Clinical Data from Open-Label DAFFODIL™ Study Evaluating Long-term Safety of DAYBUE® (trofinetide) in Patients with Rett Syndrome Published in Med
Acadia Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACAD) announced the publication of clinical data from the open-label DAFFODIL™ study in the journal Med, evaluating DAYBUE® (trofinetide) in Rett syndrome patients. The Phase 2/3 study focused on children aged 2-4 years (n=15) and demonstrated safety profiles consistent with previous LAVENDER™ and LILAC™ studies.
The 78-week study showed diarrhea (80.0%) and vomiting (53.3%) as common side effects, all of mild or moderate severity. Exploratory efficacy endpoints indicated symptom improvements, with Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) scores improving from 3.3 at Week 4 to 2.2 at Week 78. Caregiver interviews reported improvements in verbal communication (71.4%), eye contact (57.1%), and hand use (57.1%).
These results supported FDA and Health Canada approvals of DAYBUE for treating Rett syndrome in patients aged two years and older, marking it as the first approved treatment for this rare neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 6,000 to 9,000 patients in the U.S.
Acadia Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACAD) ha annunciato la pubblicazione di dati clinici dallo studio open-label DAFFODIL™ nella rivista Med, che valuta DAYBUE® (trofinetide) nei pazienti con sindrome di Rett. Lo studio di Fase 2/3 si è concentrato su bambini di età compresa tra 2 e 4 anni (n=15) e ha dimostrato profili di sicurezza coerenti con i precedenti studi LAVENDER™ e LILAC™.
Lo studio di 78 settimane ha mostrato diarrea (80,0%) e vomito (53,3%) come effetti collaterali comuni, tutti di gravità lieve o moderata. I punti finali di efficacia esplorativa hanno indicato miglioramenti nei sintomi, con i punteggi del Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) che sono passati da 3,3 alla Settimana 4 a 2,2 alla Settimana 78. Le interviste ai caregiver hanno riportato miglioramenti nella comunicazione verbale (71,4%), nel contatto visivo (57,1%) e nell'uso delle mani (57,1%).
Questi risultati hanno supportato le approvazioni della FDA e di Health Canada per DAYBUE per il trattamento della sindrome di Rett in pazienti di età pari o superiore a due anni, segnando il primo trattamento approvato per questo raro disturbo neuroevolutivo che colpisce da 6.000 a 9.000 pazienti negli Stati Uniti.
Acadia Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACAD) anunció la publicación de datos clínicos del estudio abierto DAFFODIL™ en la revista Med, evaluando DAYBUE® (trofinetide) en pacientes con síndrome de Rett. El estudio de Fase 2/3 se centró en niños de 2 a 4 años (n=15) y demostró perfiles de seguridad consistentes con los estudios anteriores LAVENDER™ y LILAC™.
El estudio de 78 semanas mostró diarrea (80.0%) y vómitos (53.3%) como efectos secundarios comunes, todos de gravedad leve o moderada. Los puntos finales de eficacia exploratoria indicaron mejoras en los síntomas, con puntuaciones de Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) que mejoraron de 3.3 en la Semana 4 a 2.2 en la Semana 78. Las entrevistas con los cuidadores informaron mejoras en la comunicación verbal (71.4%), el contacto visual (57.1%) y el uso de las manos (57.1%).
Estos resultados apoyaron las aprobaciones de la FDA y Health Canada para DAYBUE para el tratamiento del síndrome de Rett en pacientes de dos años o más, marcando el primer tratamiento aprobado para este raro trastorno del neurodesarrollo que afecta a entre 6,000 y 9,000 pacientes en los EE. UU.
아카디아 제약 (NASDAQ: ACAD)은 메드 저널에 공개된 DAFFODIL™ 연구의 임상 데이터 발표를 알리며, 레트 증후군 환자에서 DAYBUE® (트로피네타이드)를 평가했습니다. 2/3상 연구는 2-4세 아동(15명)을 대상으로 하였으며, 이전 LAVENDER™ 및 LILAC™ 연구와 일치하는 안전성 프로필을 보여주었습니다.
78주 연구에서 설사 (80.0%)와 구토 (53.3%)가 일반적인 부작용으로 나타났으며, 모두 경증 또는 중등도의 중증도를 보였습니다. 탐색적 효능 지표는 증상 개선을 나타내었으며, Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) 점수가 4주 차의 3.3에서 78주 차의 2.2로 개선되었습니다. 보호자 인터뷰에서는 언어적 의사소통(71.4%), 시선 접촉(57.1%), 손 사용(57.1%)의 개선이 보고되었습니다.
