Acer Debuts on Dow Jones Sustainability World Index 2024
Acer has achieved a significant milestone by making its debut on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index 2024, representing the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global BMI. The company also maintained its position on DJSI's Emerging Markets Index for the 11th consecutive year, achieving perfect scores in several components.
The company has demonstrated strong environmental commitments, including joining the RE100 initiative with goals to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2035 and net zero emissions by 2050. In 2023, Acer sourced 48% renewable electricity globally, reaching 100% in multiple countries.
Acer's sustainability efforts have been recognized through multiple accolades in 2024, including listings in TIME's World's Most Sustainable Companies, MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes with AAA rating, and EcoVadis' Platinum medal. The company continues to develop eco-conscious products, including computers built with recycled materials and energy-efficient solutions.
Acer ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo debuttando nell'Indice di Sostenibilità Globale Dow Jones 2024, rappresentando il 10% delle 2.500 aziende più grandi nel S&P Global BMI. L'azienda ha anche mantenuto la sua posizione nell'Indice dei Mercati Emergenti del DJSI per l'11° anno consecutivo, ottenendo punteggi perfetti in diversi componenti.
L'azienda ha dimostrato forti impegni ambientali, inclusa l'adesione all' con l'obiettivo di raggiungere il 100% di elettricità rinnovabile entro il 2035 e zero emissioni nette entro il 2050. Nel 2023, Acer ha ottenuto il 48% di elettricità rinnovabile a livello globale, raggiungendo il 100% in diversi paesi.
Gli sforzi di sostenibilità di Acer sono stati riconosciuti tramite molteplici premi nel 2024, inclusi elenchi nelle Compagnie più Sostenibili del Mondo di TIME, negli Indici dei Leader ESG MSCI con rating AAA, e nella medaglia di Platino di EcoVadis. L'azienda continua a sviluppare prodotti eco-compatibili, inclusi computer realizzati con materiali riciclati e soluzioni energeticamente efficienti.
Acer ha alcanzado un hito significativo al debutar en el Índice de Sostenibilidad Mundial Dow Jones 2024, representando el 10% de las 2,500 empresas más grandes en el S&P Global BMI. La compañía también ha mantenido su posición en el Índice de Mercados Emergentes de DJSI durante el 11° año consecutivo, logrando puntuaciones perfectas en varios componentes.
La empresa ha demostrado fuertes compromisos ambientales, incluida su adhesión a la iniciativa RE100 con metas para lograr el 100% de electricidad renovable para 2035 y cero emisiones netas para 2050. En 2023, Acer obtuvo el 48% de electricidad renovable a nivel global, alcanzando el 100% en varios países.
Los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de Acer han sido reconocidos a través de múltiples premios en 2024, incluidos listados en las Empresas más Sostenibles del Mundo de TIME, Índices de Líderes ESG de MSCI con calificación AAA y la medalla de Platino de EcoVadis. La compañía continúa desarrollando productos ecológicos, incluidos ordenadores construidos con materiales reciclados y soluciones energéticamente eficientes.
에이서(Acer)는 다우 존스 지속 가능성 세계 지수 2024에 첫 등재됨으로써 중요한 이정표를 달성하였으며, 이는 S&P 글로벌 BMI의 2,500대 기업 중 상위 10%를 나타냅니다. 이 회사는 또한 DJSI의 신흥 시장 지수에서 11년 연속으로 자리를 유지하며 여러 분야에서 완벽한 점수를 기록했습니다.
이 회사는 2035년까지 100% 재생 가능 전력 달성 및 2050년까지 탄소 중립 목표를 포함하여 강력한 환경 약속을 보여주었습니다. 2023년에는 전 세계적으로 48%의 재생 가능 전력을 공급받았으며, 여러 국가에서 100%에 도달했습니다.
2024년 에이서의 지속 가능성 노력은 타임(TIME)의 세계에서 가장 지속 가능한 기업 목록, AAA 등급을 받은 MSCI ESG 리더 지수, EcoVadis의 플래티넘 메달과 같은 여러 상을 통해 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 지속적으로 재활용 소재로 제작된 컴퓨터와 에너지 효율적인 솔루션을 포함한 친환경 제품을 개발하고 있습니다.
