Abacus Life and Lorisco Life Announce Launch of PREADISAN™ to Improve Health Predictions
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL) and Lorisco Life have announced the launch of PREADISAN™, a cutting-edge health prediction platform that combines machine learning and modern proteomics. This partnership aims to revolutionize longevity-based health prediction and actuarial technology in the life settlements industry.
PREADISAN™ introduces a novel risk score that utilizes blood-based proteomic biomarker analysis and clinically driven AI models to assess mortality risks. This tool goes beyond traditional statistics-based life expectancy opinions, offering individualized insights for more personalized financial planning.
The partnership enables Abacus to enhance its leading capabilities in life settlements and actuarial technology, providing customized financial offerings based on Lorisco's health prediction platform. This collaboration is expected to significantly impact the future of financial planning and life settlements by focusing on longevity and health predictions.
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL) e Lorisco Life hanno annunciato il lancio di PREADISAN™, una piattaforma innovativa per la previsione della salute che combina l'apprendimento automatico con la proteomica moderna. Questo partenariato mira a rivoluzionare la previsione della salute basata sulla longevità e la tecnologia attuariale nell'industria dei life settlements.
PREADISAN™ introduce un nuovo punteggio di rischio che utilizza l'analisi dei biomarcatori proteomici nel sangue e modelli di intelligenza artificiale guidati clinicamente per valutare i rischi di mortalità. Questo strumento va oltre le opinioni tradizionali sulla speranza di vita basate su statistiche, offrendo approfondimenti personalizzati per una pianificazione finanziaria più personalizzata.
Il partenariato consente ad Abacus di migliorare le sue capacità leader nei life settlements e nella tecnologia attuariale, fornendo offerte finanziarie personalizzate basate sulla piattaforma di previsione della salute di Lorisco. Questa collaborazione si prevede avrà un impatto significativo sul futuro della pianificazione finanziaria e dei life settlements concentrandosi sulle previsioni di longevità e salute.
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL) y Lorisco Life han anunciado el lanzamiento de PREADISAN™, una plataforma de predicción de salud de vanguardia que combina el aprendizaje automático con la proteómica moderna. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo revolucionar la predicción de salud basada en la longevidad y la tecnología actuarial en la industria de los life settlements.
PREADISAN™ introduce un nuevo puntaje de riesgo que utiliza el análisis de biomarcadores proteómicos en sangre y modelos de IA clínicamente impulsados para evaluar los riesgos de mortalidad. Esta herramienta va más allá de las opiniones sobre la esperanza de vida basadas en estadísticas tradicionales, ofreciendo perspectivas individualizadas para una planificación financiera más personalizada.
La asociación permite a Abacus mejorar sus capacidades líderes en life settlements y tecnología actuarial, proporcionando ofertas financieras personalizadas basadas en la plataforma de predicción de salud de Lorisco. Se espera que esta colaboración impacte significativamente en el futuro de la planificación financiera y los life settlements, enfocándose en las predicciones de longevidad y salud.
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL)와 Lorisco Life는 기계 학습과 현대 단백질체학을 결합한 최첨단 건강 예측 플랫폼인 PREADISAN™의 출시를 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 생명 정산 산업에서 장수 기반 건강 예측 및 보험 기술을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
PREADISAN™은 혈액 기반 단백질 바이오마커 분석과 임상 주도 AI 모델을 활용하여 사망 위험을 평가하는 새로운 위험 점수를 도입합니다. 이 도구는 전통적인 통계 기반 기대 수명 의견을 넘어, 더 개인화된 재정 계획을 위한 개별화된 통찰력을 제공합니다.
파트너십을 통해 Abacus는 생명 정산 및 보험 기술에서 선도적인 능력을 향상시키고, Lorisco의 건강 예측 플랫폼을 기반으로 한 맞춤형 금융 상품을 제공합니다. 이 협업은 장수 및 건강 예측에 집중함으로써 재정 계획 및 생명 정산의 미래에 상당한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상됩니다.
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL) et Lorisco Life ont annoncé le lancement de PREADISAN™, une plateforme de prédiction de santé à la pointe de la technologie qui allie apprentissage automatique et protéomique moderne. Ce partenariat vise à révolutionner la prédiction de santé basée sur la longévité et la technologie actuarielle dans l'industrie des transactions de vie.
PREADISAN™ introduit un nouveau score de risque qui utilise l'analyse des biomarqueurs protéomiques dans le sang et des modèles d'IA cliniquement motivés pour évaluer les risques de mortalité. Cet outil va au-delà des opinions traditionnelles sur l'espérance de vie basées sur des statistiques, offrant des aperçus individualisés pour une planification financière plus personnalisée.
