Aurora Cannabis Announces Results of 2024 Annual General and Special Meeting

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Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) held its Annual General and Special Meeting on August 9, 2024, with 27.23% of issued and outstanding shares represented. All proposed matters were approved by shareholders, including the election of directors, appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as auditors, amendments to various compensation plans, renewal of the Shareholder Rights Plan, and a non-binding advisory resolution on executive compensation.

Notable voting results for director elections include Miguel Martin with 93.29% votes FOR, Chitwant Kohli with 92.37% votes FOR, and Norma Beauchamp with 89.47% votes FOR. The lowest approval was for Ron Funk, receiving 79.26% votes FOR.

Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) ha tenuto la sua Assemblea Generale Annuale e Straordinaria il 9 agosto 2024, con il 27,23% delle azioni emesse e in circolazione rappresentate. Tutti i punti proposti sono stati approvati dagli azionisti, inclusi l', le modifiche a vari piani di compensazione, il rinnovo del Piano dei Diritti degli Azionisti, e una risoluzione consultiva non vincolante sulla compensazione degli esecutivi.

I risultati di voto significativi per le elezioni dei direttori includono Miguel Martin con il 93,29% di voti favorevoli, Chitwant Kohli con il 92,37% di voti favorevoli, e Norma Beauchamp con l'89,47% di voti favorevoli. L'approvazione più bassa è stata per Ron Funk, che ha ricevuto il 79,26% di voti favorevoli.

Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) celebró su Junta General Anual y Extraordinaria el 9 de agosto de 2024, con el 27,23% de las acciones emitidas y en circulación representadas. Todos los asuntos propuestos fueron aprobados por los accionistas, incluyendo la elección de directores, la designación de Ernst & Young LLP como auditores, enmiendas a varios planes de compensación, el renovación del Plan de Derechos de los Accionistas, y una resolución consultiva no vinculante sobre la compensación ejecutiva.

Los resultados notables de la votación para las elecciones de directores incluyen a Miguel Martin con el 93,29% de los votos a favor, Chitwant Kohli con el 92,37% de los votos a favor, y Norma Beauchamp con el 89,47% de los votos a favor. La menor aprobación fue para Ron Funk, que recibió el 79,26% de los votos a favor.

오로라 캐나비스 주식회사 (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB)는 2024년 8월 9일 연례 총회 및 특별 회의를 개최했으며, 발행 및 유통 중인 주식의 27.23%가 참석했습니다. 모든 제안 사항은 주주들에 의해 승인되었으며, 이에는 이사 선출, Ernst & Young LLP의 감사인 임명, 여러 보상 계획의 수정, 주주 권리 계획 갱신, 그리고 경영진 보상에 대한 비구속 자문 결의안이 포함됩니다.

이사 선출의 주목할 만한 투표 결과는 미구엘 마르틴이 93.29%의 찬성표를 획득했습니다, 치트완 콜리가 92.37%의 찬성표를 얻었고, 노르마 보우참프가 89.47%의 찬성표를 얻었습니다. 가장 낮은 승인률은 론 펑크로, 79.26%의 찬성표를 받았습니다.

Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) a tenu son Assemblée Générale Annuelle et Extraordinaire le 9 août 2024, avec 27,23 % des actions émises et en circulation représentées. Tous les points proposés ont été approuvés par les actionnaires, y compris l'élection des administrateurs, la nomination d'Ernst & Young LLP en tant qu'auditeurs, des modifications à divers plans de rémunération, le renouvellement du plan de droits des actionnaires, et une résolution consultative non contraignante sur la rémunération des dirigeants.

Parmi les résultats de vote notables pour les élections des administrateurs, on trouve Miguel Martin avec 93,29 % des voix OUI, Chitwant Kohli avec 92,37 % des voix OUI, et Norma Beauchamp avec 89,47 % des voix OUI. Le taux d'approbation le plus bas était de 79,26 % pour Ron Funk.

Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB) hielt am 9. August 2024 seine Jahreshauptversammlung und Sonderversammlung ab, bei der 27,23% der ausgegebenen und ausstehenden Aktien vertreten waren. Alle vorgeschlagenen Punkte wurden von den Aktionären genehmigt, einschließlich der Wahl der Direktoren, der Bestellung von Ernst & Young LLP als Prüfer, Änderungen an verschiedenen Vergütungsplänen, der Erneuerung des Aktionärsrechtsplans und eine nicht verbindliche Beratung über die Vorstandsvergütung.

Bemerkenswerte Abstimmungsergebnisse bei den Direktorwahlen sind Miguel Martin mit 93,29% Ja-Stimmen, Chitwant Kohli mit 92,37% Ja-Stimmen und Norma Beauchamp mit 89,47% Ja-Stimmen. Die niedrigste Zustimmung erhielt Ron Funk mit 79,26% Ja-Stimmen.