이러한 결과는 FDA 및 캐나다 보건부의 레트 증후군 치료를 위한 DAYBUE 승인에 기여하였으며, 이는 미국에서 6,000명에서 9,000명 사이의 환자에게 영향을 미치는 이 희귀 신경 발달 장애에 대한 첫 번째 승인된 치료제로 기록되었습니다.
Acadia Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACAD) a annoncé la publication de données cliniques de l'étude ouverte DAFFODIL™ dans la revue Med, évaluant DAYBUE® (trofinetide) chez des patients atteints du syndrome de Rett. L'étude de Phase 2/3 s'est concentrée sur des enfants âgés de 2 à 4 ans (n=15) et a démontré des profils de sécurité cohérents avec les études précédentes LAVENDER™ et LILAC™.
L'étude de 78 semaines a montré diarrhée (80,0%) et vomissements (53,3%) comme effets secondaires courants, tous de gravité légère ou modérée. Les points d'efficacité exploratoires ont indiqué des améliorations des symptômes, avec des scores de Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) passant de 3,3 à la Semaine 4 à 2,2 à la Semaine 78. Les interviews des aidants ont rapporté des améliorations dans la communication verbale (71,4%), le contact visuel (57,1%) et l'utilisation des mains (57,1%).
Ces résultats ont soutenu les approbations de la FDA et de Santé Canada pour DAYBUE pour le traitement du syndrome de Rett chez les patients âgés de deux ans et plus, marquant ainsi le premier traitement approuvé pour ce trouble neurodéveloppemental rare affectant entre 6 000 et 9 000 patients aux États-Unis.
Acadia Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACAD) gab die Veröffentlichung klinischer Daten aus der offenen DAFFODIL™-Studie in der Zeitschrift Med bekannt, die DAYBUE® (Trofinetid) bei Patienten mit Rett-Syndrom bewertet. Die Phase-2/3-Studie konzentrierte sich auf Kinder im Alter von 2 bis 4 Jahren (n=15) und zeigte Sicherheitsprofile, die mit den vorherigen LAVENDER™- und LILAC™-Studien übereinstimmten.
Die 78-wöchige Studie zeigte Durchfall (80,0%) und Erbrechen (53,3%) als häufige Nebenwirkungen, die alle von leichter oder moderater Schwere waren. Explorative Wirksamkeitsendpunkte wiesen auf eine Verbesserung der Symptome hin, wobei die Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) Werte von 3,3 in Woche 4 auf 2,2 in Woche 78 anstiegen. Interviews mit Pflegepersonen berichteten von Verbesserungen in der verbalen Kommunikation (71,4%), dem Blickkontakt (57,1%) und der Handnutzung (57,1%).
Diese Ergebnisse unterstützten die Genehmigungen der FDA und Health Canada für DAYBUE zur Behandlung des Rett-Syndroms bei Patienten im Alter von zwei Jahren und älter und markierten es als die erste genehmigte Behandlung für diese seltene neurodevelopmentale Störung, die 6.000 bis 9.000 Patienten in den USA betrifft.
- First FDA-approved treatment for Rett syndrome
- Successful safety profile demonstrated in young patients
- Significant efficacy improvements shown over 78 weeks
- Strong caregiver-reported improvements in communication and motor skills
- High incidence of side effects (80% diarrhea, 53.3% vomiting)
- Two participants discontinued due to adverse events
- Small study size (only 15 patients)
- Requires careful monitoring for weight loss and dehydration
The publication of DAFFODIL study results in Med provides important validation for DAYBUE in younger Rett syndrome patients. This peer-reviewed data strengthens the clinical foundation for Acadia's commercial product by confirming a consistent safety profile in children aged 2-4 years, potentially expanding adoption in this critical age group where earlier intervention could be most beneficial.
The safety data from this 78-week open-label study shows manageable side effects, with diarrhea (80%) and vomiting (53.3%) being primarily mild/moderate in severity. More importantly, the implementation of a diarrhea management plan proved effective, resulting in only one discontinuation due to this side effect over the entire study period.
While exploratory efficacy markers showed promising improvements in multiple domains, particularly in the areas caregivers identified as most impactful (verbal communication, eye contact, and hand use), the small sample size (n=15) and open-label design limit definitive efficacy conclusions.
For Acadia, this publication reinforces DAYBUE's position in the Rett syndrome market, which affects approximately 6,000-9,000 US patients. The data may increase physician confidence in prescribing to younger patients closer to symptom onset, potentially maximizing developmental benefits. This addition to DAYBUE's clinical evidence portfolio should support continued commercial momentum in this rare disease space where early intervention is increasingly recognized as crucial.
