Datos Names ACI Worldwide Best in Class in Payments Orchestration

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ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW) has been ranked 'Best in Class' for Merchant Payments Orchestration in a new Datos Insights report. The company achieved the highest ranking and average score across four categories: provider stability, client strength, client service, and product features. ACI was the only vendor to earn the 'Best in Class' accreditation and ranked first in 'Top client rating for delivering on promises' and 'Top client rating for features and functionality'.

ACI was also recognized as one of only two providers offering both on-premises and cloud deployment options. The report highlights ACI's support for all payment types and methods globally, serving enterprise merchants directly and small to midsize businesses indirectly via its offering to PSPs. This recognition underscores ACI's commitment to payments innovation and its ability to meet complex merchant payment requirements worldwide.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW) è stata classificata 'Best in Class' per l'Orchestrazione dei Pagamenti dei Merchant in un nuovo rapporto di Datos Insights. L'azienda ha ottenuto il più alto punteggio e la media migliore in quattro categorie: stabilità del fornitore, forza del cliente, servizio al cliente e funzionalità del prodotto. ACI è stato l'unico fornitore a ricevere l'accreditamento 'Best in Class' e si è classificato al primo posto in 'Valutazione del cliente per l'adempimento delle promesse' e 'Valutazione del cliente per caratteristiche e funzionalità'.

ACI è stata anche riconosciuta come uno dei soli due fornitori che offrono sia opzioni di distribuzione locali che su cloud. Il rapporto sottolinea il supporto di ACI per tutti i tipi e metodi di pagamento a livello globale, servendo i merchant di grandi dimensioni direttamente e le piccole e medie imprese indirettamente tramite la sua offerta ai PSP. Questo riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno di ACI per l'innovazione nei pagamenti e la sua capacità di soddisfare i complessi requisiti di pagamento dei merchant in tutto il mondo.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW) ha sido clasificada como 'Mejor en su Clase' para la Orquestación de Pagos de Comerciantes en un nuevo informe de Datos Insights. La compañía logró la más alta clasificación y puntuación promedio en cuatro categorías: estabilidad del proveedor, fortaleza del cliente, servicio al cliente y características del producto. ACI fue el único proveedor en obtener la acreditación 'Mejor en su Clase' y se clasificó primero en 'Clasificación de clientes por cumplir promesas' y 'Clasificación de clientes por características y funcionalidad'.

ACI también fue reconocida como uno de los únicos dos proveedores que ofrecen opciones de implementación tanto locales como en la nube. El informe destaca el apoyo de ACI para todos los tipos y métodos de pago a nivel global, sirviendo directamente a comerciantes grandes y de forma indirecta a pequeñas y medianas empresas a través de su oferta a los PSP. Este reconocimiento subraya el compromiso de ACI con la innovación en los pagos y su capacidad para satisfacer los complejos requisitos de pago de los comerciantes en todo el mundo.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW)는 새로운 Datos Insights 보고서에서 '최고 수준'의 상인 결제 오케스트레이션으로 평가되었습니다. 회사는 네 가지 범주에서 가장 높은 순위와 평균 점수를 달성했습니다: 공급자 안정성, 고객 강도, 고객 서비스 및 제품 기능. ACI는 '최고 수준' 인증을 받은 유일한 공급업체였으며, '약속을 이행하는 고객 평가에서 1위''기능 및 성능에 대한 고객 평가에서 1위'를 기록했습니다.

ACI는 또한 온프레미스 및 클라우드 배포 옵션을 모두 제공하는 두 개 공급업체 중 하나로 인정받았습니다. 이 보고서는 ACI가 전 세계 모든 결제 유형 및 방법을 지원하고, 대규모 상인은 직접, 중소기업은 PSP를 통해 간접적으로 지원한다는 점을 강조합니다. 이 인식은 ACI의 결제 혁신에 대한 의지와 전 세계 복잡한 상인 결제 요건을 충족하는 능력을 강조합니다.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW) a été classée 'Meilleure de sa catégorie' pour l'Orchestration des Paiements des Commerçants dans un nouveau rapport de Datos Insights. L'entreprise a obtenu la meilleure note et le score moyen le plus élevé dans quatre catégories : stabilité du fournisseur, force client, service client et caractéristiques du produit. ACI a été le seul fournisseur à obtenir l'accréditation 'Meilleure de sa catégorie' et s'est classé premier dans 'Évaluation client pour l'exécution des promesses' et 'Évaluation client pour les caractéristiques et la fonctionnalité'.

