Abits Group Inc Reports Unaudited Financial Results for the First Half of 2024

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Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) reported its unaudited financial results for the first half of 2024. The company's revenue grew to $3.67 million, comprising 61.5 bitcoins, compared to the previous period when there was no production. Gross profit from mining operations was $0.75 million, with direct costs of revenue at $2.68 million. The company reported a loss before tax of $0.14 million, an improvement from the $3.5 million loss in the previous period.

Administrative and general overheads nearly doubled to $1.11 million due to increased staffing and operational costs. The company improved its water supply and implemented hydro cooling for new machines. Cash and cash balances decreased to $0.4 million as of June 30, 2024. With the halving of mining rewards in April, production output is expected to be lower for the rest of 2024. The company aims to secure more hosting contracts to improve revenue.

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) ha riportato i risultati finanziari non verificati per il primo semestre del 2024. I ricavi della società sono aumentati a $3,67 milioni, comprendenti 61,5 bitcoin, rispetto al periodo precedente in cui non vi era alcuna produzione. Il profitto lordo dalle operazioni di mining è stato di $0,75 milioni, con costi diretti sui ricavi pari a $2,68 milioni. La società ha registrato una perdita ante imposte di $0,14 milioni, un miglioramento rispetto alla perdita di $3,5 milioni del periodo precedente.

Le spese amministrative e generali sono quasi raddoppiate a $1,11 milioni a causa dell'aumento del personale e dei costi operativi. L'azienda ha migliorato l'approvvigionamento idrico e ha implementato un sistema di raffreddamento ad acqua per le nuove macchine. Le disponibilità liquide e i saldi di cassa sono diminuiti a $0,4 milioni al 30 giugno 2024. Con il dimezzamento dei premi di mining ad aprile, si prevede che la produzione sarà inferiore per il resto del 2024. L'azienda mira a garantire più contratti di hosting per migliorare i ricavi.

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) informó sus resultados financieros no auditados para la primera mitad de 2024. Los ingresos de la empresa crecieron a $3.67 millones, que incluyen 61.5 bitcoins, en comparación con el período anterior en el que no hubo producción. El beneficio bruto de las operaciones de minería fue de $0.75 millones, con costos directos de ingresos de $2.68 millones. La compañía reportó una pérdida antes de impuestos de $0.14 millones, una mejora con respecto a la pérdida de $3.5 millones en el período anterior.

Los gastos administrativos y generales se casi duplicaron a $1.11 millones debido al aumento de personal y costos operativos. La empresa mejoró su suministro de agua e implementó refrigeración por agua para las nuevas máquinas. Los saldos de efectivo y equivalentes disminuyeron a $0.4 millones al 30 de junio de 2024. Con la reducción a la mitad de las recompensas de minería en abril, se espera que la producción sea menor durante el resto de 2024. La empresa busca asegurar más contratos de alojamiento para mejorar los ingresos.

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS)는 2024년 상반기 비감사 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 회사의 수익은 $3.67백만으로 증가하였으며, 61.5 비트코인을 포함하고 있습니다. 이는 이전 기간에 생산이 없었던 것과 비교됩니다. 채굴 작업에서의 총 이익은 $0.75백만이었으며, 수익의 직접 비용은 $2.68백만이었습니다. 회사는 $0.14백만의 세전 손실을 기록하였으며, 이는 이전 기간의 $3.5백만 손실을 개선한 것입니다.

관리 및 일반 경비는 인력 증가와 운영 비용 상승으로 인해 거의 두 배( $1.11백만)로 증가했습니다. 회사는 물 공급을 개선하고 새로운 기계를 위해 수냉 시스템을 도입했습니다. 현금 및 현금 잔고는 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 $0.4백만으로 줄어들었습니다. 4월의 채굴 보상 반감기로 인해, 2024년 나머지 기간의 생산량은 낮아질 것으로 예상됩니다. 회사는 수익을 개선하기 위해 호스팅 계약을 더 확보하려고 합니다.

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) a publié ses résultats financiers non audités pour la première moitié de 2024. Les revenus de l'entreprise ont augmenté à 3,67 millions de dollars, incluant 61,5 bitcoins, par rapport à la période précédente où il n'y avait aucune production. Le bénéfice brut des opérations de minage était de 0,75 million de dollars, avec des coûts directs des revenus s'élevant à 2,68 millions de dollars. La société a déclaré une perte avant impôts de 0,14 million de dollars, une amélioration par rapport à une perte de 3,5 millions de dollars lors de la période précédente.

Les frais administratifs et généraux ont presque doublé pour atteindre 1,11 million de dollars en raison de l'augmentation des effectifs et des coûts opérationnels. L'entreprise a amélioré son approvisionnement en eau et a mis en place un refroidissement à l'eau pour les nouvelles machines. Les disponibilités et les soldes de trésorerie ont diminué à 0,4 million de dollars au 30 juin 2024. Avec la réduction de moitié des récompenses de minage en avril, la production est attendue à la baisse pour le reste de 2024. L'entreprise vise à sécuriser davantage de contrats d'hébergement pour améliorer ses revenus.

