Accolade Welcomes Renalogic to Trusted Partner Ecosystem

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Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) has announced a partnership with Renalogic, a leader in managing chronic kidney disease (CKD) costs for self-insured employers. Renalogic will join Accolade's Trusted Partner Ecosystem, offering CKD risk management and dialysis cost containment solutions. This partnership aims to address the rising health costs for employers, particularly the high expenses associated with late-stage CKD and dialysis.

Renalogic's services include:

  • ImpactIQ: Data algorithms to identify diagnosed and undiagnosed CKD members
  • ImpactAdvocate: Support to delay end-stage renal disease and manage dialysis starts
  • ImpactProtect: Advising on fair market rates for dialysis services

The partnership is expected to drive cost savings for customers while improving health outcomes for CKD members. Accolade and Renalogic will provide integrations to joint customers at no additional cost, including warm handoffs from Accolade Care Advocates to Renalogic's clinical team.

Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) ha annunciato una partnership con Renalogic, un leader nella gestione dei costi per la malattia renale cronica (CKD) per datori di lavoro autoassicurati. Renalogic entrerà a far parte dell'Ecosistema dei Partner Fidati di Accolade, offrendo soluzioni per la gestione del rischio CKD e la contenimento dei costi della dialisi. Questa partnership ha l'obiettivo di affrontare l'aumento dei costi sanitari per i datori di lavoro, in particolare le elevate spese associate alla CKD avanzata e alla dialisi.

I servizi di Renalogic includono:

  • ImpactIQ: Algoritmi di dati per identificare i membri affetti da CKD diagnosticata e non diagnosticata
  • ImpactAdvocate: Supporto per ritardare la malattia renale allo stadio terminale e gestire l'inizio della dialisi
  • ImpactProtect: Consulenza sulle tariffe di mercato equo per i servizi di dialisi

Si prevede che la partnership generi risparmi sui costi per i clienti, migliorando nel contempo i risultati di salute per i membri affetti da CKD. Accolade e Renalogic forniranno integrazioni ai clienti congiunti senza costi aggiuntivi, inclusi passaggi diretti dagli Accolade Care Advocates al team clinico di Renalogic.

Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) ha anunciado una asociación con Renalogic, un líder en la gestión de los costos de la enfermedad renal crónica (CKD) para empleadores autoasegurados. Renalogic se unirá al Ecosistema de Socios de Confianza de Accolade, ofreciendo soluciones de gestión de riesgos de CKD y contención de costos de diálisis. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo abordar el aumento de los costos de salud para los empleadores, especialmente los altos gastos asociados con la CKD en etapas avanzadas y la diálisis.

Los servicios de Renalogic incluyen:

  • ImpactIQ: Algoritmos de datos para identificar a los miembros diagnosticados y no diagnosticados con CKD
  • ImpactAdvocate: Apoyo para retrasar la enfermedad renal en etapa terminal y gestionar el inicio de la diálisis
  • ImpactProtect: Asesoramiento sobre tarifas de mercado justas para los servicios de diálisis

Se espera que la asociación genere ahorros de costos para los clientes a la vez que mejora los resultados de salud para los miembros de CKD. Accolade y Renalogic proporcionarán integraciones a clientes conjuntos sin costo adicional, incluyendo transferencias directas de los Accolade Care Advocates al equipo clínico de Renalogic.

Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD)가 자가 보험을 사용하는 고용주를 위해 만성 신장 질환(CKD) 비용 관리의 선두주자인 Renalogic와 파트너십을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. Renalogic는 Accolade의 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너 생태계에 합류하여 CKD 위험 관리 및 혈액 투석 비용 절감 솔루션을 제공합니다. 이번 파트너십은 특히 말기 CKD 및 혈액 투석과 관련된 높은 비용으로 인해 고용주를 위한 건강 비용 상승 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Renalogic의 서비스는 다음과 같습니다:

  • ImpactIQ: 진단된 CKD 및 진단되지 않은 CKD 구성원을 식별하기 위한 데이터 알고리즘
  • ImpactAdvocate: 말기 신장 질환을 지연시키고 혈액 투석을 관리하기 위한 지원
  • ImpactProtect: 혈액 투석 서비스에 대한 공정 시장 가격 조언

이번 파트너십을 통해 고객의 비용 절감이 기대되며 CKD 구성원의 건강 결과도 개선될 것입니다. Accolade와 Renalogic은 추가 비용 없이 공동 고객을 위한 통합 서비스를 제공하며, Accolade Care Advocates에서 Renalogic의 임상 팀으로의 원활한 인계를 포함합니다.

Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) a annoncé un partenariat avec Renalogic, un leader dans la gestion des coûts des maladies rénales chroniques (CKD) pour les employeurs autoassurés. Renalogic rejoindra l'Écosystème de Partenaires de Confiance d'Accolade, offrant des solutions de gestion des risques liés à la CKD et de maîtrise des coûts de dialyse. Ce partenariat vise à répondre à l'augmentation des coûts de santé pour les employeurs, en particulier les dépenses élevées associées à la CKD à un stade avancé et à la dialyse.

Les services de Renalogic comprennent :

  • ImpactIQ : Algorithmes de données pour identifier les membres diagnostiqués et non diagnostiqués ayant une CKD
  • ImpactAdvocate : Soutien pour retarder l'insuffisance rénale terminale et gérer le début de la dialyse
  • ImpactProtect : Conseil sur les tarifs de marché équitables pour les services de dialyse

Ce partenariat devrait permettre des économies de coûts pour les clients tout en améliorant les résultats de santé pour les membres atteints de CKD. Accolade et Renalogic fourniront des intégrations aux clients communs sans frais supplémentaires, y compris des transitions en douceur des Accolade Care Advocates vers l'équipe clinique de Renalogic.

Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) hat eine Partnerschaft mit Renalogic angekündigt, einem führenden Anbieter von Kostenmanagement für chronische Nierenerkrankungen (CKD) für selbstversicherte Arbeitgeber. Renalogic wird Teil des Trusted Partner Ecosystems von Accolade und bietet Lösungen zur Risiko- und Kostenkontrolle für CKD und Dialyse an. Ziel dieser Partnerschaft ist es, die steigenden Gesundheitskosten für Arbeitgeber anzugehen, insbesondere die hohen Ausgaben, die mit fortgeschrittener CKD und Dialyse verbunden sind.

Die Dienstleistungen von Renalogic umfassen:

  • ImpactIQ: Datenalgorithmen zur Identifizierung von diagnostizierten und nicht diagnostizierten CKD-Mitgliedern
  • ImpactAdvocate: Unterstützung zur Verzögerung des terminalen Nierenversagens und zur Verwaltung von Dialysebeginn
  • ImpactProtect: Beratung zu fairen Marktpreisen für Dialyseleistungen

Es wird erwartet, dass die Partnerschaft zu Kosteneinsparungen für die Kunden führt und gleichzeitig die Gesundheitsergebnisse für CKD-Mitglieder verbessert. Accolade und Renalogic werden Integrationen für gemeinsame Kunden ohne zusätzliche Kosten bereitstellen, einschließlich der direkten Übergabe von Accolade Care Advocates an das klinische Team von Renalogic.

  • Partnership aims to reduce healthcare costs for employers, especially in managing expensive CKD and dialysis treatments
  • Renalogic's data algorithms are 2x better at identifying undiagnosed CKD than traditional methods
  • ImpactAdvocate service reduces emergent dialysis starts by 30-50%, potentially saving $50,000 per start
  • ImpactProtect can save employers 50-80% on dialysis claims costs, equating to $75,000 - $125,000 per member on dialysis per year
  • Integration of services provided at no incremental cost to joint customers
  • None.

Partnership will drive cost savings for customers while providing high-touch services that improve health outcomes to members with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 

SEATTLE, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Accolade, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACCD) today announced that Renalogic, the recognized industry leader that manages the human and financial costs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) for self-insured employers and their members, will join the company's Trusted Partner Ecosystem, to offer its proven CKD risk management and dialysis cost containment solutions.

Employers' health costs are expected to rise, with the average cost for employer sponsored care reaching $16,000 per employee in 2025, according to a recent report from Aon. A small portion of any employee population is affected by late-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD), but that population drives disproportionately high costs for employers due to the significant expenses associated with dialysis, especially for those who begin dialysis unexpectedly in an acute setting. Medicare often assumes responsibility for in-center dialysis costs from commercial payers after 33 months, but Renalogic helps employers control costs during that initial period while also improving outcomes.

