Acarix AB (publ) publishes Interim Report, April - June 2024

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Acarix AB, a leader in AI-based cardiac diagnostics, reported strong Q2 2024 financial results. Key highlights include:

- Revenue increased 27% to SEK 1,958 thousand
- Gross profit rose 38% to SEK 1,788 thousand (91% margin)
- 15 CADScor Systems installed (2 sold, 13 consigned)
- 3,530 patches sold (62% increase in US)
- Operating costs reduced by 25% (excluding one-time expenses)
- Loss before tax: SEK –16,661 thousand

For H1 2024, revenue was SEK 3,509 thousand, with 28 CADScor Systems and 6,054 patches sold. The company's cash position stood at SEK 48,271 thousand. These results reflect Acarix's growing market presence and successful implementation of its new sales model and strategic initiatives.

Acarix AB, leader nella diagnostica cardiaca basata sull'IA, ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il secondo trimestre del 2024. I punti salienti includono:

- Il fatturato è aumentato del 27% a SEK 1.958.000
- L'utile lordo è salito del 38% a SEK 1.788.000 (margine del 91%)
- Installati 15 sistemi CADScor (2 venduti, 13 consegnati)
- Venduti 3.530 patch (aumento del 62% negli Stati Uniti)
- I costi operativi sono stati ridotti del 25% (escluse le spese una tantum)
- Perdita prima delle tasse: SEK -16.661.000

Per il primo semestre del 2024, il fatturato è stato di SEK 3.509.000, con 28 sistemi CADScor e 6.054 patch venduti. La posizione di cassa dell'azienda si attestava a SEK 48.271.000. Questi risultati riflettono la crescente presenza di mercato di Acarix e l'implementazione di successo del suo nuovo modello di vendita e delle iniziative strategiche.

Acarix AB, líder en diagnósticos cardíacos basados en IA, reportó resultados financieros sólidos para el segundo trimestre de 2024. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Los ingresos aumentaron un 27% a SEK 1.958 mil
- El beneficio bruto subió un 38% a SEK 1.788 mil (margen del 91%)
- Se instalaron 15 sistemas CADScor (2 vendidos, 13 consignados)
- Se vendieron 3.530 parches (un aumento del 62% en EE. UU.)
- Los costos operativos se redujeron en un 25% (excluyendo gastos únicos)
- Pérdida antes de impuestos: SEK -16.661 mil

Para el primer semestre de 2024, los ingresos fueron de SEK 3.509 mil, con 28 sistemas CADScor y 6.054 parches vendidos. La posición de caja de la empresa se situó en SEK 48.271 mil. Estos resultados reflejan la creciente presencia de mercado de Acarix y la exitosa implementación de su nuevo modelo de ventas y sus iniciativas estratégicas.

Acarix AB는 AI 기반의 심장 진단 분야에서 선도적인 기업으로, 2024년 2분기 강력한 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 매출이 27% 증가하여 SEK 1,958천이 됨
- 총 이익이 38% 증가하여 SEK 1,788천 (91%의 마진)
- 15개의 CADScor 시스템 설치 (2대 판매, 13대 인도)
- 3,530개의 패치 판매 (미국에서 62% 증가)
- 운영 비용이 25% 감소함 (일회성 비용 제외)
- 세전 손실: SEK –16,661천

2024년 상반기 동안 매출은 SEK 3,509천이었으며, 28개의 CADScor 시스템과 6,054개의 패치가 판매되었습니다. 회사의 현금 보유량은 SEK 48,271천 달러였습니다. 이러한 결과는 Acarix의 시장 존재감 증가와 새로운 판매 모델 및 전략적 이니셔티브의 성공적인 구현을 반영합니다.

Acarix AB, leader dans le diagnostic cardiaque basé sur l’IA, a rapporté de solides résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024. Les points saillants incluent:

- Les revenus ont augmenté de 27% pour atteindre 1.958 SEK
- Le bénéfice brut a augmenté de 38% pour atteindre 1.788 SEK (marge de 91%)
- 15 systèmes CADScor installés (2 vendus, 13 consignés)
- 3.530 patchs vendus (augmentation de 62% aux États-Unis)
- Les coûts d’exploitation ont été réduits de 25% (hors frais uniques)
- Perte avant impôts : -16.661 SEK

Pour le premier semestre de 2024, le chiffre d'affaires était de 3.509 SEK, avec 28 systèmes CADScor et 6.054 patchs vendus. La position de liquidités de l'entreprise s'élevait à 48.271 SEK. Ces résultats reflètent la présence croissante d’Acarix sur le marché et la mise en œuvre réussie de son nouveau modèle de vente et de ses initiatives stratégiques.

Acarix AB, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich KI-basierter Herzdiagnostik, hat starke Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2024 gemeldet. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

- Der Umsatz stieg um 27% auf SEK 1.958 Tausend
- Der Bruttogewinn stieg um 38% auf SEK 1.788 Tausend (91% Marge)
- 15 CADScor-Systeme installiert (2 verkauft, 13 ausgeliefert)
- 3.530 Patches verkauft (62% Zuwachs in den USA)
- Die Betriebskosten wurden um 25% gesenkt (ohne einmalige Ausgaben)
- Verlust vor Steuern: SEK -16.661 Tausend

Für das erste Halbjahr 2024 betrug der Umsatz SEK 3.509 Tausend, mit 28 CADScor-Systemen und 6.054 verkauften Patches. Die Liquiditätslage des Unternehmens lag bei SEK 48.271 Tausend. Diese Ergebnisse spiegeln die wachsende Marktpräsenz von Acarix und die erfolgreiche Umsetzung seines neuen Verkaufsmodells und strategischer Initiativen wider.

