Abacus Life Policy Value Calculator Surpasses Milestone of 150,000 Policy Valuations

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Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL), a leading global alternative asset manager specializing in lifespan-based financial products, has announced a significant milestone for its Abacus Policy Value Calculator. The calculator, which recently launched its newest generation, has surpassed 150,000 individual submissions from insureds, representing more than $87 billion in face value.

CEO Jay Jackson emphasized the company's commitment to providing instant access to their valuation database through the calculator. This tool offers insureds a transparent and up-to-date estimate of their policy's value. The high volume of submissions has allowed Abacus to further refine its models and actuarial databases, enhancing the accuracy of its valuations.

Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL), un importante gestore globale di attivi alternativi specializzato in prodotti finanziari basati sulla durata della vita, ha annunciato un traguardo significativo per il suo Calcolatore del Valore della Polizza Abacus. Il calcolatore, che ha recentemente lanciato la sua ultima generazione, ha superato 150.000 invii individuali da parte degli assicurati, che rappresentano più di 87 miliardi di dollari in valore nominale.

Il CEO Jay Jackson ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a fornire accesso immediato al loro database di valutazione tramite il calcolatore. Questo strumento offre agli assicurati una stima trasparente e aggiornata del valore della loro polizza. L'alto numero di invii ha permesso ad Abacus di perfezionare ulteriormente i suoi modelli e i database attuariali, migliorando la precisione delle sue valutazioni.

Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL), un importante gestor global de activos alternativos especializado en productos financieros basados en la duración de vida, ha anunciado un hito significativo para su Calculadora de Valor de Póliza Abacus. La calculadora, que lanzó recientemente su nueva generación, ha surtido más de 150,000 envíos individuales de asegurados, representando más de 87 mil millones de dólares en valor nominal.

El CEO Jay Jackson enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de proporcionar acceso instantáneo a su base de datos de valoración a través de la calculadora. Esta herramienta ofrece a los asegurados una estimación transparente y actualizada del valor de su póliza. El alto volumen de envíos ha permitido que Abacus refine aún más sus modelos y bases de datos actuariales, mejorando la precisión de sus valoraciones.

Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL)는 생애 기반 금융 상품을 전문으로 하는 주요 글로벌 대안 자산 관리 회사로서 Abacus 정책 가치 계산기에 대한 중요한 이정표를 발표했습니다. 최신 세대를 최근에 출시한 이 계산기는 15만 개 이상의 개별 제출을 보험계약자들로부터 수집하여 870억 달러 이상의 액면가치를 나타냅니다.

CEO 제이 잭슨은 이 계산기를 통해 회사의 가치 평가 데이터베이스에 즉시 접근할 수 있도록 하겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다. 이 도구는 보험계약자에게 투명하고 최신의 추정치를 제공합니다. 많은 제출량으로 인해 Abacus는 모델과 보험수리 데이터베이스를 더욱 세분화하여 가치 평가의 정확성을 향상시켰습니다.

Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL), un gestionnaire d'actifs alternatifs mondial de premier plan spécialisé dans les produits financiers basés sur la durée de vie, a annoncé une étape importante pour son Calculateur de Valeur de Police Abacus. Le calculateur, qui a récemment lancé sa dernière génération, a dépasse les 150 000 soumissions individuelles de la part des assurés, représentant plus de 87 milliards de dollars de valeur nominale.

Le PDG Jay Jackson a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à fournir un accès instantané à leur base de données d'évaluation via le calculateur. Cet outil offre aux assurés une estimation transparente et à jour de la valeur de leur police. Le volume élevé de soumissions a permis à Abacus de perfectionner encore ses modèles et ses bases de données actuarielles, améliorant ainsi la précision de ses évaluations.

Abacus Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABL), ein führender globaler Anbieter von alternativen Anlageklassen, der sich auf lebenszeitbasierte Finanzprodukte spezialisiert hat, hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für seinen Abacus Policenwertrechner bekannt gegeben. Der Rechner, der kürzlich seine neueste Generation eingeführt hat, hat über 150.000 individuelle Einsendungen von Versicherten übertroffen, was einem Gesichtswert von über 87 Milliarden Dollar entspricht.

CEO Jay Jackson betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, den Versicherten über den Rechner sofortigen Zugang zu ihrer Bewertungsdatenbank zu ermöglichen. Dieses Tool bietet den Versicherten eine transparente und aktuelle Schätzung des Wertes ihrer Police. Das hohe Einsendevolumen hat es Abacus ermöglicht, seine Modelle und versicherungsmathematischen Datenbanken weiter zu verfeinern, sodass die Genauigkeit seiner Bewertungen verbessert werden konnte.

  • Abacus Policy Value Calculator surpassed 150,000 individual submissions
  • Total face value of submitted policies exceeds $87 billion
  • High submission volume allows for refinement of valuation models and actuarial databases
  • None.

ORLANDO, Fla., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Abacus Life, Inc. (“Abacus” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ABL), a leading global alternative asset manager focused on lifespan-based financial products, today announced that its popular Abacus Policy Value Calculator, which recently launched its newest generation, has surpassed 150,000 individual submissions from insureds, totaling more than $87 billion in face value.

“Since the original version of the calculator, we have been proud to provide over 150,000 insureds instant access to our valuation database right on our website,” said Jay Jackson, CEO of Abacus Life. “This outpouring of interest in our education-based messaging has allowed us to further refine our models and actuarial databases, giving insureds an instant, transparent, and up-to-date estimate of their policy’s value.”

About Abacus

Abacus is a leading global alternative asset manager and market maker, specializing in use of advanced longevity and actuarial technology to purchase life insurance policies from consumers seeking liquidity while creating a high-returning asset class of insurance products, uncorrelated to market fluctuations, for institutional investors.

With nearly $3 billion in assets under management, including pending acquisitions, Abacus is the only publicly traded global alternative asset manager focused on lifespan-based financial products traded on the Nasdaq exchange.

Abacus has invested in two new verticals: ABL Wealth, which provides longevity-based wealth management services and investment offerings, and ABL Tech, which offers ground-breaking technology services for pension funds, governments, insurance companies, retirement associations and more that provides advanced real-time data tracking and analysis. With each new channel, we are revolutionizing the future of life insurance.


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What milestone did Abacus Life's Policy Value Calculator reach in September 2024?

Abacus Life's Policy Value Calculator surpassed 150,000 individual policy submissions in September 2024, representing more than $87 billion in face value.

How does the Abacus Policy Value Calculator benefit insureds?

The Abacus Policy Value Calculator provides insureds with instant, transparent, and up-to-date estimates of their policy's value directly on the Abacus Life website.

What is the stock symbol for Abacus Life, Inc.?

The stock symbol for Abacus Life, Inc. is ABL, and it is listed on NASDAQ.

How has the high volume of submissions impacted Abacus Life's (ABL) business?

The high volume of submissions has allowed Abacus Life to further refine its models and actuarial databases, improving the accuracy of its policy valuations.

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