Renalogic helps self-insured health plans combat high dialysis costs and improve health outcomes in several ways:

  • Through ImpactIQ, Renalogic leverages its proprietary data algorithms to stratify members who are both diagnosed and undiagnosed with CKD, which gives insight into future high-cost claims and a path to tailored interventions. Renalogic's data algorithms are actuarially proven to be more than two times better at identifying undiagnosed CKD than the traditional marketplace.
  • These identified members can benefit from ImpactAdvocate to forestall end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and properly manage dialysis starts when necessary. ImpactAdvocate consistently reduces emergent starts by 30-50%, a critical opportunity to improve survival rates and save as much as $50,000 per emergent start. Additionally, Renalogic clients see their health plan members elect home dialysis services at two times the national average, the result of the education and support of ImpactAdvocate services.
  • Through ImpactProtect, Renalogic advises plans regarding fair market rates for dialysis services, leveraging proprietary methodologies that can save employers 50-80% against contracted rates on dialysis claims costs, which often equates to net savings of $75,000 - $125,000 per member on dialysis per year. 

"We are excited to welcome Renalogic to Accolade's Trusted Partner Ecosystem as our first partner solution dedicated to CKD," said Dr. Connie Hwang, Accolade's Chief Clinical Officer. "Late-stage CKD is a complex and challenging condition that significantly impacts our members' quality of life. By integrating Renalogic's specialized clinical and administrative services, we will empower our members to better manage this complicated disease and ensure they receive the tailored care and support they need through every stage of their journey."

"We are thrilled to join forces with Accolade to bring our expertise and proven methodology to their valued customers," said Kevin Weinstein, Renalogic's CEO. "With the incidence of late-stage CKD accelerating and dialysis costs averaging $250,000 per member per year, we are excited to empower Accolade's customers to navigate and lower these overwhelming costs. Together, we are committed to delivering significant value and improving outcomes for those managing CKD."

Accolade and Renalogic will provide integrations to joint customers to promote awareness of Renalogic's services at no incremental cost, which includes warm handoffs from Accolade Care Advocates to Renalogic's clinical team.

Representatives from Accolade and Renalogic will participate in an upcoming webinar to discuss the new partnership.

Accolade's Trusted Partner Ecosystem

Launched in 2019, Accolade's Trusted Partner Ecosystem accelerates the performance of digital health solutions to improve outcomes across valued categories for employers. Accolade's ecosystem currently consists of 18 partners across 12 categories.

Benefits teams can confidently select from thoroughly vetted solutions and enjoy streamlined contracting and implementation. Through qualified referrals, Accolade drives more engagement with partner solutions, leading to exponentially better health outcomes and better value. Learn more here.

About Accolade

Accolade (Nasdaq: ACCD) is a Personalized Healthcare company that provides millions of people and their families with exceptional healthcare experiences so they can live their healthiest lives. Accolade's employer, health plan, and consumer solutions combine virtual primary care and mental health, expert medical opinions, and best-in-class care navigation. These offerings are built on a platform engineered to care through predictive engagement of population health needs, proactive care that improves outcomes and cost savings, and by addressing barriers to access and continuity of care. Accolade consistently receives consumer satisfaction ratings of over 90%. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Instagram, and  Facebook.

About Renalogic

Founded in 2002, Renalogic helps self-funded plans and their members manage the human and financial costs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and dialysis treatment. Renalogic helps plans manage dialysis claims with cost-containment and care management solutions while working to prevent members from progressing to dialysis with our advocacy and clinical care programs. These solutions and programs have helped Renalogic clients save hundreds of millions of dollars and helped stop CKD from progressing for thousands of members. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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What is the purpose of Accolade's partnership with Renalogic?

The partnership aims to drive cost savings for customers while improving health outcomes for members with chronic kidney disease (CKD) by offering CKD risk management and dialysis cost containment solutions.

How much can employers save on dialysis costs through Renalogic's services?

Renalogic's ImpactProtect service can save employers 50-80% against contracted rates on dialysis claims costs, potentially equating to net savings of $75,000 - $125,000 per member on dialysis per year.

What is the average cost of dialysis per member per year?

According to the press release, dialysis costs average $250,000 per member per year.

How effective is Renalogic's ImpactIQ in identifying undiagnosed CKD?

Renalogic's ImpactIQ data algorithms are reported to be more than two times better at identifying undiagnosed CKD compared to traditional marketplace methods.

Will there be additional costs for Accolade customers to access Renalogic's services?

No, Accolade and Renalogic will provide integrations to joint customers to promote awareness of Renalogic's services at no incremental cost.

Accolade, Inc.


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