ACI a également été reconnu comme l'un des deux seuls fournisseurs offrant à la fois des options de déploiement sur site et dans le cloud. Le rapport souligne le soutien d'ACI pour tous les types et méthodes de paiement à l'échelle mondiale, en servant directement les grands commerçants et les petites et moyennes entreprises de manière indirecte via son offre aux PSP. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement d'ACI en faveur de l'innovation dans les paiements et sa capacité à répondre aux exigences complexes des paiements des commerçants dans le monde entier.

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW) wurde in einem neuen Datos Insights-Bericht als 'Best in Class' für die Orchestrierung von Händlereinzahlungen eingestuft. Das Unternehmen erreichte die höchste Bewertung und den besten Durchschnittswert in vier Kategorien: Anbieterstabilität, Kundenstärke, Kundenservice und Produktmerkmale. ACI war der einzige Anbieter, der das 'Best in Class'-Zertifikat erhielt, und wurde in 'Top-Kundenbewertung für die Erfüllung von Versprechen' und 'Top-Kundenbewertung für Merkmale und Funktionalität' zuerst eingestuft.

ACI wurde auch als einer von nur zwei Anbietern anerkannt, die sowohl lokale als auch Cloud-Bereitstellungsoptionen anbieten. Der Bericht hebt die Unterstützung von ACI für alle Zahlungsarten und -methoden weltweit hervor, indem große Unternehmen direkt und kleine bis mittelgroße Unternehmen indirekt über ihr Angebot an PSPs bedient werden. Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht ACIs Engagement für Innovation im Zahlungsverkehr und seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Anforderungen im Zahlungsverkehr weltweit zu erfüllen.

  • Ranked 'Best in Class' for Merchant Payments Orchestration by Datos Insights
  • Achieved highest ranking and average score across all categories
  • Ranked first in 'Top client rating for delivering on promises'
  • Ranked first in 'Top client rating for features and functionality'
  • One of only two providers offering both on-premises and cloud deployment options
  • Supports all payment types and methods globally
  • None.

ACI Worldwide's recognition as "Best in Class" for Merchant Payments Orchestration by Datos Insights is a positive indicator for the company's market position. This accolade, particularly in areas like client satisfaction and product features, could potentially translate into increased market share and revenue growth. However, investors should note that while industry recognition is valuable, it doesn't directly correlate with financial performance. The real test will be whether ACI can leverage this recognition to attract new clients and retain existing ones, ultimately driving revenue and profitability. Keep an eye on upcoming financial reports to see if this translates into tangible business growth.

ACI Worldwide's top ranking in payments orchestration showcases its technological edge in a rapidly evolving fintech landscape. The company's ability to offer both on-premises and cloud deployment options is a significant differentiator, catering to diverse client needs. This flexibility could be important in capturing market share across various segments. The recognition for features and functionality suggests strong R&D capabilities, which is vital in the fast-paced payments industry. However, to maintain this lead, ACI must continue innovating, especially in areas like blockchain integration and AI-driven fraud prevention. The tech landscape changes quickly and today's leader can become tomorrow's laggard without constant innovation.

The Datos Insights report positions ACI Worldwide favorably in the competitive payments orchestration market. Being the only vendor to earn "Best in Class" accreditation across all categories is a strong differentiator. This could potentially influence buying decisions of merchants looking for robust payment solutions. The top client ratings for delivering on promises and features/functionality suggest high customer satisfaction, which often leads to strong customer retention and word-of-mouth referrals. However, the payments industry is highly competitive and fast-evolving. ACI needs to leverage this recognition quickly to capture market share before competitors catch up. Monitoring ACI's market share % and client acquisition rate % in the coming quarters will be important to assess the real-world impact of this recognition.