Le partenariat permet à Abacus de renforcer ses capacités de leader dans les transactions de vie et la technologie actuarielle, en fournissant des offres financières personnalisées basées sur la plateforme de prédiction de santé de Lorisco. Cette collaboration devrait avoir un impact significatif sur l'avenir de la planification financière et des transactions de vie en se concentrant sur les prévisions de longévité et de santé.
Abacus Life (NASDAQ: ABL) und Lorisco Life haben die Einführung von PREADISAN™ angekündigt, einer bahnbrechenden Plattform zur Gesundheitsvorhersage, die maschinelles Lernen und moderne Proteomik kombiniert. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die gesundheitsbasierte Vorhersage der Lebensdauer und die aktuarielle Technologie in der Lebensversicherungsbranche zu revolutionieren.
PREADISAN™ führt einen neuartigen Risikowert ein, der Analyse von proteomischen Biomarkern im Blut und klinisch gesteuerte KI-Modelle nutzt, um Sterblichkeitsrisiken zu bewerten. Dieses Werkzeug geht über traditionelle statistische Lebensdauervorhersagen hinaus und bietet individualisierte Einblicke für eine personalisierte Finanzplanung.
Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es Abacus, seine führenden Fähigkeiten in der Lebensversicherung und aktuarialen Technologie zu verbessern und maßgeschneiderte Finanzangebote auf der Grundlage der Gesundheitsvorhersageplattform von Lorisco bereitzustellen. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Zusammenarbeit erheblichen Einfluss auf die Zukunft der Finanzplanung und der Lebensversicherungen haben wird, indem sie sich auf Langlebigkeit und Gesundheitsvorhersagen konzentriert.
- Launch of PREADISAN™, a cutting-edge health prediction platform
- Partnership with Lorisco Life to enhance longevity and actuarial technology
- Introduction of blood-based proteomic biomarker analysis for more accurate mortality risk assessment
- Potential for more personalized and tailored financial solutions for clients
- None.
The launch of PREADISAN™ marks a significant advancement in health prediction technology. By combining proteomics and machine learning, this platform offers a more nuanced approach to mortality risk assessment. Traditional actuarial methods often rely on broad demographic data, but PREADISAN™ introduces blood-based biomarker analysis, potentially providing more accurate, individualized health forecasts. This could revolutionize how life insurance and financial products are priced and offered.
However, it's important to consider the ethical implications and potential limitations. While promising, the accuracy and reliability of such AI-driven health predictions need rigorous validation. There's also the question of data privacy and how this sensitive health information will be protected and used. The long-term impact on insurance accessibility for individuals with higher risk scores is another important consideration.
This partnership between Abacus Life and Lorisco Life could significantly impact the life settlement and financial planning industries. By incorporating more precise health predictions, Abacus can potentially offer more competitive pricing on life settlements and create more tailored financial products. This could lead to increased market share and revenue growth for Abacus.
For investors, this technology could mean more accurate valuation of life settlement portfolios, potentially reducing risk and increasing returns. However, it's important to note that the success of this venture depends on the accuracy and adoption of the PREADISAN™ technology. If successful, it could give Abacus a significant competitive advantage in the
The integration of proteomics and machine learning in PREADISAN™ represents a cutting-edge approach to health prediction. By analyzing proteomic biomarkers, the system can potentially detect early signs of health issues that traditional methods might miss. This could lead to more accurate risk assessments and personalized health interventions.
However, the complexity of proteomics and the vast amount of data involved present significant challenges. Ensuring the AI models are robust, unbiased and interpretable will be crucial. There's also the question of scalability - processing and analyzing proteomic data for large populations could be computationally intensive and expensive. The success of PREADISAN™ will largely depend on how well these technical challenges are addressed and how effectively the insights can be translated into actionable financial and health strategies.
- New partnership leverages PREADISAN™, the cutting-edge health prediction platform using machine learning and modern proteomics
- Applies novel big data analytics tools to the Abacus portfolio of services
- Lorisco's risk scores will enable a more personalized approach to longevity and actuarial technology to maximize value for Abacus’ clients
ORLANDO, Fla and NEW YORK, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Abacus Life, Inc. (“Abacus”) (NASDAQ: ABL), a pioneering alternative asset manager specializing in longevity and actuarial technology, and Lorisco Life LLC (“Lorisco”), a health prediction company using modern proteomics and machine learning to accurately forecast health events, today announced a new partnership and product launch to revolutionize longevity-based health prediction and actuarial technology.
