wasser- und Umweltmanagement zu führen und dabei auf die bereits bestehenden, erstklassigen Ingenieursfähigkeiten von AECOM im Wasser- und Umweltbereich zurückzugreifen.

Die Geschäftslinie zielt darauf ab, in wachstumsstarke Bereiche wie fortgeschrittenes digitales Wasser-Asset-Management, Umweltgenehmigungen und PFAS-Sanierung zu expandieren. Hudkins, die über 25 Jahre Erfahrung verfügt, war zuvor Präsidentin bei Tetra Tech, wo sie die Weiterentwicklung digitaler Anwendungen und die Datenanalyse im Bereich Wasser, Umwelt und nachhaltige Infrastruktur leitete.

Der CEO von AECOM, Troy Rudd, äußerte sich begeistert über die bevorstehenden Chancen, um auf die wachsende Kundennachfrage nach umfassenden Beratungs-, Planungs- und Programmmanagementlösungen zu reagieren, die dringende Wasser- und Umweltprobleme angehen.

  • Appointment of experienced industry leader Jill Hudkins as chief executive of new advisory business
  • Expansion into high-growth areas like digital water asset management and PFAS remediation
  • Leveraging existing top-ranked water and environmental engineering capabilities
  • Strategy aims to double the size of water capabilities over next five years
  • Responding to increasing client demand for comprehensive water and environmental solutions
  • None.

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AECOM (NYSE: ACM), the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, today announced it has appointed Jill Hudkins as chief executive of its new Water & Environment Advisory global business line. The appointment of Ms. Hudkins and the formation of the new advisory business mark key milestones in the Company’s growth strategy, which is built on extending AECOM’s competitive advantage by drawing on its technical leadership and strong client relationships to develop complementary, high-value businesses.

The Water & Environment Advisory global business line will focus on advising clients to strategically guide them through the lifecycle of their largest and most complex water and environmental management challenges. Leveraging AECOM’s existing number one water, environmental engineering and environmental science businesses, as ranked by Engineering-News Record, the new advisory business will expand the Company’s capabilities in high growth areas, such as advanced digital water asset management and automation, environmental permitting, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) remediation and emerging opportunities for water solutions in high-tech environments.

“I’m pleased to welcome Jill to AECOM to lead the expansion of our water and environment advisory business and continue on our path to double the size of our industry-leading water capabilities over the next five years,” said Troy Rudd, AECOM’s chief executive officer. “Much like how key leadership appointments were central to the success of growing our Program Management business, Jill’s appointment, along with our commitment to investing in key resources to expand our capabilities, sets the foundation for similar success in this new business line. We are excited by the opportunities ahead as we respond to our clients’ increasing demand for comprehensive advisory, consulting, design, and program management solutions that address today’s most pressing water and environmental challenges.”

Ms. Hudkins previously served as President at Tetra Tech with more than 25 years of experience spanning several operational and strategic leadership roles at the firm. During her tenure, she led the advancement of digital applications and data analytics across its global operations in water, environment, and sustainable infrastructure, including the launch and rapid growth of its Digital Water practice.

“Jill is a respected authority in our industry, and I look forward to working with her to advance our strategy for helping clients navigate their growing complexities and challenges, while also ensuring their projects deliver long-term value for communities and the planet,” said Lara Poloni, AECOM’s president. “The development of our Water & Environment Advisory global business line brings exciting prospects for our people as we seize emerging opportunities. With Jill at the helm, we will build a world-class team and platform that shapes the future of environmental and water management through visionary, knowledge-driven solutions.”

Ms. Hudkins obtained her master's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and bachelor's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Duke University. She currently serves on the University of Miami’s College of Engineering Academic Review Committee.


AECOM (NYSE: ACM) is the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, delivering professional services throughout the project lifecycle – from advisory, planning, design and engineering to program and construction management. On projects spanning transportation, buildings, water, new energy, and the environment, our public- and private-sector clients trust us to solve their most complex challenges. Our teams are driven by a common purpose to deliver a better world through our unrivaled technical and digital expertise, a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to environmental, social and governance priorities. AECOM is a Fortune 500 firm and its Professional Services business had revenue of $14.4 billion in fiscal year 2023. See how we are delivering sustainable legacies for generations to come at and @AECOM.

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Brendan Ranson-Walsh

Senior Vice President, Global Communications



Will Gabrielski

Senior Vice President, Finance, Treasurer


Source: AECOM


Who is the new chief executive of AECOM's Water & Environment Advisory global business line?

Jill Hudkins has been appointed as the chief executive of AECOM's new Water & Environment Advisory global business line.

What are the key focus areas for AECOM's new Water & Environment Advisory business?

The new advisory business will focus on high-growth areas such as advanced digital water asset management, environmental permitting, PFAS remediation, and emerging opportunities for water solutions in high-tech environments.

What is AECOM's growth target for its water capabilities?

AECOM aims to double the size of its industry-leading water capabilities over the next five years.

What is Jill Hudkins' background before joining AECOM (ACM)?

Jill Hudkins previously served as President at Tetra Tech with more than 25 years of experience in operational and strategic leadership roles, including leading the advancement of digital applications and data analytics in water, environment, and sustainable infrastructure.

How does the new Water & Environment Advisory business line align with AECOM's (ACM) strategy?

The new business line is part of AECOM's growth strategy to extend its competitive advantage by developing complementary, high-value businesses and responding to increasing client demand for comprehensive solutions to water and environmental challenges.



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