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) hat die nicht geprüften Finanzzahlen für das erste Halbjahr 2024 bekannt gegeben. Der Umsatz des Unternehmens stieg auf $3,67 Millionen, einschließlich 61,5 Bitcoins, im Vergleich zum vorherigen Zeitraum, in dem keine Produktion stattfand. Der Bruttogewinn aus den Mining-Aktivitäten betrug $0,75 Millionen, mit direkten Kosten des Umsatzes in Höhe von $2,68 Millionen. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einem Verlust vor Steuern von $0,14 Millionen, eine Verbesserung im Vergleich zum Verlust von $3,5 Millionen im vorherigen Zeitraum.

Die Verwaltungs- und allgemeinen Gemeinkosten verdoppelten sich nahezu auf $1,11 Millionen aufgrund von erhöhten Personalkosten und Betriebskosten. Das Unternehmen verbesserte die Wasserversorgung und setzte eine Wasserkühlung für neue Maschinen ein. Die Barmittel und Kassensalden verringerten sich bis zum 30. Juni 2024 auf $0,4 Millionen. Mit der Halbierung der Mining-Belohnungen im April wird erwartet, dass die Produktionsmenge im Rest von 2024 sinken wird. Das Unternehmen plant, weitere Hosting-Verträge abzuschließen, um den Umsatz zu steigern.

  • Revenue grew to $3.67 million from no production in the previous period
  • Gross profit from mining operations reached $0.75 million
  • Loss before tax reduced significantly to $0.14 million from $3.5 million in the previous period
  • Improved water supply and implementation of hydro cooling for new machines
  • Administrative and general overheads nearly doubled to $1.11 million
  • Cash and cash balances decreased to $0.4 million
  • Expected lower production output for the rest of 2024 due to halving of mining rewards
  • Overall net loss of $13,964 for the period

Abits Group's H1 2024 results show a mixed financial picture. While revenue grew to $3.67 million, the company still reported a loss of $0.14 million. However, this is a significant improvement from the $3.5 million loss in the previous period. The gross profit margin of 20.4% from mining operations is noteworthy, but it's offset by doubled administrative expenses.

The company's cash position has weakened considerably, dropping from $884,199 to $396,583. This could pose liquidity challenges if not addressed promptly. The Bitcoin halving event in April will likely impact future revenues negatively, making cost control and diversification important for sustainability.

Investors should monitor the company's ability to secure hosting contracts and manage costs in the face of reduced mining rewards. The transition to hydro cooling is a positive step for efficiency, but its impact on the bottom line remains to be seen.

Abits Group's production of 61.5 bitcoins in H1 2024 is modest for a publicly traded mining company. The April halving event, which reduced block rewards from 6.25 to 3.125 BTC, will significantly impact future production. This underscores the importance of operational efficiency and cost management in maintaining profitability.

The company's shift to hydro cooling is noteworthy, potentially reducing operational costs and environmental impact. However, the true test will be in maintaining or improving hash rates while managing electricity costs, which at $1.1 million for the period, represent a significant portion of direct costs.

The volatile nature of Bitcoin's price adds another layer of uncertainty to Abits Group's future performance. The company's strategy to diversify into hosting services is prudent, but execution and scale will be critical in offsetting the reduced mining rewards.

Abits Group's operational improvements, particularly in water management, are commendable. The 100,000-gallon reservoir implementation demonstrates foresight in addressing potential supply issues. This, coupled with the transition to hydro cooling, shows a focus on operational efficiency and sustainability.

However, the doubling of administrative and general overheads to $1.11 million is concerning. While some increase was expected due to 24/7 operations, this significant jump suggests potential inefficiencies that need addressing. The company should focus on streamlining operations and improving staff productivity to better manage these costs.

The acquisition of property in Wisconsin for $0.65 million indicates potential expansion plans. However, given the current financial position and market challenges, the company needs to carefully balance growth initiatives with maintaining a healthy cash position and operational stability.

Hong Kong, Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) is pleased to announce its half-year results for the period ended June 30, 2024.

In a period when production is sustained throughout the six months, revenue grew to $3.67 million comprising 61.5 bitcoins, compared to the previous period when construction of the mining center in Tennessee was in progress and there was no production.. After accounting for direct costs of revenue amounting to $2.68 million, primarily electricity costs of $1.1 million and depreciation of $1.27 million, the gross profit from the mining operation was $0.75 million.

The loss before tax of the group was $0.14 million after accounting for administrative and general overheads.his result compares favorably with the previous period when the loss was $3.5 million. Administrative and general overheads during the period almost doubled to 1.11 million compared to $0.7 million as new staff were added to support production on a 24/7 basis as well as an increase on maintenance and insurance costs now that the data center was fully operational.