Acer a atteint un jalon significatif en faisant ses débuts dans le Dow Jones Sustainability World Index 2024, représentant les 10% des plus grandes 2 500 entreprises du S&P Global BMI. L'entreprise a également maintenu sa position dans l'Indice des Marchés Émergents du DJSI pour la 11ème année consécutive, atteignant des scores parfaits dans plusieurs composantes.
L'entreprise a montré un fort engagement envers l'environnement, y compris son adhésion à l' avec des objectifs d'atteindre 100% d'électricité renouvelable d'ici 2035 et zéro émission nette d'ici 2050. En 2023, Acer a obtenu 48% d'électricité renouvelable dans le monde entier, atteignant 100% dans plusieurs pays.
Les efforts de durabilité d'Acer ont été reconnus à travers de multiples distinctions en 2024, y compris des classements dans la liste des entreprises les plus durables de TIME, les indices MSCI ESG Leaders avec une note AAA et la médaille Platine d'EcoVadis. L'entreprise continue de développer des produits soucieux de l'environnement, y compris des ordinateurs construits à partir de matériaux recyclés et des solutions économes en énergie.
Acer hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es im Dow Jones Nachhaltigkeitsweltindex 2024 debütiert hat, was die Top 10% der größten 2.500 Unternehmen im S&P Global BMI repräsentiert. Das Unternehmen hat auch seine Position im DJSI Emerging Markets Index im 11. Jahr in Folge gehalten und in mehreren Komponenten perfekte Punktzahlen erreicht.
Das Unternehmen hat starke Umweltengagements gezeigt, einschließlich der Teilnahme an der RE100-Initiative mit dem Ziel, bis 2035 100% erneuerbare Energie und bis 2050 Netto-Null-Emissionen zu erreichen. Im Jahr 2023 beschaffte Acer weltweit 48% erneuerbare Energie und erreichte in mehreren Ländern 100%.
Die Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen von Acer wurden 2024 durch mehrere Auszeichnungen anerkannt, darunter die Auflistungen in TIME's Liste der nachhaltigsten Unternehmen, den MSCI ESG Leaders Indizes mit AAA-Rating und der Platin-Medaille von EcoVadis. Das Unternehmen entwickelt weiterhin umweltbewusste Produkte, einschließlich Computern, die aus recycelten Materialien und energieeffizienten Lösungen hergestellt werden.
- None.
- None.
Representing Top
At the same time, Acer was listed on DSJI's Emerging Markets Index for the 11th consecutive year in 2024, ranking among the top companies in the THQ (Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics) industry and scoring in the 100th percentile with full marks across various components: Transparency & Reporting, Materiality, and Customer Relationship Management.
Acer's commitment to making a positive impact on environmental sustainability includes joining the RE100 initiative, setting the goals to source
- Listed among TIME's World's Most Sustainable Companies.
- Listed in the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes for the 11th consecutive year, garnering the best rating of "AAA"[1] that represents the top
15% in the category of technology hardware, storage and peripherals industry. - Awarded Platinum medal for EcoVadis' Sustainability Ratings for the third straight year, the highest tier of recognition representing the top
1% of rated companies[2] evaluated on sustainability across global supply chains based on four key themes: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. - A constituent of the FTSE4Good Emerging Index for the ninth consecutive year.
- In the subcategory FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index[3] supported by the Taiwan Stock Exchange, which integrates ESG management practices and financial performances of companies, for the seventh year.
Acer continues to research and design climate-conscious solutions that serve both humanity and the planet, providing greener choices for a brighter future. Its eco-conscious offering includes computers and display products built with recycled materials and energy-efficient solutions, lifestyle products such e-bikes and e-scooters, energy storage solutions, along with award-winning packaging designs to contribute to the industry.
[1] MSCI ESG AAA Rating as of November 26, 2021, updated on December 10, 2024 [2] Ecovadis rating, August 2024 [3] First Taiwan domestic benchmark developed using FTSE ESG Ratings and data model, developed in partnership with Taiwan Stock Exchange's (TWSE) wholly-owned subsidiary, Taiwan Index Plus Corp. (TIP) |
About Acer
Founded in 1976, Acer is one of the world's top ICT companies with a presence in more than 160 countries. As Acer evolves with the industry and changing lifestyles, it is focused on enabling a world where hardware, software and services will fuse with one another, creating ecosystems and opening up new possibilities for consumers and businesses alike. Acer's 7,700 employees are dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of products and solutions that break barriers between people and technology. Please visit for more information.
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