  • Revenue increased by 27% compared to Q2 2023
  • Gross profit rose by 38% with margin improvement of 7 percentage points
  • US gross profit increased by 59% with 9 percentage point margin increase
  • Patch sales in the US grew by 62% year-over-year
  • Operating costs reduced by 25% (excluding one-time expenses)
  • Cash and cash equivalents of SEK 48,271 thousand
  • Loss before tax of SEK –16,661 thousand in Q2 2024
  • Negative cashflow from operating activities of SEK –15,258 thousand in Q2 2024
  • Overall loss before tax of SEK –31,591 thousand for H1 2024

NEW YORK, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Acarix, a leader in rapid AI and acoustics-based cardiac diagnostics, today reported its financial results for the second quarter of 2024. The company achieved record-breaking patch sales and record-breaking gross profit, driven by the success of its new sales model coupled with key strategic initiatives involving commercial expansion and clinical activities. These results highlight the company's growing market presence and commitment to innovation in the cardiac diagnostics space.

"I'm proud of the significant progress Acarix has made over the last quarter," stated Aamir Mahmood, Acarix President and CEO. "The success we experienced in Q2, including record-breaking patch sales and a substantial increase in gross profit, is a clear indicator of our strategy's effectiveness. This validates our commitment to innovation, operational excellence, and value creation as we continue to strengthen our market position with the CADScor System and expand our impact in cardiac diagnostics."

Key Highlights

Second quarter 2024 compared to the same period in 2023

  • Revenue for the second quarter amounted to SEK 1,958 thousand (1,540), an increase of 27% compared to the same period last year. Revenue in the US increased by 34% compared to the same period last year.
  • Gross profit increased 38% to SEK 1,788 thousand (1,291), corresponding to a gross margin of 91% (84%) and an improvement of 7% points compared to the same period in 2023. US gross profit increased 59% with a gross margin increase on 9 points to 93%.
  • During the quarter a total of 15 (10) CADScor®Systems were installed at customers (2 sold / 13 on consignment) and 3,530 (2,682) patches were sold. In the US 1,260 patches were sold, an increase of 62% compared to the same period last year.
  • Operating costs amounted to SEK 18,368 thousand (23,186). One-time expenses amounting SEK 951 thosand. Excluding one-time expenses, cost reduction initiatives led to a 25% improvement compared to the same period last year.
  • Loss before tax amounted to SEK –16,661 thousand (–22,004).
  • Cashflow from operating activities amounted to SEK –15,258 thousand (-21,229).
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK –0.02 (–0.05).

First half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023

  • Revenue in the first half of the year amounted to SEK 3,509 thousand (3,495).
  • Gross profit amounted to SEK 3,202 thousand (2,978), corresponding to a gross margin of 91% (85%) and an improvement of 6% points compared to the same period in 2023.
  • During the first half of the year, 28 (22) CADScor Systems (5 sold / 23 on consignment) and 6,054 (5,217) patches were sold.
  • Operating expenses amounted to SEK 34,708 thousand (41,307). Non-recurring costs amounting SEK 1,497 thousand.
  • Loss before tax amounted to SEK –31,591 thousand (–38,484).
  • Cashflow from operating activities amounted to SEK -33,694 thousand (-41,840).
  • Cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 48,271 thousand (26,299). General pledging of bank deposits amounted to SEK 4,560 thousand.
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK –0.04 (–0.08). No dilutive effects occurred.
  • Number of shares on the balance sheet date amounts to 973,170,178 (452,868,010).

Link to the report :

About Acarix
Acarix is a Swedish medical device company that innovates solutions for rapid rule out of coronary artery disease (CAD) at point of care. The CE-approved and FDA DeNovo-cleared Acarix CADScor System is intended for patients experiencing chest pain with suspected CAD and designed to help reduce millions of unnecessary, invasive, and costly diagnostic procedures. The CADScor System has been used on more than 29,000 patients. Acarix recommends CADScor System as a first-line diagnostic aid that uses highly sensitive acoustics and advanced computational processing to analyze coronary blood flow to rule out significant coronary artery disease (CAD), with at least 96% certainty at point of care. Acarix is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm (ticker: ACARIX) and cross-traded on the OTCQB market in the US (ticker: ACIXF). Carnegie Investment Bank is the Certified Advisor of Acarix. For more information, please visit

Media Contact: Jennifer Anderson,

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What was Acarix's (ACIXF) revenue growth in Q2 2024?

Acarix's revenue grew by 27% in Q2 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, reaching SEK 1,958 thousand.

How many CADScor Systems did Acarix (ACIXF) install in Q2 2024?

Acarix installed a total of 15 CADScor Systems in Q2 2024, with 2 sold and 13 placed on consignment.

What was Acarix's (ACIXF) gross profit margin in Q2 2024?

Acarix achieved a gross profit margin of 91% in Q2 2024, an improvement of 7 percentage points compared to Q2 2023.

How many patches did Acarix (ACIXF) sell in the first half of 2024?

Acarix sold 6,054 patches in the first half of 2024, compared to 5,217 in the same period of 2023.

What was Acarix's (ACIXF) cash position at the end of Q2 2024?

Acarix reported cash and cash equivalents of SEK 48,271 thousand at the end of Q2 2024.



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