The DAFFODIL study publication provides critical insights into treating Rett syndrome patients during a developmentally sensitive period. Given that Rett typically manifests between 6-18 months when children begin losing acquired skills, the demonstration of a consistent safety profile in 2-4 year olds represents a significant advancement in treatment options closer to disease onset.
The long-term safety data aligns with previous LAVENDER and LILAC studies, confirming DAYBUE's tolerability across age groups. The successful implementation of side effect management strategies—particularly for diarrhea—provides practical guidance for clinicians treating these young patients.
The exploratory efficacy findings are especially noteworthy when considering the natural history of Rett syndrome. Improvements in CGI-I scores (from 3.3 at Week 4 to 2.2 at Week 78) and consistent CaGI-I improvements suggest potential mitigation of symptom progression. Most compelling are the caregiver reports of improvements in verbal communication (71.4%), eye contact (57.1%), and hand use (57.1%)—all core deficits in Rett syndrome.
While the open-label design and small sample size require cautious interpretation, these results provide valuable guidance for clinicians considering DAYBUE in younger patients. The data suggests that earlier intervention may help address the communication deficits identified by caregivers as most impactful, potentially altering the developmental trajectory of this complex neurodevelopmental disorder. This publication strengthens the clinical rationale for treating Rett syndrome patients closer to symptom onset.
-- Study supported FDA and Health Canada approvals of DAYBUE for treatment of Rett syndrome in patients ages two years and older
-- Results consistent with Phase 3 LAVENDER™ and open-label LILAC™ studies
“Rett syndrome is a debilitating condition that often causes patients to lose acquired communication and motor skills starting as early as six to 18 months old which presents significant challenges for these children and their families,” said Alan Percy, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology, Neurobiology, Genetics, and Psychology at University of
“The final DAFFODIL results provide critical insights into the safety and tolerability of DAYBUE in younger pediatric Rett syndrome patients, including effective strategies to mitigate common side effects of treatment,” said Ponni Subbiah, M.D., M.P.H., Acadia’s Senior Vice President, Global Head of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer. “These findings, along with the caregiver exit interview feedback from the study, further our understanding of trofinetide’s role in managing this complex condition and the potential benefits of longer-term treatment.”
Diarrhea (
The following exploratory efficacy endpoints supported symptom improvement:
- Clinical Global Impression–Improvement (CGI-I) scale score (7-point scale where 1 is “very much improved” and 7 is “very much worse”) was 3.3 ± 0.19 (mean ± standard error) at Week 4 and continued to improve to 2.2 ± 0.22 at Week 78.
- Caregiver Global Impression–Improvement (CaGI-I) scale score (5-point scale where 1 is “much improved” and 5 is “much worse”) at Week 12 (2.3 ± 0.12) and Week 78 (2.1 ± 0.31) indicated improvement compared with baseline.
- Impact of Childhood Neurologic Disability-Quality of Life (ICND-QoL) scale (6-point scale where 1 is “poor” and 6 is “excellent”) increased from baseline to Week 78 (3.9 ± 0.24 to 4.6 ± 0.31).
Caregivers (n = 7) who participated in the study exit interviews most frequently identified inability to communicate as the most impactful symptom of Rett syndrome (
About Rett Syndrome
Rett syndrome is a rare, complex, neurodevelopmental disorder that may occur over four stages and occurs in approximately one of every 10,000 to 15,000 female births worldwide.1-3 In the
Symptoms of Rett syndrome may also include development of hand stereotypies, such as hand wringing and clapping, and gait abnormalities.8 Most Rett patients typically live into adulthood and require round-the-clock care. 1,9
About DAYBUE® (trofinetide)
Trofinetide is a synthetic analog of the N-terminal tripeptide of insulin-like growth factor 1. The mechanism by which trofinetide exerts therapeutic effects in patients with Rett syndrome is unknown. In animal studies, trofinetide has been shown to increase branching of dendrites and synaptic plasticity signals.10
Important Safety Information for DAYBUE® (trofinetide)
Warnings and Precautions
Diarrhea: In a 12-week study and in long-term studies,
85% of patients treated with DAYBUE experienced diarrhea. In those treated with DAYBUE,49% either had persistent diarrhea or recurrence after resolution despite dose interruptions, reductions, or concomitant antidiarrheal therapy. Diarrhea severity was mild or moderate in96% of cases. In the 12-week study, antidiarrheal medication was used in51% of patients treated with DAYBUE.