  • All proposed matters were approved by shareholders
  • High approval rates for most director nominees, with Miguel Martin receiving 93.29% votes FOR
  • Shareholders approved amendments to compensation plans and renewal of Shareholder Rights Plan
  • Relatively low shareholder participation with only 27.23% of issued and outstanding shares represented at the meeting


EDMONTON, AB, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -  Aurora Cannabis Inc. (the "Company" or "Aurora") (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB), a leading Canada-based global medical cannabis company, is pleased to announce the voting results from its Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") held Friday August 9, 2024 by virtual webcast. The total number of shares represented by shareholders present in person (virtually) and by proxy at the Meeting was 14,855,306, representing 27.23% of Aurora's issued and outstanding common shares as of the record date.

All of the matters put forward before shareholders for consideration and approval, as set out in the Company's Management Information Circular dated June 26, 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the Meeting. The details of the voting results for the election of directors are set out below:

Name of Nominee

Votes FOR

% votes FOR


% votes WITHHELD

Ron Funk


79.26 %


20.74 %

Miguel Martin


93.29 %


6.71 %

Chitwant Kohli


92.37 %


7.63 %

Theresa Firestone


80.18 %


19.82 %

Norma Beauchamp


89.47 %


10.53 %

Michael Singer


84.70 %


15.30 %

Rajesh Uttamchandani


85.62 %


14.38 %

Shareholders also approved the following matters:

  • the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year;
  • amendments to the Company's RSU Plan, PSU Plan, DSU Plan and Share Option Plan;
  • the renewal of the Company's Shareholder Rights Plan; and
  • a non-binding advisory resolution on the Company's approach to executive compensation.

The Company has filed a report of voting results on all resolutions voted on at the Meeting under its profile on

About Aurora

Aurora is opening the world to cannabis, serving both the medical and consumer markets across Canada, Europe, Australia and South America. Headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Aurora is a pioneer in global cannabis, dedicated to helping people improve their lives. The Company's adult-use brand portfolio includes Drift, San Rafael '71, Daily Special, Tasty's, Being and Greybeard. Medical cannabis brands include MedReleaf, CanniMed, Aurora and Whistler Medical Marijuana Co, as well as international brands, Pedanios, Bidiol, IndiMed and CraftPlant. Aurora also has a controlling interest in Bevo Farms Ltd., North America's leading supplier of propagated agricultural plants. Driven by science and innovation, and with a focus on high-quality cannabis products, Aurora's brands continue to break through as industry leaders in the medical, wellness and adult recreational markets wherever they are launched. Learn more at and follow us on X and LinkedIn.

Aurora's common shares trade on the NASDAQ and TSX under the symbol "ACB".

Forward Looking Statements

This news release includes statements containing certain "forward looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "continue", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur.

These forward-looking statements are only predictions. Forward looking information or statements contained in this news release have been developed based on assumptions management considers to be reasonable. Material factors or assumptions involved in developing forward-looking statements include, without limitation, publicly available information from governmental sources as well as from market research and industry analysis and on assumptions based on data and knowledge of this industry which the Company believes to be reasonable. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances could cause actual events, results, level of activity, performance, prospects, opportunities or achievements to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These risks include, but are not limited to, the ability to retain key personnel, the ability to continue investing in infrastructure to support growth, the ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms, the continued quality of our products, customer experience and retention, the development of third party government and nongovernment consumer sales channels, management's estimates of consumer demand in Canada and in jurisdictions where the Company exports, expectations of future results and expenses, the risk of successful integration of acquired business and operations, management's estimation that SG&A will grow only in proportion of revenue growth, the ability to expand and maintain distribution capabilities, the impact of competition, the general impact of financial market conditions, the yield from cannabis growing operations, product demand, changes in prices of required commodities, competition, and the possibility for changes in laws, rules, and regulations in the industry, epidemics, pandemics or other public health crises, and other risks, uncertainties and factors set out under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form dated June 20, 2024 (the "AIF") and filed with Canadian securities regulators available on the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR at and filed with and available on the SEC's website at The Company cautions that the list of risks, uncertainties and other factors described in the AIF is not exhaustive and other factors could also adversely affect its results. Readers are urged to consider the risks, uncertainties and assumptions carefully in evaluating the forward-looking statements and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such information. The Company is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities law.

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SOURCE Aurora Cannabis Inc.


When was Aurora Cannabis' 2024 Annual General and Special Meeting held?

Aurora Cannabis (ACB) held its 2024 Annual General and Special Meeting on Friday, August 9, 2024, via virtual webcast.

What percentage of Aurora Cannabis (ACB) shares were represented at the 2024 Annual Meeting?

27.23% of Aurora Cannabis' issued and outstanding common shares were represented at the 2024 Annual General and Special Meeting.

Who received the highest percentage of votes FOR in Aurora Cannabis' (ACB) director elections?

Miguel Martin received the highest percentage of votes FOR in Aurora Cannabis' director elections, with 93.29% approval.

What auditing firm did Aurora Cannabis (ACB) shareholders approve for the ensuing year?

Aurora Cannabis shareholders approved the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as auditors for the ensuing year.

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