OMAHA, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ:ACIW), an original innovator in global payments technology, was ranked “Best in Class” for Merchant Payments Orchestration in a new Datos Insights report. The report used four categories to analyze payments vendors: provider stability, client strength, client service and product features. ACI Worldwide achieved the highest ranking and average score across categories and was the only vendor to earn the “Best in Class” accreditation.

In addition to receiving the top ranking and “Best in Class” recognition, ACI Worldwide ranked first across specific categories, including ‘Top client rating for delivering on promises,’ and ‘Top client rating for features and functionality.’ ACI was also recognized as one of only two payments orchestration providers who offer both on-premises and cloud deployment options.

"We are honored to be recognized as the best payments orchestration provider globally, which is a testament to our team’s unwavering commitment to payments innovation," said Thomas Warsop, CEO, ACI Worldwide. “We are especially proud of our top client ratings, which underscores how much our merchant clients trust us to power their payment solutions, enhancing their consumer experiences, operational efficiency and helps drive growth across diverse markets and channels.”

The Datos Matrix: Payment Orchestration Vendor Evaluation report identifies significant trends in payments orchestration, addressing emerging market needs, challenges and offering analysis and projections of providers in the market. To conduct the report, Datos Insights invited several established providers of payment orchestration solutions to respond to a request for information. Datos Insights analyzed the responses and organized briefings with each vendor. Researchers also spoke with merchants and the providers’ clients.

“ACI leads the pack on the features and functionality with its payments orchestration offering. The company supports all payment types and methods globally, serving enterprise merchants directly and small to midsize businesses indirectly via its offering to PSPs,” said Thad Peterson, Strategic Advisor Datos Insights. “ACI is well-positioned to support complex merchant payment requirements across the globe”.

About ACI Worldwide
ACI Worldwide, an original innovator in global payments technology, delivers transformative software solutions that power intelligent payments orchestration in real time so banks, billers, and merchants can drive growth, while continuously modernizing their payment infrastructures, simply and securely. With nearly 50 years of trusted payments expertise, we combine our global footprint with a local presence to offer enhanced payment experiences to stay ahead of constantly changing payment challenges and opportunities.

About Datos Insights
Datos Insights delivers the most comprehensive and industry-specific data and advice to the companies trusted to protect and grow the world’s assets and to the technology and service providers who support them. Staffed by experienced industry executives, researchers, and consultants, we support the world’s most progressive banks, insurers, investment firms, and technology companies through a mix of insights and advisory subscriptions, data services, custom projects and consulting, conferences, and executive councils.


Nick Karoglou | Head of Communications and Corporate Affairs |

Madeline Aufseeser | Director of Analyst Relations and Market Intelligence |

Source: ACI Worldwide


What recognition did ACI Worldwide (ACIW) receive in the Datos Insights report?

ACI Worldwide (ACIW) was ranked 'Best in Class' for Merchant Payments Orchestration in the Datos Insights report, achieving the highest ranking and average score across all categories.

What specific categories did ACI Worldwide (ACIW) rank first in according to the Datos Insights report?

ACI Worldwide (ACIW) ranked first in 'Top client rating for delivering on promises' and 'Top client rating for features and functionality' according to the Datos Insights report.

What deployment options does ACI Worldwide (ACIW) offer for its payments orchestration solution?

ACI Worldwide (ACIW) is one of only two payments orchestration providers that offer both on-premises and cloud deployment options.

How does ACI Worldwide (ACIW) support different types of merchants with its payments orchestration offering?

ACI Worldwide (ACIW) supports all payment types and methods globally, serving enterprise merchants directly and small to midsize businesses indirectly through its offering to Payment Service Providers (PSPs).

ACI Worldwide, Inc.


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