In April, the Company further improved its water supply and since then, all production lines have been kept running. During the peak construction periods, a 100,000-gallon reservoir helps to subsidize any shortages from the water company during the day and is replenished at night when consumption is much lower. The hydro cooling method introduced with the new batch of machines helps to reduce noise and dust instead of the traditional air cooling by fans.

There is no substantial change in the Balance Sheet of the Group except that more Ant-miner machines were purchased for $0.86 million and a piece of property in Wisconsin acquired for $0.65 million in the period to June. Cash and cash balances dwindled to $0.4 million as of June 30, 2024.

With the halving of mining rewards in late in April, production output will be much lower for the rest of 2024. However, the Company will maintain a strict control of its costs and hopes to secure more hosting contracts to improve on its revenue.

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    As of    
  Note June 30, 2024
  December 31, 2023 
Current Assets          
Cash and cash equivalents   $396,583  $884,199 
Other receivables and prepayments 3  370,801   774,345 
Total current assets    767,384   1,658,544 
Digital assets 4  1,546,184   1,194,157 
Property, equipment and vehicles 5  9,888,446   9,465,567 
Construction-in-progress    -   - 
TOTAL ASSETS    12,202,014   12,318,268 
Other payables and accruals   $920,700  $1,005,608 
Stockholders’ Equity          
Preferred stock, $0.001010 par value, authorized; 50,000,000 shares, 5,000,000 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December,31 2023   $5,050  $5,050 
Common stock, $0.001 par value, authorized: 50,000,000 shares. Issued and outstanding: 35,554,677 shares as of June 30, 2024 and December,31, 2023    35,554   35,554 
Additional paid-in capital    89,290,193   89,290,193 
Accumulated deficit    (77,907,687)  (77,893,723)
Accumulated other comprehensive income    (141,796)  (124,414)
Total Shareholders’ Equity    11,281,314   11,312,660 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity   $12,202,014  $12,318,268 


  Six Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
  June 30, 2024  June 30, 2023 
Revenue $3,669,627  $7,272 
Direct costs of revenue  (2,680,658)  (14,666)
Other operating costs  (241,103)  (2,802,735)
Profit/(Loss) from operations  747,866   (2,810,129)
General and administrative expenses  (1,104,234)  (692,947)
Finance expenses  (14,903)  - 
Fair Value changes for 2024 digital assets  357,308     
Loss before tax  (13,964)  (3,503,076)
Income tax  -   - 
Loss after tax  (13,964)  (3,503,076)
Foreign exchange adjustment  (17,382)  45,292 
Comprehensive loss for the period $(31,346) $(3,457,784)
Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share $(0.001) $(0.097)
Basic and diluted average number of ordinary shares outstanding  35,554,677   35,554,677 


  Preferred Shares  Ordinary Shares  Additional
  Accumulated  Accumulated
  Number  Amount  Number  Amount  capital  deficit  income  Total 
Balance, December 31, 2022  5,000,000   5,050   35,554,677   35,554   89,290,193   (65,308,474)  (104,361)  23,917,962 
Net loss for the year  -   -   -   -   -   (12,585,249)  (20,053)  (12,605,302)
Balance, December 31, 2023  5,000,000   5,050   35,554,677   35,554   89,290,193   (77,893,723)  (124,414)  11,312,660 
Net loss for the period                      (13,964)  (17,382)  (31,346)
Balance, June 30, 2024  5,000,000   5,050   35,554,677   35,554   89,290,193   (77,907,687)  (141,796)  11,281,314 



  For the
Six Months Ended
  For the
Six Months Ended
  June 30, 2024  June 30, 2023 
Net loss for the period $(13,964) $(3,503,076)
Adjustment to reconcile cash used in operating activities:        
Depreciation of property, and equipment  1,274,028   2,817,256 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:        
Account receivables  -   53 
Other receivables and prepayments  403,544   (1,101,604)
Other payables and accruals  (84,909)  (71,974)
Digital assets  (352,026)  2,370,769 
Fixed assets  (1,696,907)  (1,522,949)
Cash used in operating activities  (470,234)  (1,011,525)
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents  (17,382)  45,070 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents  (487,616)  (966,455)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period  884,199   2,505,286 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $396,583  $1,538,831 


What was Abits Group's (ABTS) revenue for the first half of 2024?

Abits Group Inc (NASDAQ: ABTS) reported revenue of $3.67 million for the first half of 2024, comprising 61.5 bitcoins.

How did Abits Group's (ABTS) financial performance compare to the previous period?

Abits Group's loss before tax improved to $0.14 million in the first half of 2024, compared to a $3.5 million loss in the previous period when there was no production.

What challenges does Abits Group (ABTS) face for the rest of 2024?

Abits Group expects lower production output for the rest of 2024 due to the halving of mining rewards in April. The company aims to maintain strict cost control and secure more hosting contracts to improve revenue.

How much cash does Abits Group (ABTS) have as of June 30, 2024?

Abits Group reported cash and cash balances of $0.4 million as of June 30, 2024, down from $0.884 million at the end of 2023.

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