The Lorisco PREADISAN™ risk score is a novel assessment and planning tool that generates individualized insights beyond traditional statistics-based life expectancy opinions. The PREADISAN™ risk score introduces blood-based proteomic biomarker analysis coupled with clinically driven artificial intelligence (AI) models that assess mortality risks. The PREADISAN™ risk score is a first of its kind tool that integrates biological insights with the assessment of mortality risk over time.
Abacus continues to develop and shape the future of technology in life settlements, longevity and actuarial technology. This partnership provides customized financial offerings for users based on Lorisco’s cutting-edge health prediction platform. Abacus’ leading capabilities are further enhanced with the launch of PREADISAN™, a risk score forecasting longevity and health outcomes with unprecedented personalization. Lorisco’s proprietary machine learning algorithms use health risk models that incorporate modern proteomic markers on top of traditional actuarial factors, together enabling Abacus to offer bespoke solutions tailored to the client.
“We are proud to be partnering with Abacus Life to enable how health predictions are customized for end users through proteomics and machine learning,” said Howard Sams, Lorisco Life Chief Executive Officer. “The PREADISAN™ risk score enables the Abacus team to offer an unprecedented level of tailored solutions for their clients.”
“We are proud to enable a more personalized approach to longevity and actuarial technology for our partners and clients,” stated Jay Jackson, Abacus Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “PREADISAN™ forecasts will further aid the focus of longevity and health in the future of financial planning and life settlements.”
Abacus will apply the risk scores to life and financial planning to design better financial products and allocations to their clients. Clients will also obtain more customized retirement planning and risk management insights from Abacus.
About Abacus Life, Inc. (www.Abacuslife.com)
Abacus is a leading global alternative asset manager and market maker that specializes in the use of advanced longevity and actuarial technology to purchase life insurance policies from consumers seeking liquidity, while creating a high-returning asset class of insurance products, uncorrelated to market fluctuations, for institutional investors. With more than
The company’s pioneering experience in the life planning space has created growth into new verticals. The longevity-based wealth management service and investment offerings, called ABL Wealth, uses Abacus’ decades of data and proprietary algorithms to help financial advisors create more customized plans for clients and access to uncorrelated investment funds. The ground-breaking technology service, called ABL Tech, provides advanced real-time data tracking and analysis for pensions funds, governments, insurance companies, retirement associations and more. With each new channel, Abacus is revolutionizing the future of life insurance.
About Lorisco Life, LLC (www.Lorisco.life)
Lorisco is empowering a healthier future by providing accessible, customized risk scores for longevity and chronic disease at scale using proteomics and predictive modeling. The proprietary machine learning algorithms of Lorisco use statistical models of health risk that incorporate traditional factors and modern proteomic markers. Using a common platform, Lorisco is launching businesses that leverage its algorithms in financial services. Lorisco is a subsidiary of Health Outlook Corp. The lab used for Lorisco’s PREADISANTM risk score is a clinical laboratory certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA). The results of the PREADISAN™ risk score should only be used for informational purposes. The results are not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition and do not constitute medical advice.
Forward-Looking Statements
All statements in this press release (and oral statements made regarding the subjects of this press release) other than historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of uncertainties and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements, many of which are outside the control of Abacus. Forward-looking information includes but is not limited to statements regarding: Abacus’s financial and operational outlook; Abacus’s operational and financial strategies, including planned growth initiatives and the benefits thereof, Abacus’s ability to successfully effect those strategies, and the expected results therefrom. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “goals,” “prospects,” “will,” “would,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions (including the negative versions of such words or expressions).
While Abacus believes that the assumptions concerning future events are reasonable, it cautions that there are inherent difficulties in predicting certain important factors that could impact the future performance or results of its business. The factors that could cause results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the fact that Abacus’s loss reserves are based on estimates and may be inadequate to cover its actual losses; the failure to properly price Abacus’s insurance policies; the geographic concentration of Abacus’s business; the cyclical nature of Abacus’s industry; the impact of regulation on Abacus’s business; the effects of competition on Abacus’s business; the failure of Abacus’s relationships with independent agencies; the failure to meet Abacus’s investment objectives; the inability to raise capital on favorable terms or at all; the effects of acts of terrorism; and the effectiveness of Abacus’s control environment, including the identification of control deficiencies.
These forward-looking statements are also affected by the risk factors, forward-looking statements and challenges and uncertainties set forth in documents filed by Abacus with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and subsequent periodic reports. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Abacus cautions you not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Abacus assumes no obligation and, except as required by law, does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Abacus does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.
Abacus Life Investor Relations
Abacus Life Public Relations
Lorisco Life Public Relations

What is PREADISAN™ and how does it work?
How will the partnership between Abacus Life (ABL) and Lorisco Life benefit clients?
What advantages does PREADISAN™ offer over traditional actuarial methods?