Advise patients to stop laxatives before starting DAYBUE. If diarrhea occurs, patients should notify their healthcare provider, consider starting antidiarrheal treatment, and monitor hydration status and increase oral fluids, if needed. Interrupt, reduce dose, or discontinue DAYBUE if severe diarrhea occurs or if dehydration is suspected. -
Vomiting: In a 12-week study, vomiting occurred in
29% of patients treated with DAYBUE and in12% of patients who received placebo.
Patients with Rett syndrome are at risk for aspiration and aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration and aspiration pneumonia have been reported following vomiting in patients being treated with DAYBUE. Interrupt, reduce dose, or discontinue DAYBUE if vomiting is severe or occurs despite medical management. -
Weight Loss: In the 12-week study,
12% of patients treated with DAYBUE experienced weight loss of greater than7% from baseline, compared to4% of patients who received placebo. In long-term studies,2.2% of patients discontinued treatment with DAYBUE due to weight loss. Monitor weight and interrupt, reduce dose, or discontinue DAYBUE if significant weight loss occurs.
Diarrhea: In a 12-week study and in long-term studies,
Adverse Reactions: The common adverse reactions (≥
5% for DAYBUE-treated patients and at least2% greater than in placebo) reported in the 12-week study were diarrhea (82% vs20% ), vomiting (29% vs12% ), fever (9% vs4% ), seizure (9% vs6% ), anxiety (8% vs1% ), decreased appetite (8% vs2% ), fatigue (8% vs2% ), and nasopharyngitis (5% vs1% ). -
Drug Interactions: Effect of DAYBUE on other Drugs
- DAYBUE is a weak CYP3A4 inhibitor; therefore, plasma concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates may be increased if given concomitantly with DAYBUE. Closely monitor when DAYBUE is used in combination with orally administered CYP3A4 sensitive substrates for which a small change in substrate plasma concentration may lead to serious toxicities.
- Plasma concentrations of OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 substrates may be increased if given concomitantly with DAYBUE. Avoid the concomitant use of DAYBUE with OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 substrates for which a small change in substrate plasma concentration may lead to serious toxicities.
Use in Specific Population: Renal Impairment
- DAYBUE is not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment.
DAYBUE is available as an oral solution (200 mg/mL).
Please read the accompanying full Prescribing Information, also available at
About Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Acadia is advancing breakthroughs in neuroscience to elevate life. Since our founding we have been working at the forefront of healthcare to bring vital solutions to people who need them most. We developed and commercialized the first and only FDA-approved drug to treat hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson’s disease psychosis and the first and only approved drug in
1 Fu C, Armstrong D, Marsh E, et al. Consensus guidelines on managing Rett syndrome across the lifespan. BMJ Paediatrics Open. 2020; 4:1-14.
2 Kyle SM, Vashi N, Justice MJ. Rett syndrome: a neurological disorder with metabolic components. Open Biol. 2018; 8: 170216.
3 May DM, Neul JL, Satija A, et al. Real-world clinical management of individuals with Rett syndrome: a physician survey. J of Med Econ. 26(1), 1570–1580.
4 Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Data on file. RTT US Prevalence. March 2022.
5 Amir RE, Van den Veyver IB, Wan M, et al. Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in X-linked MECP2, encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2. Nat Genet. 1999; 23(2): 185-188.
6 Fukuda T, Itoh M, Ichikawa T, et al. Delayed maturation of neuronal architecture and synaptogenesis in cerebral cortex of Mecp2-deficient mice. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2005; 64(6): 537-544.
7 Asaka Y, Jugloff DG, Zhang L, et al. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity is impaired in the Mecp2-null mouse model of Rett syndrome. Neurobiol Dis. 2006; 21(1): 217-227.
8 Neul JL, Kaufmann WE, Glaze DG, et al. Rett syndrome: revised diagnostic criteria and nomenclature. Ann Neurol. 2010; 68(6): 944-950.
9 Tarquinio DC, Hou W, JL Neul et al. The changing face of survival in Rett syndrome and MECP2-related disorders. Pediatr Neurol. 2015; 53(5): 402-411.
10 Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Data on file. Study Report 2566-026. 2010.
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Source: Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc.
What were the main results of ACAD's DAFFODIL study for DAYBUE in Rett syndrome?
What are the most common side effects of DAYBUE reported in ACAD's clinical trial?
How long did ACAD's DAFFODIL study for DAYBUE last and how many patients participated?